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Chapter 1622 Bombardment in the middle of the night (Part 1)

As the commander of the Guards Division, Sivarenko naturally considered the problem from a different perspective. After waiting for his chief of staff to finish speaking, he said to the liaison officer: "Comrade Lieutenant, please go back and tell Colonel Rusov about the mission of our division.

, is to hold on to the newly established landing ground on the right bank of the Dnieper River. Before receiving the retreat order from superiors, even if the entire division is killed, the town of Ratseve will never be abandoned."

Seeing that Sivarenko's attitude was so resolute, the liaison officer couldn't say anything else. After all, he was just following orders. If the other party didn't agree, he couldn't change his mind.

He said solemnly: "I understand, Comrade General, I will report your intention to our regiment leader. I wish you good luck!" After saying that, he raised his hand to salute Sivarenko, turned around and walked out of the headquarters.

Seeing the liaison officer of the 254th Regiment walking out of the headquarters, the division chief of staff said with a worried look: "Comrade Division Commander, the enemy has too many tanks and artillery, and our only Guards Artillery Regiment, the 43rd Guards Artillery Regiment, is also adding reinforcements.

On the way to Jingji Town, we suffered considerable losses and were no match for the enemy in terms of firepower."

After listening to what the Chief of Staff said, Sivarenko sighed and said helplessly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, you are right. I don't know that the strength of our division is far inferior to that of the Germans. But there is nothing we can do.

Now that the pontoon bridge retreating to the left bank has been blown up by German artillery fire, there is no other way for us except to hold on to the last man."

"However, we can still retreat into the defense area of ​​the 254th Regiment." The division chief of staff said cautiously: "Then pass through the friendly forces' defense area, circle back to the group army's garrison, and join the main force."

"No, absolutely not." Sivarenko answered simply: "If the troops behind us are comrades from the 24th Guards Corps, then I will definitely lead the troops through their defense zone without hesitation.

Retreat to a safe area. But the 254th Regiment behind us now belongs to the 27th Army. If we really pass through their defense area and retreat to the base of the main force of the Army, we will definitely attract a lot of gossip."

"What gossip?"

"Of course our division's combat effectiveness is not good, and we need to rely on the help of friendly forces to escape safely from the enemy." At this point, Sivarenko's expression became serious: "This matter is related to the honor of our division.

, so no matter how dangerous the situation is, I cannot retreat from the friendly defense lines."

As the chief of staff of the division, he naturally knows how critical the current situation is. Although the commanders and soldiers performed very bravely, due to the lack of sufficient anti-tank weapons, they had to pay a huge price to block the oncoming German tanks. As for the reinforcements on the left bank,

Because the pontoon bridge was blown up, it was impossible to cross. A company that had just managed to cross the river was killed in the intensive German artillery fire within ten minutes of entering the battle.

It was based on this consideration that he cautiously suggested to Sivarenko: "Comrade division commander, do you think we should contact the group army headquarters and listen to what our superiors say?"

Sivarenko thought for a long time, and finally nodded and said: "Okay, contact the Army Group Headquarters on the left bank immediately to see if the comrade commander has any latest instructions."

After getting in touch with the other side through the walkie-talkie, Shumilov learned that the call was from Sivarenko, and quickly spoke to him personally: "General Sivarenko, hurry up and report the situation there!"

"The situation is very serious, Comrade Commander." Sivarenko said: "The enemy has captured the town of Kinki and is now storming the town of Ratsewe where we are. The fighting is still going on outside the town, but our commanders and soldiers have suffered few casualties.

Xiao, I would like to ask, what are the next instructions from your superiors?"

"General Sivarenko," Shumilov said into the microphone: "I have given a fatal order to the director of the engineering corps, Major General Pulyaskin, to repair the bridges on the Dnieper River before dark.

So that we can bring more troops on the left bank across the river in a steady stream."

Shumilov's words gave Sivarenko a glimmer of hope. He said excitedly: "Comrade Commander, so we can get reinforcements from the left bank after dark?"

