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Chapter 2362

"Comrade Commander," Melekhov said on the phone: "One of our convoys transporting the wounded was attacked by the Kwantung Army. Not only were more than 20 ambulances burned, but the wounded and medical staff on the vehicles were also killed.

Brutally killed."

Although it is normal to attack the enemy's traffic lines, attacking the convoy transporting the wounded and killing all the wounded and medical staff is beyond Sokov's details. He gritted his molars and asked: "Are you sure?

Was it done by some enemy?"

"There are various indications that Suzuki Keihisa's 117th Division should have done it."

"Now that you know which army did it, don't be polite to them. Immediately increase the intensity of the attack and completely eliminate them." Sokov said into the microphone: "Even if we don't have the power to eliminate them temporarily, we must let them surrender."

Expose the murderer who massacred the wounded and medical staff."

After hearing Sokov's order, Melekhov smiled bitterly and said: "Comrade Commander, I'm afraid the enemy will not give in so easily."

"Did you capture any prisoners in today's battle?"

"Yes, about three hundred prisoners were captured." Melekhov heard the implication of Sokov's words, and asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, do you want to make a fuss about these prisoners?"

"Yes, I just plan to use these prisoners to make a fuss." Sokov then asked: "Among them, what is the highest military rank?"

Melekhov was silent for a moment and replied: "There are two majors, who should be the highest ranking."

"General Melekhov, there is no such thing as major in the military rank of the little devil, only major." After Sokov corrected the wrong title of the other party in the military rank, he said to him: "Immediately put these two little devils in front of the major.

The faces of all the prisoners will be shattered!"

"Cracked car?!" Hearing this unfamiliar word, Melekhov asked in surprise: "Comrade Commander, I don't know what it means?"

"Che-Crack means that in ancient times, a person's head and limbs were tied to five carts respectively, hitched to horses, and pulled in different directions. In this way, the person's body was torn into five pieces, so it was called Che-Crack."

After listening to Sokov's explanation, Melekhov couldn't help but shuddered: "Comrade Commander, isn't this too cruel? Besides, we don't have horses or carts now."

"To deal with inhuman beasts like little devils, we can only deal with them the same way we deal with beasts." Sokov gritted his teeth and said: "Although we don't have horses and carts, we can use armored vehicles instead. Also, if we use

The ancient car-breaking method is too cheap for these damn little devils, so I plan to make some adjustments to this ancient death penalty."

"How to adjust?"

"Fix the prisoners to wooden stakes or trees," Sokov said: "Then tie their legs with ropes and use an armored vehicle to pull them to both sides. After pulling their legs off, the person will not be able to hold them for the time being.

You can find a few prisoners and ask them to carry these two tortured majors back to their defense area and tell their commanders that whoever dares to attack our convoy transporting the wounded is them.

The fate of."

The kind of criminal law Sokov mentioned actually came from the island country. It has a special name called "Tokugawa torture". He just treated the other person with his own way.

Melekhov had goosebumps all over his body. Although he felt that using such a punishment on the prisoners of the Kwantung Army was too inhumane, since it was Sokov's order, he, as a subordinate, could not disobey it and could only forcefully

He scratched his head and said: "Okay, Comrade Commander, I will carry out your order."

When Sokov put down the phone, Lujin frowned and said, "Misha, it's too inhumane for you to use such a punishment on the prisoners of the Kwantung Army."

"Comrade Deputy Commander, I'm just treating the other person the way he was treated." Sokov said with a serious expression: "After the Kwantung Army captured our troops in Zhanggufeng and Nomenkan, they did not kill them brutally.

Just send them to their special forces for human experiments..."

"Human experiment?!" Lu Jin's eyes widened in surprise: "What is human experiment?"

Although Sokov knew the numerous crimes committed by Unit 731, he could not tell the truth in front of Lukin and Yakov. After all, even the commander-in-chief of the Far East like Vasilevsky did not know about the matter.

