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Chapter 2340

"Sokov!" Zakharov's roar came from the receiver: "Do you know what you are doing? In thirty hours, our army will launch a full-scale attack on the Kwantung Army. Who allows you?

Fired artillery at the enemy's position without authorization? Do you want to notify the enemy that we are going to attack them?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army," Zakharov's rage was already expected by Sokov. He waited for the other party to finish speaking and then interrupted: "Please listen to my explanation!"

"Then tell me, what's going on?" Zakharov said angrily: "If you can't come up with something, just wait until you go to a military court!"

"One of my reconnaissance teams is trapped behind the Kwantung Army. If no action is taken in time, they are in danger of being annihilated..."

"What?" Zakharov heard Sokov say that it was for a small team, so he used heavy artillery to bombard the Kwantung Army's defense area, and he got angry again: "For a mere reconnaissance team, you used heavy artillery to bombard the Kwantung Army's defense area.

, don’t you know that doing this may lead to the exposure of our campaign intentions? If I were in your position, let alone a small team, even a company, or even a battalion, would be eaten by the Kwantung Army.

No one would do such a reckless thing."

"Comrade Chief of Staff of the Front Army," Sokov disagreed with Zakharov's statement: "If I had not ordered the artillery to carry out the artillery bombardment, then they would definitely have been annihilated. Besides, I don't think this bombardment,

It would reveal our intentions."

There was silence in the receiver, and after a while, Malinovsky's voice came: "Comrade Sokov? I am Malinovsky, please tell me why you said the shelling of the Kwantung Army positions,

Will it not expose our army’s combat intentions?”

Sokov did not expect that Malinovsky would speak to him in person. After a brief panic, Sokov stabilized his emotions and reported to Malinovsky: "Comrade Marshal, after the shelling is over,

I also sent troops to pick up the small team trapped behind enemy lines."

"What, you sent troops to pick up the detachment?" Sokov could detect the anger in Malinovsky's voice.

"Comrade Marshal," Sokov quickly explained to the other party: "In my childhood, I am a bully. If my reconnaissance team is surrounded by them and I don't take any action, I'm afraid it will arouse their suspicion.

After all, in their minds, we are a fighting nation, and the way we deal with things is simple, rough and direct..."

When Malinovsky heard this, he couldn't help laughing and said: "Fighting nation, this is the first time I have heard this name, but it is quite appropriate. You continue to talk."

"Yes, Comrade Marshal." Sokov continued to report: "Colonel Faqiushen, the commander of our 233rd Infantry Division, personally led people to respond and negotiated with a commander of the Kwantung Army. The other party once mentioned me

The military shelled their defense area and asked us to give them a reasonable explanation."

"Then how do you explain it?" Malinovsky asked.

"I asked Colonel Fatyushin to tell them that during our exercise, due to the error of the artillery observer, we provided the artillery with wrong firing parameters, which caused our army's artillery shells to accidentally explode into their defense area." Sokov said boldly.

He said: "When we discovered this mistake, we decisively stopped the bombardment and locked up the artillery observer who made the mistake."

Malinovsky laughed and said: "Comrade Sokov, your reason is quite strange. I don't think the Kwantung Army will believe it."

Sokov replied domineeringly: "After all, the strength of both sides is there. With their few 75mm cannons, if they just shelled our army's defense area, I would fight back with more violent artillery fire. Even so.

They knew clearly that I was deceiving them, so they could only suffer the loss of being dumb."

Sokov's explanation made Malinovsky's lips slightly raise, and he continued to ask: "Then what did you tell the Kwantung Army when you sent troops to meet the detachment?"

"I told Colonel Faqiushen in advance that if the Kwantung Army asked our army why they entered their defense area, they would tell them that during the exercise, our army found a small team missing and suspected that it was abducted by their people.

Their defense area, so we have to go in and search."