"Theoretically, this is the case." Shumilov didn't know when the engineers could re-erect the pontoon bridge, but in order not to undermine Sivarenko's confidence, he could only say vaguely: "Maybe the time for repairing the pontoon bridge can be advanced.

, you will be able to get enough reinforcements by then."

"Don't worry, Comrade Commander." Sivarenko said confidently: "We will do everything possible to block the German attack and wait for the arrival of the main force."

Shumilov originally wanted to tell the other party that it was still unknown whether the main force would arrive on time, but in order not to affect Sivarenko's confidence, he swallowed the words back. He changed the topic in time: "

I heard that there is a unit near the 27th Group Army, stationed not far outside the town of Ratsewe?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Sivarenko did not ask how Shumilov learned the news, but answered truthfully: "The 254th Infantry Division of the 27th Group Army's 84th Infantry Division"

The regiment is headed by Colonel Russov. Not long ago, he sent a liaison officer to contact me, saying that if the situation worsens and our troops can no longer hold on, we can retreat to their defense area."

"If, I'm talking about if." Shumilov said: "If the town of Ratseve really cannot be defended, will you lead your troops to withdraw to the friendly defense zone?"

"Definitely not, Comrade Commander." Sivarenko felt that since Shumilov asked about this, he should clearly state his attitude: "Even if the entire division is wiped out, I will not lead

If the troops withdraw into the friendly defense zone, outsiders will have doubts about the combat effectiveness of our division, which will affect our honor..."

"General Sivarenko," Shumilov interrupted before Sivarenko could finish his words, "If the situation is very unfavorable to you, I think you should choose to withdraw into the friendly defense zone. Don't think about it.

What’s the matter of face? If all the troops are gone, what’s the use of face?”

Shumilov's answer puzzled Sivarenko. He did not expect that the commander would take the initiative to suggest that he withdraw to the friendly defense zone. For a moment, he was speechless.

As Sivarenko's superior, Shumilov knew how hurtful it was to let the opponent withdraw into the friendly defense zone when the war was unfavorable, so he uncharacteristically explained to the opponent: "You give me

Before making the call, I had spoken with General Sokov. He once told me that the purpose of our operation was to eliminate as many effective forces of the German army as possible and weaken their strength, regardless of the gains and losses of one city or one place. Even if

There is nothing extraordinary about temporarily abandoning the town of Ratsewe. Since we can liberate it once, we can liberate it a second time, a third time...

Remember my words, once the battle is unfavorable and you cannot support yourself in the town, you must withdraw from the battle in time and retreat into the friendly defense zone. The combat effectiveness of your division is one of the best in the entire group army. I don't want to fight to break through the Dnieper River.

In the first battle, you will lose this elite unit."

After listening to Shumilov's words, Sivarenko's mind changed slightly. Now that the commander had spoken, it didn't make much sense to insist on holding on to the town of Ratseve at all costs.

After ending the call, Sivarenko called his division chief of staff aside and said to him: "Comrade Chief of Staff, when I just talked to the commander, he made it clear that if the situation is unfavorable to our army, we can take the initiative to

They abandoned the town and retreated to friendly defense areas."

Seeing that Sivarenko's attitude changed 180 degrees in just a few minutes, the division chief of staff was also surprised: "Comrade division commander, aren't you worried that once we withdraw into the friendly defense area,

Will it invite unnecessary gossip?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, our task is to eliminate more enemies. Even if we temporarily abandon the town of Ratseve, it is to better attack the enemy." Sivarenko said sternly: "Even if there are some gossips

, don’t take it to heart.”

"Okay, comrade division commander." The division chief of staff guessed that Sivarenko's change must be related to Shumilov's call, but he didn't ask too many questions, just nodded and said: "I will give you your

The message was conveyed to each group.”

The battle was fought on the outskirts of the town. Although the German infantry launched attack after attack under the cover of tanks, they were all repelled by the Soviet army who relied on simple fortifications for defense. It was not until about three o'clock in the afternoon that the German army broke through the town.

All the outer positions outside were close to the edge of the town.

