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202, water impermanence

"It's not impossible to have a cheap price." Zhang Yao leaned on the pair of mice and said, "But I have requirements."

Mouse glanced at Brother Zhang, then smiled and said, "Speak it out and I'll listen."

"I can reduce the price of these things to a range that you can accept, but I will have exclusive rights to purchase all equipment for your department in the future. And I will be responsible for all infrastructure projects. Of course, I will also be responsible

All your design work and design projects are free." Zhang Yao said seriously: "And I can guarantee that no matter if I cooperate with anyone else in the future, the equipment and technology provided will not be more advanced than yours. In other words, you

All the best technology and equipment available.”

Zhang Yao's conditions cannot be said to be unattractive, but they involve infrastructure. There is plenty of oil and water here, and the rat is well-connected. Will the top of such a huge piece of cake be given to such a stranger?

, this is a big problem.

"Are you worried that the superiors won't give you everything?" Zhang Yao chuckled: "That's quite simple. When the crime rate increases and ordinary weapons gradually become unable to fight against them, those officials will know what to do.

Done. You can talk to your boss directly. If they still insist on having their own way, then you can find a way to lead your people to resign. Don’t worry, they will invite you back soon, because there is no one else in the world except you.

If they can handle this kind of thing, it will be useless no matter how ruthless they are."

Zhang Yao is no longer the rookie she was more than a year ago. She is now even more proficient in the things here than rats, and the more critical point is that the higher-ups now want to control superpowers, but the problem is that if there are no rats

These people, they have a dark eye on this thing.

Of course, it's not that they can't go to those people in the sect, but let's talk about the problem separately. Among the people in the sect, one is that there are very few people who can handle this problem, and the other is that they are reckless people who are used to being free and loose.

It's hard to be controlled, let alone being a hawk for the court.

"Don't worry, I won't let you make the decision. You just need to bring this matter up, and you can introduce me to the rest." Zhang Yao leaned over and said with a smile: "I will handle the rest.


The mouse looked back at Brother Zhang, which meant he was asking for his opinion. Brother Zhang was spinning an egg in his hand. When he saw the mouse looking at him, he laughed and said, "You guys take it yourself."

It’s a good idea.”

"Well, let me go and report it."

Mouse was not a procrastinating person, so he went to contact him immediately. Zhang Yao sat there and ordered a glass of Salty Lemon Seven. While drinking, he said to Brother Zhang: "Do you think I have become too careless?"

And utilitarian?"

Brother Zhang always had the same expression, neither nodding nor shaking his head, just silently playing with the eggs in his hand.

"You really think so." Zhang Yao put her arms on the table: "If we change things, what do you think I should do?"

"I don't know." Brother Zhang looked up at her and slowly lowered his eyelids: "I think you did a good job."

Zhang Yao took a sip of the drink and looked at Brother Zhang with a smile. After looking at it for a while, she suddenly asked: "I am also a person with ideals, but I am a mortal and cannot be as leisurely and comfortable as you gods.

There are too many things that I have to fight for my dream, whether it is the development of those things from scratch, the difficulties faced by the superior officials, or the inability to do anything when faced with funds."

She said, took a deep breath, leaned back on the chair and looked at the night sky outside the window: "I have invested almost 200 million in it, but now there is not even a trace. 200 million is enough for me to have enough food and clothing for the rest of my life."

To survive. I was ridiculed and ridiculed when I communicated all over the world. A group of dog men were waiting to see my jokes and take advantage of me. I am already very tired."

"Take a rest when you are tired."

"No." Zhang Yao waved her hand: "I am a mortal, and mortals are not qualified to talk about rest. Speaking of which, many things begin with a hot head. Okay, I won't complain to you, let me have a flower sausage.


Brother Zhang nodded, turned around and took out the small sausage. He used a knife to change the knife and fried it on the iron plate until it looked like a small octopus. Then he sprinkled a little chili powder and pepper. This is the flower sausage that Zhang Yao wanted.


She sat there eating in small bites, staring blankly outside.

Seeing her appearance, Brother Zhang smiled. Zhang Yao, who was worried, looked a little lonely, but it was inevitable. But to be honest, Brother Zhang felt a little envious in his heart, because she

No matter what, he is touching his dream step by step. But Brother Zhang still doesn’t know what he wants. What is missing is the joy and achievement of achieving his goal through his own hard work and a little bit of struggle.


This is probably the reason why people cannot share the same joys and sorrows. People in the world will definitely envy his omnipotence, but they can’t imagine the boredom and rules behind this omnipotence. Because what is displayed in front of him is almost an accident-free


However, Brother Zhang is a very good listener. He likes others to tell stories to him. Because he has no experience, most of the time he plays the role of a good listener. He can ask questions from time to time, and most of them can do the job.

Very good atmosphere group effect.

