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Chapter 1022: Xiyan changes owner and abandons Guanzhong

Outside Yecheng, there are barren mountains and secret caves.

Liu Yu got up very early today. Last night was the first time since he was injured that he had a rough and tumble relationship with Murong Lan for two or three hours. At this moment, he felt the wounds on his chest and shoulders that Murong Lan had bitten.

At that place, the teeth marks penetrated three-thirds of the flesh, and the pain was burning, which even overshadowed the feeling when the drugs penetrated into the muscles and bones. He fell in love with this woman more and more. Even when the body and soul were combined together, they were so devoted.

Being so wild, at least he doesn't have to worry about using too much force and hurting her.

Thinking about it, a smile flashed across Liu Yu's face. For more than a month, every day when he got up, the cave was clean and tidy. To prevent wild beasts and thieves from invading, a stainless steel sword and a three-piece

The powerful crossbows were placed beside his couch, within easy reach. Even the injured Liu Yu had no trouble dealing with these things, and Murong Lan would take care of them tenderly every day. This hero among women also has his own gentleness.

The watery side, but today, she was not around. Liu Yu began to worry a little, whether the action last night was too intense and caused her to suffer some unspeakable internal injuries, so she disappeared.

Just when Liu Yu was worried, a familiar faint fragrance hit him, a smile appeared on his face, and he looked around the corner outside the cave: "Are you back?"

Murong Lan, who was dressed in animal skins and a dog-skin hat, walked slowly into the cave. She carried a large bow on her back and two swords in the scabbards on the outside of her legs. There were several roe rabbits, flying sparrows and other prey hanging on her body.

There was even a wild boar leg. She put these things on the ground and said with a smile: "Did you miss me when I was away?"

The corner of Liu Yu's mouth curled up slightly: "What's going on with the wild boar leg? Isn't it convenient to take the whole pig back?"

Murong Lan shook her head: "No, these were presented by my men. I killed those game myself."

Liu Yu's heart moved: "Is this the person sent by your elder brother to look for you?"

Murong Lan continued to shake her head: "No, don't forget, I am Dayan's best spy, I have my own intelligence organization, my subordinates only contact me, even my eldest brother, I don't know their identity or existence

.Now I come out alone, and my elder brother has not contacted me, so I am free now, Liu Yu, you can rest assured about this."

Liu Yu nodded. He was a little touched. This woman who had been so mysterious to him for many years was so frank after she became a couple with him. She didn't even hide it at all. He said: "Thank you, my dear."

These subordinates, these days, including the reserves of this secret cave, must be provided by them."

Murong Lan shook his head: "No, this is a secret base that I have prepared a long time ago. I don't let others know about it. It's snowy these days and it's not easy to be followed. I just went out for a trip. As for this

They had already prepared the wild boar legs elsewhere. I just brought them here. Your injury is almost healed. After eating these, you should be able to hit the road. But before we set off, we can’t keep track of the external situation.

I don’t know anything, so this time I learned a lot about the situation from my subordinates in various places.”

Liu Yu's spirit was lifted. After staying here in isolation for more than a month, he really wanted to know what was going on in the outside world. He didn't need to speak, he just needed to look at Murong Lan.

Murong Lan stared at Liu Yu: "Guanzhong has undergone earth-shaking changes in the past month or so. To put it simply, Fu Jian is dead."

Liu Yu was shocked at first, and then calmed down. After all, this outcome was already expected: "Did Murong break through the city and kill him?"

Murong Lan sighed: "No, Fu Jian left Prince Fu Hong to defend the city and broke out to find reinforcements. As a result, he was ambushed and captured by Yao Chang at Wujiang Mountain. He would rather die than surrender, along with his wife Zhang and several children.

They hanged themselves together. After Fu Hong got the news, he ran away overnight. Murong Chong captured Chang'an almost without any blood and slaughtered and plundered it for ten days."

Liu Yu sighed: "Fu Jian can be considered a benevolent lord, but he still ended up like this. In troubled times, tigers and wolves are really rampant, good people are in power, and the sky has no eyes. I just pity the people of Chang'an City, and they will inevitably end up in the end.

A disaster of war and fire.”

Murong Lan shook his head: "Most of the people in Chang'an City had died of hunger and illness during the siege in the past year. When Murong broke through the city, there were only tens of thousands of people left in the city, and those ferocious Xianbei soldiers did not grab anything.

He only got a dead city, and for some unknown reason, Murong Chong stayed in the Epang Palace all day long, looking at the plane trees in a daze."

Liu Yu sneered and said: "He lives just for revenge. It's hard to explain the love and hatred between him and Fu Jian. After Fu Jian died and Chang'an was captured, his life also lost its purpose. I don't know.

How should we act? This person does not have the ability to control his gang of tigers and wolves, and sooner or later he will be killed by Murong Yong."

Murong Lan laughed: "You guessed it accurately. Yes, just two days ago, the Xiyan army mutinied. The left general Han Yan you know, the former Qin general, Fu Jian's son-in-law Yang Ding was the vanguard.

, attacked and killed Murong Chong, and appointed General Duan Sui as emperor. Hundreds of thousands of soldiers and civilians of Xiyan have left Chang'an and marched eastward towards the Yellow River. Apparently they want to cross the Yellow River eastward and enter Bingzhou."

Liu Yu nodded: "The hometown of these Xianbei people and their relatives are all in Guandong. It is inevitable to move eastward. I just don't know how your eldest brother will get along with them now that he has unified Hebei. Murong Chong's clan has a blood feud with your eldest brother.

, but others did not. Murong Yong did not stand on his own this time, and probably did not want to stand out at this time. He first let the heads of various ministries and chiefs compete, and finally he cleaned up the mess. It also depends on his relationship with Murong Chui.

Decide whether to be independent or to seek refuge.”

Murong Lan nodded: "Now Fu Pi is in Jinyang, and all the troops from Guandong and the grassland who are still loyal to the Qin State are also gathered here. Fu Hong went to Jin, and his whereabouts are unknown. Fu Pi declared himself emperor and conferred the title of his wife Yang

She is the empress, the son of Wang Meng, and Wang Yong, the governor of Youzhou in the former Qin Dynasty, was the official secretary. Most of the other civil and military officials were Bingzhou assistants, such as Zhang Hao, Ju Shizi and others, who were all promoted."

Liu Yu sighed: "Bingzhou has a sparse population and lack of food. It is not a place where things can be done. It is sandwiched between the two Yans and will not last long. If Fu Pi wants to survive, he can only get out of the way and let the Western Yan army go east to follow your elder brother.

Huo Bin, if he wants to forcefully confront Xiyan, with the current military strength and morale, he may lose but not win."

Murong Lan smiled and said: "But I think it is difficult for Fu Pi to let go. You are a bystander, while he is a fan of the authorities. In my opinion, the real successor of Qin is not Fu Pi, but Fu Deng, who is newly rising in Longyou."



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