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Chapter 1033 Battle of Bile Town (Part 2)

After Villemore learned that the troops of the fifth company were easily defeated by the Soviet army, he asked Becker angrily: "Captain, what's going on with your troops? They don't even have the courage to fight in the face of the Russians who are rushing up?"


"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, there are many reasons why the fifth company was defeated." Becker naturally understood the reason why his unit was defeated in a short period of time, and quickly defended: "They lacked anti-tank weapons and did not have decent fortifications.

There was no way it could stop the Russian tanks rushing over."

"This is not a reason." Villemo said sternly: "We rushed here in a hurry, and indeed we did not bring any anti-tank weapons, but couldn't we find them in the town? Tell the soldiers that we must use all means to eliminate the Russians.


Becker grabbed the phone on the table and called the third company: "Captain, the Russian tanks are rushing towards you. You must find a way to stop them."

"Report to the battalion commander," the third company commander reported: "I have ordered people to plant explosives on the road and detonate them as soon as the Russian tanks enter the explosion area. In addition, we also found a Russian 45mm

Anti-tank guns, I plan to use these equipment to deal with Russian tanks."

"Captain," Becker suddenly felt more at ease after learning that the Third Company was ready for anti-tank operations: "Then I'm waiting for your good news."

The third company faced the third battalion of Marine Corps commanders commanded by Shamrich. They followed more than twenty tanks lined up and rushed towards the German position.

When the tank was less than a hundred meters away from the German position, there were suddenly several loud explosions. Then Shamrih, who was rushing at the front, saw a cloud of flying sand and rocks covering the tank in front of him.

Then a dark red flame with black smoke penetrated the tank body and came out.

Seeing the tank leading the way, it was blown up. The commanders and soldiers hurriedly lay down on the spot to avoid being fired by machine guns on the German position. When Shamrih saw his men lying down, he turned around and shouted at them:

"What's wrong with you, comrades? Are you frightened by the German bullets? You know, they haven't started shooting yet. Everyone stand up and follow us forward. The army has broken through the German defense line. Is it possible for our navy to still

Can't you beat them?"

After Shamrih's simple mobilization, the commanders behind him stood up first and rushed forward. Seeing that the commanders were taking the lead in the charge, the soldiers were embarrassed to continue lying on the ground without moving.

Besides, this was also related to the honor of the navy, so everyone stood up, shouted "Ula" and charged forward bravely.

The German soldiers hiding in dilapidated buildings or simple fortifications saw the Soviet infantry rushing up, and they quickly began to fire desperately, trying to block the opponent's path with intensive firepower. For a time, rifles, machine guns, and submachine guns were fired.

There was a loud sound of shooting.

The tanks that were clearing the way in front saw the German firepower in the town, so they stopped and fired at the enemy with their muzzles. After a series of gunshots, the machine gun firepower with the most ferocious firepower was all blown up into the sky by artillery shells.

Seeing that the firepower on the enemy's position became sparse, Shamrih quickly raised the rifle in his hand high above his head and shouted loudly: "Brothers, move forward, brothers, follow me!"

Under the leadership of Shamrich, the commanders and fighters of the third battalion quickly rushed into the position of the German third company and started hand-to-hand combat with the enemies hiding in the ruins or simple fortifications.

The German army's level of stabbing was already worse than that of the Soviet army. In addition, they encountered more powerful sailors. As soon as the hand-to-hand combat began, they were at a disadvantage. The officers and soldiers on both sides cursed desperately while using their guns in their hands.

weapons, and started a life-and-death fight with the opponent.

Half an hour later, the third German company that was holding on to this generation was almost completely wiped out. Except for a few soldiers who surrendered voluntarily, all the remaining officers and soldiers were killed.

Knowing that the position of the third company had also been lost, Becker said with some concern: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, the Russian offensive is very fierce. I am worried that we may not be able to hold on until the arrival of the new train."

"Don't worry," Villemo also felt strange in his heart. According to the plan, the third military train should also enter the train station at this moment. Why has there been no movement yet? He ordered the operator: "Get me through the third train immediately.

88th Grenadier Regiment Headquarters, I want to speak to the regiment commander."

The operator did not dare to neglect and quickly connected to the headquarters of the 88th Regiment. When the regimental commander's voice came from the earphone, he quickly handed the microphone and earphone in his hand to Villemo. "Hello, Colonel.

Sir," Villemo said into the microphone: "I have encountered a crazy counterattack by the Russians here. I wonder when your follow-up troops will arrive?"

"Mr. Lieutenant Colonel," the German commander said helplessly: "Our railway was damaged by the guerrillas, and the engineers sent to repair the railway were killed by Russian firepower. I sent a small force to eliminate the Russian snipers.

As a result, we stepped on a landmine as soon as we left the roadbed. All in all, we couldn't reach the train station as scheduled."

"What, you can't arrive on time?" Villemo was shocked after hearing what the other party said: "We were attacked by a Russian division here. If you don't come with reinforcements as soon as possible, I'm afraid we won't be able to support it for long."

Since Sokov used three battalions, each with more than a thousand men, so many troops launched attacks in different directions at the same time, which gave the Germans the illusion that the number of attacking Soviet troops was at least one division.

Seeing that the situation was not good, the German commander quickly replied: "Mr. Lieutenant Colonel, I will report the situation at the station immediately to the division commander. However, I think it is necessary to remind you that if the railway cannot be repaired in time, we will not be able to repair it in time."

Arrive at the train station at the specified time."

Without reinforcements, the German troops in the town could only rely on their existing forces to resist stubbornly. The few surviving officers and soldiers of the German third company hid in a corner, set up the 45mm anti-tank gun they had captured, and aimed at a vehicle from

The T-34 tank passing in front of them opened fire. The armor-piercing projectile accurately hit the side of the moving tank and caused the shell inside to explode. In a short time, the tank stopped on the spot and burst into flames.

These German artillerymen were happy for only two minutes when the anti-tank gun was commanded by a shell fired by a tank and was immediately blown to pieces. The artillerymen were either dead or injured and lay around the wreckage of the artillery, screaming in agony. They drove past.

One of the tanks quickly ran over these wounded soldiers, completely relieving their pain.

The battle in the entire town lasted for two hours and ended with the victory of the Soviet army. More than a thousand German officers and soldiers staying in the town were wiped out, including Lieutenant Colonel Villemore and Captain Becker, as well as more than 300

Soldiers became prisoners.

While the troops in the town were cleaning the battlefield, Sokov, who was staying at the command post, suddenly received a report from the observation post: "Comrade division commander, a troop has arrived from the south and is heading towards Bile Town."

"Coming from the south?" Sokov was stunned when he heard the observation post's report. Then he waved his hands and said, "It's okay. They should be reinforcements from the 21st Group Army. I will send someone to contact them."

This chapter has been completed!
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