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Chapter 905 Changes

 The promotion of chemical fertilizer technology is more than good.

Especially in Qilu, chemical fertilizer technology was promoted faster because of Xiaoshengxian Village and Confucian disciples.

It was almost completely promoted in several counties and counties in Qilu.

Fertilizers are either made by machinery or by monks.

For ordinary low-level monks, making fertilizer is not as difficult as refining elixirs, but they can't refine much in a day.

Of course, high-level monks are different.

For example, he can now refine more than ten thousand stones of fertilizer in one day.

However, the entire Qilu land has no less than hundreds of millions of acres of fertile farmland, and even in the future, there will be hundreds of millions of acres or even hundreds of millions of acres of land opened up.

After all, the land of Kyushu is too big, far more than a hundred times larger than the area of ​​the earth in the previous life.

In terms of population, the Kyushu Dynasty was not as good as the later Earth. It is conceivable that the cultivated land area can continue to expand.

It's just that the population can't keep up, and production technology, especially farming technology, basically relies on cattle and horses.

Naturally, it is impossible to develop more wasteland. In future generations, even one person can cultivate hundreds or even thousands of acres of fields. But in this world, even ordinary mortals with stronger bodies cannot cultivate hundreds or even thousands of acres.


However, the emergence of chemical fertilizers has indeed increased the area of ​​cultivated land per capita. After all, the emergence of chemical fertilizers has increased food output.

The people at the bottom naturally hope to cultivate more land.

In the past, there was no way to do it. The harvest in the fields was not high and required intensive cultivation and careful care. However, with the advent of chemical fertilizers, not to mention completely intensive cultivation, even rough cultivation can still produce more than before.

In this way, if we open up wasteland again, we can get more food.

Therefore, the people at the bottom have become more and more motivated. In recent years, Qilu land alone has formed a trend of land reclamation.

In just a few years, the cultivated area in the entire Qilu land has almost doubled.

Of course, this also hurt the Confucian and Mohist disciples in Qilu.

After all, as the cultivated land area expands, more fertilizers are needed.

Whether it is refining fertilizer manually or by machinery, it requires people to implement it, so these Confucian and Mohist disciples have been acting like crazy in the past ten years.

There is no way, although it is very tiring, the rewards are also greater.

First of all, why Confucian and Mohist disciples are willing to do so is simply to expand their influence.

In the past, Confucianism had a very great influence in the land of Qilu. Among the upper class, especially among the nobles and wealthy families in the land of Qilu, it was definitely the most influential among the hundreds of scholars.

But this is only at the upper levels, and among the lower levels, Confucianism has not actually expanded its influence.

After all, Confucianism was also for the upper class at the beginning, but it was a pity that the imperial court did not recognize Confucianism. As a last resort, Confucianism began to change, starting with the landlords.

Therefore, in the land of Qilu, Confucianism began to recruit a large number of disciples, who were all local small landowners and wealthy families, and then to the nobility, and this gradually formed.

But Confucianism also has high-level people who have new ideas. Confucianism focuses on the way of education, not just at the top.

The bottom floor also needs to have sound.

Moreover, there are more people at the bottom. If all can be educated, then the fortune of Confucianism will skyrocket to such an extent.

What's more, spreading influence to the bottom is also good for Confucianism.

The same goes for the Mohist family, and the Mohist family was at the bottom from the beginning. Most of the disciples of the Mohist family are people from the lower class.

Therefore, the Mohist family is more active in this matter and can gain luck. For the Mohist family, it is more beneficial.

After all, Mohism is now inferior to Confucianism.

Although Confucianism is not trusted by the government, at any rate, the government does not do anything to Confucianism.

But the Mohist family was different. Before the Six Kingdoms were destroyed, it could be said that the Seven Kingdoms actually did not want to see the Mohist family, and even continued to suppress the Mohist family.

Who made the Mo family the strongest back then?

The key point is that the Mohists are at the bottom, their ability to incite is too strong, and the courts of the Seven Kingdoms are not fools.

Even if you, the Mohist family, don't have the intention to rebel, but you have the ability, it won't work, so the Mohist family is constantly being suppressed.

In the end, the strength became weaker and weaker, and even the constant conflicts within the Mohist family, especially the conflict of ideas, led to the Mohist family eventually being divided into several factions and constant internal fighting.

There are powerful enemies outside and there are disputes internally.

One can imagine what the result was for the Mohists.

Now that the Qin Dynasty is unified, the suppression of the Mohists still exists.

However, because a part of the Mohist family defected to Da Qin, and the current Mohist family's strength is less than ten times that of its heyday.

Therefore, Great Qin's suppression was not as harsh as before, so the remaining Mohist disciples also breathed a sigh of relief.

However, due to the decline in strength of the Mo family, their luck is also constantly losing. Many of the top leaders of the Mo family are also very anxious.

If this continues, Mohism will not be able to compare with the other three religions, let alone Taoism and Confucianism. Even the other nine schools will not be able to compare.

Therefore, this time the Confucian Zhang Liang invited the Mohists to come to the land of Qilu to study equipment, help the people at the bottom, and increase fertilizers.

After learning the detailed situation, the Mohist family's senior officials mobilized with all their might.

This is also true. It took only a few years to fully promote chemical fertilizers in Qilu.

"I see"

When Su Fan and Zhang Liang met again, Su Fan sighed deeply as he listened to Zhang Liang's detailed description of the past few years.

This guy is indeed the most top talent in history.

Although he did not join the Qin government, in the Qilu land of Qin, those county guards and many government affairs, especially in the agricultural aspect, were almost carried out according to Zhang Liang's plan.

The land of Qilu, in terms of fertilizers and land reclamation, can be said to be at the forefront of the ninety-nine counties in the Qin Dynasty.

Those county guards and magistrates are not fools either.

This kind of thing is a good thing for them, how could they not do it well? Land reclamation means cultivating more farmland, and the promotion of fertilizers means higher harvests in the fields, and their future taxes will be higher.

By then, more will be sent to Xianyang City.

This is a huge political achievement, something that can be shown in Zhangtai Palace, so why not be active.

After a few years of doing well, their position will be promoted again, and they may even be able to enter Xianyang City.

As officials of the Qin Dynasty, their lifelong hope is to enter Xianyang City.

Therefore, in Qilu, Confucianism and Mohism, with the help of the government, finally promoted it with all their strength.

In the end, the people at the bottom will gain the most.

After all, there are more and more harvests in the fields, and their lives are getting better and better.

This chapter has been completed!
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