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Chapter 2110 Attacked

Just when he was about to give up, he suddenly heard a cough coming from the alley. Although the sound was very soft, it seemed that he was covering his mouth and coughing carefully, but it was enough for him to locate the specific location of the secret whistle. But for the sake of safety, he

Still leaning against the wall motionless, he wanted to carefully confirm the location of the secret whistle.

After the first cough, there will be a second cough. Through the continuous coughs made by the secret whistle, Masucci found that the other party was two or three meters away from the alley. But he did not act hastily, but continued

Observe patiently and try to figure out whether there is only one hidden whistle or several hidden whistles.

After a few minutes of observation, Masucci felt ecstatic when he determined that there was only one secret sentry in the alley. However, he did not rush into the alley immediately. Instead, he observed the surrounding terrain and found that he could enter the alley not far away.

Another entrance.

After Anshao coughed several times in succession, he steeled himself again, stared at the road outside the alley, and faithfully performed his duties. He had no idea that his life had entered a countdown. He heard a sound coming from behind him.

There was a loud sound, and he instinctively turned his head to look behind.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he turned around, he saw a black figure rushing toward him and pressing him heavily to the ground. No, enemy attack! This was the last feeling of the secret whistle, and then he felt a sharp pain in his vest,

It seemed as if he had been pierced by some sharp weapon. He wanted to open his mouth to shout, but someone covered his mouth with his hand. He struggled hard for a moment and then completely lost consciousness.

After Masucci killed the Soviet secret whistle, he lay on his back, breathing heavily. He thought it would be effortless to kill an unsuspecting person. But after he killed the secret whistle with his own hands,

Only then did I realize that all the strength in my body seemed to have been drained out of me.

After lying on the ground for a while, Masucci's breathing finally became calm again. He climbed up carefully, stood at the entrance of the alley and looked out to make sure that his actions just now were not seen by others.

When he saw that the street was quiet and there was no one in sight, Masucci knew that his actions just now did not alert anyone, so he retreated into the alley, picked up the rifle used for secret sentry, and pulled the bolt to check.

After a moment, and seeing that the bullets had been fired, he leaned against the wall with his gun and waited patiently for Nikitin and his guards to return.

At this moment, Nikitin and his guards were following the major, heading towards the defense area of ​​the first battalion, and the alley where Masuki was hiding was where they must pass.

Hearing the footsteps approaching from far away, Masuki couldn't help but feel secretly happy. He felt that he could kill Nikitin and his guards without anyone noticing.

Judging from the sound of footsteps, he felt that Nikitin and others were about to reach the entrance of the alley, so he cautiously poked his head out to take a look, but unexpectedly found that there were not two people coming, but four people. Apparently, the target he wanted to attack was in the alley.

During the inspection, I met other commanders.

The targets to be attacked changed from two people to four people, and Masucci decided to adjust his original plan. It turned out that he wanted to wait for Nikitin and his guards to approach the alley, then go out to say hello to the two people, while they were not there.

When he regained consciousness, he used his dagger to kill them cleanly.

But if the target to be dealt with is four people, it is obviously inappropriate to use a dagger, and a gun must be used. Masucci is ready to wait for Nikitin and others to pass in front of him, and then shoot them in the back.

He couldn't figure out whether the officer who came with the original Soviet commander was the superior of the secret sentry he killed. If he stayed in the alley and the other party came in to check the sentry, the secret might be exposed. It was for this reason that

With this consideration in mind, Masuki walked out of the alley and bravely walked towards Nikitin and others.

When Nikitin and others passed in front of him, Masucci secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He planned to take a few steps forward, then turn around and shoot the four of them in the back. He would definitely achieve unexpected results. If it were true,

After killing two Soviet officers and bringing back the Soviet defense map, this reconnaissance mission was completed perfectly.

But what he didn't expect was that he had just been lying side by side with Anshao's body for a while, and his body was inevitably stained with blood, and Nikitin, who had a very good nose, happened to smell the blood. "Thank God, I got through it."

." Just as Masuki thought this, he heard a loud voice from beside him: "Comrade soldier, please wait a moment!"

"Oops, we've been discovered." As soon as he heard the sudden sound, Masucci immediately had this idea in his mind. He quickly dodged to the side, then shook his right shoulder, threw up the rifle under his right side, and held it with both hands.

