1533. Go Love Like You've Never Been Hurt 1

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[Aunt Huanyan, if I can't make my father proud, if my career can't succeed, if I can only be an ordinary clerk forever, will my father be angry? Will my father feel that I am not worthy of being his daughter?


[You stupid kid, how do you want me to explain it to you?

Jasmine, listen, your dad only wants you to be happy, be happy, bravely pursue what you want, and love what you love!

Never be timid or discouraged, be yourself, you are the best!

That would be the greatest pride in his life!]

[Okay, Aunt Huanyan, I understand. 】

Jasmine nodded, gritted her teeth, and clenched her fingers, as if she had made some decision.

[Then tomorrow’s bidding meeting...you tell dad to watch TV.]

[Don’t worry, your dad will definitely watch TV.

I came up with a good idea and told him that Qingguo Qingcheng Company is one of our main rivals and asked him to watch TV to learn about their market situation. He has already agreed and I will keep forcing him to watch it, haha!

Okay, Xiao Mo, don’t talk so much. Tomorrow is the bidding meeting. Have a good rest today and appear beautifully in front of the world tomorrow!]

【Hmm. Then, 88~】

Jasmine nodded,


On the pure black keyboard, the ivory white, slender and powerful fingertips stopped typing.

Then, those deep eyes glanced at the black and white avatar on QQ again, with bottomless tenderness and love shining in their eyes.


Jasmine closed the dialog box.

She had no time to rest, and she was not in the mood to rest.

At this moment, her hands were moving like flying, and she was quickly typing out line after line of plans on the screen.

It took a full four hours until the entire prototype of the plan came out.

Jasmine took a long breath and then looked at the phone.

In fact, she had always wanted to watch it just now, but she didn't have the courage.

But what Aunt Huanyan said just now came to her mind again.

She said that as long as your dad is happy, be happy, be yourself bravely, love what you love, and don’t deceive yourself, then you will be the greatest pride in dad’s heart!

Jasmine said slowly in her heart, Dad, I want to make you proud, so I want to ask him one last question...

Daddy's girl can't be a coward!

She picked up her phone and dialed Huo Ziming's number.

The phone rang once, twice... With my eyesight, I felt as if my heart was being lifted up, hanging above the abyss.

She wants to expect an answer, but will there be the answer she wants?

She was so nervous, and every sound of the phone being connected was like a heavy hammer hitting her heart.

But after ringing five times, six times, and seven times, there was no response.

Then, a cold female voice came from over there:

Sorry, your call has been sent to voicemail.

Voicemail? What does voicemail mean?

Was it because he was busy right now that he didn't see it?

But it was noon now, and Jasmine refused to give up and continued to fight.

But every time I fight, the result is the same.

Later, when she dialed the number, she was connected to voicemail.

Jasmine gritted her teeth, and her unwillingness to admit defeat came into play again.

She picked up her phone and started texting Huo Ziming.

After hesitating for a long time, I typed like this:

【....I'm sorry, I was too tired last night. I only saw the text message you sent me today.

Also, was it you who was waiting at my door last night?】

This chapter has been completed!
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