It's a bit interesting to say it, because he is probably the highest-status atmosphere group in the world.

"Actually, if you really want to find excitement, you might as well go and have sex with me. I will ensure that you live a fulfilling life every day."

Zhang Yao once again sent an invitation to Brother Zhang, but Brother Zhang shook his head and refused, not because Brother Zhang had any scruples but because he knew that he could not help at all.

"You, you are really contradictory." Zhang Yao finished eating the flower sausage and took out a few paper towels to wipe her oily lips: "On one hand, I am trapped in my own little world and suffer, and on the other hand I keep refusing to go.

Experience in a new environment.”

"Actually, not really." Brother Zhang rarely opened his mouth to refute her: "Actually, I quite like my own little world. I like it here. I have never said that I am in pain. All my pain is just imagined by you. I

It’s not like I haven’t been exposed to a new world, but…”

Brother Zhang looked up at the ceiling and let out a long breath: "My personality and the way I deal with people may be a little incompatible with the world itself."

"Then what are you afraid of? Go and have fun, go and play 'Master Zhang pays for all the purchases today', go and play 'Today even the King of Heaven will have to kneel down in front of me', you can obviously do whatever you want."

"Very low-level."

"Hi." Zhang Yao shook her head: "How about you become a more advanced teacher and become a teacher?"

Brother Zhang was laughing so hard that everyone else in the store was frightened by his attitude, because they rarely saw Brother Zhang with such a wild smile, as if he was possessed.

"There are many things you can do in the world. You choose the industry you like the most and then expand your business."

Brother Zhang sat there holding his chin, with a really troubled expression on his face: "I'm filming a movie now, I think it's okay."

"Movies are not suitable for you. If you really become famous, you will be harassed by others. Your character is not suitable for you." Zhang Yao shook her head and said: "Otherwise."

Brother Zhang nodded: "I'm all ears."

"Don't you like being a chef? You should expand your business and stop selling roast chicken all day long."

Mr. Pi, who was eating chicken next to him, suddenly trembled all over. He raised his ears and raised his head, holding half a chicken leg in his mouth: "Woo hoo..."

"Don't show your teeth!" Zhang Yao pressed her head down, and then continued to say to Brother Zhang: "Develop some special menu, for example, after one, three, fifty-two o'clock, you can introduce some special dishes.

What kind of volcanic stone roasted phoenix eggs?”

Brother Zhang scratched his head: "Can it still be like this?"

"Of course." Zhang Yao patted the table and said, "As long as your thoughts don't slip, there are always more methods than difficulties. If you think your life is trouble-free and you don't want to leave your little shabby shop, just expand your business. Why don't you have a meal?

A set meal that can increase your power by 10%, a drink that can detoxify you when you eat it, and a drink that can make you drunk all night and have a huge dream. Do you think it is a bestseller or not? And you still have to show it.

If you provide high-standard services and don’t provide services, even if the king of heaven comes, you sit here and if he doesn’t like it and says he won’t do it, then you won’t do it for him. Princes, generals, high-ranking officials and generous salaries are all left to you.

You just sneered in front of me."

Brother Zhang had already picked up the notebook at this time. He was listening, and his pen was flying on the notebook: "You continue."

"Don't you have a pair of glasses that suppress you and become a guardian? Put them on and play with the gods and Buddhas in the sky as a mortal. Is it exciting? Is it exciting? Is this a fast food restaurant? This is simply

It is a charge launched by the traditional catering industry to the comprehensive service industry! What do you want? If you want to be beautiful, a beautiful fruit will keep you young for three months. If you want to change your life, a cup of drunkenness will let you experience

Bring completely different lives. You can even customize your dreams. In your dreams, you can have as much money as you want. If you want to lead the revolution, lead the revolution. If you want to travel a thousand miles a day, you can travel a thousand miles a day. Let me ask you, is it exciting or not?"

Then Zhang Yao continued to describe: "When the time comes, you will expand this place a little bit. The downstairs floor will be given to Xu Wei, who will specialize in ordinary people's business. You will specialize in receiving custom customers on the second floor. What you have to do every day is to think about developing new products."

Products, perfect service content. It not only enriches oneself but also realizes the inner emotional needs. If the guarantee is not complete, it can also attract the beautiful female sword fairy to throw herself into her arms. Isn’t this good? Isn’t this okay? In this way, I will start an industrial revolution.

Courses, as the first term of the academy, a course worth 100,000 yuan will be counted as 1,800 yuan for you."

Brother Zhang scratched his head, then took out a plastic bag from the drawer. When he opened it, it was filled with hundred-dollar bills. He slowly counted out one thousand and eighty and handed it to Zhang Yao.

Zhang Yao was shocked at that time because she had not seen anyone use such a thing to carry money for a long, long time.

This chapter has been completed!
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