The gun was forcefully thrust into the chest area, aiming at Nikitin's position and pulling the trigger.

There was a "pop" gunshot, and the bullet hit the guard who blocked Nikitin in time. He covered his bullet-hit abdomen with both hands, resisting the pain and blocking in front of Nikitin, mouthing hard.

He said: "Teacher, be careful!"

Just when Masucci pulled the bolt of the gun and was about to fire the second shot, Nikitin had already pulled out the pistol and pulled the trigger towards Masucci's position. "Pap-pap-pap" and a few rounds of bullets flew out.

But when the cunning Masucci saw Nikitin raising his pistol, he hurriedly rolled on the spot and dodged aside. All the bullets fired from the pistol hit the ground, causing the ground to splash with dirt.

The major and his guards did not expect to encounter camouflaged German soldiers here. Their reaction was slower than Nikitin's. When they saw Masuki dodge the pistol shot and ran away into the distance, the two

Only then did the man come to his senses, and hurriedly raised his gun and fired at Masucci's back.

The gunshots rang out in the street alerted the commanders who had just returned to the command post. When the company commander heard the gunshots, he was immediately frightened: "No, the division commander and the others are in danger. You all come with me!" He said

After shouting, he pulled out his pistol and took the lead in rushing out of the command post. The deputy company commander and instructor were not willing to lag behind and rushed out right behind the company commander.

Masucci saw a large group of people rushing towards him outside the town. He knew that it would not be easy for him to escape from here, so he quickly turned around and got into a nearby alley.

The company commander just heard the gunshot and didn't understand what happened, so he ran out with a large group of people. Because he didn't know what happened, he didn't take any remedial measures in time, but ran straight away

When he arrived in front of Nikitin and the major, he asked breathlessly: "Comrade Commander, what happened?"

When the major saw that his men did not chase the German scouts, but came to him in a swarm, he was furious: "Captain, didn't you hear the gunfire? That was a German scout disguised as one of our soldiers.

He attempted to assassinate the division commander, but luckily the division commander's guards blocked his shot. What are you doing here, why don't you lead someone to chase him quickly?"

The company commander was shocked to learn that a German was trying to assassinate the division commander, but he had no idea where the Germans had gone. He could only look at the major in confusion and asked: "Comrade Battalion Commander,

I wonder where the enemy ran to?"

The major pointed in the direction of Masucci's escape and said: "You ran in that direction. Hurry up and lead the people to chase you. If you want to see someone dead or a corpse, if you come back empty-handed, I will remove you from your post!"


After the company commander waited for the major to finish speaking, he immediately turned to the commanders and fighters who came with him and shouted: "Follow me!" After saying that, he waved his pistol and led a group of commanders and fighters to escape in the direction where Masucci escaped.

After the major waited for the company commander to leave, he turned to Nikitin, who was checking the guard's injuries, and said apologetically: "Comrade commander, I'm sorry, because of my negligence..."

"Okay, comrade major, you don't have to say anything." Nikitin didn't wait for the major to finish speaking, raised his hand and interrupted what he was saying, and said anxiously: "My guard is seriously injured, please help him quickly.

Get a hygienist to come over!"

The major shouted to the guard who was standing still and didn't move: "Hey, didn't you hear what the division commander said? Why don't you quickly find a health worker to come over and check this comrade's injury?"

Soon, the major's guard called the company's health worker over. The health worker came to Nikitin and took the initiative to identify himself: "Comrade division commander, I am the health worker!"

Nikitin pointed at the guard lying on the ground and ordered: "Healthman, check his injuries quickly."

After squatting beside the guard and watching for a while, the health worker raised his head and looked at Nikitin and the major. He said with some embarrassment: "Comrade Commander, the light here is too dark. I can't see clearly where he was injured, so I can't perform surgery on him."


Hearing what the health worker said, Nikitin waved his hand and said, "Then carry him to the company command post. The light there should allow you to see his injuries clearly." After saying that, he squatted down.

, passed his hands under the guard's armpits, supported his upper body, and asked the major and his guard to lift his legs. The three of them worked together to carry the wounded man into the company command post and put him on a stretcher.

When the health workers began to treat the wounds of the wounded, Nikitin said to the major: "Comrade major, don't blame your commanders. Our defense area is so large and our troops are limited. Several German scouts have sneaked in.

