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519, it’s chaos, it’s all chaos.

 The high-level team was reorganized overnight. The ordinary team could not handle some very difficult tasks at all, and everything was in chaos overnight. Then many people were temporarily transferred to the high-level team. Most of these people were regular watchers.

Among the people who appear to be average but have very high daily ratings, some are even praised to the sky in the report.

But this time their abilities seem to be... a bit abnormal. For example, the special case that occurred in southern Anhui was originally assessed as requiring only one high-level team to easily solve it, but this time all four teams were killed, and the death toll exceeded

Twelve people, but that thing still exists.

Similar incidents increased day by day, and the group lost more and more employees day by day. In the end, many people simply ran away after receiving the tasks, not daring to complete these tasks at all.

This incident caused quite a stir. Some people said that the group was failing, some said it was the start of a great purge, and some said it was an opportunity to eliminate dissidents.

But what exactly is going on, the people below have no idea. Because the group is too big, with tens or hundreds of thousands of employees, the teams in each branch base may not be able to recognize it all within themselves, let alone those in other places.


Compared with the temporary high-level team that suffered heavy losses, the ordinary team did not have any special reaction. They still faced the mandrill, ghost, and water monkey every day, and there was no challenge at all.

Logically speaking, Brother Zhang's group was going to be broken up, but luckily they were demoted to an ordinary group a few days ago due to a rowing expert's mistake, so they escaped the storm, also known as

In order to have the most comprehensive combat team in existence, and a special case occurred not far from their station today, the person in charge of the Bashu region bypassed the regional person in charge and directly issued combat orders to them.

"Please be sure to go to the scene of the incident as soon as possible to control the situation. If circumstances permit, approve the implementation of the annihilation operation."

After receiving the notice from their superiors, the team, who were having a barbecue and watching an outdoor movie on the farm, were summoned by Fairy Girl to get ready, and this time they were equipped with new equipment.

Because Long Danchen has a branch task to compete with Zhang Yao, Zhang Yao has biological materials from another world, and Aguo has a universe-level computer, so Aguo started to develop corresponding weapons and equipment after the game industry was on the right track and they made some money.


As a competitor of Zhang Yao's military industry, A Guo is still a little immature, so he needs a long period of actual combat verification of weapons, so Xiangu and others who often have combat missions are targeted by A Guo.

In fact, there is no agreement reached. Domestic affairs were originally assigned to Brother Zhang's jurisdiction. A Guo is also considered to be Brother Zhang's subordinate, so I just asked them to help verify the performance of the weapon.

As a talented young man, Ah Guo has developed a weapon system that is completely different from Zhang Yao's. All of Zhang Yao's weapons are basically physical routes and use different modules for combat according to the corresponding application scenarios. The advantage is that

Modular replenishment is convenient and quick to respond, but the disadvantage is that it has high precision and must be returned to the factory if it is damaged. However, Aguo's weapon system is more inclined to the magical route. He uses super powerful computers to simulate the operation methods of some related superpowers, and then performs superpower operations.

weaponized applications.

Therefore, his weapons have obvious traces of the magical world. For example, the tractor gun uses the super power controlled by the mind to pull objects through the air to complete defense or offense. If the tractor gun module is installed in the tactical pocket on the back, it can also become a three-dimensional

The mobile device, Tata Kai knows, is the thing inside that is used to deal with giants.

In addition, there are projectile guns that can produce a continuous explosion point. The principle is to project an energy seed to a predetermined location and then the seed will be detonated at that place. However, it is not an explosion but a continuous bubble. This bubble

The bubble may be a high-energy flame or a power grid, but it is very magical anyway.

Of course, this is only a small part, and the overall weapon progress is still a little behind Zhang Yao's, but in the near future, the two sides should be able to form a healthy competitive relationship.

But the biggest headache for A Guo is that even though his weapon direction is different from Zhang Yao's, he still has to buy her compressed energy balls to supply energy, which is the spirit sword stone. This is something he can't get around for the time being.

The things he drives are also the biggest weakness in his entire weapon system. Once Zhang Yao stops selling things to him, his weapons will be paralyzed. So during this period, Aguo is busy worrying about new intensive energy issues, but this is not just a matter of time.

