Chapter 2173 Now we are starting from scratch

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Under the fake mafia boss, there is a real mafia boss.

Xu Xianzhi's sighs and footsteps as he left echoed through the copper pipes on the wall in the secret room of the main rudder. Xuanwu stood beside a copper pipe and gently pressed a mechanism.

A reed stuck out, and immediately, the copper pipe was sealed, and there was no longer any reverberation. The firelight flickered, reflecting four masked faces. Xuanwu sat back in his seat and said calmly: "Everyone, what do you want?

Do you want to say something?”

Zhuque said coldly: "You all listen carefully, this is what Qiu Ba wants to do, not to mention Liu Yu, even this Liu Yi wants to replace our family world, White Tiger, Qinglong, these are all

Good job you did!"

The corner of Qinglong's mouth curled up: "They are just some industries in the capital. These have been in our plan for a long time. Without the supply of these industries, the children of major aristocratic families will be forced to lose their iron rice bowls. We can only

Have you come out to do something? The Jingba people risked genocide and created this miracle of righteousness. Aren't these the rewards they deserve?"

Suzaku said bitterly: "The reward you deserve? Then why are we sitting here? From now on, each of us can just hang on to our own little family property for a day. The property, power, and title are all handed over to others, and we hope that we can send them to others."

Brother Nu or Brother Xile can have a conscience and leave some for us so that we can still eat. Is this the ending you want?"

Bai Hu sighed: "Okay, Master Suzaku, don't be so angry. It will only affect your calm judgment and is of no benefit. We are here to solve the problem, not to quarrel among ourselves. Take away these properties."

It's not the Jingba people who did it, but Huan Xuan. You weren't so angry at that time."

Suzaku gritted his teeth and said: "Huan Xuan is taking advantage of others by clever means. Everyone knows that he is the enemy of all our aristocratic families, so we supported Liu Yu and the others to rebel. But now neither Liu Yu nor Liu Yi intend to

These industries will be returned to us. If this is the case, then what is the use of supporting them? You have always said that after Liu Yu and others gain power, they will definitely cooperate with us and return these industries that were taken away by Huan Xuan to us. But

What now? Lord Xuanwu, you have to give me an explanation, otherwise, I’m afraid our Black Hand Universe will really perish at the hands of people like us."

Xuanwu said calmly: "Suzaku, even if Liu Yi makes you angry again, at least he is right. The world has changed. The knife now is not in our hands, but in the hands of the Jingba people. We can't be like that."

As before, you can make all the changes. Whether it is the industries in the capital or the political power in the DPRK, I am afraid that some, or even a large part, will have to be given up to the Beijing Eight. Now, instead of thinking about how to take back these industries, you should have a broader vision.

Be more open-minded and think about how to make Jingpachi one of us."

Suzaku sneered and said: "A country bumpkin has entered the city and wants to become a noble? Master Xuanwu, do you really think that the children of our aristocratic families and century-old elites will fall into the company of these people who wield bows and swords and kill dogs and pigs? They

Can they talk or write poems? Can they calligraphy or paint? They don’t have any skills that can make people happy and sublimate their spirits. They are just a bunch of sweaty warriors who can charge into battle. Once they get rich, I’m afraid they will

In less than three years, he will be like Huan Xuan, who can no longer ride a horse. What are you doing in the capital then? Go back to the countryside and continue farming. You give them these properties so that they can stay in the capital for a long time.

To make a living in the capital, are you sure you want to do this?"

Xuanwu smiled slightly: "Aren't many of our descendants from aristocratic families degenerated like this a long time ago? Why do we always look down on these warriors? At least now, they are still very good at fighting, and whether it is according to Liu Yu's idea or our big

The rule of the Jin Dynasty for hundreds of years is that if you have made meritorious service, you must be knighted, otherwise, if you have meritorious service but not reward, who in the world can be convinced?!"

Suzaku said sternly: "I have no objection to giving people a title or a salary. The people from the capital have indeed made great efforts this time, performed miracles, and shed blood and sacrifices. But the question is, do these titles and salaries have to be in the capital? They cannot be allocated to those who

Should we let them be the owners of the manor outside? The capital is the center of the world, and what we need are noble people. Now let these scumbags come in, and we also need property so that they can stay forever. Are you willing in the future?

Are all these people our neighbors?”

Qinglong smiled slightly: "What can we do? Can you think of a clever trick to drive them away?"

Suzaku gritted his teeth: "Let them continue to fight, let them continue to fight Huan Xuan. After the fight, Jiangzhou, Jingzhou, Guangzhou, the world is so big, don't these thousands of Jingba have no place to seal it? As long as you don't stay in

As long as you don't look down on us in the capital, you can go anywhere!"

Bai Hu laughed: "Sir Zhuque, do you really think that now is the time for us to do whatever we want? Master Xuanwu made it clear that the knife is in other people's hands, and the political power will also be in other people's hands in the future, not us.

You want others to do what they want, but what they want us to do. He is burning incense if he allows our noble family to continue to stay in the capital. You are still thinking about enfeoffing them to some countryside, why don't you go?"

Suzaku was so angry that he was shaking all over. He looked at Xuanwu with his eyes widened: "It's you who colluded and made concessions to them again and again, and we are where we are today. I have said long ago that we must form our own army instead of relying on the Beifu Army. Liu

Yu, Liu Yi, and He Wuji, they are not Liu Laozhi, they cannot obey our orders! Huan Xuan should not have been allowed to enter Beijing from the beginning, this is the source of the loss of control!"

Xuanwu said calmly: "Master Zhuque, please be patient. Huan Xuan has been out of control since he entered the capital. Why did he enter the capital? Isn't it because Sima Yuanxian has lost our control and wants to follow us?

Did he invade? And at that time, we no longer had an army that we could control by ourselves, and even the weapons and supplies were lost in the Tianshi Dao Rebellion. If you really want to blame, just blame Xi Chao, right?

He made us so powerless and weak that from then on we could only rely on various forces and try to use their strength to gain strength, until today."

Suzaku's teeth were chattering, but he couldn't say anything to deal with it.

Xuanwu cleared his throat: "Now that the matter has come to this, it is meaningless to trace the root cause and talk angry words. Thinking about what to do in the future is the first thing. Don't think about the capital's industry, don't think about it again

Keep the Jingba people out of the city, and how to use the dispute between Liu Yi and Liu Yu so that we can keep the power in the court, this is what we have to do!"

This chapter has been completed!
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