254 Young Mistress Situ Steals a Man! 3

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Huanyan felt that her heart was beating so fast that it was about to jump out of her throat.

At this moment, the stage changed to the next scene...

A beam of light came straight through the box.

The box, which had been so dark that I couldn't even see my fingers, suddenly became illuminated.

Through this beam of lavender light, Huanyan could clearly see the appearance of the man in front of her.

Her blood suddenly solidified.

The man in front of him has a pair of narrow eyes, which are always curved, and his clear eyes are amber.

It seems that no matter what happens, no matter how dirty the world is, there will always be clear sky and warmth in those eyes.

It's so clear, like a lake in autumn, with countless small fish swimming around.

The thin lips were pursed gently.

People say that people with thin lips are unfeeling, but with such lips on his face, instead of feeling unfeeling, he only feels as beautiful as the cherry blossoms blooming in spring.

His skin is extremely fair and seems to melt into the air at any time, but it does not appear too feminine.

In the past, Huanyan once thought that if there really was a beautiful boy who came out of comic books, he would look like this when he grows up.

He is as clear and handsome as a boy, but he is more responsible and responsible than the boy in the comic book, and he is calm and reliable.

A white shirt with no too many complicated decorations and a tightly buttoned collar. It seemed like him to be strict, conservative, traditional and solemn.

However, the shirt outlines his chiseled figure, broad shoulders, and elegant back.

Some people in this world are just like that, they don't need any extra decoration at all, and they have already made everyone confused in the world.

This person is none other than Xiao Yunnuo whom she has been thinking about for five years!


How could Xiao Yunnuo appear here? Huanyan was stunned for a moment!

She never expected to meet him under such circumstances.

Although after I married Situ Chenjue, I thought that since we all belong to the upper class in City A, we might always meet in a tight intersection at any banquet, and we would not be spared.

However, this moment was too sudden, and the greatest sense of joy, happiness, and anxiety overwhelmed her mind!

She could only open her big eyes and stare blankly at the man in front of her.

I hope to keep this second in my mind forever and bloom a flower that will never wither!

There was a slight pain in her heart, as if a bud was about to burst out of the ground.

Senior Xiao, he saved her again...

Just like that autumn dusk five years ago, he saved her, and his gentle and broad embrace became the paradise she most yearned for in her heart.

Because it is so beautiful, it makes you want to cry when you touch it.

But the next second, Huanyan sensitively realized that in Xiao Yunuo's eyes, she was Ye Xiaoyu!

Yes, Xiao Yunnuo has never been able to forget his sister. Even in interviews, he openly expressed that he still can't forget her. It must be that he didn't know that he knew that her sister was coming to the theater today, so he kept silently.

He followed behind, guarding his sister.

Even if his new love, Wen Yuner, knows about it, he doesn't care.

This friendship really makes people sigh!

————We are here today

Senior Xiao is here, and the stories in the future will be even more exciting~~~~~~~

This chapter has been completed!
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