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205, group space roaming plan

 Brother Zhang has a total of seventeen groups, most of which were pulled by others. However, he is the leader of only three groups, namely: Milk Tea Shop Home Delivery, Wet Market Suppliers, and Chang'an Lane Security Team.

The rest are basically recruited by others, and some are organizational. For example, the Twelve Spirits actually have a group. This group doesn't talk much. Most of the time, they send out information about homework signatures every year.

Anyone who sees it will sign it. Another example is that there is a group in Chang'an Lane. This group mainly discusses which house in Chang'an Lane is vacant, which owner has moved, who has passed away, etc. No one likes this very much.

group, because as long as it makes any movement, it represents a separation.

There is also a group called Pi Pi’s Miaomiao House, where some young residents chat about gossip. Brother Zhang’s shop will also post news when new items are launched. Basically, it is here

The people are all patients who are heavily dependent on Xiao Zhang Ge’s milk tea shop.

Later, there was the Tianwang Laozi group, which was founded by Thunder Dragon, but because there were three of his ex-girlfriends in the group at the same time, basically no one in the group talked anymore, which was very embarrassing.

Of course, Brother Zhang can't remember those fragmented groups that don't chat much and have no practical significance, but he does have five groups that are very important. One is a B-level control sequence. The leader of this group is

It takes turns to be on duty, and whoever's turn it is is usually the main god of several regions who take turns to be the group leader. Brother Zhang is basically the top figure in the group, because some developments from above need to be reported to him.

There is also a group named Lost. Most of the people in this group are A-level restricted characters who have accidentally entered this world. There are not many people, but each one is a very terrifying existence. This group is considered a condominium of them.

Yes, everyone usually takes a breather and so on. After all, because they entered accidentally and could never go back, for them this world is already their home, so these people are also very careful to hide it.

They are also very good. They are usually very low-key and nothing special. They occasionally make appointments to go fishing and drink together. Although they are all A-level and super-A-level bosses, their temperaments are extremely peaceful.


The group that Brother Zhang is chatting with now is a multiverse connected group. It is a group jointly formed by civilizations with the ability to communicate across worlds. It uses the God King's information transcoder to combine information from different worlds.

The signals are unified after being relayed, and many approved civilizations will even establish contact stations here for communication.

Oh, it actually doesn’t matter. After all, everyone knows that the world with guardians is the main universe No. 0. Although there are many civilizations in other worlds that have already surpassed the main universe, it is still No. 0 after all. The face of the guardians is still

I have to give it to someone, set up an office or something here, firstly, I can observe the trends of the main universe, and secondly, I can give the guardian a thumbs up in time, and everyone will be happy anyway.

Oh, by the way. Brother Zhang also has a group shopping group, because Xiaoma’s hardware store used to serve as a community grocery shopping and express delivery station. Later, Xiaoma went to retreat, and the grocery shopping and express delivery business stopped. Now buy

They share the dishes and help fight the landlords.

"It's not difficult if you need these things, but if you want to turn them into vegetables, does that make it more difficult for you?"

Brother Zhang's questions in the group were answered, and they quickly entered into the discussion of today's topic. Brother Zhang didn't say anything anymore, because he knew that the idiots in this group didn't like each other.

, if you want to know something inside, you only need one person to take the lead, and someone will start talking to you. He doesn’t need to talk nonsense, just write it down. It’s similar to asking on those social platforms: I bet, three

There are no good headphones for under a hundred dollars.

Sure enough, after the first person finished speaking, someone immediately replied to the person above: "The more ignorant people are, the more absolute the world is. The 373 universe is a magical universe, and the alchemy in it can perfectly solve such problems.

I just happened to have been to Universe 373, and there are products there that can meet the requirements of the Guardians, but because the technology in 373 is so low, the Guardians may have to go there themselves."

Brother Zhang is crazy about being the sixth child behind the screen, and he remembers what others say.

After this person finished speaking, the person in front was of course unconvinced. He first said "Ouch" and then started to choke: "Really just move the keyboard. I have been to 373, then.

It's indeed magical, but why didn't you tell me about the difficulty of alchemy? You thought only 240 of you had investigated it, but you're just trying to trick people. If you have the ability, just come up with the formula."

"You really asked the right person, and I actually included it."

"It's good for you."

They went back and forth, but in the end the 240 Universe guy couldn't stand it anymore and transcoded the content he had collected and sent it to the group. He also liked Brother Zhang: "That's about it. I screened out a few

Suitable for your requirements. I'm not like a 106 person who can only use my mouth."

Brother Zhang thanked him repeatedly, but the messenger from Universe 106 also lost his voice.

At this time, Xu Wei stood nearby and watched Brother Zhang copying the formula. She asked curiously: "Brother, who are these people here?"

"They are messengers from other parallel universes who come here to be observers." Brother Zhang said while copying the recipe: "They are all ambassadors and enjoy ambassadorial treatment."

"Ah...does the country know?"

