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Chapter 363 Hello Teacher Zhang

 People are all very weird. Take Brother Zhang for example. He can actually restrain many desires very well, but he is always tossing himself. More importantly, his tossing is often not for the sake of

Desire is simply driven by interest.

It's just that some things turned out to be really boring, such as working a nine-to-five job or going to film a movie. He found this boring and naturally had no idea of ​​continuing.

And no one will persuade him to calm down, because once people are silent for a long time, they will explode and become world-weary. Ordinary people's world-weariness can only be complained a few times, but if he is world-weary, then the world will be

It really hit Q. Not to mention anything else, just what the spiritual creature he created because of his depression would be like. This idea was something that no one else dared to imagine because it was too exaggerated and terrifying.

Therefore, he can basically have a perfect explanation for everything he does. In addition, he has a strong sense of proportion, so no one will object to any of his decisions.

Becoming a teacher was something he came up with on the spur of the moment. After all, he had wanted to be a student before, but the problem was that the person who taught him might not be able to withstand the pressure, so he just became a colleague of the teacher.

"If you go, I will go too."

That night, Jin Mei was sitting in a small restaurant drinking. After hearing about Brother Zhang's recent activities, she immediately expressed that she was also very interested. Although she had no experience in teaching, her knowledge reserve could definitely cope with the situation.

All courses from primary school to university, even calculus and philosophy. Don’t ask, just ask if you live long enough and have seen everything.

Brother Zhang placed a cup of brewed plum wine in front of her, then sat down and said, "You can try them all. What are you going to teach?"

"Well... teach me French. I'm fluent in French."

Brother Zhang raised his head and glanced at her, then asked curiously: "Isn't it possible to do other things?"

"It's okay, but it's just hard to choose." Jin Mei raised her head and drank the small wine in the cup: "I won't say anymore, I'll go back and think about what I'm suitable to teach."

Two equally boring people do hit it off in some aspects. Brother Zhang has no business here, and there is no chance that Jin Mei will have any interest there, because when there are fewer people eating, there are not many people drinking coffee.

People are destined to be few and far between. And as these bad days continue and cannot be changed by changes in people's willpower, Jin Mei has to find something interesting to do.

However, her interests and those of Brother Zhang seem to be different. In comparison, Jin Mei's interests are all focused on learning. In the past few years in the lower realm, she has been growing at a rate dozens of times that of ordinary people.

When it comes to learning knowledge, in Zhang Yao's words, if Jin Mei hadn't been lacking in imagination, she would definitely have become the best scientist.

But there is no other way. Lack of imagination is a common problem among their group. After all, with long life spans of tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands or even hundreds of thousands, these immortal species have long lost the desire to create, and imagination is what creates.

It is a prerequisite for creativity. Without imagination, creativity is impossible.

"Let's go now. You can go to work in a few days and explore the way for me." Jin Mei said as she kicked the pumpkin seeds that Brother Zhang had prepared for her for drinking into her pocket:

"I'll have a courier pick it up for me tomorrow. They're for the seasonal clothes I bought every year. The clothes you bought are really ugly."

After saying that, she left. Brother Zhang looked back and glanced at Nian Nian, who was watching short videos with Xiao Honglong not far away, and muttered: "It's not too ugly..."

But maybe it’s not ugly, but it’s just not suitable. After all, after the summer vacation, she will go to junior high school every year. According to the growth pattern of normal children, the human form is changing every year. Although she is still a newborn.

The Nian beast has been a baby for hundreds of years, but in human form it already looks like a big girl, but she is still wearing a pink coral velvet jacket with red dots and bear biscuits on it. To be honest, it is a bit childish.


It's no wonder that Jin Mei thinks her clothes are ugly.

After three days of idleness and idleness, Brother Zhang received a call from the school, telling him to report to school within three days. Brother Zhang was not a big-name person. After receiving the call,

He immediately started making preparations. The first step was to find Teacher Lin, who had become the vice principal.

