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Chapter 1656: Guilty

"Mr. Captain," the officer returned to Yegor and asked dissatisfiedly: "What is going on? Why are your subordinates pointing guns at us?"

Yegor looked into the distance, and sure enough he found that the commanders and fighters of the third company who had just arrived were vaguely surrounding the German troops delivering the goods. His mind began to think quickly: "What should we do? Make mistakes and kill these Germans."

Do you want to disarm them all? Or explain to the other party that this is a misunderstanding to avoid exposing your identity prematurely."

Seeing that Yegor was still silent, the officer realized something was wrong and reached for his gun. Yegor, who was still hesitant at first, saw that the German lieutenant had drawn his gun. Without hesitation, he pulled out the pistol and put it on the opponent's head.

He said sharply: "Lieutenant, you have been captured by the Soviet Red Army. Order your subordinates to put down their weapons and surrender!"

As soon as the officer's gun was halfway drawn, Yegor's gun was pressed against his head. With a glance from the corner of his eye, he found that his men were confronting this group of unknown people with their guns raised. Don't see the number of people on the other side.

You have more on your side, but the position occupied by others is good. As long as both sides open fire, your side will soon suffer heavy losses.

After weighing the pros and cons, the officer slowly took out his pistol from the holster and threw it on the ground. Then he turned to his subordinates and shouted: "Everyone put down their guns!"

Although some German soldiers were reluctant to the order given by the officer, they could only obediently put down their weapons and raise their hands high when they saw the dark muzzles of guns all around.

Seeing that the German troops had all disarmed, the third company commander trotted up to Yegor and said proudly: "Yegor, this is great. We wiped out this enemy group without firing a single shot.

No one slipped through the net.”

"Third Company Commander," although it was a happy thing to deal with the enemy in front of him, Yegor was not happy at all: "You are so reckless!"

The third company commander, who was criticized by Yegor, couldn't help but asked with confusion: "Egor, did I do something wrong?"

"Do you know that although we have eliminated this group of enemies, if the enemies in the rear discover such a convoy and never come out after entering the reservoir area, it will definitely arouse suspicion." Yegor said to the three men with a straight face.

The company commander said: "Once we are exposed, the enemy will attack us. Although we are not afraid of the enemy's attack at all, I still feel that the sooner the identity is exposed, the better, so as to leave more preparation time for the main force.


After hearing what Yegor said, the third company commander realized that he seemed to have gotten into trouble, scratched the back of his head with his hand, and asked sheepishly: "Egor, what should we do next?"

"What else can we do, we can only lock up these people." Yegor saw the truck not far away and smiled bitterly at the third company commander: "Take your men and escort these people to the empty warehouse.

After the workers finished unloading the goods, I found someone to drive the trucks to other places to hide them, so as not to be discovered by subsequent German convoys."

Mikhailev sent the third company commander here and originally ordered him to assist Yegor. Therefore, the third company commander did not object to Yegor's proposal. He turned around to greet his subordinates and escorted the disarmed German troops away.

, intending to lock them together with the officers and soldiers of the warehouse garrison.

However, before the third company commander led the team to leave, Yegor still warned the other party uneasily: "Third company commander, we must strictly monitor them and don't let them escape, otherwise we will be in constant trouble."

"Don't worry, Yegor." The third company commander said confidently: "I will order my subordinates to keep a strict watch on it. Not even a fly can escape."

The third company commander returned to his men, and without even having time to count their numbers, he led the group of disarmed German officers and soldiers toward the empty warehouse where the garrison was kept. Yegor obviously did not realize this.

, he ordered someone to find Victor and discuss with him how to deal with the truck.

"Comrade Victor," Yegor pointed to the truck parked at the entrance of the warehouse, frowned and asked Victor: "What do you think we should do with these many trucks?"

Victor saw with his own eyes the third company commander leading people to escort the prisoners away, so he naturally understood what Yegor was worried about, and quickly replied: "Comrade Captain, you don't have to worry, many of these loaders can drive. Wait.

After unloading the goods, I asked someone to drive the truck to a hidden place and hide it so that the German troops coming from behind would never find it."

They were busy unloading goods here, and a convoy of more than a dozen trucks appeared in the direction of the main entrance. These were vehicles sent by the German army to pull ammunition. But as soon as they arrived at the door, they were stopped by the soldiers guarding the gate and told to lead the team.

