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Chapter 374: Go home

Today is also the day when He Yimeng starts school. She also arrived at the school almost at the same time as Li Peifeng entered the school. However, the locations of the Psychology Department and the School of Liberal Arts are different. One of them went through the south gate and the other went through the east gate, so they didn't meet each other.

That’s all.

But similarly, He Yimeng has no class schedule today and is only going to school for psychological supervision.

The so-called "supervision" can generally be understood as a psychological counselor providing psychological counseling to another senior psychological counselor with more experience.

The psychological counseling profession requires dealing with different people and entering people's inner worlds. Its practitioners face greater pressure. Psychological supervision is also what counselors must do every month.

The purpose is to promote the personal growth of counselors, help the counselors restore their mental health when they have psychological problems, and secondly, it can also effectively help the counselors improve their counseling skills.

He Yimeng's supervisor is her mentor Lin Dan...

"How was your winter vacation?"

Old Mrs. Lin's hair has fallen like the first snow in the harsh winter, like the first frost in autumn. The silver hair is combed very carefully without any mess, but the silvery white hair is still clearly visible among the black hair.

; In the slightly sunken eye sockets, a pair of dark brown eyes, while quietly telling the vicissitudes of the years, looked at his beloved disciple with a smile, his eyes contained kindness, and he spoke in a leisurely and unhurried manner, which made people feel...

The power of warmth and stability.

He Yimeng sank into the sofa relaxedly and let out a sigh of relief: "It's good. The business in the consulting room is good now. There are an average of twenty visitors per week. Wenli and I can barely cope with it. We can't do it ourselves."

There is also progress on the media front.”

"I accepted two advertisements this winter vacation, totaling 150,000 yuan. I also started to sell goods and sold some books and stationery supplies. The sales were not very good. After all, you can't ask for too much when you are just starting out..."

Lin Dan nodded: "How much can you earn this month?"

He Yimeng calculated: "Live streaming rewards, product promotion, advertising... After deducting tax and subtracting 6% of the account for the short video, it can be more than 300,000 yuan. My own studio currently has a profit of 30,000 yuan...

...The share of short videos is still a bit high. I plan to talk to them in a while to increase my share."

Lin Dan smiled happily: "I didn't expect...anyway, you will be able to establish yourself in the capital from now on." Then his voice changed: "But you don't look very happy, because you are too busy at work?"

"In general, there aren't many factors in this aspect."

"So you have encountered a difficult visitor? Have you encountered any special case that you need me to help you deal with?"


He Yimeng looked at his tutor awkwardly and said to himself, "You know why, but you deliberately said other answers to provoke me to say it myself? I won't say it!"

She didn't say anything, and neither did Mrs. Lin. The teacher and student were silent for more than half a minute. Lin Dan leisurely picked up the tea cup and took a sip of hot water. He smiled and said: "In view of the substantial increase in your income, I have decided to

Your supervision fee has also been increased to 10,000 yuan per hour..."


He Yi Meng immediately broke through his guard, sat up straight and stared wide-eyed: "Ten thousand an hour? Are you serious? I'm your student!"

Lin Dan looked like there was nothing he could do about it: "The previous three hundred and one hours were a friendly price. In fact, my supervision fee has always been this standard. Mengmeng, you should know this. In fact, I am very busy, so much

Topics, and companies are looking for cooperation to pay for lectures and training. If you are not my student, even if you are willing to spend 20,000, I will not give you supervision..."

"But you charge me 10,000, and my senior sisters and brothers like Wenli and Kangliang, you also charge 10,000?"

"Only for you, because your wings are stiff."

Lin Dan was very depressed: "Whenever their income is the same as yours, I will also receive 10,000."

He Yimeng took a few deep breaths and showed a flattering smile: "Tutor~Mama Lin~Mom~ please lower the price a little bit. Instead of ten thousand, can three thousand be okay? If it's ten thousand an hour, I'll pay for it every month in the future."

I'll give you at least 50,000 yuan? Can you bear it?"

"I have worked for you, I have sweated for you, I have helped you write tutorials, and I have made outstanding contributions to the CARE project. You can't do this to me..."

"The supervision this time is also ten thousand."

Faced with He Yimeng's plea, Lin Dan remained unwavering. He glanced at the Cartier Blue Balloon mechanical watch on He Yimeng's wrist, then looked down at his old and faded Seagull watch, and reminded: "Ten minutes have passed.

You have already spent 1,660, I suggest you not to waste time on the price and answer my question - why are you unhappy?"

"Because you increased my supervision fee to ten thousand!


Lin Dan pursed his lips and smiled: "In eleven minutes, you have already spent 1,800 yuan."

He Yimeng was silent for two seconds, and finally couldn't help but return to the topic, with a slightly complaining tone: "Because of him, I told you before."

A glimmer of light flashed in Lin Dan's eyes, and he suppressed a smile at the corner of his mouth: "So the boy you like is still hanging around other girls, but he keeps aloof from you?"

"During the winter vacation, he actually took those few people to meet their parents. I really didn't expect this. He is so shameless!"

