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Chapter 1391 Standing still and waiting for help (Part 2)

If in the past, Sokov had learned that one of his troops had lost contact, he would have handed over the affairs of the headquarters to Sameko and personally led the troops to search and rescue, but this time there was no such thing in his mind.


The reason is very simple. He flew privately to the enemy's defense area to conduct reconnaissance today, and was beaten down by an enemy fighter jet. He had just received a lesson from Zhukov, and he did not dare to commit crimes again. In addition, he knew very well that as a senior commander,

If a commander always runs forward, not only will his life be in danger, but due to the limitations of his field of vision, he will not be able to control the overall situation in a timely manner, making it difficult to effectively perform his duties as a commander.

Although he could not go to the front line in person, Sokov, as the commander, could not ignore the loss of contact between the two elite troops. Although Fomenko promised to lead the troops to the compass direction of Kazachya as soon as possible,

But who knows if he will miss the opportunity for some reason?

It was out of this consideration that Sokov, after pondering for a moment, asked Sameko: "Chief of Staff, how many usable cars do our logistics department have now?"

"Car?" Samyko was stunned for a moment when he heard Sokov's question, and then understood what he meant: "Comrade Commander, do you plan to use a car to transport the troops and rush to Kazachya Compass as soon as possible?"

"That's right."

After receiving Sokov's affirmative answer, Samyko immediately picked up the phone and contacted the Army Logistics Department to learn from the director of the logistics department how many vehicles were still available.

After a while, Samyko covered the microphone and reported to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, I have asked the director of the logistics department, and he said that one hundred and forty vehicles can be mobilized within half an hour."

"One hundred and forty cars?" After Sokov repeated the number, he said with some regret: "Although it is a little less, it is better than nothing." He raised his head and looked at Samyko, "Tell the director of the logistics department to let him

He transferred these vehicles to the defense area of ​​the 188th Division in the shortest possible time."

After Samyko waited for Sokov to finish speaking, he carefully reminded him: "Comrade Commander, are you wrong? You should provide cars for the 84th Infantry Division that occupied October Town, rather than a few kilometers away from October Town."

The 188th Division supported by several kilometers.”

"Comrade Chief of Staff, do you think I am old and confused?" Sokov said with a serious expression: "I am worried that General Fomenko may not be able to assemble his troops and rush to Kazachya Compass in a short period of time. And Gucha

Cove Camp is affiliated with the 188th Division, and it is a matter of course for Colonel Koida to lead the troops to rescue his men."

Regarding Sokov's statement, Samyko knew very well that Guchakov was Sokov's old subordinate brought over from the 21st Group Army. The other party's behavior, which went against common sense, was to remove his direct descendants as quickly as possible.

The troops were rescued from danger. He nodded and said: "Okay, Comrade Commander, I will convey your order to the director of the Logistics Department." After speaking, he released his hand covering the microphone and said, "Logistics Department

Comrade Director, the commander ordered that all vehicles that can be mobilized be immediately driven to the defense area of ​​the 188th Division to transport them to the fighting area."

After calling the director of the Logistics Department, Samyko contacted the division headquarters of the 188th Division and relayed Sokov's latest combat order to Koida. Koida was grieving over the loss of contact with the Guchakov Battalion.

Feeling worried, after hearing the order conveyed by Sameko, he immediately replied resoundingly: "Understood, Comrade Chief of Staff. As soon as the car from the Logistics Department arrives, I will immediately order the 562nd Regiment to wait for the car and rush to Kazaqi

Look for the Guchakov camp in the sub-compass direction.”

"Misha, Misha." Before Samek put down the phone, he heard someone at the door anxiously calling Sokov's nickname. He turned around and saw that it was Yakov who had never been able to reach him.

When Sokov saw Yakov's appearance, his face showed joy. He quickly stepped forward to grab his arm and said excitedly: "Yasha, you are back!"

"Yes, I'm back." Yakov said to Sokov apologetically: "Misha, I'm so sorry. We got lost in the forest and wasted a lot of time. Not long after we arrived at the designated place

, a tank unit went south along the road and came to join the Guchakov Battalion..."

"Yasha, are you saying that the Guchakov Battalion has joined forces with the special tank battalion of the Guards Tank Corps?"

