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Chapter 1424: Fire Burns the City (Part 1)

Konev's Steppe Front and Vatutin's Voronezh Front used 2,300 artillery pieces to bombard the German frontal defense positions in the early morning.

Listening to the rumble of artillery in the distance, Samyko asked Sokov for instructions: "Comrade Commander, the main force has begun to attack Kharkov. When will we take assistance?"

"Don't be anxious, my comrade chief of staff." Seeing Samyko being so anxious, Sokov said to him with a smile: "The enemy is still eyeing the Compass Town of Kazachya. As long as they do not retreat, we will not be able to launch an attack for the time being.

.Otherwise, if the two sides start to attack each other, the battle may fall into a stalemate."

After saying this, Sokov raised his hand and looked at his watch and asked: "Is Polubyarov here?"

Samyko glanced at the entrance of the church, then shook his head and said: "Comrade Commander, I haven't seen his shadow yet." As Sokov's chief of staff, he naturally understood what the other party meant by asking this question.

Meaning, he quickly added: "When I called him just now, I already understood the situation. The three tank brigades have entered the attack position, and the mechanized brigade is on the march. It will reach the designated position at ten o'clock in the morning at the latest.


After listening to Samek's report, Sokov nodded slightly, "I estimate that we will not be able to launch an attack on the enemy before ten o'clock. Even if the mechanized brigade's actions are slower, it will not delay the major event."

"Comrade Commander, which division do you plan to assign as the main offensive mission?"

Nowadays, the troops of the 27th Group Army are basically gathered near the Compass Town of Kazachya. Sokov has not really thought about which division will be the main offensive. After all, the German army is still attacking the town. At this moment, considering attacking, there is something to be said

Too early. But now that Samyko asked about it, Sokov still stared at the unit numbers on the map for a while, then raised his head and said to Samyko: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I'll attack Derga if I see it."

The strange task was handed over to Colonel Shechtman's 254th Infantry Division."

Naturally, Samyko would not object to Sokov's arrangement. He nodded and said, "I think it is very appropriate for the 254th Infantry Division to be responsible for the main attack mission."

"Since you have no objection, call Colonel Shechtman and ask them to prepare for the attack."

While Samyko was on the phone, Sokov asked Lunev who was sitting next to him: "Comrade Military Commissar, are our political workers ready to take over the city?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Lunev said proudly with a smile on his face: "Don't worry, our political workers have long been prepared to take over the city. As soon as the battle is over, the city will be ready

The supply of water, electricity and materials will be restored in the shortest possible time."

Lunev has always been responsible for local work. Now that he heard that he was so confident, Sokov naturally felt very at ease. However, he felt that he still needed to discuss some details with Lunev.

Just as the two were studying how to resume normal production and life as soon as possible after occupying the city, General Polubyarov appeared at the door of the church. He stood at the door and looked around, and saw Solo in the corner.

Cove and others quickly walked through the hall and came to a few people.

"Hello, General Polubyarov." Sokov held the other person's hand and said enthusiastically: "We are finally expecting you. Please take a seat quickly."

As soon as Polubyarov sat down, Lunev poured a cup of hot tea himself and handed it into his hand. Lunev's move made Polubyarov a little flattered, and he quickly stood up from his seat.

He stood up and said nervously: "Thank you, Comrade Military Commissar, I'll do it myself."

"General Polubyarov," the war is about to begin. Sokov feels that many things need to be implemented personally before he can truly feel at ease: "I would like to ask, where are your troops now?"

Polubyarov, who had just sat down, heard Sokov's question and quickly stood up from his seat, straightened his back and replied: "Report to Comrade Commander, my three tank brigades will be deployed at four o'clock this morning.

, have all entered the designated position. The mechanized brigade is currently on its way to the Compass Town of Kazachia. According to the brigade commander’s report, they are now less than eight kilometers away from the town.”

The mechanized brigade marches in a mechanized manner, and its movement speed is much faster than the foot march of the infantry. The remaining eight kilometers, if nothing unexpected happens, can be reached in half an hour at most.