"I know, but ordinary people won't know." Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced at Xu Wei: "What's wrong?"

"Then what do the numbers in front of them mean? Are they in order?"

Brother Zhang shook his head, then raised his head and explained to Xu Wei: "They arranged it themselves. I also asked this question at that time. The explanation they gave me was that any disagreement in the main universe will create a new universe, and in

Before this bifurcation point, all the history of that universe is the same as that of the main universe, and they are ranked according to the time when their worlds were separated in the main universe, and they are known worlds, because there are countless worlds.

Not all worlds can possess space-time technology. Maybe there is a problem at a divergence point, and that world may no longer exist."

"Oh..." Xu Wei nodded hurriedly: "So that's it, what is our number?"

Brother Zhang handed the phone to Xu Wei. Xu Wei looked at Brother Zhang's nickname, and then exclaimed: "Brother, you are zero!"

"Ah this..." Brother Zhang silently raised his head with a strange expression: "I'm not."

"That's not what I meant. I meant that your name has the number zero in front of it."

"Huh..." Brother Zhang finally let out a sigh of relief: "Because it's the main universe."

Xu Wei thought it was so magical, so she asked Brother Zhang some questions. Brother Zhang, who was always good-tempered, would not refuse her, so he explained to her that only the main universe zero would give birth to a guardian. If the two

When two guardians meet, it means that the two main universes of No. 0 have collided, but theoretically this situation will not happen. The guardian is the king without seeing the king, because the power between the universes is equal, and the price of the two guardians meeting

It is very likely that the two main universes are finished together, and if the main universe is finished, then countless multiverses will be finished together.

"Why did they end up together?"

Brother Zhang lowered his head and thought for a while: "Because the physical rules of the main universe are the physical rules of the multiverse, and the rules of the main universe and the main universe are different, the guardian's cognition is the rule. When the guardian appears in

In other main universes, once there is a cognitive barrier, there will be a rule barrier, which is a huge bug. The two worlds will form a rule conflict and then disappear together."

"Rules..." Xu Wei muttered a few words in a low voice: "I don't understand."

"I don't understand either." Brother Zhang smiled and pointed at the phone: "They all told me."

After that, they happily discussed the recipes. It didn't matter whether they were regular or irregular, because they didn't understand. If you don't understand, you don't understand.

Brother Zhang needs to prepare about five dishes, and according to the content posted in the group, the food used to treat diseases and injuries needs to use something called dragon breath. Xu Wei thought it would be ambergris, but it looked like

After getting to know it, I discovered that the dragon's breath in the information sent by others is a kind of flower. This kind of flower only exists in volcanoes. It is said that there are fire dragons guarding it. It only blooms once a year, but the flowering period lasts for about nine months.

, and the characteristic of this flower is that it can heal the injuries of almost all magical creatures, and because of the special growth environment, only some super monsters in that world will cultivate some.

The second type of repair is not difficult. The data shows that there is something similar to this effect in their alchemy classics. The main raw material is the skin of the giant sea beast Ananda Dragon.

That stuff is easy to buy around the Bay of Bengal. Boiling the skin of the Ananda dragon into gelatin, and then adding the juice from a hard oriental grass, can repair the bodies of almost all monsters. However,

Because it is molted, the repair effect can only last for a short period of time. Fortunately, the Ananda dragon's skin is not too precious, because it is 900 kilometers long and needs to molt once every two years. The skin contains a large amount of

The glue will float on the sea and will eventually be harvested by people. The most difficult thing in the data is the hard grass from the East.

According to the content in Detailed Explanation of Alchemy, it is said that the hard grass in the East can grow to tens of meters high and has a hollow center. The reason why it is difficult to obtain is that the East area is a forbidden area. There is no communication with the outside and no one can enter there. Only one is allowed to enter every year.

Some hard grass can be smuggled out by manpower, so it is expensive and has no market.

"Does this mean bamboo?" Xu Wei pointed to the introduction on her mobile phone: "Hard grass, tens of meters long, hollow. It can grow several meters a day."

"I think it should be..."

Xu Wei thinks these things are so magical, because... bamboo, which is obviously worthless, can actually be said to be something that exists in the sky and on the earth.

"The world line is different, and the cognition will be different." Brother Zhang said with a smile: "But this seems to be quite easy to solve."

"How about you take me to play."

"Isn't it a bit dangerous? Let me ask."

Brother Zhang quickly asked people in the group who had been to 373 to see what the situation was like there. The observers all talked about it, and Brother Zhang and Xu Wei quickly pieced it together.

The general appearance of a 373 universe.

First of all, their civilization took another route, which is what everyone often calls the magic route. Using magic and spells as the route, their technological level will naturally not be too high, because all the smart people have gone to become immortals, so their dynasties have changed.

It is a very long journey. The South Asian subcontinent is still under the rule of the Mauryan Dynasty, and the level of science and technology is still at the level of a thousand years ago. It is relatively primitive and barbaric. It is not recommended for women to go.

