Chapter 2935: Poisoning Water Sources Against Heaven

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Xiang Mi opened his eyes wide and said excitedly: "Really? Sister-in-law really still has a chance to kill the black robe and control Guanggu City?"

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "Yes, the black robe is now able to deceive the hearts of the people in the city. Firstly, it relies on inciting the soldiers and civilians to kill our people, and everyone has blood on their hands. Secondly, it relies on Sima Guofan's support outside the city.

He cooperated with Xianbei civilians and established them as a capital to make the people in the city despair. On the other hand, Heipao was the most capable fighter in the city after all, and Guanggu was a fortified city. He must have used many means to make the soldiers and civilians in the city believe that

, follow him, there is hope of victory."

"The fighting spirit generated by fear and anger will gradually dissipate as time goes by, and what is left will be the result of guarding the city. If it is impregnable, it can defeat our army's siege time and time again.

If our army causes heavy casualties, the more we fight, the more confident we will become, and the more we defend, the more excited we will become. However, if on the other hand, if our army inflicts a large number of casualties while defending the city and is unable to attack and cannot hold on, then the people in the city will become more and more desperate.

, if at the same time, there are big problems with food and water sources, morale will be even lower, and they may even surrender without a fight."

"Although Guanggu is a fortified city in the world, it has been captured several times. In the past, Shi Hu and Murong Ke forced the city to surrender by cutting off the water source and besieging it for a long time. What we have to do is to prevent such a thing from happening.

If it happens again, if we make the people in the city despair and let them know that they can still survive by surrendering, then Alan's chance will come."

Liu Jingxuan frowned: "Guanggu City is very strong, especially the inner city. It is located on a mountain. One man is in charge of the pass, and ten thousand men cannot attack it. If you want to attack, it will be difficult to reach the sky. All the food, grass and weapons in the city are concentrated here."

The inner city can support 100,000 people for more than two years. Even if there are more than 200,000 people in the city now, they can still sustain it for more than a year. If we want to besiege, our army's food and grass consumption will be even greater. In my opinion,

It is better to find a way to cut off the water source in the city, just like Shi Hu and Murong Ke did, and force it to surrender!"

Liu Yu shook his head: "I won't do this kind of thing. If the water is cut off, a large number of civilians will be killed by thirst. The defenders in the city must give the water to the defenders first. This is inconsistent with our concept of vilifying the people and fighting crimes. Secondly,

The water source for the city was originally taken from Wulongkou, but after Murong Ke cut off the water last time and caused the city to surrender, in view of the fact that Wulongkou was easily attacked by foreign enemies, cut off the water or even poisoned, he changed the water channel and fetched water from elsewhere.

Lead it into the wells in the city."

Xiang Mi curled his lips: "Then we can search for water sources elsewhere and continue to cut them off. There are more than 200,000 people in this city and they need a lot of water. If there is no water source, they will definitely surrender without a fight!


Liu Muzhi said slowly: "After Murong Ke conquered Guanggu, he forced tens of thousands of Duan's soldiers to dig for water sources elsewhere. After that, in order to cover up the secret of this water source, he concentrated these tens of thousands of soldiers into five groups.

Longkou, all of them were trapped and killed. Of course, the waterway in Wulongkou had been destroyed and blocked by him before this, and no water could be released anymore. Therefore, this new water source in Guanggu became an eternal secret. Except for the Murong family, no one

You know, it is said that when Murong De attacked Guanggu, he sent people to poison the water source because he knew where the water source was, so that a large number of Pilu soldiers lost their combat effectiveness, and then they were easily captured. Afterwards, these poisoners were also killed.

Once it is cleared, the location of the water source in the city will once again become an eternal secret. Even the emperor who is not the Murong family will not know!"

Liu Yu nodded: "Even if I know the water source, I will not poison the water source like Shi Hu, Murong Ke, and Murong De. We are soldiers and warriors, and we should defeat them on the battlefield with the same weapons.

The enemy poisoned the water source, harming more people in the city. The Yan State, which hurt Tianhe, Shihu and Murong, relied on this trick to capture a city for a while, but it was revealed that in order to win, he despised the people.

Human life is like a piece of grass. They can slaughter the people of a city or abuse the people of a country. Without kindness and justice to the people, there will be no filial piety in their own family. Therefore, in the end, they all perished due to internal strife in the clan, which is in accordance with the way of heaven.

It is clear that retribution does not come true. As long as I, Liu Yu, remain in charge, I will never allow such methods of poisoning water, attacking with fire, or massacring the city to achieve victory!"

 When all the generals heard Liu Yu’s resolute words, they all looked serious, and they all raised their hands in a military salute and said: “As ordered!”

Liu Yu looked around, looked at the surrounding generals, and said in a deep voice: "We have discussed so much, and everyone must know our purpose in this battle. This battle requires attacking the city, and more importantly, the heart. The outer city is not difficult.

Once the outer city is conquered, it is strictly forbidden to massacre civilians like Sima Guofan did. Soldiers and civilians in the city who have no weapons in their hands are not allowed to kill. Their lives must be protected, and their property must not be plundered. In the camp in the west of the city

, Separate the back village as a place to specially guard them, Ah Shou."

Liu Jingxuan saluted and said: "The general is here, please give orders from the commander-in-chief."

Liu Yu nodded: "Our army needs to be used for fighting. Let the Ding Zhuang civilians from all over Qingzhou take care of the prisoners. Pilu Daoxiu will be responsible for this matter. But I have something to say first. These prisoners,

We are not allowed to kill any of them, nor are we allowed to beat, scold or abuse them. We must treat them as the people under our own rule from now on. If Pilu Daoxiu cannot control his subordinates, lives are lost, and it ruins our major affairs, then I will have no choice but to treat Sima Guofan

The treatment was used on him first!"

Liu Jingxuan's expression turned serious and he said seriously: "Don't worry, Commander, I will let my personal guards personally supervise and manage this."

Xiang Mi blinked: "Brother Ashou, your guards have gone to guard the prisoners, so who will be responsible for your safety?"

Liu Jingxuan shook his arm disdainfully: "Tieniu, do you think I still need someone to protect me? When I wasn't charging forward, my guards, hehe, were actually just following the enemy troops behind me to kill them.

It was not they who protected me, but me who protected them. Let them go to a safe place this time, which is what they want."

There was a burst of laughter in the tent. The atmosphere that was still a bit serious just now became more relaxed. Liu Yu stood up, walked to Liu Jingxuan, smiled and patted his shoulder: "Okay, Ah Shou,

You are the only one among us who has been to Nanyan, and you are also the most familiar with the defense and terrain of Guanggu City. You are the main force in this siege, but don’t push yourself too hard. We are not the young sergeants we were back then.

, now as a general, life and death are related to the morale of the entire army. Stop being so reckless. Commanding is what you should do. This time you did not take care of Sima Guofan's affairs. Let's leave it at that. I need you to use your strength when attacking the city.


This chapter has been completed!
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