"Comrade Commander," Polubyarov asked Sokov cautiously after answering the question: "When can our army launch an offensive against the enemy?"

Sokov smiled slightly, "What do you think?"

Polubyarov replied in a panic: "Comrade Commander, I know you have overall arrangements for how to launch an attack on the enemy. But one of my tank brigade is in the forest outside Kazachya Compass Town.

, have been hiding for several days, and when the soldiers heard the sound of gunfire coming from the south of the town, they became a little restless."

"Don't worry, General Polubyarov." Sokov raised his hand and patted Polubyarov gently on the shoulder twice, and said to him: "The main force of our army is about to launch a full-scale attack on the enemy.

The attack, listen to how dense the sound of artillery can be heard in the distance, I believe that there will be no less than a thousand artillery pieces used."

"I think it's more than that." Unexpectedly, Polubyarov shook his head after hearing this and said confidently: "On the way here, I heard the sound of artillery in the distance. According to my experience, all our troops have

The number of artillery used will never be less than two thousand."

Sokov knew that he could not compare with Polubyarov in identifying the size of artillery based on the sound of artillery, so he did not get entangled in the matter, but changed the topic in time: "General Polubyarov,

Your tanks have been maintained and can they be used normally?"

"Needless to say, Comrade Commander." Polubyarov said with a smile: "According to the regulations, tanks must undergo maintenance and overhaul after a long march. Although two tank brigades arrived

The designated position has not been designated for a long time, and the maintenance and overhaul work has not been completed yet. But even if we go into battle at this moment, we will still have a complete tank brigade available."

If we want to break through the enemy's defense line, tanks will play a decisive role, so Sokov seems to be particularly concerned about this matter. After Polubyarov finished speaking, he continued to ask: "Then tell me, are you satisfied?"

How many tanks does the tank brigade have now that can be put into battle as soon as possible?"

"Seventy-eight, Comrade Commander." After Polubyarov answered Sokov's question, he realized that his answer was not comprehensive enough, and quickly added: "There are fifty-one T-34s among them."

Tanks, eleven captured German Panzer IV tanks, and sixteen old tanks."

Samyko, who had just made the call and came over, happened to hear Polubyarov's words behind him and couldn't help but asked in surprise: "General Polubyarov, why do you have so many tank models?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff," after hearing Samyko's question, Polubyarov turned to face him and said with a wry smile: "The tanks of our brigade were originally all T-34s, but many of them were lost in the continuous fighting.

"Young Master. I have no choice but to use captured German tanks and old tanks in warehouses that no one cares about to replenish the troops."

He may be worried that Sameko did not believe what he said, so he emphasized: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you should remember that my tank army has a special tank battalion that is not fully staffed. This battalion is equipped with 12 of the latest tanks.

T-34/85 tanks, but they were all lost in the battle to capture the town of Kazachia Compass a few days ago..."

Seeing the sad look on Polubyarov's face, Sokov quickly comforted him and said: "General Polubyarov, don't be sad. After this battle is over, I will personally find a way to give it to you."

Add more new T-34 tanks."

Sokov originally wanted to tell Polubyarov that he could get the latest tanks from the Arms and Equipment Department, but when the words came to his lips, he was worried that doing so would bring unnecessary trouble to Yakov

, he swallowed his words back in time and used other words to comfort Polubyarov.

The Soviet artillery bombardment of the German Kharkov defense line lasted for one hour and thirty-five minutes and then came to an abrupt end. Before the German army could recover from the long artillery attack, three red signal flares were launched into the air.

Tens of thousands of Soviet commanders and fighters who were ready to attack jumped out of their hiding places, followed the tanks with weapons in hand, and rushed towards the German positions shrouded in gunpowder smoke.

Although the German army knew that the Soviet army would launch an attack from the beginning of the artillery bombardment, they did not expect that the first wave of Soviet offensives would be so fierce. There were actually more than 400 tanks leading the infantry charge. Facing the Soviet army's steel torrent,

The limited anti-tank weapons of the German army seemed insignificant.

