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Chapter 2050

"Misha," Khrushchev called Sokov affectionately by his nickname and said to him: "After a long period of fighting, your troops must have suffered serious attrition, right?"

"Yes, Comrade Khrushchev." Regarding Khrushchev's statement, Sokov did not deny it, but said truthfully: "After more than a month of fierce fighting, all divisions and brigade levels under our group army

The units have experienced attrition to varying degrees, and the casualties in some divisions have even exceeded half. But unfortunately, under the current circumstances, I cannot replenish the troops."

"Comrade Bulganin," Khrushchev waited for Sokov to finish speaking, then turned to Bulganin and said, "Look, I was right. Although Mischa's troops achieved good results,

But the casualties of the troops are not small. If they are not replenished in time, I am afraid that in the next battle, they will suffer heavy losses due to insufficient troops."

"Comrade Khrushchev," Bulganin replied with some embarrassment: "In fact, not only the 48th Army, but also all the armies on the right wing of the Front have similar problems. Although our battle has progressed very smoothly in this month.

, but the casualties of the troops are also quite troublesome."

"Then what supply issues do you have for High Command?"

"It goes without saying." Bulganin replied: "Comrade Commander has called the Supreme Command several times about this matter, hoping to get some additional troops."

"How did the High Command respond to you?"

"It is said that the troops that need to be supplemented now are not only our First Belarusian Front, but also the troops from the Second Belarusian Front and the Baltic Front. They also need to be supplemented." Bulganin said with a grimace: "According to the plans formulated by superiors.

Regarding the supply sequence, we may have to wait until September to receive replenishment from the reserve team at the base camp."

"Oh, we have to wait until September." Khrushchev asked calmly: "Comrade Bulganin, can you wait until September?"

"If the troops turn to defense on the spot and no longer launch active attacks on the enemy, I think we should be able to wait until September."

"Now that the attack is going so smoothly, even if you want to stop the attack and switch to defense on the spot, I'm afraid the Supreme Command will not agree." Khrushchev said: "You should find a way to solve the problem of soldier supply on your own."

"It's difficult, Comrade Khrushchev." Bulganin shook his head and said, "If we want to replenish the army, we will need at least hundreds of thousands of troops. Where can I find so many people in such a short time?"

"You can't find it, but I have it in my hand."

When Bulganin heard what Khrushchev said, he couldn't help but be stunned, and then asked: "Comrade Khrushchev, what do you mean by this? Are you deliberately trying to make us angry?"

"Comrade Bulganin, you have misunderstood." Seeing the displeasure on Bulganin's face, Khrushchev explained to him: "This is the purpose of my coming here today."

Hearing this, Sokov vaguely guessed something, and asked tentatively: "Comrade Khrushchev, you are here today to send us soldiers, are you?"

"General Sokov, how is this possible..."

Before Bulganin could finish speaking, Khrushchev interrupted him and said with a smile: "What is impossible?"

"But, Comrade Khrushchev, the soldiers in your hands are Ukrainian recruits." Although Bulganin also guessed Khrushchev's intention, he asked in an uncertain tone: "Ukrainian recruits."

Is it appropriate to recruit new soldiers to supplement the Belarusian troops?"

Khrushchev waved his hand and said disapprovingly: "There is nothing inappropriate. They are all Soviet troops, and they are all for defeating the German invaders. As for whether the soldiers are from Belarus or Ukraine, does it make any difference?"

When Sokov heard this, he realized that Khrushchev was here today just to send troops to him. So he stopped talking in circles and asked directly: "Comrade Khrushchev, I wonder if you can

How many more troops can you give me?"

Khrushchev did not finish speaking, he just raised his right hand and opened his palm.

"Five thousand?!" Sokov asked tentatively.

Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Khrushchev smiled and shook his head, indicating that Sokov's guess was wrong.

Sokov's breathing became rapid, and he asked in an unbelievable tone: "Is it fifty thousand?"

"That's right, it's fifty thousand." Fortunately, Khrushchev did not sell out, but nodded and approved Sokov's statement: "But the fifty thousand people are not new recruits. They joined the army at the end of April and went through

After three months of military training, apart from having no combat experience on the battlefield, you can basically be regarded as a qualified soldier."

