Chapter 1446: Righteousness and Resolute Rejection

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Xi Chao's expression changed and he said in a deep voice: "Liu Yu, you have to think about it carefully. The Northern Expedition is your lifelong dream. Only by cooperating with me and eliminating all the forces that hinder the Northern Expedition can your dream be realized.

If you want to achieve great things, don't stick to small details. I know you love the people, but you can't eradicate the mafia without a vigorous civil war. You can only destroy all their fields and manors in Wu and Jiangnan.

Their economic lifeline, this pacification war must be fought. If you care about the life and death of the people in Jiangnan for a while, you will ultimately destroy the great cause of the Northern Expedition!"

Liu Yu said with emotion: "What is the purpose of the Northern Expedition? It is to recover our Han family's rivers and mountains, so that our lost homeland can be recovered, but these places are recovered so that we Han people can live a good life. If it is for the Northern Expedition,

What's the point of the Northern Expedition if the people of Jiangnan are in dire straits? Don't think that you can deceive me with a few sweet words. What you want is not a small fight, but a full-scale civil war. It is to bloodbath all the manors in Jiangdong.

Wubao is a terrible chaos that will kill more than half of the people in the world. Let alone the Northern Expedition, the barbarians will definitely take advantage of the situation and go south. Even our current Jin Dynasty will be destroyed in one day and the country will be destroyed!"

Xi Chao sneered and said: "That's why I have been deploying in the north for many years. Now Murong Chui and Tuoba Gui are at odds with each other. He doesn't dare to send his army south. Even if we suffer some losses for a while, in order to completely eliminate the mafia,

It's still worth it. You see, in the early years of the Jin Dynasty, the powerful people in Wu were eliminated, and the Northern Expedition could continue for decades. But if we eliminate the mafia and gather the power of Jing Yang, we can launch a full-scale Northern Expedition in less than three years.


Liu Yu said coldly: "Xi Chao, don't say your purpose is so noble. You are just trying to be the emperor for yourself, and what you want to be is not the puppet emperor of the Sima family, but the one who holds real power."

, the kind that orders the world, the Northern Expedition is not your purpose at all. If you eliminate the Sima Emperor, the world will definitely attack you. All your time and energy will be spent on suppressing internal rebellions. How can you try to make progress again?

?Even if you can eliminate the mafia, you can't eliminate the world!"

Xi Chao sneered and said: "When Cao Wei usurped the Han Dynasty and the Sima family usurped the throne, it was all natural and there was no resistance. How did you know that the people of the world would oppose me?"

Liu Yu said disdainfully: "How many years has Cao Cao been prime minister? How many years has Sima Yi been in power before usurping the throne? The world has long known that his former power has been exhausted, but what about you? You are not even a living person in the hearts of the world.

No, he's just a ghost who has been dead for many years, an ambitious man who suddenly jumped out from behind the scenes. Even your family won't tolerate you, how can you convince the world? You destroyed the mafia, but you can't find a replacement.

Who can you let take over their power, those fields in Wu, and the tenant farmers? Who can you really trust? Don't pretend to say that you will pass it on to me in the future. You can even betray Huanxuan, a student of decades.

Abandoning me, what does it matter to me? Xi Chao, if you really want to go to the Northern Expedition, then prove it to me with your actions and lead the Jingzhou soldiers and horses to the north first. If you really do this, I will only believe what you say!


Xi Chao's eyes flashed coldly: "I said that if the mafia is not destroyed, don't think about the Northern Expedition. How many times do you have to explain it to me before you believe it?"

Liu Yu said coldly: "I only know that the mafia did not stop me this time during my northern expedition to Yecheng. It was you who once again informed Murong Chui and taught him to use black fire to deal with our army. I also

You know, you continue to frame me this time and it’s your fault that I’m here now. You don’t need to put the blame on the mafia, I know very well who my enemy is.”

Xi Chao slowly put on the Qinglong mask, and above his neck, a burst of smoke filled the smoke hole: "Liu Yu, maybe you are not familiar with my personality. If I can't get something that I value very much, then I

I would rather destroy it so that no one can get it. The same goes for Huan Xuan, and the same goes for you."

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It depends on whether you have the ability to destroy. At least today, I survived. As for next time, I will accompany you to the end!"

Xi Chao said coldly: "I hope you and I will have a chance to live and talk like this next time. By then, maybe you can change your mind."

After Qinglong finished speaking, he waved his robe and disappeared behind a secret door in the dungeon, leaving only the strange smell of smoke filling the room.

Liu Yu closed his eyes, but began to think seriously in his heart. He kept asking himself, should he really refuse Xi Chao's proposal? The secret of the mafia has been revealed. The source of their power.

The land deeds in their hands allowed them to control the manpower and material resources of the entire Jiangnan. This was also the reason why the Eastern Jin Dynasty had been unable to recruit troops and grain, and had to rely on aristocratic families for everything. However, they did not know that these aristocratic families did not actually own these fields.

The real land title is controlled by the mafia, so they can call the shots.

But on the other hand, it also proved that his original assumption was correct. The Mafia did not restrict the ability of the Beifu Army to act directly. The only way they could hinder the Northern Expedition was to control money and food, and the other was to secretly communicate with the enemy, like Qinglong.

If you can inform Murong Chui and betray your military plans, if you can gain a foothold in the north and provide food, grass and baggage for the Northern Expedition, then the mafia will not be able to harm you.

Liu Yu slowly opened his eyes. At some point, the smoke left by Qinglong had gradually dissipated. He had a firm idea in his heart: leave here, leave here as soon as possible, and return to the Beifu Army.

With military power in hand, only by being with his brothers can he not be harmed by the mafia giants in the court. Qinglong has decided to betray the mafia, and Huan Xuan has taken control of Jingzhou. A civil war is inevitable, and

If the mafia does not control the Beifu Army, who else can it rely on?

Liu Yu's heart suddenly sank. Lu Xun's gloomy face suddenly appeared in front of his eyes, as well as those terrifying immortal monsters outside Luoyang City. I'm afraid Qinglong has been in the north for many years, and he doesn't know that Tianshi Dao has already

With such a vicious and cruel thing, and Lu Xun being able to refine such a large amount of pills, there must be support from other members of the mafia. Qinglong thought that he could rely on Jingzhou's soldiers and horses to run rampant, but if he really encountered an army of immortals,

I'm afraid it will be difficult to resist. If the demons of Tianshi Dao gain power through civil war, what can they do? Thinking of this, Liu Yu's body could not help but tremble slightly.

This chapter has been completed!
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