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Chapter 3030: The two armies suddenly encounter Sang Luozhou

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He Wuji's expression changed slightly, and he regained his composure. He turned around and walked towards a watchtower standing on the deck behind him. The messenger who followed him quickly moved the watchman on the mast.

The flag message they raised was quickly translated to He Wuji and the soldiers who followed him: "The enemy was found, about ten miles away from our army, with twenty-seven small boats and fifteen medium-sized ships with a speed of one hundred miles.

At seventeen miles, they are heading towards our army."

He Wuji said in a deep voice: "Is it a warship or a fishing boat?"

The messenger quickly said: "It should be a temporary warship converted from a fishing boat. The bow is covered with rawhide and an arrow shield. The enemy's archers can be seen on the boat. They are all well-dressed and without armor, and their heads are wrapped in blue scarves. It looks like...


Suddenly, the lookout soldier loudly shouted: "The enemy's leading ship is flying a flag with the word "Zhu". It looks like it is led by the traitor Zhu Chaoshi himself!"

Yin Chan, who had already stood on the watchtower with He Wuji, stamped his feet bitterly and cursed: "This kid has indeed rebelled and surrendered to the enemy. Zhennan, you have never believed it before. You even have Nankang to speak for him."

The sergeant who fled there said that he saw him kill Tang Sima with his own eyes, and you also beheaded those deserters and said that the enemy had shaken the morale of the army. This time, you should believe it!"

He Wuji gritted his teeth: "It seems that he really knows people and knows faces but not hearts. Jinu has always said that his two Zhu family disciples are loyal people, but he has misjudged his eyes. After this battle is over, I will definitely

We need to tell Jinu that Zhu Chaoshi has really rebelled and surrendered to the enemy, and ask him to take precautions against Zhu Lingshi, and never allow this person to lead the army again."

Zhang Shao said in a deep voice: "Zhennan, Zhu Chaoshi may have been defeated and captured, and he could not help it, or the demon thief deliberately used his banner to confuse our army. The truth has not been found out yet, so we should not draw hasty conclusions. Zhu Ling

Shi is the commander-in-chief of an army and has a high prestige in the army. If he falls into the enemy's plan to alienate the general and kills the general by mistake, it will shake the morale of the entire army."

Yin Chan said angrily: "Zhang Shao, how long has it been since you still wanted to speak for a traitor?! If the demon thief was plotting against others, why didn't he slander Tang Sima and the others instead of targeting Zhu Chaoshi?"

He Wuji said in a deep voice: "That's enough, stop arguing. After this battle, it will be decided whether Zhu Chaoshi is a traitor or loyal. No one can jump to conclusions now. Send an order. The Hunjiang Dragon is rising ahead of us in the south of the town."

"Commander the flag, all the warships of the front army have abandoned their food and are preparing to fight. The warships of the Chinese army are stationed at anchor and ready to support the front. The warships of the rear army are unfolding towards the shore and ready to come ashore at any time!"

As He Wuji's orders were issued one by one, the messengers quickly waved small flags, and these flags quickly turned into various conch horns, resounding on the river, and then turned into warships.

The sound of slogans was combined with the clatter of armor leaves as the sergeants mobilized, the stiff sound of the bow and crossbow as it was strung, and the "plop" sound of the grain bag falling into the water.

He Wuji turned to look at the flagpole. The big flag was rising high and fluttering forward. A smile appeared on his face and he nodded: "God help me, the wind is going against me right now. In front of us is Sangluo Island and Sand Island."

In the middle of the river, slow down the speed of the water flow. The demon thieves are good at fighting on the water. The main reason is that their grasp of the water flow is far better than our army. If the water flow is slow, then their biggest advantage is gone. They rush up quickly and six warships escort Hun Jianglong.

No. 1, pretend to protect the flagship with all your strength. These enemy fishing boats do not pose a threat to our army, just ram them and it will be over!"

Zhang Shao suddenly said: "Wait a minute, Zhennan, what if the enemy also attacks with fire and burns our warships?"

He Wuji smiled and waved his hand: "If you want to attack with fire, you have to have a favorable wind before you can set fire. Now our army has a favorable wind, and the enemy is facing a headwind. If the fire attack will only burn themselves, don't hesitate and rush across the sandbank quickly."

, Go straight to the warship flying the Zhu family's flag. That ship is not allowed to be sunk. Whether Zhu Chaoshi is on the ship, we will know at a glance. When the time comes, we will know whether he is loyal or traitorous!"

Having said this, he said in a deep voice: "All the soldiers on the former warships took off their fine iron armor and put on leather armor used in water warfare. They also put on spiked shoes to facilitate fighting on the slippery deck. In groups of three, press

The tactics we usually train include one person holding a sword and shield, one person holding a bow and shooting, and one person holding a hook and fork to stab. In today's battle, I want to teach the demon thief's navy how to fight back and forth!"

Ten miles away, the Tianshi Dao fleet.

More than thirty small and medium-sized warships began to spread out on the river. There was already a small commotion on many of the ships. The sailors, mainly Nankang militiamen, kept wailing, and the Tianshi Taoists in blue clothes and carrying swords

The disciples shouted loudly and even screamed a few times before three or four corpses were thrown into the river. Obviously, they were those who had shaken the military's morale and spread talk of surrender and escape.

Dharma rectification, throwing corpses into the river.

The bow of the Sturgeon, which is at the front of the fleet, wears leather armor like Zhu Chaoshi and blue cloth tied on its head. Now it is dressed like a standard Tianshi Dao general. It is almost the same style as Wu Shaofu next to him. Looking into the distance

Seeing the huge Jin fleet, he curled his lips and murmured: "Zhennan, oh, no, He Wuji, he really took the water route."

Wu Shaofu laughed: "Everything is under Master's control. We will definitely win this battle. General Zhu, just follow our original plan and evacuate as soon as possible."

Zhu Chaoshi frowned. They were currently at a bend in the river. Sangluozhou was also called Fankou. It was a corner where the river ran from south to north and then to the northeast.

He was right around the bottom of the bottle. The sandbank was less than a mile in front of him, but the river about five miles behind him was calm, the water flow was slow, and even the river wind was not strong.

The east wind still carried the shouts of killing and the thundering drums from the opposite warships one after another. The battle slogans with Jingkou accents shouted by the soldiers of Beifu in unison, even the Bai Zhan Lao of Tianshi Dao

When the thieves heard this, they couldn't help but change their expressions slightly. After all, the fear of being chased for thousands of miles and narrowly escaping from death a few years ago came back to their minds again.

Zhu Chaoshi gritted his teeth and said in a deep voice: "Shaofu, where is the commander's main fleet you mentioned? Where did you say it was arranged in advance?"

Wu Shaofu frowned and shook his head: "Master never lies to others. If he says there is something, there will be something. We just need to act according to the plan."

Zhu Chaoshi's heart moved, and he thought to himself, maybe Xu Daofu was deceiving him, and wanted to use his front army to fight He Wuji, and then take the opportunity to break in. He came all the way, but he paid attention to the rear and both sides of the strait.

I have never seen half of the disciples of Tianshi Dao. I have never seen the main fleet that was promised. Even the ten medium-sized ships are just modified from a few grain transport ships in Nankang. Xu Daofu's

The so-called hundred Huanglong ships were probably just a bluff. Maybe he took the land route to raid Yuzhang at this moment.

This chapter has been completed!
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