It can be solved in half an hour, so Ah Guo has not promoted his products on a large scale for the time being, so as not to anger the Queen of Arms.

But in fact, A Guo didn't know that Zhang Yao was also one of Brother Zhang's... The competition between them was just fighting each other. It was impossible to run out of stock because her side had already had excess production capacity.

"Get ready."

Seeing that everyone in the team had arrived, Xiangu looked down at the time and said, "While you are getting ready, I will tell you about this mission arrangement. A murder occurred in PZH City earlier today. According to JC

The investigation results lead to a local factory. After investigators came to the door, they encountered resistance and many people were injured. Those injured by it will become like this within a certain period of time."

Fairy Gu handed the phone to them: "See for yourselves."

There is a humanoid-like creature in the photo on the phone, but it can be clearly seen that it is not human. It has black-gray skin and a huge mouth. The proportions of its limbs are obviously out of proportion. When standing, the lower limbs cannot be completely upright and require forelimbs to move.

Auxiliary, looks like some kind of monkey.

"This is caused by corpse poison."

Jiang Piaozhou recognized it immediately after reading it: "This is a kind of rigidity. It is a very low-level rigidity, but it can be completed in such a short time. It seems that this zombie is very capable, but if it is a zombie of this level,

It should be intelligent and will not attack people easily. It seems that someone was doing research on this zombie, but it was killed by the zombie. An angry zombie will take the initiative to attack people."

"After all, it's better to row a boat." Fairy Girl nodded: "You are well-informed."

Hearing Xiangu ask him to row a boat, he hesitated several times, but finally stopped fighting, because the video of him sitting on the ground rowing a boat and asking his brothers to cheer has been used as the background of everyone here in the circle of friends these days.

Click on it and what you see is what you get.

He is a swordsman god who specializes in aloof and abstinent style. Suddenly one day he became the happy backdrop for making friends in other people's circle of friends. Most people would definitely not be able to stand this, but who let him fool around and eat?

The test report has come out. The hallucinogenic ability of the fungus fruit is more than 170 times that of that ice pill, and its analgesic ability is 27 times that of caffeine. It is delicious, not addictive, and can effectively relieve pain.

It can even have a powerful killing effect on other pathogenic bacteria and viruses. It is originally intended to benefit mankind. Otherwise, if someone picks wild fruits and eats them, can you blame others if they are poisoned? You cannot blame them, so

Although there was a hundred reluctances in the boat's heart, the boat was done and the board was set in stone, so he naturally accepted the situation.

But it’s okay, Jiang Muzhou Jiang Muzhou, if this name is translated into vernacular, wouldn’t it still mean boating, so sometimes he would laugh at himself and think that from now on, his surname would be Jiang Muzhou, the word rowing, and Longzhou Zhenren.

I guess that’s not unacceptable.

"Okay, everyone has read the mission briefing. The junior team cannot effectively kill the targets that appear there, and it is difficult to use range weapons in densely populated areas at the urban-rural fringe. It is still the same as before. We have to enter the encirclement."


"Fighting zombies?" Brother Zhang asked curiously.

"I don't know the exact number, but it is said to be quite troublesome."

Brother Zhang hummed: "Let them send you the address."

As soon as they heard Mr. Zhang say this, they knew that Mr. Zhang was going to teleport again, so Xiangu quickly sent the location of the incident to Brother Zhang. After Brother Zhang made some adjustments, the four of them held hands and were teleported.


Not to mention other things, just Brother Zhang's teleportation technique really saves a lot of things. As for why he can teleport, this is an idealistic worldview. Who cares about that and doesn't expect it?

It's about killing people and grabbing treasures, and now it seems that Brother Zhang's mobile phone is not the fundamental element of the transmission. The fundamental element should be a friend in Brother Zhang's mobile phone. Is it possible that this killing and grabbing treasures can also capture other people's good friends?

Don't really kill people and seize the treasure when the time comes. If a good friend didn't take it away, it would be a bit overwhelming if a hundred or dozens of strong men with extremely outstanding abilities were handed over.