"He brought three girls to meet their parents at the same time?"

"Four to be exact!"

"Huh? You said before that he has three girlfriends besides you..."

"It's four. Counting me as the fifth, I only found out recently."


Lin Dan frowned and narrowed his eyes in disgust and confusion. After three or four seconds, he suppressed the excitement in his heart and said seriously: "So what are you going to do? Do you want to continue to be a lover with him?"

"I am not sure."

He Yimeng said uncertainly: "Your suggestion..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw Lin Dan raising his eyebrows and immediately changed his words: "Help me do a sorting and analysis."

Lin Dan hummed, picked up a pen and paper, and looked like he was about to record: "Say."

Really professional psychological counselors will never give so-called advice and help clients make yes or no choices. Unless the client is about to commit a suspected crime or illegal act, they will provide emergency intervention.

Otherwise, in the face of some normal life difficulties, they just let the visitors see their inner thoughts in confusion and correct wrong logic. Any final judgment needs to be made by the other party. Because life is the visitor's own, they

You are the master of your own life, the counselor is just a mirror.

So He Yimeng immediately changed her mind after asking Lin Dan for advice, because she knew that asking was in vain because the other party would not give her an answer, and she seemed particularly unprofessional!

The so-called sorting and analysis is no problem. With the help of Lin Dan, He Yimeng was guided to carry out an absolutely rational and dialectical analysis of this relationship. After the analysis, the answer in her heart naturally emerged.

First, what are the advantages of that man, and what benefits does this relationship bring to He Yimeng. Second, what are the shortcomings of that man, and what disadvantages does this relationship bring to He Yimeng.

More than twenty minutes passed, and Lin Dan looked at the piece of paper in front of him and fell into deep thought.

[Advantages: Handsome, very handsome. Good figure, very good. Rich, should be richer in the future. Strong, passionate, happy to be together, very happy, very relaxed, thinking about the frequency, and understanding of oneself

Career helps.]

[Disadvantages: Playfulness, especially playfulness, very playfulness. To maintain this relationship, you have to endure his playfulness. Even if he chooses to be with me after breaking up, he may cheat on me in the future. 】

Oh, this young man now!

Lin Dan was secretly stunned. In fact, after several supervisions with He Yimeng, she could guess who "he" was through the information, even if the other person didn't name him.

He Yi Meng's social circle is not complicated, and that little boy is very famous in school... I didn't expect that he would be so chaotic in private? So who are the four girls besides Yi Meng?


Lin Dan coughed dryly, forced himself to clear his mind, and handed the piece of paper to He Yimeng. After the other party finished reading, he said: "Do you have an answer now? It seems that there are more advantages than disadvantages."


Why Meng didn't answer.

Lin Dan said calmly: "There is no need to rush. Your self-system is very complete. Sooner or later it will be clear. So I will give you a reminder now."

"Love is equal to desire, and desire is equal to lack. Once desire is satisfied, there is no more love. Happiness is just a temporary suspension of desire... But if love is based on self-enrichment and peace of mind without asking for external help, people will feel

With satisfaction and happiness, there will naturally be less desire and lack of feeling.”

"However, self-level prosperity is a very contradictory thing. It is obviously something that sounds nice but is difficult to find. But it is not that there is no way. It just requires countless trials and errors, resisting temptation, and being content is a very difficult life.


He Yi Meng thoughtfully said: "I probably understand."

"Oh? Then what do you want to do?"

"Coordinate your own desires, continue if you want to, and give up if you feel you are too tired."

Lin Dan tilted his head slightly, with an expression of praise for your greatness: "Yes, there is no need to think too far at this stage. Your career has just started, so you can let it go emotionally. And you also realize that no matter what, you will

If you don't get the results you want, then you can face this relationship more relaxedly... Moreover, you can also mention your requirements to him and see what kind of response the other party gives you."

He Yimeng exhaled a long breath: "The less a person needs others, the more contented and peaceful his life will be. No one can fully meet the needs of another person. The only way is to limit yourself!"

"Mengmeng, what do you mean by telling me this?"

Li Peifeng asked the question cautiously while stirring the ladle. He was a little confused about what He Meng's intention was as soon as he arrived at He Meng's house. He was like pouring beans through a bamboo tube and recited the whole process of his supervision to him.

"I'm telling you, I have spent so much time and energy, and paid a high supervision fee of 10,000 per hour, to cultivate a very firm personality and principles. My self will not change at all because of you!"

He Yimeng stretched out his finger and poked Li Peifeng's chest, and said with a smile: "So at this stage, you are still my little toy. Don't think that I take the initiative to talk to you on WeChat. You just think that I am thinking about you. I am just talking to you."

An ungrateful expression of dissatisfaction, do you understand?”

Li Peifeng couldn't help laughing: "Just say it, don't stress it. But I don't understand. You said that, why doesn't Dean Lin advise you to break up with me? Logically speaking, a normal person would have..."

He Yimeng shook his head and interrupted: "Counseling is not about chatting with friends and saying whatever you want based on empathy. It is about allowing the client to realize their inner self, so that the fundamental problem can be solved... By the way, my instructor strongly recommends it.