Teacher Lin is not an ordinary person. He has been in love ever since he fell in love and has been in love for a long time. In the past few years, he has been focusing on work, otherwise he would not have become a teacher in charge of education at a young age.


Hearing Brother Zhang's question, Teacher Lin said naturally: "Actually, it's not that difficult to be a teacher. The textbook is your outline. One-third of the time you spend talking about the content in the textbook, and one-third of the time you talk about the textbook.

By focusing on the last content and leaving another third of the time to teach the content outside the textbook, you are basically halfway to success.”

"What about the other half?"

"Then it just comes down to practice making perfect."

Brother Zhang nodded to show that he understood, but then Teacher Lin added: "The biggest difficulty of being a teacher is not how to teach students well, but how to deal with the relationship with students. The teacher's KPI is the student's performance. You

If you don’t have a good relationship with students, don’t expect good grades. So a teacher’s ability is partly teaching ability and partly interpersonal skills.”

"Is that so..." Brother Zhang suddenly panicked, because he didn't know much about interpersonal relationships, so he could only ask weakly: "Can we invite them to dinner?"

Teacher Lin laughed a few times: "It's not impossible."

After getting the affirmative answer, the remaining work is to start preparing clothes and daily wear. No matter what kind of school it is and no matter what kind of students it faces, in Xiao Zhang's concept, being a teacher should be upright and upright.

Exactly, that kind of stage-style big T-shirt paired with crotch ripped jeans will definitely not work. After all, what people want is a teacher, not a rapper.

In the end, he had to choose from a few sets of big white shirts and ancient suit pants that he had bought for a long time. They paired them with a father's suit and a pair of gold-rimmed glasses, which greatly affected his physical condition.

Brother Zhang, who stopped at the age of twenty-one, looks at least fifteen years older.

But how can I put it, Brother Zhang's physical condition and fitness are there, and his temperament is a bit cold. Although his clothes are not fashionable at all, when he wears them, he has the feeling of a polite scum, especially that

A pair of gold-rimmed glasses, when placed on the eyes, immediately changes the person's style.

"Okay, okay, now you look like the defense lawyer of the villain in the TVB TV series. You have a badass temperament, which is good."

Brother Zhang ignored Thunder Dragon's teasing and just turned to the mouse and said, "Untie Pippi in five days. If you go on, she won't be able to get out."

"Okay." Mouse nodded and said, "Is there anything else you want to tell me?"

"No, it's not like I won't get off work."

Just like that, the day of registration came in a blink of an eye. Brother Zhang got on his little electric donkey at 6:30 in the morning and drove slowly on the way to school wearing a mask and helmet.

Because it was too early, he also had a simple breakfast, a rice roll and a cup of soy milk.

And just like that, it was only half past seven when we arrived at the school. Looking at the school without even a sign at the entrance, and the drowsy security guard standing guard at the entrance, Xiao Zhang was in a daze for a long time.

After all, this is the second time he has stepped into school after more than ten years. Although this school is not what he imagined, at least this can be regarded as a big breakthrough in his life.

After almost another hour, nearly all the faculty and staff at all levels had arrived. The principal first convened a general meeting and briefly explained the school's positioning and future goals.

The general idea is that although this is a special school, the people who enter here are all teenagers of the right age and still need to have modern knowledge and common sense. Moreover, Principal Yan also gave clear instructions that all students who come out of here must

Have the ability to independently take the college entrance examination and maintain the level of junior college or above.

Although this is just a major, you must know that the students here are not ordinary students. They spend a lot of time on practice, so this puts very high demands on the teachers' methods and methods, which must be within a limited time.

Create higher learning efficiency in less time.

In Principal Yan's speech, Brother Zhang learned that the current number of students in the school is 670, covering all age groups from the first year of junior high school to the second year of high school, and the number will continue to rise in the future, with the saturated number being about 3,000.

, so it is relatively easy at this stage, but there may be a shortage of teachers in the future, etc.

The last step is to allocate classes. Although students are not yet in place and there are only four classes per age group, work arrangements still need to be handled in advance, and there needs to be a communication process between teachers of each subject.