In less than twenty minutes, the troops of the Steppe Front and the Voronezh Front broke through the German first line of defense. After a brief pause, they rushed towards the German second line of defense.

After Holt learned that his first line of defense had been broken through by the Soviet army, he immediately ordered the artillery deployed in the rear to intercept the attacking Soviet troops. As the order was issued, hundreds of German artillery of different calibers fired.

As the Soviet troops advanced, the dense artillery shells erected a wall of fire.

The Soviet commanders and fighters who were caught off guard suffered heavy casualties under the German artillery fire. Some brave commanders and fighters followed the tanks and broke through the enemy's artillery fire coverage area. When they continued to rush towards the enemy's position, they unfortunately strayed into the minefield. For a while, explosions were heard one after another.

, the smoke generated by the explosion shrouded the Soviet tanks and infantry.

Seeing that the enemy's artillery had opened fire, the Soviet artillery observers quickly locked the position of the enemy's artillery position and directed their own artillery to suppress the enemy's artillery fire. At the same time, the air forces under the two front armies also dispatched urgently, and countless attack aircraft

, after the bombers took off, they quickly completed the formation and flew towards the enemy's artillery position.

The front and right wing of the Kharkov defense line came under fierce attack by the Soviet army. General Kenf on the left wing was worried that the Soviet army would take the opportunity to launch an attack, so he ordered the two infantry divisions that had been unable to seize the Kazakhya Compass to withdraw to Jelga

They were prepared to rely on the terrain there to carry out a tenacious resistance and prevent Sokov's troops from advancing to the western suburbs of Kharkov.

After learning that the German troops had retreated, Sokov's face showed a smile. He turned to Samyko and said: "Comrade Chief of Staff, since the enemy has retreated, it is our turn to attack. Order No. 84, No. 188

With the 254th Division, they switched from defense to attack. While the enemy was retreating, the infantry, under the cover of tanks, quickly rushed toward Dergach along the road, striving to capture Dergach in the shortest possible time."

After recording Sokov's order, Samyko casually asked: "Comrade Commander, how long do you think it will take our troops to capture Dergach?"

"It can take as little as one day and as long as three days." Sokov said confidently: "I believe in the combat effectiveness of our troops. No matter how stubbornly the enemy resists, our commanders and fighters are likely to eliminate or drive them away."

"Comrade Commander," Samyko heard what Sokov said and quickly reminded him: "If we just drive the enemy out of Dergach, it will be just a rout. As the places we occupy become more and more

If more and more troops are used to defend these places, more and more troops will be used to defend these places, which will seriously weaken our offensive strength. As for the enemy, on the contrary, after they give up many places, their troops will become more and more powerful.

Concentrate. If things continue like this, the balance of forces between us and the enemy will be reversed."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I understand what you mean." Sokov heard the implication of Samyko's words and replied: "Our army's attack on Kharkov and Belgorod at the beginning of the year was to defeat them.

Although we occupied so many places in the battle, the actual number of enemies we destroyed was very limited. When the enemy's forces are concentrated in one place and they launch a counterattack against us, our army will become vulnerable due to the dispersion of its forces.

Don't worry, I will never make such a mistake. Even if the enemy wants to withdraw from Dergach, our commanders and fighters will make them pay a huge price."

The retreating German troops never imagined that within two kilometers of their retreat, the Soviet troops that had been huddled in the town would launch a counterattack. The German commander ordered the tank troops to stay in an attempt to prevent the Soviet pursuit. However,

What I never imagined was that a large number of Soviet tanks appeared on the road and opened fire from 700 to 800 meters away, easily destroying the Panzer III and IV tanks that were left behind.

The German infantry who lost the cover of their tanks immediately exploded into chaos. They scrambled to escape in the direction of Dergach. No one was willing to stay to block the Soviet army. As they were all running for their lives, the originally wide road became overcrowded.

Seeing that the road ahead was blocked, some German soldiers left the road and fled into the nearby forest, trying to return to Dergach through the forest.

This chapter has been completed!
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