"Great, this is really great." After learning that the 50,000 troops that Khrushchev was about to add to his army were not new recruits without any military qualifications, but quasi-veterans who had undergone three months of military training,

If these 50,000 people are supplemented, the combat effectiveness of the army will be able to reach a higher level.

Sokov took a few deep breaths to stabilize his mood, and then asked cautiously: "Comrade Khrushchev, when will these new soldiers arrive at my defense area?"

"This group of troops arrived in Minsk yesterday." Khrushchev said: "Now that the railway line connecting the Brest Fortress and Minsk has been restored, they will be able to reach your defense area by train tonight. You should do it as soon as possible."

Arrange manpower to deal with them."

"Understood, Comrade Khrushchev." Sokov tried to control his emotions and said in a calm tone: "I will arrange for people to go to the station to greet them."

"Comrade Commander," when he heard that 50,000 soldiers were about to arrive in Brest, Ponedelin could not sit still. He stood up and asked Sokov for orders: "Leave it to me to handle the new recruits.

Get it done.”

"Comrade Deputy Commander," but Sokov did not agree to Ponedelin's request, but said to him: "There are still battles to command, and the task of receiving new recruits should be left to others.


"Then who are you going to send?"

"Colonel Malyshev, Director of the Armored Forces," Sokov proposed the suitable candidate in his mind: "As early as the Battle of Smolensk, he had served in some important positions, including the city defense commander, and he was very important to him.

I recognize his ability. I feel more at ease when I leave the reception of new recruits to him."

Khrushchev heard the conversation between Sokov and Ponedelin and asked curiously: "Misha, where are you going to attack next?"

"Here." Regarding Khrushchev and Bulganin, Sokov did not conceal his next combat intentions. He pointed at the map and said to them: "I plan to send troops to capture Mienzirec first, and then

Then use this place as the starting point for the attack to attack Sedelce. As long as Sedelce is captured, the defenders of Warsaw will be intimidated."

Listening to Sokov talking about Warsaw, Khrushchev said thoughtfully: "I heard some rumors about Warsaw, saying that if our army approaches the outer suburbs of Warsaw, the city may take some actions to flank us.


Sokov glanced at Khrushchev in surprise, and said to himself: The Warsaw Uprising occurred on August 1, 1944, the day after tomorrow. Did he hear anything about it?

Bulganin asked curiously: "Comrade Khrushchev, I wonder if you have heard the rumors?"

"It is said that there are armed forces in Warsaw that are friendly to our army and are about to launch an attack on the defenders in the city to coordinate our attack and cooperate with us to seize the city."

"As long as General Sokov's troops capture Sedelce, our army will be less than 100 kilometers away from Warsaw." Bulganin said excitedly: "If the resistance organization in the city takes armed action against the German army, it will indeed be possible.

It will help us capture the city."

Seeing the two of them in high spirits, Sokov really didn't want to pour cold water on each other. Although many later sources condemned the Soviet army for inexplicably stopping its advance near Warsaw, allowing the Warsaw rebels to occupy the city and occupy the city.

The superior German forces fought hard without taking any action.

After looking through a lot of information, Sokov found that this condemnation was unfair. When the Warsaw Uprising broke out, the 1st Belarusian Front commanded by Rokossovsky arrived near Warsaw and personally communicated with the leaders of the rebel army.

Meet and discuss matters to jointly deal with the German army.

But what is unexpected is that the representatives of the rebel army who came to negotiate with Rokossovsky were actually members of the Krajow Army who were loyal to the Polish exiled government in London. They hoped that the first person to enter Warsaw would be

The British and American troops, not the Soviet army, therefore made things difficult at every turn during the negotiations and stubbornly refused the Soviet army's help.

After these negotiators returned to Warsaw, they massacred officers of the pro-Soviet Liudov Army, Liudov Guards, Peasant Battalion and other rebel armies. Even in the battle with the German army, the Krajov Army Company

Without even saying hello, he evacuated the position without authorization, exposing the flanks of Liudov's army to the Germans, causing them to be surrounded or even annihilated.

