Chapter one hundred and seventy-ninth direct descendant

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 Of course, only a few family heads of aristocratic families know such news, and they know it tacitly. Outsiders may not know it clearly.

As for the Liu family, does anyone know about it?

There must be someone who knows, but in the Shenhan Dynasty today, the reigning emperor may not be able to do it as well as he wants.

Although Emperor Ling also put an end to the chaos caused by his relative, General Dong, he was unfortunately seriously injured. He had been recuperating in the palace over the years, and his control over the outside world was much weaker.

This also allowed some people to see opportunities.

No one wants to overthrow the Shenhan Dynasty, they just want to expand the power of their own family.

As the head of the Yuan family, Yuan Wei also wants to make the Yuan family stronger. If the world is in chaos, the Yuan family can also strengthen a little bit.

As for the Liu family's decline, he didn't care. Their family and the Liu family were not very harmonious, and they had always been in conflict.

It’s just that not much is known to the outside world.

It's not enough for outsiders.

Taipingdao has been able to develop to this extent in just a few decades, and many people have made contributions.

At this moment, Yuan Wei looked at his three nephews. He used this test in the hope that if the world was really in chaos in the future, the Yuan family could produce a real Qilin'er.

Yuan Shao and the others naturally didn't know what their uncle was thinking.

But at this moment, when they heard their uncle's inquiry, the three of them knew that their uncle was testing them, and they couldn't help but feel a little excited.

Especially Yuan Shao, as the boss of the Yuan family, he was unfortunately born as a commoner, and his status in the Yuan family was inferior to that of Yuan Shu.

There is still some difference between the direct descendants of a large family, and the direct descendants can obtain more resources than the direct descendants.

Most of the future family heads will be taken by direct disciples.

Of course, it's not like there are no concubine disciples who can take the position of family head. As long as you are strong enough, the family elders won't watch.

There is no clear distinction between concubines and concubines.

After all, this is the era of super martial arts, and the aristocratic families are not mediocre people. If there are no useful people in the direct line, they will not forcefully promote them.

The consequences of this are very serious, and may even cause internal strife.

There are many examples of this, and there are many noble families who, because their direct line is afraid of the talents of their disciples, continue to suppress them, even to the point of assassination.

As a result, the concubine not only did not die, but became more powerful and eventually became a strong man. Then the direct lineage suffered a tragedy, and even caused the tragedy of the family.

This kind of internal strife ultimately consumes the family's strength.

At this point, many aristocratic families have taken warning.

This is naturally the case for the Yuan family.

But if they are equally excellent, then the direct line will have a great advantage over the concubine, and this cannot be avoided no matter what.

Yuan Shao also knew that it would be difficult for him to compete with Yuan Shu based on his status alone. As far as he knew, most of the elders in his hometown supported Yuan Shu more.

As long as Yuan Shu is not a dandy and a decadent prodigal, he will have a great chance of becoming the head of the Yuan family.

Yuan Shao naturally has ambitions. He wants to become the head of the Yuan family, so the best way is to get the approval of the current head of the family. If uncle Yuan Wei recognizes him, then his hope of competing for the position of head of the Yuan family in the future will be greatly increased.

Therefore, he must perform well tonight.

However, although he was a little excited, Yuan Shao did not speak, but endured it and glanced at Yuan Shu next to him.

Sure enough, the latter couldn't help it anymore and immediately said: "Uncle, I have met a lot of Taiping Taoist priests along the way, preaching, but most of them are in the countryside outside the city."

“Believers of Taiping Dao are almost all mud-legged people.”

"Zhang Jiao and his Taoist masters are using talisman water to treat diseases and save these mud-legged people. They are trying to win the hearts of these mud-legged people. This Jiao is a bit ambitious."

Yuan Shu is not a loser. After all, he has received a strict education from an aristocratic family since he was a child. Even if he does not become a talent, he will not become a waste.

What's more, if Yuan Shu can cultivate the soul path to the soul refining realm, he will naturally not be a waste. It's just that he was born in a noble family and developed a character of being arrogant and looking down on others.

"But if you want to rely on those muddy legs, you want to achieve something?"

After saying this, Yuan Shu sneered with a hint of disdain.

As a direct disciple of a top aristocratic family, Yuan Shu naturally has the ability to look down on those with weak legs.

Yuan Wei had naturally known about Yuan Shu's arrogance for a long time and didn't say anything. Many children of aristocratic families had this kind of arrogance, not to mention Yuan Shu from a top aristocratic family.

Back then, he didn't have such arrogance.

Dragons don’t get along with snakes!

Yuan Shu could tell that Zhang Jiao was ambitious and planned to use the poor people to cause trouble, which showed that he at least had some eyesight.

So he looked at Yuan Shao. In his heart, he valued Yuan Shao more. After all, Yuan Shao had made quite a name for himself outside in recent years.

He wanted to see Yuan Shao's understanding.

"Benchu, what do you think?"

Hearing Yuan Wei's words, Yuan Shao felt solemn. After sorting out what he was thinking, he slowly said: "Uncle, in recent years, my nephew has met many Taoist masters of Taiping Tao, and even met a few.

A soul-refining Taoist"

"The strength of Taiping Dao cannot be underestimated. As Brother Shu said, Zhang Jiao and his group of disciples have used talisman water to treat diseases and save people in various places in Shenhan over the years. There are estimated to be tens of thousands of believers."

"This person has a high prestige among the people. According to my nephew, this person is very ambitious and even wants to do big things. Once the Taiping Dao incident breaks out, it is likely to sweep the entire sect."

"Because his followers are all over the Shenhan states, coupled with many soul-refining Taoist masters in his Taiping Dao, as well as some martial arts refining warriors, once an uprising occurs, plus tens of millions of people, even if they are not regular armies, they may be able to start a uprising

A big wave”

Yuan Shao just said to make waves, and his meaning was very obvious, he was not optimistic about Zhang Jue.

No matter how many followers Zhang Jiao has, the rebels are the rebels, and they are no match for the Shenhan Dynasty, let alone the aristocratic families. They will never allow Zhang Jiao to change the world.

"My nephew's idea is that if Zhang Jiao really rebels and the military equipment in many places is eroded, the Shenhan may lose some places, and then they will need to be suppressed by the imperial army. At that time, our Yuan family can take the opportunity to get a share of the pie."

When Yuan Shao said this, Yuan Wei had already smiled with satisfaction. It was obvious that he was very satisfied with Yuan Shao's vision, and even his last thought was in line with the interests of their Yuan family.

"Damn guy!"

Yuan Shu on the side saw Yuan Shao chatting there, and his uncle still had a satisfied look on his face. He clenched his hands unconsciously, and couldn't help but feel jealous in his heart.

As a little transparent person, Yuan Yi looked at his eldest brother with a somewhat admiring expression.

Yuan Wei naturally saw the expressions of the three people, but he didn't say anything.

He did not praise Yuan Shao, but nodded lightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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