The second lieutenant officer said: "I'm sorry, because the supplies in the warehouse have been emptied out in the past two days and have not been replenished yet, I cannot provide you with supplies. Please come back another day."

The second lieutenant officer leading the team knew that because the troops were moving in the past few days, there were many vehicles going to the warehouse to collect supplies. It was reasonable for the warehouses to be emptied of supplies and ammunition. Therefore, he ordered the convoy without saying anything.

Turn around and return to the original camp.

Unexpectedly, not far from the warehouse, the car at the front broke down.

Usually when encountering this situation, other vehicles would avoid the broken down vehicle and continue moving forward, leaving only the driver of the broken down vehicle to repair the car alone. But today's situation was different. There was nothing going on in the entire convoy, so the second lieutenant who led the team ordered

All vehicles stopped and waited for the driver of the broken down vehicle to repair the vehicle before leaving.

When the drivers heard this order, they got what they wanted. They opened the doors and got out of the car. They stood beside the car and smoked and chatted with the soldiers escorting the car. They didn't care at all about when the broken down car could be repaired. They even hoped that the delay would be longer.

The longer they are, the better they can be legitimately lazy.

At this moment, a senior soldier covered in mud suddenly rushed out from the roadside. He grabbed a driver and asked with great emotion: "Where is your commander?"

The driver glared at him dissatisfied, pointed at the second lieutenant who was standing next to the driver's seat of the front car smoking, and said, "Here, Mr. Second Lieutenant is right there."

The first-class soldier pushed the driver away and stumbled towards the second lieutenant. The second lieutenant was startled. He hurriedly drew his gun, pointed it at the incoming soldier, and asked nervously: "What are you going to do?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant!" The excited first-class soldier grabbed the second lieutenant's shirt and said incoherently: "Russians, the Russians are here! Report it quickly, report it to your superiors quickly, the Russians have sneaked into the city..."

"Russians?!" Hearing what the superior soldier said, the second lieutenant quickly looked around and said with a blank look on his face: "Where are they and I didn't see them?"

"In the warehouse, they are in the warehouse." The superior soldier continued to shout: "They are wearing the uniforms of our army, pretending to be our people, and now they are staying in the warehouse."

After the second lieutenant pulled out his shirt, he covered his nose with his hand to block the stench from the superior soldier: "Senior private, identify yourself. Who are you, and why do you say there are Russians in the warehouse?"

"Mr. Second Lieutenant," the First Class Soldier's consciousness was a little clearer at this moment. He quickly took a step back, straightened his back and reported to the Second Lieutenant: "I am a driver of the transportation team. The transportation team I am in transported a truck half an hour ago.

35 loads of ammunition entered the warehouse."

"Then what?"

"Our car stopped in front of the warehouse where weapons and ammunition are stored. I felt a little pain in my stomach, so I went to the toilet." The private continued: "When I came out of the toilet, I saw that all my companions were in the warehouse.

The garrison disarmed and was escorted to a nearby warehouse and imprisoned."

After hearing what the superior soldier said clearly, the second lieutenant couldn't help but change his face: "Is everything you said true?"

"Yes, Mr. Second Lieutenant." The first class soldier nodded vigorously and replied in a positive tone: "What I said is true."

This matter is of great importance. Before reporting to the superior commander, the second lieutenant must clarify some details: "Then how did you escape?"

"I have been to the reservoir area many times and am familiar with the environment inside. I escaped from the sewer."

Regarding the escape route, the second lieutenant did not question it, because the stench emanating from the superior soldier said everything. He continued to ask: "How many Russian troops are there in the warehouse?"

The superior soldier thought for a moment and replied, "There are probably several hundred people."

"What, there are hundreds of people?" The second lieutenant originally thought that there were not many Soviet troops in the warehouse. He could take the dozens of people around him to catch the other side by surprise. As long as he could successfully eliminate the Russian troops disguised in the warehouse

As a person, I would definitely be able to get a vacation to go back to my country. But when I heard that there were hundreds of people on the other side, I immediately put away this idea. The conditions for returning to my country for a vacation were tempting, but the prerequisite was to save my own life: "Are you sure?

Is there any mistake?"

"There is no mistake, Mr. Second Lieutenant." The superior soldier was afraid that the other party would not believe him, so he repeatedly emphasized: "Although I have not counted them carefully, according to my observations along the way, a few hundred people are basic. If I are added

For those who haven’t seen it, there may be thousands of people.”

