Chapter 1,274 What was said during the military meeting before the war

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Tan Pingzhi frowned: "Daoji, I didn't ask you to come here to discuss the military aircraft for you to talk nonsense. We are only 300 infantrymen, and we have no carts. We can't resist horses. We are going to duel with 2,000 cavalry on this plain.

You still have to be upright, don't you take the lives of your brothers seriously? Even if you win, you will still suffer heavy losses. We people, how much effort it takes to train them, how can we just give up casually?"

Liu Yu smiled and waved his hand: "Bottle, since it is a military discussion, you have the opportunity to speak freely. No matter whether it makes sense or not, listen first and then talk. Daoji, do you think there is a chance of winning if we fight head-on?"

Tan Pingzhi breathed a sigh of relief and continued: "This river can be our support. Although there are no large vehicles, if we dig trenches overnight and divert the river water to cut off the forest roads, we can confront the enemy across the river, and then

We set up a flag and sent a small number of suspicious soldiers to raise dust and shout in the dense forest behind us. The enemy did not know our true and false and did not dare to act rashly. At this time, if we took the initiative to make an offensive appearance and then retreat at the first touch, we would deceive the enemy into defeat and abandon our baggage and equipment.

Armor, lure the Xiyan army to fight for it. As long as they are trapped in the muddy ground near the trench, you can use strong bows and crossbows to kill a large number of them. When the enemy army is in chaos, our army will fight across the board and fight in close quarters.

If the cavalry loses speed and fights us on the same spot, one Han can be compared to ten barbarians and we will definitely win a great victory."

Wei Yongzhi smiled and said: "That's a good idea. We don't have big carts. We can borrow some from the people in Dongjiawu. They won't be without them. It's not difficult to cut down trees temporarily and build hundreds of horses. When the time comes, it only needs to be strong.

If we set up our defenses, the enemy's cavalry will never try to break down our defenses!"

Everyone looked at Liu Yu and saw him saying slowly: "Everyone, have you ever thought about what our purpose is in this battle?"

Liu Daogui said seriously: "Our battle is to show the combat effectiveness of our Beifu Army, to repel the vanguard of the Xiyan Army, and to cover the evacuation of the people of Dongjiawu."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "That's very good. So, repelling the vanguard of the Xiyan Army can show our combat effectiveness? If we rely on digging trenches, resisting horses, and relying on wooden fences to prevent the enemy's impact, then the greatest possibility

The enemy retreated in the face of difficulties. When the time comes, we cannot kill or injure their troops in large numbers. We also have to take thousands of people in this fort to retreat all the way to Luoyang. This is hundreds of miles away. It will take three days.

We may not be able to reach it. If the enemy troops are following behind, or even Murong Yong sends fine cavalry to help, I am afraid that not only will we not be able to retreat back to Luoyang, but we will all be ruined here."

When everyone heard this, their expressions changed, and Murong Lan frowned: "So, how are we going to fight this battle? Without any defense, just fighting on the plains, and wiping out all the enemy troops?"

Liu Yu put away his smile and pointed to the forest passage: "On this road, two horses can run parallel at the same time, and some cavalry can also pass through the forest. They cannot come with more than four columns. If two thousand cavalry come,

, they will only go into the battlefield in separate teams, one team of one hundred people, and one team of one hundred people. If they find that our army is waiting in tight formation, they will definitely wait for all the troops to arrive, and then ride in formation in the front line of the forest."

"So, if our army guards the intersection and shoots with strong bows and crossbows, the enemy will give up the attack, retreat, and then use rangers to detect our movements. This is the most troublesome thing. Their cavalry is better at maneuverability.

, if we are stuck like this, we will not be able to retreat, and it will be difficult to retreat. Not to mention that Dong Lei and his son may not think highly of us and agree to evacuate. Even if we retreat, at the speed of the people in their stronghold, it will be difficult to leave in three days.

When we get to Luoyang, if we are chased by enemy cavalry halfway, we will definitely lose!"

Speaking of this, Liu Yu pointed at the back of Dongjiawu's village. There was a long stream of people, mostly women and children, pushing wheelbarrows and loading children. They started to march from the back door towards Luoyang City. Liu Yu said with a smile:

"Did you see that Dong Lei was also aware of this problem, so he started to let the women and children in the village go first, leaving thousands of strong men to guard the village. This shows that he is not sure about this battle and will not place his hope on us.

, Therefore, we must not only win tomorrow, but also win a great victory. We must deal a devastating blow to this Xiyan army. It is best to annihilate it. This will frighten the enemy and allow us to evacuate in the past few days without danger."

Tan Pingzhi frowned deeply: "With just three hundred of us, how can we completely annihilate two thousand enemy cavalry? I'm afraid it will be a bit difficult. We rely on forming a strong formation and taking advantage of the opportunity when the enemy's formation is unstable to fight.

It's possible to defeat them with a charge, but it's not that easy to annihilate them all."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "So, we can't let them attack when they are unstable, but on the contrary, we have to let them attack us, and then send out an ambush to attack us hard and cut them off, so that we can win a big victory!


Wei Yongzhi's eyes lit up: "How can we achieve this?"

Liu Yu smiled and said: "Tell me, if you were the Xiyan Army, under what circumstances would you attack desperately instead of waiting for the people behind to arrive?"

Murong Lan laughed: "The robbers' eyes will light up only when they see money, and they will be desperate. If the ground is full of baggage, there are many people fleeing in front, and there are no strong troops behind to break up, this will make them scramble for the first place."

The ground rushed up, because, according to Xiyan's rules, whoever grabs it belongs to whom."

Liu Yu nodded: "That's it. So, we need to do a few things. First, spread the baggage and food everywhere and look like we are in a hurry. We can ask Dong Lei to cooperate with us. I believe him."

I will do it. Secondly, I will arrange a rearguard team of no more than a hundred people here. They will not wear heavy armor or hold hard crossbows. They will dress up like Zhuang Ding and lure the enemy to attack."

Tan Daoji was surprised: "You don't need to wear heavy armor or use a crossbow? Is it really good to deal with the impact of cavalry on the plains like this?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Dig ditches ahead to divert water. As I said just now, the enemy troops cannot deploy quickly. They usually have dozens or more than a hundred people in teams one by one. If our side is strong, they will wait for the follow-up. If

If they find that our strength is insufficient, they will rush to attack. Therefore, we will build three ditches here, resist and retreat one by one. When the time comes, we will raise smoke and dust so that the enemy cannot see clearly what is true. Then we will build some straw men and put on clothes.

A, when retreating, throw it where it is, so that the enemy will think that the attack is effective, so that they will rush forward in a rush. When they retreat to the third line of defense, they will switch to strong bows and crossbows. At this time, the enemy who rushes will at least be able to

There are five to six hundred of them, and I need a volley to completely defeat and disrupt them!"

Wang Zhen'e blinked his eyes: "But even so, it is just a heavy damage to the enemy army. This way, hundreds of enemy cavalry can be killed, and the rest flee. It can't be called a total annihilation."

Liu Yu smiled and pointed to the river on one side: "If we want to annihilate them all, we have to rely on this river."

This chapter has been completed!
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