How could a small army commander get such top-secret information? But since he accidentally let it slip, he had to find a way to lie: "I once contacted a German officer, and he said that he had seen something

The little devils used our prisoners of war for human experiments, that is, injecting typhoid bacteria into people to see how many people the carriers could infect within a certain period of time..."

"Misha, let me ask a question." Lu Jin said solemnly: "If, what I mean is if, if the little devils see that they cannot resist our army's attack, will they use some special means to deal with us?

Woolen cloth?"

"It is very possible." Sokov nodded and said: "For example, they will bring some infected people carrying the typhoid virus into contact with our troops. Of course, the infected people will die soon.

, but the harmful virus they carry will spread rapidly among our troops like a plague, causing our army to quickly lose its combat effectiveness."

After hearing Sokov's introduction, Lujin and Yakov couldn't help but feel horrified. They didn't expect the kid to be so crazy. They were originally a little bit reluctant to Sokov's punishment for the kid's captives. After hearing this,

After Sokov's words, he felt that just breaking the little devil's legs would be too easy for them.

"Misha, if the matter is really as serious as you said." Yakov asked Sokov tentatively: "Then should we report it to the Front Army Headquarters? No, we should report it directly to Marshal Vasilevsky to avoid me

The army suffered huge losses without realizing it."

"Yasha, it's enough for a few of us to know about this." But Sokov waved his hand to stop Yakov's intention: "After all, I just heard about it and didn't verify the authenticity of the news, so I rashly reported it. I'm afraid

It will cause unnecessary panic."

"But what should we do if the enemy uses their germ weapons against our troops?"

"The little devils are all bullies." Sokov said with a sneer: "If they find that our strength is enough to crush them, they will obediently submit. The torture I asked Melekhov to use was just to punish them.

They act as a deterrent and prevent them from doing anything outrageous again."

"Misha, this is the first time I have heard of the kind of torture you mentioned." Lu Jin said with emotion: "I think it should be able to deter the little devils."

What happened next was just as Sokov expected. When the broken bodies of two Kwantung Army majors who had been tortured by the Tokugawa were returned to the Kwantung Army's defense area by four captive soldiers carrying stretchers, it suddenly caused a stir.

There was an uproar.

Suzuki Keihisa is also a well-informed person. When he saw his two majors being cut into pieces, he immediately recognized that what they suffered was the "Tokugawa torture" during the Warring States Period, and quickly called the army commander Ben.

Report by Yoshitsune.

After receiving a call from Suzuki Keihisa, Hongo Yoshio was stunned. After a long time, he murmured and asked: "Suzuki-kun, are you really sure about the torture used by the Russians on your subordinates?"

, is the Tokugawa torture during our country’s Warring States Period?”

"That's right, Your Excellency, Commander." Suzuki Keihisa said respectfully: "I have read about the punishments of the Warring States Period recorded in ancient books, and my subordinates indeed suffered the Tokugawa torture."

"Strange." Hongo Yoshio said to himself: "How can the Russians know about Tokugawa torture?"

"Your Excellency, Commander," Suzuki Keihisa said cautiously, "I think there are two possibilities: one is that books recording this kind of punishment have spread to Russia; the other is that our people have used this kind of punishment on captured Russians.

Punishment, so they naturally know it.”

"Well, it's possible." After Yoshio Hongo finished speaking, he asked: "Suzuki-kun, why did the Russians use this kind of torture on your officers?"

"I sent an advance team this morning to attack the Russian transportation lines." Suzuki Keihisa answered truthfully: "The target of their attack was a convoy transporting ammunition and supplies, but unexpectedly they encountered a team transporting the wounded.

The convoy. The captain who led the convoy ordered his men to burn all the Russian vehicles. He also drove all the wounded and medical staff to the roadside and shot them all."

"Wait a minute, Suzuki-kun!" Unexpectedly, when Yoshio Hongo heard this, he interrupted Suzuki Keihisa: "You said that in addition to the wounded, there are also medical staff. If I am not mistaken, these medical staff

Most of the staff should be female, right?”