At this moment, another liaison officer walked into the headquarters of the 15th Guards Division.

Seeing the person coming, Sivarenko was stunned, and quickly stepped forward and asked politely: "Hello, Comrade Colonel, are you the liaison officer sent by the 84th Division?"

After the other party raised his hand to salute Sivarenko, he replied: "Hello, General Sivarenko, I am the deputy commander of the 84th Infantry Division and the commander of the 258th Regiment, Colonel Belkin. I have been ordered to come to meet with you.


Sivarenko did not expect that the 84th Division would send people to contact him this time, including the deputy division commander, and he was secretly surprised. After he asked Belkin to sit down, he asked politely: "Colonel Belkin, I don't know.

When you come to my division headquarters this time, do you have any advice?"

"General Sivarenko," time was running out, and Belkin did not beat around the bush, but said straight to the point: "I am here to liaise with you on the order of the commander, Major General Sokov."

Knowing that the colonel in front of him was sent by Sokov, Sivarenko couldn't help but stand in awe: "Colonel Belkin, I wonder if General Sokov has any good suggestions?"

"Comrade Commander feels that if you continue to hold on to Ratsewe Town, I'm afraid the troops will suffer heavy casualties." Belkin said with a straight face: "So he hopes that you will take the initiative to abandon Ratsewe Town before dark and put the troops behind you."

The town is left to the enemy."

"What, leaving the town to the enemy?" Regarding Belkin's purpose this time, Sivarenko imagined many possibilities in his mind, but he did not expect that the other party would actually let him abandon the town, and he immediately jumped up from the town.

: "Impossible, this is absolutely impossible. Even if we fight to the last man, we will never give up the town voluntarily."

Sivarenko's reaction seemed to have been expected by Belkin. He smiled slightly, picked up the tea cup on the table, took a sip slowly, and said: "Comrade General, you may

You will be surprised why General Sokov would give you such a proposal?"

Sivarenko was stunned and asked instinctively: "Why?"

Belkin did not answer the question immediately, but asked instead: "Comrade General, I want to ask you, if you command the troops to withdraw from the town while the enemy's attack is repelled. When the enemy finds out, what will happen?

What’s the reaction?”

Sivarenko thought for a while and replied: "I will definitely feel that there is some conspiracy. I will first send a small force into the town to search. After confirming that there are no enemies in the town, I will send a large force into the town."

"Yes, that's exactly what it is."

"Colonel Belkin, I don't understand." Sivarenko said with a confused face: "After we voluntarily surrendered the town to the enemy, what should we do?"

"You evacuate the town before dark. When the enemy completes the search, it will be completely dark. In this case, the Germans will enter the town and select relatively complete buildings to accommodate the officers and soldiers participating in the attack.


"Yes, it should be like this."

"Are there any residents in the town?"

"No more." Sivarenko shook his head and replied: "When our army took over the defense from the 254th Regiment, I sent people to search carefully, and there was not a single resident in the town."

"Since there are no residents, then even if we destroy the entire town, it won't be a big deal, right?"

"Why do you want to destroy the town..." Sivarenko stopped mid-question, with a shocked expression on his face: "Colonel Belkin, you are not going to tell me that you are planning to

Intensive bombardment of the town at night?"

Seeing that Sivarenko guessed Sokov's intention, Belkin nodded with a smile and said in a positive tone: "You are right, General Sivarenko. This is how our commander considered it.

The town was surrendered to the Germans, and when they settled their troops in the town to rest, they launched a surprise and violent bombardment of the town, using artillery fire to destroy as many enemies as possible."

When Sivarenko heard this, his breathing became rapid: "Colonel Belkin, so you have already deployed artillery to bombard the town?"

"Yes, our First Artillery Division launched a violent bombardment of the town after the German troops entered the town, using artillery fire to destroy as many enemies as possible." Belkin said with some pride: "Wait until the artillery fire wipes out the people in the town.

The enemy is almost wiped out, and we can take back the town from the surviving enemies after dawn."

This chapter has been completed!
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