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Chapter 1384 Leave the last bullet to yourself

Although Sokov found that he had no external injuries, he did not dare to move easily. He did not know whether he had suffered internal injuries. If he moved violently, his life might be in danger. Therefore, he felt that the best option at hand was to

He just lay on the ground motionless, waiting for the search troops to greet him.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," Sokov asked the pilot beside him with a sideways look after lying on the grass for a while: "Do you know where we are now?"

The pilot thought for a while and replied: "Comrade General, when the plane made an emergency landing, I took a rough look at the surrounding terrain. It was about ten kilometers southwest of your headquarters."

Hearing what the pilot said, Sokov immediately thought that the troops stationed southwest of the headquarters were Colonel Chuvashov's 98th Guards Division. Logically speaking, what happened in the air just now should have been seen by the commanders and fighters on the ground.

Upon arrival, as usual, they should immediately send people to search for the crashed plane.

But before he left, he told Samyko to ask Chuvashov and others to go to the headquarters to collect the military flag belonging to their division. Since the division commander was not in the army, the time for sending the search team would definitely be delayed.

Sokov raised his hand and looked at his watch and found that it was already one o'clock in the afternoon, and there were only three hours left before the attack started. Although he was not in the headquarters, as long as Samek was there, the attack plan could proceed as scheduled.

At this moment, he felt extremely regretful. He was lying in the wilderness, not knowing when someone would come to rescue him. He couldn't know the progress of the battle in time.

While he was thinking wildly, the pilot suddenly sat up with his arms supporting his body and whispered to Sokov: "Comrade General, did you hear anything?"

The plane made an emergency landing in a forest clearing. Sokov listened for a moment, turned to the pilot and said: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, I didn't hear anything except the sound of the wind blowing through the forest."

"It's not the wind," the pilot shook his head and said, "Comrade General, listen carefully."

Sokov concentrated and listened quietly to the movements around him. In addition to the sound of the wind blowing through the forest, he also heard the slight crackling sound of the burning aircraft wreckage not far away. Just as he was about to tell the pilot, in addition to

Apart from the sound of the wind and the burning plane, I really didn't see anything else. Suddenly I heard a sound coming from the forest in the distance, which seemed to be the clicking sound of human feet stepping on dead branches.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," Sokov said happily to the pilot after hearing this voice: "It should be a search and rescue team sent by the nearby army to look for us."

"That's not right, Comrade General." But the pilot still shook his head and said: "Your troops are stationed in the northeast, but the footsteps in the forest come from the forest in the southwest..."

From the pilot's words, Sokov thought of the most undesirable situation: "Could it be the Germans?"

The pilot nodded slightly and replied with a wry smile: "I think they are Germans."

Seeing that the pilot also thought they were Germans, Sokov's heart beat faster than expected. He pulled out the Tokarev pistol from his waist, checked it quickly, and then looked warily at the direction where the sound came from.

Instinctively prepared for battle.

"Comrade General, how are your marksmanship?" the pilot asked Sokov with a wry smile: "Listen to the noise, the number of Germans is still quite large. I'm afraid we won't be able to repel their attack with just our two pistols."

"It's a pity that I didn't bring the assault rifle with me when I came out today." Sokov said angrily: "Otherwise, even if more than ten or twenty German soldiers came, I could easily handle it."

"I only have five bullets in my gun." The pilot ignored Sokov's words and asked, "How many bullets are in your gun?"

"Eight rounds." Sokov looked at the pilot and thought with some confusion. The ammunition capacity of this Tokarev pistol is eight rounds. Why does the pilot only have five rounds of bullets in the chamber?

The pilot saw Sokov's confusion and explained to him: "Comrade General, it is difficult to use the Tokarev pistols we wear, so even if we fire, we will not replenish the bullets in time. Really.

I didn’t expect that I would encounter something like this today. If I had replenished my bullets in time, I would have killed at least one or two more enemies, so even if I died, I wouldn’t have any regrets.”

"Comrade Second Lieutenant, don't worry." Sokov comforted the pilot and said, "My troops are nearby. When they see a plane crashing, they will definitely send people to search and rescue them. As long as the search and rescue troops can arrive in time, then they will come."

No matter how many enemies there are, there is no need to worry."

The pilot looked at the forest in the northeast, then said with a wry smile: "Comrade General, I estimate that the enemy will come faster than our people. I will save the last bullet for myself."