But speaking of it, the friends on Brother Zhang’s phone seem to be very strange. Last time, I found an old man with a white beard who used a selfie as his profile picture. He asked Brother Zhang for a batch of powerful goods he had just received.

No, Brother Zhang declined. This is a bit strange, isn't it, but everyone is too embarrassed to ask what those powerful goods are. After all, although Brother Zhang looks young, he is still in his thirties after all.

I'm a man, I'm middle-aged, right...

They quickly teleported to the periphery of the factory. The place had already been surrounded by three floors inside and three outside. The surrounding people had also evacuated, and a layer of light green gas was visible to the naked eye floating inside.

It smells like chlorine gas, and there is a faint rancid smell in the air.

The surrounding JC and ordinary team members had already put on gas masks, and the person who introduced the situation to Xian Gu said that these gases should be corpse gas. People will be infected with corpse poison after smelling it, which is very powerful. Fortunately, these corpses

The gas is very heavy and will only be deposited on the bottom layer and will not move around. Even if it enters the drainage pipe, it will only enter the river. The self-cleaning ability of the river does not care about this little bit of corpse gas.

"Have you got a feel for what's going on inside?"

"not yet."

An ordinary team member looked back and held out a finger: "There is about this amount in it. We can only report it to the chemical plant for leakage."



The fairy girl nodded and waved behind her: "Guys, let's get started."

When they entered, they all put on gas masks. Since they were not regular ghosts, they did not need to deal with them separately. When they entered the factory area, the place was already deserted and there were only lights.

It still lights up suddenly.

The surroundings were quiet and there was no movement. They followed the traces of chaos on the ground and slowly groped deeper. The little Taoist priest said through the gas mask: "It stinks, can you smell it?"

Needless to say... the stench here is really so bad that even a gas mask can't isolate it. Waves of strong rancid smell sneaked up along even the smallest cracks. The little Taoist simply pulled off the gas mask and knotted his hands.

Seal: "Avoid dust!"

With a whine, an egg-like space formed around her, with no yellow corpse air inside. She gasped for air, then took a deep breath and said, "It's suffocating me to death."

Seeing her like this, several other people also pulled off their gas masks and clasped their hands together: "Jiangang!"

A green aura flashed around him, dispersing the corpse energy around him and making him feel a lot more comfortable.

Brother Zhang is simple. He took out a mask from his pocket and hung it on his mouth and nose. This thing is the latest product from Zhang Yao. It can also be regarded as a very special gas mask, which can filter almost without obstacles.

Toxic gas, and the filtration effect is very good. It has been approved for sale. The market price is about 20,000 yuan. Not to mention expensive, this thing sold out as soon as it was launched, and the supply exceeds the demand.

"With such thick corpse energy, the old monster inside is probably very troublesome."

Xiangu was the only one among the four who wore a gas mask. Because he had severe rhinitis, he couldn't smell the stench coming from under the gas mask, so he didn't need to take it off at all, and he didn't have any usable spells or equipment.

, it would be embarrassing to take it off.

"Prick it with three knives and six holes!" The little Taoist priest's copper coin sword suddenly appeared in her hand: "Fighting zombies is my special skill of Fu Lu Sect."

But this time, the little Taoist seems to have thought simply, because this zombie seems to be a little different from the others...

The closer they got to the center of the target, the higher the concentration of corpse gas. Outside it was still yellow-green corpse gas, but when they got here it was already olive green, and they could feel an obvious sense of stagnation when they walked over.

There were ripples like water.

"I doubt this is a zombie attack." Xian Gu bent down and reached out to hold a handful of corpse gas: "Is this a fucking chemical plant leak?"

"Aren't you afraid of being poisoned by corpse poison? How about holding it with your hands?"

The fairy spread her hands and said, "I'm wearing gloves."

While they were talking, someone who was lying on the ground suddenly stood up beside them. He slowly sat up, turned his head and looked at them unsteadily, and then took a deep breath and swayed.

stood up.

"Be careful." The little Taoist priest waved his hand to protect Brother Zhang and the others behind him: "He has evil spirit in him!"



This chapter has been completed!
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