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Chapter 3309 Dark Iron Heavy Arrows Destroy Demons

Following Liu Jingxuan's war cry, he drew the big half-moon bow, and the six twisted bow strings were twisted together and bent into a semicircular arc. With his string-controlling hand as stable as a fixing star, the bow string suddenly

Let go, and the arrow string quickly bounces back to the equilibrium position. The black iron arrow resting on the string, without tail feathers, and the arrowhead is like the tip of a tree, flies out fiercely, the target is twenty

A few steps away, the immortal monster who rushed to the front was looking at Liu Jingxuan with his empty black eyes.

The right arm of this monster has been broken. It is the terrifying monster that just stabbed a soldier to death with one hand and tore off the head of the Beifu Army squad leader with the other hand. Its face and all its orifices were dripping with black blood, and its right arm was broken.

The plasma in his body had almost solidified, and even where his right arm was broken, a layer of purple-black blood scab formed, which looked weird. In addition to the black blood, there was also blood all over his body.

The red blood proved how many soldiers of the Beifu Army he had killed along the way, which made people look at him and couldn't help but feel furious.

This one-foot-five-foot-long iron arrow tore through the sky, and even its violent movement in the air caused little sparks to appear on the sharp edge in front of it. Rather than saying it was a long arrow, it was better to say it was

A flying spear similar to the Wanjun Divine Crossbow. Although the arrows fired by this bow do not have the power of those crossbows, at a distance of twenty or thirty steps, to attack the target on the ground, you can still only use the all-conquering weapon.

to describe.

The black eyes of the immortal monster with severed arms, which had long lost its humanity and no longer contained any human emotions, suddenly flashed with a trace of fear. Facing this demon-breaking arrow, it actually felt fear and opened its mouth slightly.

, a mouthful of black blood spurted out from the mouth, and the remaining left arm instinctively wanted to lift up, as if to block the arrow.

However, it was already too late. From a distance of twenty steps, this whistling arrow hit, and it didn't even take the blink of an eye. Its mouth was only half-opened, and its left arm had just been raised, and the arrow hit the target without missing a beat.

The ground shot into it from its half-open mouth, and the skin and body, which were as hard as stainless steel armor, were almost like a smashed egg shell in front of this arrow, and the arrow tip easily pierced through it.

It hit the back of its head and came out from the back of its head. The power of this arrow was so terrifying!

Duan Hong stomped his feet fiercely, shook the long hair in his hand, and shouted: "Beautiful!" Deep in his heart, he regretted: This damn monster's head is too hard, so it needs to be replaced by someone else.

If a living person were shot with this iron arrow from his mouth, his whole head would be smashed to pieces!

But before he finished speaking, he only heard a "click" sound, and the complete immortal monster's head was twisted from its neck. It was like a basketball, carrying an iron arrow, pointing straight back.

Flying out, until ten steps away, the tip of the arrow pierced the heart of the monster behind again, knocking the immortal monster directly to the ground, and the head of the immortal monster with a broken arm was still stuck in the monster behind.

Its chest seems to have a head at its heart!

The decapitated immortal monster stood quietly on the spot. Finally, his legs softened and he knelt down. Then his whole body jumped forward. The fingers of the left arm that was still on his body were still twitching slightly.

But it could no longer move a step. Chocolate-like black blood came out of its neck and every pore on its body. However, this demonic body could no longer take a step forward to harm anyone.

The sound of iron hoofs vibrated, and the whole earth was trembling. Riders passed by Liu Jingxuan one after another. Like Liu Jingxuan, they leaned sideways, pulled up the four to five stone bow, and shot out arrows one after another.

Iron Arrow, these dragon and tiger knights are all the strongest among the strongest in the Beifu Army. Only the warriors selected from a thousand are qualified to become the iron cavalry of Liu Jingxuan. They can shoot left and right on their horses. Even this powerful bow can

Without further ado, for a moment, iron arrows were flying, and each arrow would accurately hit an immortal monster more than twenty steps away.

The iron arrows this time are not the ordinary arrows from before. Both the bow power and the power of the arrows are completely different. Those monsters who have more than a dozen feather arrows stuck in their bodies and still move normally will only need to be hit by one.

An iron arrow would make it immobile, because this arrow can often penetrate the monster's body directly. Even if it is more severe, it will directly move a certain part of its body like Liu Jingxuan's arrow.

The iron cavalry rolled forward, and smoke and dust rose into the sky, like a sandstorm. It blew up less than thirty steps away between the Jin army's infantry shield formation and the immortal monsters. The sound of iron arrows piercing the air was accompanied by the sound of the immortal monsters.

When the arrow was fired, the shrill screams and wails of ghosts resounded in all directions.

South of the city, Shuai Terrace.

Wang Miaoyin breathed a long sigh of relief: "I was really nervous just now. I didn't expect Liu Guanjun's attack to be so powerful. I thought he would use kerosene and black fire to burn these monsters..."

銆愯よ瑑鍗丸 hook鄄勮佷ggong鍙嬬粰鴴戞帹 drilling鄮殑杩珺公app 锛屽挭鍜阒呰合紒鐪熺壣涔韚ソ鐢锛屽紑杞︺佺锵铓嶉兘鱱

Umbrella chain 楥毲扉涔︽姦鍙戞椂邂达纴杩欓噷鍙浠ヤ笅杞銆

Liu Yu smiled slightly: "It is true that these immortal monsters can be eliminated with fire attacks, but it takes time to burn them, and it takes time to clear the fire field when attacking the city. This will make us miss the opportunity to attack the city wall. What we are asking for now is

A quick word, so we didn’t even withdraw the remaining thousands of soldiers from Wang Zhene on the front line. We just wanted to get rid of the immortal monsters as quickly as possible and then attack the city wall. Beard, what do you think about this arrow?

Do you want to say something?”

Hu Fan sighed: "I think my archery skills are unparalleled. I have seen all the bows and arrows in the world, but this is the first time I have seen this hard bow shooting iron arrows. I have only heard of it in the cold land of the far north."

The Sushen people have to fight bears and tigers all day long, so their arrows are all one foot five, made of pure solid wood and wrapped in iron sheets. The arrows are coated with poison and are called heavy arrows. What they want is to kill bears and tigers with one arrow. Could it be that,

Is this the kind of heavy arrow Liu Guanjun uses?"

Liu Muzhi laughed: "General Hu is truly an archery god. He even knows the origin of this heavy arrow. Yes, they used the legendary Su Shen Heavy Arrow this time. However,

We have improved this heavy arrow and made it from pure stainless steel. Its strength is even better than the solid wood heavy arrows of the Sushen people!"

Hu Fan opened his eyes wide: "Is it you, Fat Chang Shi?"

Liu Muzhi shook his head: "No, you guessed wrong this time. This matter really has nothing to do with me. It was Ah Shou himself who was wandering in Nanyan. There were several people in Guanggu City who gave birth to the Yan Kingdom.

The old craftsmen of Sushen Land were plundered. They had the secret method of making heavy arrows inherited from their ancestors. The Murong family regarded them as slaves and beat and scolded them at will. It was Ah Shou who protected them many times. As a thank you, they gave them the secret method of making heavy arrows.

Xiang Xiang, and today, these iron arrows are arrows of revenge for them!"

This chapter has been completed!
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