"Haha..." Xu Wei couldn't help but laugh when she saw their chatter: "They are so interesting, so I won't go. What else is there?"

Brother Zhang handed her the note. The note said that there is a kind of magic monkey over there in 373. The bones of the magic monkey are ground into powder and mixed with an herbal extract. It can quickly improve people's abilities. However,

The effect of this thing also varies from person to person, and the degree of improvement for each person is different. Some can break through the bottleneck all at once, while some can only effectively treat constipation.

It's just that the bones of the demon monkeys are not easy to get. Firstly, these demon monkeys are intelligent and can even communicate. Many top experts will not hunt intelligent creatures. Secondly, the average height of these demon monkeys is about

About seventy meters tall, they all live on islands in the Pacific Ocean. Not only are they powerful in combat, there are also other strange and powerful creatures on the islands, so the effects of this thing are only recorded in legends.

"Isn't this King Kong?" Xu Wei opened her eyes and said, "No, no, that's too cruel. The handsome boy from Skull Island is still very cute."

"Well, I will find a way to replace it." Brother Zhang shook his head and said, "I won't even kill the chicken."

"That's right... they have already prepared your roast chicken and sent it over."

After Brother Zhang finished speaking, he looked at his notes for a while, and Xu Wei suddenly asked: "Then how do you get there? Is there any way?"

"Backyard." Brother Zhang said without raising his head: "You can go to all the places I know in the spiritual fantasy realm."

"It's so convenient..." Xu Wei said with envy: "I still don't know how to control it, but Zhang Yao knows it."

Brother Zhang just smiled but did not answer, because he knew that Zhang Yao was really just scratching the surface, and the effect of the spiritual realm was far beyond their imagination. It could even be said to be the number one treasure in Brother Zhang's hands.

Electric vehicles ranked second.

After knowing the approximate product distribution, Brother Zhang first completed all the shooting plans for the past few days, and then he said hello to Wugenshui and said that he would be back in about five days. This small request was not just made casually.

That's right, so Wugenshui agreed without thinking. After all, the shooting plan during this period was very smooth. Brother Zhang's acting talent was strongly affirmed by the old director. The shooting cycle has been greatly shortened. Now

His scenes were almost finished, and he was just waiting for the movie to be released, but the director patted his chest and said that if the movie didn't make the protagonist famous, he would just jump into the Pearl River.

After arranging to get together, Brother Zhang entered the bamboo forest carrying a big backpack. He casually put some bamboo in the backpack, and then disappeared into the world.

His first goal after entering was Long Xixiang, but he had never seen this thing before, so he could only go there and ask about it. When entering the 373 world for the first time, Brother Zhang was somewhat curious.

After he appeared on the street, he was surrounded by people immediately.

As the group said, the overall development progress of this era is probably at the level of a thousand years ago, but the occult science here has evolved very sophisticatedly. Science is not enough for metaphysics. You can see a large number of them on the street.

The arcane store.

"Catch this spy."

Brother Zhang couldn't understand the language of the people here, but he could automatically receive their spiritual information. After hearing this sentence, he immediately looked back to one side and saw several people dressed in completely different clothes.

Move quickly in his direction.

As an investigator, Xiao Zhang didn't want to conflict with anyone, so he just took a step back and the person disappeared into the shadows. After seeing this scene, the people around him started talking a lot.

But while they were discussing, Brother Zhang had already walked out from another street corner. His clothes had become the same as those of the people around him. Even the backpack behind him had turned into a big cloth bag, and the glasses on his face had changed.

When I picked it off, it looked like a local aborigine.

Dressing up is easy to solve, but speaking and writing is difficult. Brother Zhang can indeed receive spiritual information, but if you can't communicate with others, it's also very difficult. You can't rely on dreams, right?


So he stood on the side of the road and kept absorbing various information from the minds of people passing by, and then put the basic content of this information into his own memory. The whole process only took fifteen minutes, and Brother Zhang had already put this information into his own memory.

I have almost mastered the regional languages ​​and characters.

With this learning ability, he always felt that if he had the chance to take the college entrance examination, he would definitely be able to enter a double first-class university.

After knowing the language and writing, he began to wander here. By comparing the surrounding terrain, he knew that he was actually in the boundary of Suzhou. Judging from the prosperity, Suzhou was a prosperous place no matter where it was.


And if you look carefully, there are indeed many places selling cultivation supplies in this place. The density is about the same as a stationery store. There is a dazzling array of things in there, many of which he has never even heard of.

"It seems that I came to the wrong place." Brother Zhang opened the note and read it. Nothing on it was found here. If he guessed correctly, the thing the observer gave him was the South Asian subcontinent version, and he came here

The location is the East Asia area...

But it’s nothing. You should walk more and see more. This place is quite interesting, so I’m not in a hurry to find the materials over there. I can just explore here for a day or two before going there. It’s not possible to get there.

When the time comes, just ask Ananda Dragon for a piece of dead skin. It won't be so stingy, right?

This chapter has been completed!
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