Chapter 246 Three people in Jingkou go on the run

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Liu Yu and Liu Yi were stunned on the spot. No one expected that Liu Jingxuan, who was as strong as an ox, would suddenly collapse without any warning.

Liu Yu suddenly supported Liu Jingxuan, stretched out his hand to explore his nostrils, and pressed one hand on Liu Jingxuan's heart. Liu Yi also asked anxiously: "Ah Shou, what's wrong with you?"

Liu Jingxuan opened his eyes slightly. The light in his big eyes that were bright just now had faded. He shook his head gently: "I, when I was swimming across the river, it seemed that

"It seemed like something stung me, and grandma couldn't exert any strength at all."

Liu Yu's heart moved and he asked anxiously: "Where is the sting?"

Liu Jingxuan moved his eyes to his right foot with difficulty, trembling his lips, but was speechless.

Liu Yu looked at Liu Jingxuan's right leg and discovered that his right leg had been swollen to almost a lifetime. There was a black wound on the right heel with some thin tooth marks on it.


Liu Yu frowned: "You were bitten by a water snake, why didn't you say anything at the time?"

Liu Jingxuan sighed: "Sure enough, is it really a water snake? Grandma's, damn, damn back!"

Liu Yu didn't need to ask. He knew in his heart that Liu Jingxuan didn't want to drag himself and Liu Yi down, so he couldn't bear to say anything. He was seriously injured at this moment and definitely needed medical treatment. The water snakes in the river are very poisonous, even if they are strong.

Like Liu Jingxuan, if this took almost half a day, his life would be in danger.

Liu Yi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Ah Shou, don't hold on, your life is important. If you can't, just pull out the cigarette stick, someone will come to save you!"

Liu Jingxuan's eyelids suddenly opened, his eyes were shining, he suddenly became energetic, and said loudly: "No, I won't leave, I will, even if I die, I will, I will fall at the finish line, at the finish line!"

Liu Yu had been with Liu Jingxuan for nearly a year and knew that his strong personality could not be persuaded. He shook his head: "Ah Shou, we are a group of companions. Even if you carry someone on your back, we will carry you on your back."

To the finish line!”

A gloomy look flashed across Liu Yi's face, but disappeared in a flash. The corners of his mouth curled up and he said nothing.

Liu Yu knew in his heart that Liu Yi still did not fully agree with his decision. After all, bringing Liu Jingxuan with him who could barely move would probably affect the final result, which Liu Yi did not want.

So Liu Yu looked at Liu Yi and said calmly: "Xile, you go first. I will carry Ah Shou to the finish line. Now we are only three miles away from the final finish line. If you run over now, you will definitely still have time.


Liu Yi's face turned slightly red and he said in a deep voice: "Who do you think I am? I said this for the sake of Ah Shou's life. Since I said it three times when we were grouped in Jiangli

If the Jingkou guys stay together until the end, nothing will happen! Three Jingkou guys, let’s be tigers together!”

Liu Yu nodded: "Yes, this is Jingkou, our hometown, our territory, we will definitely make it to the end, Xile, if you think so, I am so happy, then we will support Ah Shou together

, let’s reach the finish line together!”

Liu Yi laughed, stepped forward and put Liu Jingxuan's left arm on his shoulders: "Let's go to the finish line together!"

Liu Yu also held up Liu Jingxuan's right arm, and the three of them rushed to the finish line together.

Liu Yu gritted his teeth as he walked forward, and his stomach began to growl. In fact, from yesterday to now, he only ate half a steamed bun, but he ran hundreds of miles, especially in the cold river.

After swimming for more than ten miles, the amount of exercise and consumption was far greater than that of the Ironman Triathlon in later generations. Even a physically strong person like him couldn't bear it anymore. He relied entirely on his own breath to hold on. Just now Liu Jingxuan

When he fell to the ground, after such a pause, the energy was almost gone. The further he walked, the heavier his legs became as if they were filled with lead, and Liu Jingxuan's weight became heavier and heavier.

Liu Jingxuan obviously felt that Liu Yu and Liu Yi's steps were getting heavier and heavier. After all, he was still a big man weighing nearly two hundred kilograms. He was weighing down on these two people who had worked hard all day and night, like a thousand kilograms. He was biting

Ya said in a deep voice: "You, please don't worry about me. Hurry up and go to the finish line. I'll crawl over by myself!"

Liu Yu said in a deep voice: "What nonsense are you talking about? We, we have agreed, we have agreed to go to the finish line together, three, three Jingkou guys, we want to be tigers together!"

Liu Yi responded: "Yes, three, three Jing, Jingkou guys, one, let's be together, be old tigers!"

The three of them were talking like this while trudging forward. After passing through a small forest, their eyes suddenly became clear. The finish line was less than three hundred steps ahead, and Liu Laozhi, who was fully armed,

Already standing in front of the finish line, an elm chariot was flying high under the banner of General "Liu"!

Liu Yu's eyes flashed with excitement: "Ah Shou, you, have you seen it, the end, the end is right in front. Your dad, your dad is right in front!"

Liu Jingxuan was speechless. His eyelids were as heavy as a thousand pounds and might close at any time. Liu Yu felt anxious and pinched Liu Jingxuan's thigh hard. He let out an "ouch" in pain.

, opened his eyes, only to hear Liu Yu sternly say: "Don't close your eyes, think about things, think about things, don't fall asleep!"

When Liu Jingxuan opened his eyes, he happened to see his father's face sinking like water, more than 300 steps away. Looking at him, there was occasionally a trace of expectation and anxiety in that majestic expression. As a father's nature, he was also

It came out unconsciously.

In front of the three people, there were two contestants on the ground, gritting their teeth and crawling forward. Two long marks were left on the snow, heading straight towards the ferry on the other side.

, obviously, these two people came ashore from the ferry, and they also exhausted their energy, trying to crawl across the finish line with only one breath.

After the finish line, He Wuji, Tan Pingzhi and others all stood up and gathered around. They no longer cared about eating the steamed buns in their hands or drinking the steaming mutton soup. Their faces were full of worry and worry.

With a happy expression: "Hurry, hurry up and cross the line, there are only three places left, send slaves, hurry up!"

Liu Yu's heart sank suddenly. He didn't expect that this thing happened to be such a coincidence. There were just three left in the quota of one hundred people. It's no wonder that these two people were still crawling on the ground like this, just unwilling to give up.

.When he thought of this, even Liu Jingxuan struggled to jump up on one leg, trying his best to speed up. Victory was right in front of him!

This chapter has been completed!
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