Hearing this, Malinovsky couldn't help laughing and said repeatedly: "Comrade Sokov, you really have such a weird reason, you can actually think of it. How about it, our little one?"

Has the team been rescued?"

Sokov laughed dryly and muttered to himself. The kid had used such a weird reason eight years ago to try to enter Wanping City through such a move, but was sternly rejected by the defenders. Now he is just a

It's just a matter of doing the same thing in return. Hearing Malinovsky's question, he quickly replied: "Rescued, Comrade Marshal. However, there are only 3 people left in the original 11-person reconnaissance team.

The rest of the soldiers died."

After hearing this, Malinovsky was silent for a long time, and then sighed and said: "Comrade Sokov, this is war, and sacrifices are inevitable."

Just when Sokov thought that he had ordered the bombardment of the Kwantung Army defense area without authorization, he heard Malinovsky say: "Comrade Sokov, no matter what, your behavior is serious.

Wrong. In view of the serious mistakes you have made, and in order to set an example for others, after research by the Front Army Headquarters, you will be relieved from the post of commander from now on and replaced by deputy commander Lieutenant General Lu Jin. You should hand over the work in your hand to him as soon as possible.


Sokov's heart sank, and then he tried his best to put a smile on his face: "Okay, Comrade Marshal, I will execute your order immediately."

When Sokov put down the phone, Yakov couldn't wait to ask: "Misha, what did Comrade Marshal say to you?"

Sokov did not answer his question, but turned to look at Lukin sitting aside, and said to him with a wry smile: "Comrade Deputy Commander, from now on, the 53rd Army will be under your command."

Lu Jin couldn't help being stunned after hearing this, and then asked: "Misha, what about you?"

"I have been relieved of my duties as commander because I made a serious mistake."

"What, you were fired?" Yakov suddenly became excited when he heard the news: "Why is this?"

"The reason is very simple." Sokov said calmly: "I ordered artillery to bombard the Kwantung Army's defense area without authorization, which may expose our army's subsequent offensive intentions. The nature is serious. I was only relieved of my position as commander, but not

I am showing mercy by sending him to a military court."

"Hell, the war is about to begin. How can I remove you from your position as commander?" Yakov defended Sokov: "No, I want to call Marshal Vasilevsky and tell him about the matter. I hope he can

Change Marshal Malinovsky's decision." As he spoke, he reached for the high-frequency phone on the table.

"Yasha," But Sokov stopped him and said in a grateful tone: "I thank you for your kindness, but it's best not to bother Marshal Vasilevsky with this kind of thing. I have a bad feeling

I have a hunch that if this matter is handled by Marshal Vasilevsky, I will not just be dismissed from the position of commander."

"Comrade Chief of Staff." Lukin said to Yakov from the side: "Misha is right. When large corps fights, military discipline must be strict. If this matter is known to Marshal Vasilevsky, in order to strictly enforce military discipline, I am afraid that

Mischa will be punished more severely. At that time, it will not be as simple as dismissal from his post. Someone may be sent to take Mischa back to Moscow and face a military court trial there."

Yakov, who originally wanted to ask for an explanation for Sokov, heard what Sokov and Lukin said, and realized that he was too reckless. Now that the war is imminent, Sokov's behavior is blatant disobedience of orders, but he is still...

To a certain extent, it exposed the Soviet army's offensive intentions. If the Kwantung Army was alerted and the defense area was strengthened, it would be very detrimental to the Soviet army's next Far East campaign. In order to convince the public, Vasilevsky

I will definitely use Sokov as a warning to the monkeys.

"Okay." Yakov changed his mind: "Anyway, our army group is just a reserve force in this Far East campaign and has no chance to participate in the war. Even if Misha is temporarily relieved of his duties, he will not

What an impact.”

After Sokov had just handed over the work to Lukin, Major Bezikov came in and reported to Sokov: "Comrade Commander, Captain Feng and his men are back. Do you want to see them?"

"Invite them in."

Soon, Captain Feng entered the headquarters under the leadership of Bezikov.