The footsteps became clearer and clearer, and soon a dozen people walked out of the forest to the southwest. From their clothes and the weapons they held, Sokov instantly recognized them as Germans.

Looking at the German soldiers who were carefully approaching in a dispersed formation with their guns in hand, Sokov felt desperate. He knew very well that with just the two pistols in his and the pilot's hands, he could fight off the approaching soldiers.

More than a dozen German soldiers are simply a fantasy.

He thought desperately in his heart: It's over, it's all over now. When the battle starts, he will soon become a corpse, and he will never see his subordinates again, nor the people far away in Moscow.


Seeing the enemy getting closer and closer, Sokov's heartbeat became faster and faster. He raised his pistol and aimed at a soldier walking at the front, preparing to wait for the enemy to get closer before firing, trying to ensure that the bullet was not missed.

Fat, this way even if you die, you can still draw a lot of German soldiers to support you.

Before the German search team could approach the burning plane, Sokov was startled by the sudden sound of gunfire. He turned to glare at the pilot and said sternly: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, the enemy is still outside the effective range. You

Shooting now is a waste of our precious bullets."

"I'm sorry, Comrade General." The pilot who was criticized by Sokov said apologetically: "I was too nervous. Please forgive me."

The sudden sound of gunfire caused the German soldiers to be confused for a moment, but they were well-trained after all. They immediately fell down on the spot, lying on the ground and fired back in the direction of the bullets. For a moment, dense bullets hit the ropes.

Near Cove, mud and grass clippings stirred up by the fierce fighting were scattered all over him.

Sokov lay tightly on the ground, daring not to move, lest he be hit by enemy bullets. When the pilot saw Sokov lying on the ground motionless, he followed suit and did not fire again.

After the German soldiers in the distance fired for a while, they found that there was no movement here. They thought that the Soviet pilot who fired the gun was shot to death randomly, so two soldiers got up from the ground, bent over, and walked cautiously towards this side.


Looking at the two German soldiers approaching, the pilot asked Sokov anxiously: "Comrade General, the enemy is coming, should we shoot now?"

"Wait a minute," Sokov knew that the pilot had no experience in ground combat, so he took this opportunity to teach him: "Our bullets are limited, wait until the enemy gets closer, so that we can hit the target more accurately."

"Comrade General, are you going to lie down like this forever?" After all, the pilot had no ground combat experience, and he had never seen German soldiers at such a close distance. Seeing that the two German soldiers were only ten meters away from the plane, he

He couldn't help but fire another shot. Of course, with his shooting skills, the bullet flew to nowhere.

The German soldiers, who were already highly nervous, fell to the ground when they heard the sound of gunfire, holding the submachine gun in their hands and shooting wildly at the location where Sokov and the two were.

Amidst the intensive gunfire, Sokov suddenly heard the pilot behind him grunting, and quickly turned around and asked: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, what's wrong with you?"

"I was shot in the leg." The pilot gritted his teeth and said, "But it doesn't matter, it seems that no bones were injured."

Knowing that the pilot's injury was not serious, Sokov felt relieved and reminded him: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, the shooting accuracy of a pistol is not as good as that of a rifle. Only when the enemy is close can you hit the target."

. Before I shoot, you must not shoot again. We don’t have many bullets. If we shoot them all in one go, we will become prisoners of the Germans. Do you understand?"

"I understand, Comrade General." The pilot said with a wry smile: "I still have three bullets in my gun, which means I can still fire two more shots. This time, I will never shoot before you.


The German soldiers fired for a while and found that Sokov and the others were motionless. They thought they had been shot to death this time. This time, everyone stood up and walked towards Sokov and the others with their guns in hand.

come over.

Seeing that the two German soldiers who had just explored the path had already walked to the burning plane, the pilot was about to ask Sokov when he could shoot, but he heard Sokov yelling: "Shoot!"

As soon as he landed, Sokov had already raised his pistol and pulled the trigger at the two German soldiers.

After two gunshots, the two German soldiers fell to the ground. Then Sokov ran towards the corpse of the German soldier on his hands and knees. He carefully pulled out a submachine gun from the corpse and pulled out the magazine.

He looked at it, then put it back in, then hid behind the corpses of the German soldiers and shot at the German soldiers who were coming in a dispersed formation.