It’s perfectly normal.”

After listening to Nikitin's words, the major relaxed a little. He turned to the health worker and asked: "Health worker, how is his injury?"

When the hygienist heard the major's question, he frowned, shook his head, and said with a grimace: "Comrade Major, his injury is not serious. He needs immediate surgery to remove the bullet in the abdomen, otherwise his life will be in danger."

After Nikitin learned about the injury of his guard, he quickly grabbed the phone on the table, dialed the division headquarters, and ordered the chief of staff: "Comrade chief of staff, prepare an ambulance immediately. There is a wounded person who needs to be sent immediately.

Military hospital in the rear."

"Comrade division commander, which battalion commander is injured?" When the division chief of staff heard the division commander personally ordering him to prepare an ambulance, he guessed that some important officer must have been injured, so he asked this question.

"It's not the battalion commander," Nikitin replied with a serious expression: "It was the guard who went out with me for inspection who was injured. On the way out for inspection, we encountered a German scout disguised as a soldier of our army.

Fortunately, the guard blocked the shot for me, otherwise I would have been in a very bad situation."

The division chief of staff was shocked when he heard that Nikitin had been attacked on the road, and quickly asked: "Comrade division commander, are you not injured?"

"No, I'm fine." In order to make the division chief of staff not worry, Nikitin continued: "The enemy only fired one shot and ran away. Our soldiers are hunting him."

"I understand, comrade division commander." Hearing that Nikitin was not injured, the division chief of staff secretly breathed a sigh of relief. He quickly replied: "I will immediately arrange an ambulance to take the wounded to the military hospital in the rear."

After making the call, Beloborodov turned around and walked to the stretcher where the guard was lying. The health worker quickly stepped aside so that his division commander could squat down.

Beloborodov squatted down next to the stretcher and saw that his guard was still unconscious. He couldn't help but asked the health worker with some concern: "Health worker, it may take a while for the ambulance to arrive. Can he support it?"

Seeing the worried look on the division commander's face, the health worker quickly replied: "Don't worry, comrade division commander, I have bandaged his wound and given him morphine to relieve the pain. He will be fine if he can hold on for a few hours."

Perhaps the two people were talking too loudly, which woke up the unconscious guard. He snorted and opened his eyes. After seeing clearly that the person squatting in front of him was Beloborodov, he asked in a weak voice

He said: "Comrade teacher, where am I?"

"In the company command post," Beloborodov quickly replied: "On our way back, we were attacked by German scouts disguised as our soldiers. You were injured in order to cover me."

When the guard heard what Beloborodov said, he quickly asked: "Did you catch him?"

"Don't worry, he can't run away. Our people have already gone after him." Beloborodov held the guard's hand, comforted him and said, "You are injured and need to go to the military hospital behind for treatment immediately."

, I have contacted the ambulance for you." After saying this, he turned to the major standing aside and asked loudly, "Major, why haven't your people captured the German scouts yet?"

The major was startled by Beloborodov's stern tone and replied in a panic: "Don't worry, comrade division commander, my company commander has already led a platoon to chase. I believe it won't take long.

You can catch him."

However, before the Soviet army caught Frank, the ambulance prepared by the division chief of staff for the guards arrived first. A health worker walked quickly into the command post from outside and asked loudly: "Where are the wounded?"

Beloborodov was about to ask who the other party was when he saw two stretcher bearers carrying a stretcher in. The company command post suddenly became crowded. He quickly shouted at the guard lying on the stretcher.

He pointed and said: "We have stretchers here, but your stretchers are not needed. My guard was shot in the abdomen and needs immediate surgery. You should send him to the hospital in the rear as soon as possible."

When the health worker heard Beloborodov's voice, he realized that the person standing in front of him was his division commander. He quickly straightened up and replied: "Don't worry, comrade division commander, we will definitely send him to the rear hospital as soon as possible."


After the health workers and stretcher bearers carried the guards away, Beloborodov asked the major: "Which battalion's defense zone is the location where the German scouts escaped?"

"It is the defense area of ​​the Third Battalion." The major replied quickly: "They are just like us. In addition to the normal sentry posts, they also have hidden sentries. If the German scouts really escape in that direction, we might be able to catch them.


This chapter has been completed!
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