You can also go there for a consultation, and she will give you half the price."

"Five thousand?"

"Four thousand, she charges 10,000 per hour for supervision and 8,000 per hour for consultation."

Li Peifeng didn't care: "Forget it, let's talk about it when we have time."

It wasn't that Li was worried that his unspeakable emotional privacy would be revealed. Lin Dan was highly respected in the psychology community and his professional ethics were very reliable. He just didn't think it was necessary.

"OK, let's eat."

He Yimeng didn't have much food at home, so Li Peifeng made a tomato scrambled egg and twice-cooked pork for lunch for the two of them.

His cooking skills are steadily improving, and his dreams are full of surprises. He even made an excessive request of "come and cook for me every day from now on."

Li Peifeng refused with the excuse that you are a talkative person. In fact, if it weren't for the start of school today, He Yimeng's filming team and the consultant in the garage downstairs would usually work at her home. Li's frequent presence could easily cause criticism.

"You said this, and I remembered something. During the period of your Cold War, Wu Wenyue recruited a few new actors, and one of them is quite good-looking. He should be in line with your taste."

He Yimeng held Kuai Qiafan in his right hand, took out his mobile phone with his left hand, clicked on a photo, and handed it to the other person for him to see.

Li Peifeng didn't take it seriously at first, but he was a little surprised when he saw it because he had seen the person in the photo before.

It was the femme fatale who struck up a conversation with him at the school gate this morning!

"It's her, what's her name?"

"Li Ximan, have you seen him?"

"I met you this morning."

Li Peifeng felt vaguely that something was not right. He Yimeng also asked how they met, so he explained clearly the experience of their meeting.

"She should know that I am the boss of Trinity, so that attitude is a bit strange."

Li Peifeng frowned and said, "But I didn't even send you a WeChat ID at that time. Next time we meet... this will make it quite embarrassing."

He Yimeng couldn't help but laugh: "Fortunately you didn't give me any. I thought this might be a test."


An idea flashed in Li Peifeng's mind: "Are you saying that Wenyue deliberately asked her to find me..."

"I have no idea."

He Yimeng's lips curled up slightly: "You can analyze it yourself."

After finishing speaking, he put down the bowl and said quickly: "I'm full and I'm going to brush my teeth. You eat quickly and get down to business after eating."

What kind of test is Li Ximan? Your white hair is my biggest test!

Li Peifeng didn't respond, but he ate faster.

After coming out of the bathroom, He Yimeng turned around and entered the bedroom. When Li Peifeng finished eating and was cleaning up the mess, she changed into an ice blue dress and walked out in high heels.

The back hem of the skirt is very long, almost touching the floor, but there is a waist-length slit between the legs, which is looming as the legs move. The overall look is similar to Elsa's costume in "Frozen", but it is more revealing.

It was the costume that He Yimeng wore as Kitto Ivy when filming the trailer for "Sword and Law".

It can be said that the bare hands are visible on the sleeves, the bright wrists are about to have gold rings, the three noble hairpins on the head, and the emerald jade pendant on the waist...

"What are you doing?"

Li Peifeng's heart was moved, and he asked knowingly. Looking at He Yimeng's face, he actually also wore Kitto Ivy's imitation makeup. The cyan beauty was deep and psychedelic, with delicate red lips, charming eye shadow, and a few light flowers on the cheeks under the eyelids.

Blue warbler flower...

So stunning, so high-end, I really want to taint her!

"Watching you wash the dishes."

He Yi Meng looked calm: "You continue washing."

"I'll wash you first!"

Li Peifeng threw the plates and dishes into the sink and went straight to the bedroom with He Yimeng in his arms...

After an indescribable period, He Meng's clothes were messy and his makeup was all gone. He was lying on the bed with eyes blank and muttering: "All sentient beings are in trouble, and immeasurable suffering is forcing their bodies. Cultivating the wind and wonderful body can save the suffering in the world."

Li Peifeng joked: "You have obtained the true scripture from me."

He Yimeng hummed: "Lift me up to wash up!"

Before he could get up, Li Peifeng's cell phone rang. As soon as he saw the caller, he immediately sat up and made a silent gesture to He Yimeng...


Wu Wenyue's tone was calm: "Pack your things, I'll be downstairs at your house soon and prepare to move."

"Where to move?"

"Where else but AllBright? Do you not want to live with me and Man Ning anymore, or have you bought a new house?"

Li Peifeng took a breath and looked at He Yimeng who rolled into his arms and did bad things, trying to stay calm: "Okay, but can we move tomorrow? I have a lot of stuff, I have to pack it away for a while..."

"I drove here. I'll be there soon." Wu Wenyue interrupted: "If you can't finish cleaning up, I'll help you. If you can't, let He Yimeng come over and help you clean up."

He Yimeng wrinkled his nose, his eyes were dissatisfied, and he puffed his mouth harder...

Well, now she is taking care of me!

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Chapter 374: Go Home Free Read.


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