"Yes." Yakov nodded and said in a positive tone: "After they met, they drove south along the road, probably to seize the Kazakhya Compass. Seeing that nothing happened, I took my men with me

The man came back in the hovercraft."

Knowing that the Guchakov Battalion and the Special Tank Battalion had joined forces, Sokov felt somewhat at ease. But not long after he felt relaxed, his expression became serious again: "Yasha, the Chief of Staff said he has been calling you.

, but I still can’t get in touch, what’s going on?”

"Misha, I'm responsible for the fact that I can't be contacted all the time." After listening to Sokov's question, Yakov took the initiative to admit his mistake to him: "The hovercraft was traveling too fast, which caused poor reception of the radio station, so I

The radio station is ordered to be turned off while driving and cannot be turned on again until we stop at a certain location."

"Comrade Commander," Samyko, who had finished the phone call with Koida, reported to Sokov after hearing clearly what Yakov said: "I have given the order to Colonel Koida. They are waiting.

As soon as the car arrives, we will leave immediately.”

Yakov had stayed in Sokov's army for a long time, so he naturally knew the names of the commanders of each division. When Samyko said that Koida's troops were about to set off, he asked curiously: "Misha, are you going to

Where will the 188th Division be transferred?"

"Where else can we be transferred, of course, to the direction of the Compass Town of Kazachya." Sokov explained to Yakov: "The Guchakov Battalion and the Special Tank Battalion have been out of contact for almost an hour."

"What, the Guchakov Battalion and the Tank Battalion lost contact?" Yakov was shocked when he heard this: "Misha, what on earth is going on?"

"I don't know either." Sokov shook his head and said, "We have never been able to get in touch with them, so I can only send the 188th Division to reinforce them."

"But when the two armies joined forces, there were no enemies around." Yakov asked with some confusion: "Why did they lose contact inexplicably?"

"I don't know the specific situation," Sokov said thoughtfully: "But I guess they may have exchanged fire with the enemy in the direction of Kazachiya Compass Town, and the situation was very bad, otherwise

They won’t suddenly lose contact.”

"Loss of contact?" Sokov's words reminded Yakov of the humiliating scene when he was captured, and he asked tentatively: "Misha, tell me, have they been annihilated by the enemy?"

"Annihilated by the enemy?" Yakov's bold idea shocked Sokov, but he quickly waved his hands and said: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Don't look at the compass heading to Kazachya

The troops in the direction of the town only have one infantry battalion and one under-staffed tank battalion, but even if the enemy's strength exceeds theirs several times, it is impossible for them to be annihilated by the enemy in such a short period of time. I guess they are already trapped at this moment.

It has been surrounded by German troops and is struggling to hold on, waiting for our rescue."

"Since they were not destroyed by the enemy, why can't they be contacted?" Yakov continued to ask.

Regarding Yakov's question, Sokov immediately linked it to the film and television dramas he had watched in later generations. The main reason for the loss of communication between troops deep behind enemy lines and the rear was that there was a problem with the radio. So he said thoughtfully:

"Maybe the battery of the radio is dead, or the radio was damaged during the battle."

"What about the tank battalion?" Yakov continued to ask: "Even if the infantry battalion's radio is destroyed during the battle, the tank battalion can always contact it, right?"

"Still unable to contact," Samyko interrupted, glanced at Sokov, and said cautiously: "If according to the analysis of Comrade Commander, the command tank of the tank battalion may have been destroyed by the Germans during the battle."

"Is there really such a coincidence?"

"It's completely possible." Samyko found out the intelligence sent back by the scouts yesterday. He shook the intelligence and said to Yakov: "Comrade Colonel, this is the intelligence sent back by our scouts. According to their

According to reconnaissance, the German army deployed two regiments of the 106th Infantry Division in the town of Kazachya Compass. If the Guchakov Battalion and the Tank Battalion rush into the town, the possibility of being surrounded by the enemy is very high."

"So that's it. Then how long will it take for the reinforcements of the 188th Division to arrive at Kazachia Compass Town?"

After taking a look at the map, Sameko replied: "It is about fifty kilometers from the 188th Division's station to the Compass Town of Kazachia. From the beginning of the assembly, it will take about two hours to reach Kazachia.