Brother Zhang was not the class teacher because he was relatively young. He was assigned to be a member of the history group. The leader of the group was a short middle-aged man in his forties, who seemed to be recruited from the grade group of a star school.

They have a long history and relatively rich experience. There are only eight people in their history group, and these eight people are responsible for the teaching tasks of all classes in five grades.

After the meeting, Brother Zhang went to the office. After all, they still had a grade meeting to hold. During the meeting, he roughly observed the surrounding situation. There were eight people in the history group and the group leader.

There are six men and two women, with an average age of about forty. Brother Zhang is the youngest in the group. He is not very talkative, and there must be a generation gap... so during the meeting

At that time, he remained silent throughout the whole process, and it was because the team leader added the word "taciturn" after his name.

About a week after he registered, at the end of March or the beginning of April, the school started to admit students, all the supporting facilities started to operate, and the students' courses were arranged, and this day

It’s the time for Brother Zhang’s first day of class.

He taught three classes in total, two classes in junior high school and one class in high school. The third class on Monday morning was the day when he first stepped onto the podium. This was a sophomore class in high school, belonging to the Oriental stream. The students were about

They are all between fifteen and sixteen years old. Forty people are not too many, but because they are all young people in this top rebellious stage and with some ability, the class is very difficult to manage. In the first period in the morning

The head teacher during class was so angry that they cried.

In this regard, Brother Zhang's treatment was not much better. He was booed as soon as he walked into the classroom, but he didn't care. He just walked up and wrote his name on the blackboard.

Of course, you can't use your own holy name in this place, so the name he uses when working here is Zhang Lei, which is very popular and has no characteristics, but it is easy to remember.

"Hello everyone, I will be your teacher for a long time in the future. You can call me Teacher Zhang."

Brother Zhang opened his mouth to introduce himself, but there was a commotion below. Everyone was doing their own thing, some were wearing powder, some were chatting, and some were touching up their makeup with makeup mirrors. No wonder, these little bastards

Everyone knows what it is made of. If you weren’t a top student in your original school, you wouldn’t have been fooled by such an unknown special school. With these students from all over the country gathered together, you can imagine what the result will be.

What a scene.

But Brother Zhang had a good temper, and he was not angry. He just put his hands on the podium and continued: "Now I will call the roll call. Those students who are called please stand up and let me take a look."

But at this moment, someone started to boo: "What's the use of calling everyone by name every day? We're here to learn magic, and we don't even attend cultural classes. You guys can go wherever you like, just don't bother us."

Someone started to respond immediately, and Brother Zhang looked at the person who spoke with a smile: "Then what magic do you know?"

"You can know what I know?"

Brother Zhang shook his head and said with a smile: "So it sounds like you are all very powerful?"

"How can you be chosen here if you are not awesome? Have you never heard of Harry Potter? Isn't this our magic school?"

A girl next to her took over the conversation, and then she said while trimming her nails: "They say you have talent. If you don't have it now, you will definitely be a master in the future. Haven't you seen those people in the news?"

Brother Zhang nodded: "He is very handsome."

After saying that, he suddenly changed the topic and continued: "By the way, do you know that 65% of you will be eliminated in the end?"

The room suddenly became quiet, and Brother Zhang said calmly: "Starting this year, the country will have a special tactics team training plan. Each city will have about 150 people. The name is

Xunying. As the name suggests, this is a rapid response force that specializes in superpower crimes. Just think about it. As much science fiction as science fiction and as much advancedness as possible, the world's most cutting-edge experimental weapons will be given priority to them.


When the people below heard this, their eyes shone brightly. After all, these people are all brave and fierce.

But the next words made the group take a breath. Brother Zhang smiled and said: "As far as I know, Xunying's entry threshold is very high, either a first-class third-level superpower user, a mystic mage, or

It’s Grade C and it has a bachelor’s degree or above. So, now you decide for yourself whether you want to continue, and then I’ll call the roll.”

This chapter has been completed!
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