"You are right, Commander." Suzuki Keihisa replied with some embarrassment: "You also know that many of our troops deployed in plain areas are in uninhabited places and there are no comfort stations. Therefore,

When you see Russian medical staff, you will inevitably do indescribable things."

"Baga!" Yoshio Hongo suddenly roared: "What a bunch of idiots. Don't they know that the consequence of doing this is to anger the Russians? You just said that the commander leading the team seems to be a captain, right?


"Yes, he is a captain."

"Hand him over to the Russians immediately." Yoshio Hongo said angrily: "Only by handing him over can the anger of the Russians be appeased."

"But your Excellency, Commander, we are currently at war with the Russians. If we take the initiative to hand over our officers, I am afraid it will have a negative impact on the morale of the troops."

"What do you know." Hongo Yoshio said: "If we don't hand over the culprit, the Russians will take even more crazy retaliatory actions. Today, two officers suffered Tokugawa torture, and maybe there will be more prisoners tomorrow.

officers will suffer the same torture, and then the morale of our army will become even lower."

"Okay, Commander." Suzuki Keihisa said helplessly, "I will immediately arrange for manpower to send the captain to the Russians to appease their anger."

An hour later, Sokov received a call from Melekhov: "Comrade Commander, your method is really effective."

"How is it effective?" Sokov asked rhetorically.

"The little devil has sent someone to bring over the culprit who attacked our wounded convoy." Melekhov asked with a smile: "Comrade Commander, please tell me how to deal with him."

"Did the little devil send the culprit here?" Sokov said with some surprise: "Can you confirm it?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, it is absolutely certain." Melekhov reported to Sokov: "Sent with him was a letter from Suzuki Keihisa, the commander of the 117th Division.

We apologized for the attack on our wounded convoy, and hope we can treat their captured personnel well and not engage in any more Tokugawa torture."

"Since the little devil was so understanding and took the initiative to hand over the culprit, there is no need to take drastic action against the remaining prisoners."

"Then what do you plan to do with the culprit sent here?"

"Needless to say, it's natural to peel off the skin and cramp, and use it to pay tribute to our wounded and medical staff who sacrificed their lives."

"Skin and cramp?!" Hearing Sokov's order, Melekhov couldn't help but shuddered again. He didn't expect that Sokov would actually give such an order. He said tremblingly: "Comrade Commander

, no one here knows how to peel."

"Send people to look for herdsmen nearby." Sokov gave Melekhov advice: "They slaughter cattle and sheep all year round, and their skills in skinning and cramping are better than anyone else. Since none of your people can, just

Let these herders do it."

"Comrade Commander, I think it's better to shoot him." Melekhov said with a wry smile: "Even if the herdsmen know how to skin cramps, they are only for animals like cattle and sheep. If you let them skin people, I'm afraid they will still

I can’t do it.”

"The little devil is also a beast, a two-legged beast." Sokov raised his voice and said: "If the herdsman refuses, give him more money or other useful materials. If one of them dares not to do it, just replace him with another one. Unfortunately for me

I can’t find anyone who can skin and cramp a Japanese devil.”

"Okay, Comrade Commander." Melekhov found that Sokov was stubborn and did not want to change the order that had been issued. He could only say with a wry smile: "I will immediately arrange people to find the herdsmen and let them come to this little devil."

Peeling and cramping.”

After putting down the phone, Melekhov called a staff officer and told him: "Go find Captain Feng from the International Brigade and tell him that I have something important to tell him."

After Captain Feng received the notice, he immediately rushed to the military headquarters. After raising his hand to salute Melekhov, he politely asked: "Comrade General, what do you want to see me for?"

"Comrade Captain," Melekhov asked politely, "do you know where the herdsmen can be found?"

"Comrade Commander, because there is a war here, the herdsmen have already gone dozens of miles away." Captain Feng said: "It may not be easy to find them."

"Comrade Captain, I now give you a task. No matter where the herdsmen are hiding, you must help me find some of them."

This chapter has been completed!
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