Chapter 3258: Golden soup and iron juice on the city wall

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He Lanlu said coldly: "You also know these secret techniques very well. My good sister is really your good disciple. Girls are extroverted. This is true."

The black robe smiled and waved his hand: "Look, as long as you are in Guanggu City, you can't hide what you do from me. He Lanmin only told me half an hour in advance. As for what you discussed with her,

Xiang Jinjun's matter was impossible from the beginning. She was afraid of my punishment, so she took the initiative to confess everything to me and said that you persuaded her. This was to protect you, my elder brother."

Helan Lu curled her lips disdainfully: "How can women know about military and national affairs? Minmin is too afraid of death, but she doesn't want to think about it. Only by living towards death can she survive. Even Murong Lan can't follow her.

Liu Yu has reached a settlement, and I can't get better terms. Then I have no choice but to fight to the death and find a way to survive. This method of iron juice and golden soup has to be used even if it is not needed now. If the city is destroyed, this ancestral secret will also be used.

Follow us and all the Helan tribe members to perish together."

A cold light flashed in the black robe's eyes: "This time you don't have time to cast poisonous arrows or poisonous knives to hurt people. I gave you all the feces in the city. I want you to attack all the enemies at the top of the city."

All the Jin troops in the city were scalded to death."

Helan Lu gritted his teeth: "This method is too harsh. I don't want to use it unless it is absolutely necessary. And you can also see that this golden soup and iron juice will almost kill you if you put it on the city wall.

"Tie Zhi, if the Jin army's stones were to hit us, they would probably hurt our people."

The black robe smiled slightly: "I'll teach you a way. You can put this golden soup and iron juice into the wall, where the Jin army's catapults can't hit it. Then you just need to find a way to create smoke so that the Jin army can't get far away."

When they attack the city, they will pour down the whole pot of golden soup and iron juice. Hey, those Jin troops who want to take the opportunity to attack the city will be disciplined and burned into bare pigs!


Helan Lu frowned: "Here, how did this smoke come about? Do you want to light up the smoke at the top of the city?"

The black robe waved his hand: "The smoke at the top of the city cannot hide the sandwich wall above the city wall. As long as the city bricks on the sandwich wall are opened, the Jin army can still see it. Therefore, the smoke must be created above the city wall.

That’s all.”

Helan Lu opened his eyes wide: "How can this be made?"

A cold light flashed in the black robe's eyes, and with a wave of the flag in his hand, he saw more than a dozen big men in black attire, each carrying a large bundle of grass on his back, and they ran to the top of the city.

There were two shield-wielding guards around them, waving the shields in their hands to protect these big men carrying grass from the rain of arrows coming from the city. Soon, they were on top of the city tower of more than a hundred steps, separated by

After more than ten steps, one person stood still.

Helan Lu understood now: "Does the Imperial Master want to hang these grasses out of the city wall, hang them in mid-air and light them on fire?"

The black robe smiled and waved his hand, and saw the dozen or so big men unloading the bales of hay they were carrying. Each bale of hay was wrapped with two iron ropes, and at the end of the iron ropes was a leather rope.

While unloading the hay bales, the big man also took out fire starters and lit the haystacks. Suddenly, a strong pungent smell hit his face, and at the same time, yellow smoke appeared. These more than ten haystacks

The big man threw the leather rope, and the iron chain was tied with the hay bundle, and it was pulled out of the crenellations of the city wall until outside the city. Soon, yellow smoke was seen billowing straight up the city wall, and violent coughs also sounded from the outer city wall.


Helan Lu sighed: "You are really cruel. You actually put wolf dung and sulfur in this hay bundle. When burned like this, it can not only create smoke, but also poison people. I think the iron juice is

It’s no longer necessary, the Jin army is not a fool, and they will take advantage of such conditions!"

The black robe sneered: "Never underestimate your opponents, Mr. Helan, these are the elites of the Jin army. Those who can take the lead in attacking the city must be ruthless madmen who are not afraid of death. Do you think they will be defeated once the poisonous smoke and sulfur are released?"

We dare not attack the city, but if we are a real warrior, wetting our robes with urine and covering our mouth and nose, we can still attack hard and catch us by surprise. This golden soup and iron juice must be put to use.

The Jin troops in other areas may retreat, but on this tower, they will definitely charge upward!"

Helan Lu gritted his teeth, turned around and stood up, walked to the opening of the inner wall, picked up two flags, handed them to his left and right hands, and waved them towards the bottom of the city wall. Soon, more than ten iron pots were handed over to the people below.

The sergeants used wooden sticks to pass through the iron ears on the side of the pot, and used several poles to support the bottom. The top of the pot was covered with thick wooden boards, and large stones were pressed on it to prevent the golden soup inside.

Iron juice splashed out. After all, everyone had witnessed with their own eyes just how lethal this thing was.

These sergeants from the Helan Division, in a group of about ten people, carried a large pot and carefully walked away from the wooden compartments parked at the bottom of the city. The size of these wooden compartments was obviously larger than those in the East City.

The wooden box was one size larger, and now it seems that it was tailor-made for these large iron pots.

The black robe smiled and watched as more than a dozen wooden compartments closed their outer doors and rose into the air under the pull of the chains. The sergeants below the city cheered and watched these wooden compartments rise, as if they were watching a scene.

religious ceremony, while more sergeants continued to carry the remaining iron pots to the edge of the city, waiting for the next round of wooden carriages to go to the city.

The black robe smiled and said: "It seems that you have been prepared for a long time. Are you going to use this iron juice temporarily? Master Helan, if you can really fall to Liu Yu, are you planning to use this iron juice against me?"


Helan Lu's face turned slightly red and said: "There is no need to talk about this now. Imperial Master, at least this time, we are grasshoppers on the same rope. If you want to kill Liu Yu, you need me to kill a large number of Jin here."

Didn't the army cause Liu Yu to lose his mind and come to attack the city himself?!"

A hint of murderous intent flashed in the black robe's eyes, and he looked at Xiang Mi, who was more than a hundred steps outside the city gate, holding a big flag with one hand, standing like a mountain, and said coldly: "Kill Xiang Mi first, and then let Liu Jingxuan do it."

Anger comes to the rescue. As long as we have a chance to kill Liu Jingxuan, Liu Yu will definitely move. He will not attack because of anger. But if Liu Yu moves because of anger, then this is our chance. Mr. Helan, please personally

Go and direct the splashing of gold and iron from the wall, and leave this city to me."

Helan Lu curled up his lips, turned around and walked towards the city. Suddenly, he thought of something, turned his head and looked at the black robe: "I'm talking about the imperial master, this time I even used the golden soup and iron juice. With Jin

There is no possibility of reconciliation between the two armies, so what benefits can you give me afterwards?"

This chapter has been completed!
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