Zachia Compass Town.”

"Two hours?" Yakov closed his eyes and recalled the two troops he had seen. He nodded slightly and said: "With the strength of these two troops, they must hold on for two more when they are surrounded by the enemy."

For hours, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

Just when Sokov and others were worried about the fate of Guchakov's troops and nervously mobilized their troops, the Soviet troops trapped in the hospital in the Compass Town of Kazachya were being attacked by the German army.

The hospital in the town covers an area of ​​about 30 hectares and is surrounded by iron fences. It has only two entrances and exits. Coincidentally, facing the front is a three-story outpatient building. The Soviet commanders and fighters occupying the building can enter from

The window blocks the main entrance with firepower, causing enemies who try to rush in from here to pay a heavy price.

As for the four-story hospital building, facing the back, the soldiers of the guard company who are stationed inside can also use firepower to block the back door, preventing the enemy from entering the hospital smoothly.

The remaining seven tanks of the tank battalion and the commanders and fighters of the second company stayed in the green belt between the two buildings, using the flower beds and fountains here as cover to eliminate the German soldiers who tried to climb over the fence.

When the German division commander learned that his men's attacks all ended in failure, he couldn't help but become angry and called the commander of the main offensive regiment in front of him and cursed: "Major, there are only two or three hundred Russians in the hospital, and you have enough

A regiment has been unable to attack for a long time, what is going on?",

"Your Excellency, Division Commander," the German commander said with a sad face: "The Russians hiding in the clinic building were too fierce in firepower. My troops rushed in several times but failed to successfully rush in."

"Where are the tanks? Don't your regiment still have a few tanks? Why don't you use tanks during the attack?"

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, it's not like you don't know that we are an infantry division, not an armored division." The regiment leader hurriedly explained: "Our regiment only has two tank companies, equipped with outdated No. 3 and No. 4 tanks. Soon,

Before the attack in front of us, I sent a Panzer IV tank to cover the infantry charge into the hospital. Unexpectedly, as soon as we hit the gate, it was destroyed by the Russians in the building with anti-tank weapons."

"Anti-tank weapon?" the division commander asked in surprise: "What anti-tank weapon?"

"It seems to be called a rocket launcher. It is said that the destruction of the Imperial Division, the Skeleton Division, and several armored divisions was due to the heavy losses of this anti-tank weapon."

Although the division commander had not seen the Soviet rocket launcher with his own eyes, he had learned about it through other channels and knew that what the regiment commander said was true. He hesitated and said: "Since the front entrance attack has been frustrated, you can choose to attack from the back door?


"The back door has also been tried, and the Russians in the building are still equipped with such weapons." The regiment leader quickly reported: "Two of the three armored vehicles we sent were destroyed by rocket launchers, and only one escaped by chance."

"You can't enter the hospital through the main entrance or the back entrance," the German division commander said reluctantly: "Then you can try to use tanks to knock down the hospital's fence so that the infantry can rush in. You know, their troops are limited and they can't block it at the same time.

We attack from several directions."

"I'm sorry, your Excellency, division commander, this method still won't work." The regiment leader said in a fit of laughter and tears: "They have deployed several tanks in the green belt between the two buildings. As soon as they see our tanks appear, they will fire immediately...


"Their tanks can fire, and our tanks can also fire!" When the division commander heard this, he immediately became anxious: "Although our tanks are not as powerful as theirs, their numbers far exceed theirs. Two tanks attack one at the same time.

I don’t believe there’s no way to destroy them?”

"Your Excellency, Division Commander, this Russian tank seems to be the latest model. Our No. 3 and No. 4 tanks fire at a distance of 500 meters, and the armor-piercing projectiles fired cannot penetrate its armor at all. But it only needs to fire one shot to hit the target.

If we hit the target, our Panzer III or Panzer IV can be destroyed."

"Hell, what a hell." After hearing what the regiment commander said, the German division commander was furious. He shouted at the chief of staff of the division who was standing aside: "Chief of staff, call the artillery regiment immediately and order them to fire at the hospital.

, I blew the hospital into ruins." He said with a ferocious face, "I don't believe that the Russians inside can survive after the hospital is reduced to ruins."

This chapter has been completed!
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