Captain Feng quickly came to Sokov, raised his hand in salute, and reported loudly: "Comrade Commander, I have returned from the reconnaissance mission and I am here to report to you. I am waiting for your orders. Please give me instructions!"


"Hello, Captain Feng." Sokov stepped forward and shook hands with Captain Feng, then pointed at Lu Jin next to him and said: "From now on, if anything happens, report it to Lieutenant General Lu Jin. He is now the commander of the group army.


Hearing what Sokov said, Captain Feng couldn't help but be stunned. When he escaped from danger, Sokov was still the commander of the group army. How could he become Lieutenant General Lukin in the blink of an eye? With this question, he asked in confusion

: "Comrade Commander, why?"

"Why else, it's not for you." Yakov sneered next to him and said dissatisfied: "In order to rescue you from the enemy's encirclement, he ordered the artillery to fire at the Kwantung Army's defense area. As a result, his superiors held him responsible.

He was relieved of his duties. Do you understand what happened now?"

After hearing this, Captain Feng showed a shocked expression on his face: "What, Comrade Commander was dismissed from his post by his superiors in order to save us?"

Sokov smiled faintly and pretended to be nonchalant and said: "It doesn't matter, anyway, we have no part in this Far East campaign, so whether I am the commander of this group army or not, it doesn't matter to me. Okay, comrade captain

, hurry up and report the intelligence you have detected to Commander Lu Jin."

After speaking, Sokov raised his hand and patted Captain Feng on the shoulder, and walked out of the headquarters.

Bezikov followed him out. When he came to a deserted place, he tentatively asked Sokov: "Comrade Commander, have you really been dismissed from your post by your superiors?"

"Yes." For Sokov, being dismissed from his post was not a shameful thing. He simply repeated Malinovsky's words to Bezikov and finally said: "

From now on, Lieutenant General Lu Jin will be the new commander of the group army, and your focus of protection will shift to him from now on, do you understand?"

After Bezikov heard this, the muscles on his face twitched violently for a few times, and then he asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, did Marshal Malinovsky tell you how you will be accommodated next?"


"I don't know." Sokov didn't care what fate he would face next. He stretched out his hand to Bezikov: "Do you have a cigarette? Give me one!"

Bezikov quickly took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket and handed it to Sokov.

Sokov took one out and held it in his mouth. Bezikov quickly lit a match and lit his cigarette.

After lighting the cigarette, Sokov took a deep breath, blew out a smoke ring, and said to Bezikov: "Comrade Major, you can continue to go back to duty."

"What about you?" Bezikov worried that Sokov might be depressed because of his dismissal, and asked tentatively: "Where are you going?"

"I'm not the commander anyway." Sokov said: "I want to go outside and walk around casually."

"I will send someone to protect you." Although Sokov no longer holds the position of commander, his rank is still the focus of Bezikov's protection. Before Sokov could say anything, Bezikov

The orderer called Kasan and told him: "Kasan, Comrade Commander wants to go outside for a walk. You are responsible for following him and protecting his safety. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Major." Kasan replied: "I will follow the commander closely to ensure his safety."

After walking out of the headquarters, Sokov looked left and right, and then walked towards a street with few pedestrians on one side. Kasan did not dare to neglect and quickly followed.

"Comrade Commander," Kasan, who did not know that Sokov had been dismissed, asked curiously: "Which unit are you planning to inspect today?"

"No, no, no, I won't be inspecting the troops today." Sokov waved his hands and said, "I'm just walking around casually to see the environment in the city."

"What is there to see in the city?" Kasan muttered: "There are low buildings everywhere, and in many places there are even tents. To be honest, even the small towns near Moscow are better than here.

Much more."

Sokov quite agrees with Kasan's statement. Even a big city like Kulun cannot be compared with the medium-sized cities in Russia, let alone a small and unknown city like where his headquarters is located.

This chapter has been completed!
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