The German soldiers originally thought that the pilot only had a pistol and did not pay attention to their enemies at all. However, Sokov fired a round of fire and knocked down four or five soldiers. The remaining soldiers were so frightened that they had to lie on the ground and shoot at them.

Sokov fired back.

After Sokov finished firing a magazine, he grabbed another submachine gun and fired bursts at the German soldiers lying on the ground in the distance. Unintentionally, he turned around and saw the pilot crawling to his side at some point.

While shooting, he asked loudly: "Comrade Second Lieutenant, can you change the magazine?"

"Yes, Comrade General." The pilot quickly replied: "Although my marksmanship is not good, I can change the magazine."

"Take off the magazines from the Germans and put them on that submachine gun." Sokov said to the pilot: "With these magazines, I believe we can sustain until the reinforcements arrive."

In this way, when Sokov was strafing the Germans, the pilot changed the magazine of another submachine gun on the side; when Sokov had fired all the bullets in the submachine gun in his hand, the pilot handed him the submachine gun with the magazine replaced.

Ensure that the firepower is not interrupted. The German soldiers in the distance feel very aggrieved. There are only two people on the other side, but they rely on a submachine gun with constant firepower to suppress themselves and cannot move.

When Sokov took the submachine gun with the magazine replaced from the pilot's hand for the third time, he suddenly heard the roar of the engine of an armored vehicle coming from the direction of the forest behind him. Sokov was shocked and thought horribly.

He said: "Did the enemy touch us from behind?"

I turned around and saw three German armored personnel carriers rushing out of the forest, filled with Soviet soldiers wearing helmets. The armored vehicles drove to a place more than thirty meters away from the forest and lined up.

The gunmen used vehicle-mounted machine guns to suppress the German troops lying on the ground in the distance with intensive firepower. The soldiers on the vehicle jumped out of the vehicle, quickly formed a battle formation, and trotted over.

"Comrade Second Lieutenant," seeing this scene, Sokov said excitedly to the pilot: "Our reinforcements have arrived!" After saying that, he picked up his submachine gun and fired wildly at the enemy in the distance.

The Soviet troops who came for reinforcements were not only three armored vehicles, but also followed by a dozen three-wheeled motorcycles, which were also filled with soldiers. Behind the motorcycles, there were groups of infantrymen, who shouted loudly

He rushed out of the forest.

The German soldiers, who had been suppressed by firepower, continued to fight when they saw the Soviet troops, who were much more numerous than themselves, arriving for reinforcements. Immediately, several soldiers got up from the ground, turned around and ran back.

I hope to run into the forest as soon as possible so that I can escape the fate of being killed or captured.

But they forgot that this was an open space with no obstructions. As long as they stood up, they would be a living target. Therefore, these soldiers had not gone very far before they were beaten into pieces by random shots.

Seeing that their comrades were killed by random gunfire, the remaining German soldiers did not dare to get up and run away, so they could only continue to lie on the ground. When the Soviet commanders and soldiers rushed in front of them, they threw away their weapons and stood up with their hands raised in surrender.


Seeing that the enemies had laid down their weapons and surrendered, Sokov got up from the ground, took a few steps forward with his gun in hand, and wanted to see if all the enemies had been captured. However, he heard someone from behind shouting loudly: "

Comrade Commander, Comrade Commander!"

Sokov turned around and saw that it was Samoilov sitting in the sidecar of a three-wheeled motorcycle, coming towards him.

The motorcycle stopped five or six meters away from Sokov. Samoylov jumped out of the sidecar, rushed towards Sokov, and asked loudly: "Comrade Commander, are you okay?"

Sokov shook his head, "I'm fine." But as soon as he finished speaking, the pain that had been ignored during the battle spread throughout his body again because of his relaxation. His body swayed, and then he fell back.

Fortunately, Samoylov had quick eyesight and quick hands. He rushed over in time to help Sokov, then turned his head and yelled at the top of his lungs: "Military doctor, military doctor, come here quickly——" Samoylov's shout and hearing the news

The military doctor who arrived turned the scene into chaos.

"Comrade Lieutenant," the military doctor rushed to Sokov, carrying a small suitcase, and said to Samoilov, who was supporting him: "Hurry up and let Comrade Commander lie down, and I will check his body."

This chapter has been completed!
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