The second lieutenant shuddered when he thought that there might be hundreds or even thousands of people in the warehouse. With just the few people under his command, if he rashly attacked the warehouse, let alone destroying the Russians inside, there was a question as to whether he could escape intact.

The second lieutenant felt that he should report the matter to his superiors immediately, and quickly called to his subordinates: "Get in the car, everyone get in the car, we have to rush back to the camp immediately."

A soldier reminded him: "Mr. Second Lieutenant, we have another car that broke down..."

Before the soldier finished speaking, the second lieutenant said loudly: "Throw it away, throw away the broken down truck, and let the driver and the soldiers escorting the truck get into other vehicles. We have to return to the camp as soon as possible. If we are late, it will be too late."


Except for the drivers and soldiers who were closer to the second lieutenant, who knew what was going on, the soldiers in the distance were still confused. They didn't understand why the second lieutenant just ordered everyone to rest where they were, and why he suddenly ordered everyone to return to the camp urgently. But an order is an order.

, the superior asked to return to the camp, so go back to the camp. Everyone did not dare to neglect, and got back to the car one after another. When the car in front started to start, they drove forward.

Since Mikhailev did not place a hidden sentry outside the warehouse, he did not know what was happening here, and he was even less aware that the danger was quietly approaching.

Although the soldiers of the second platoon of the second company deployed on the water tower discovered the convoy that turned back without entering the reservoir area, they saw that the other party did not stay long and drove away from the vicinity of the reservoir area, so they did not pay enough attention.


Narva, wearing the uniform of a German captain, led two soldiers to the gate and asked the soldiers guarding outside: "What's going on?"

"There is a German convoy ready to pull goods from the warehouse." A sergeant leading the team reported to Narva: "I told the German second lieutenant leading the team that the supplies in the warehouse have been empty.

They'll come back another day. After hearing this, the German second lieutenant didn't say anything and left with the convoy."

After listening to the sergeant's report, Narva nodded with a smile, raised his hand and patted the other party's arm, and said approvingly: "Well done, comrade sergeant. After the battle is over, I will definitely report to you."

The superior asked for credit."

After Narva left, the sergeant leading the team showed off to his subordinates and said: "Did you all hear it? Comrade Company Commander personally promised me that after this battle is over, he will ask his superiors for credit.


The soldiers around him heard what Narva said, and they all looked at the sergeant with envy at this moment. They secretly wondered in their hearts, when the battle is over, will they have their own share in the rewards for their merits?

The sergeant saw what his subordinates were thinking, and he patted his chest and assured everyone: "Brothers, don't worry, when the company commander asks for credit for me, you will definitely not be short of your share."

The soldiers who valued honor more than their own lives had expressions of relief on their faces when the sergeant said this. The impatient soldiers began to think in their hearts, if their superiors really wanted to award them, what would they do?

What kind of medal do you get?

Just as everyone was using their wild imaginations, the roar of car engines came from the road in the distance. The sergeant sitting in the guard room got up and walked out of the door, muttering: "Don't tell them, tell them in the warehouse

All the supplies are gone, why are they still coming?"

A soldier next to him said: "Maybe it's another convoy coming."

The sergeant nodded, walked out of the door carelessly, and looked in the direction of the sound.

A convoy of more than a dozen tarpaulin trucks appeared on the road in the distance, heading towards the warehouse gate, but the one driving at the front was an armored vehicle.

Seeing this situation, the sergeant couldn't help but wonder: It seems that this convoy is here to pull supplies, but what does it mean that armored vehicles are leading the way?

"Comrade Sergeant," not only the sergeant was puzzled, but even the soldiers standing guard at the door were also confused: "How can the enemy's convoy use armored vehicles to clear the way? Is it to strengthen the defense of the warehouse?"

"It would be terrible if they really came to strengthen the defense of the warehouse." When the sergeant heard what the soldier said, he not only complained secretly in his heart, but if a German army really came to strengthen the defense of the warehouse, then the chance of his own troops being exposed would be very high.

Greatly increased. He turned his face sideways and said to the few soldiers at the door: "You guys keep an eye on it here. I'll go in and call the company headquarters and report the situation here to the company commander."

Unexpectedly, just when the sergeant turned around and was about to go in to make a phone call, the leading German armored vehicle had already rushed to the barrier at the door. Before the Soviet commanders and soldiers could make any move, the vehicle-mounted machine gun started firing.

Several soldiers outside the door, including the sergeant, fell down in response.

This chapter has been completed!
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