It was precisely because of the disunity within the rebel army and various overt and covert struggles that the Warsaw Uprising, which might have succeeded, ended in a disastrous defeat.

"General Sokov," Bulganin, who was in high spirits, looked at Sokov and asked: "Do you think that if the resistance organization in Warsaw takes military action, it can help our army seize the city as soon as possible?"

"Comrade Military Commissar," Sokov organized the words in his mind, and then said cautiously: "My personal opinion is that even if a large-scale uprising is launched in Warsaw, the chance of success will not be too high.


Sokov's words caused the entire room to fall into silence. Everyone looked at Sokov in surprise. They didn't understand why Sokov would say such a thing.

After a while, Khrushchev asked with a straight face: "Misha, can you tell me the reason? Why did the uprising launched in Warsaw fail to succeed? You know, our hundreds of thousands of troops are near Warsaw.

Maybe it only takes a few hours for us to rush into Warsaw and, with the cooperation of the rebels, annihilate the German defenders in Warsaw."

"Comrade Khrushchev, you said this is an ideal situation." Sokov felt that the more head-spinning the situation was, the more he wanted to pour cold water on everyone: "There are many unfair situations on the battlefield.

Determine the factors that will cause something with a high success rate to end in failure."

Hearing this, Khrushchev's face turned livid, and he asked with a straight face: "What are the uncertainties?"

"Comrade Khrushchev," Sokov said looking at the other party: "After my troops entered Poland, they occupied some towns and villages, but according to the reports they sent, I found that the attitude of the Polish people towards us was polarized.

.Some people are very friendly towards our commanders and soldiers, while others are hostile."

"Perhaps those who are hostile to you were those who served the Germans during the German occupation of Poland." Khrushchev said disapprovingly: "This doesn't mean anything."

"Comrade Khrushchev, this is how I think about it." Seeing that Khrushchev didn't seem to take his words to heart, Sokov continued: "There are people in Poland who are close to our army, and there must be some."

People who are hostile to our army. If there are a large number of people who are hostile to our army in important positions among the leaders of the Warsaw Uprising Army, do you think they will still welcome our army into Warsaw?"

"General Sokov, I don't understand." Bulganin frowned and asked: "Why are there people hostile to us in Poland? Besides our army, whose troops do the rebels hope to enter Warsaw first?"

"According to my analysis, there should be two different forces in Poland." Sokov said cautiously: "One force is the pro-Soviet force that is close to our army and friendly to our army, such as the Polish 1st Army.

Commanders and fighters. There is also a force that obeys the Polish government in exile in London. They hope to hand over post-war Poland to British and American management, so they hope that the first troops to enter the city should be British and American troops."

"What about our army?" Bulganin asked angrily: "Our troops have arrived outside Warsaw. Are the rebels still not allowing us to enter the city?"

"Comrade Military Commissar, don't be anxious." Seeing that Bulganin was angry, Sokov quickly explained to him: "I have already said that there are two forces in Warsaw. One is the friendly forces that support our army.

force, and the other is a hostile force that is hostile to our army and obeys the command of Britain and the United States. It depends on which force can gain the upper hand after the uprising breaks out, which is related to whether our army can successfully enter Warsaw."

After hearing this, Khrushchev nodded slightly and said: "Misha, what you said is very reasonable. As far as I know, there are indeed a large number of people in Warsaw who support Britain and the United States. If after the uprising in Warsaw was launched, this force would

If we gain the upper hand, it may be impossible for our army to enter Warsaw."

"Comrade Khrushchev, what should we do?" Bulganin, who was confused, looked at Khrushchev and asked, "Do we need to report this matter to our superiors immediately?"

"That's for sure, Comrade Bulganin." Khrushchev also realized the seriousness of the problem at this moment. If the citizens of Warsaw really did not welcome the Soviet troops to enter the city, would there be any residents who would stop them when the troops came to the city?

At the front of the army, organize the troops to enter the city: "I think we need to report this matter to the high command as soon as possible and listen to the opinions of our superiors."

This chapter has been completed!
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