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Chapter 2505

Chapter 2503

As soon as Sokov's idea came up, he immediately killed it. No, Asiya worked in this military hospital and ran to find other female military doctors. If Asiya found out,

, will definitely cause an uproar. So he sat down again and waited patiently for Asiya to get off work.

After more than ten minutes, Asiya raised her head again and said to Sokov: "Misha, please wait for me a little longer, I will be finished soon."

"It's okay, you can continue working and don't bother with me."

Asiya picked up the phone on the table, dialed a number, and said politely: "Comrade Director of Surgery, I have read all the cases you asked me to see. You see, should I send them to you, or should I send them to you?"

Will you send someone over to get it?...Okay, I'll wait, see you later!"

After putting down the phone, Asiya said to Sokov: "The director of surgery asked me to see these cases. He will come here to pick up the cases in person later."

A few minutes later, a middle-aged bald man in a white coat walked in quickly.

After entering the door, when he looked at Sokov sitting at his desk, he couldn't help but be stunned for a moment, and then asked Sokov tentatively: "Comrade General, what can I do for you?"

"Comrade Director of Surgery," Asiya quickly explained to the other party: "This is my husband. He is here to pick me up from get off work. Misha, this is the director of our department."

"Hello, Comrade Director!" Sokov quickly stood up and extended his hand to the Director of Surgery.

The director of surgery quickly glanced at the medals on Sokov's chest. When he found a Gold Star medal among them, his pupils could not help but shrink slightly. He only knew that Asiya's husband was also a soldier, but he did not expect that he was a soldier.

A hero who had won the title of "Hero of the Soviet Union". He quickly took Sokov's extended hand with both hands, leaned forward slightly, and said in a respectful manner: "Comrade General, it's a pleasure to meet you."

After a few words of greeting, the director of surgery talked to Asiya about the case.

When discussing work, the surgical director's expression became serious. He picked up one of the cases and discussed with Asiya the surgical plan in a few days.

Sokov did not disturb the two of them and just sat quietly beside him. He looked at the bright forehead of the chief of surgery and muttered to himself: There are so many bald heads in Russia. I don’t know whether it is due to genes or the climate and water quality.

and other factors. I wonder if I will become bald like them in the future.

The director of surgery spent half an hour studying the surgical plans of several cases with Asiya. After the study was completed, he took the cases handed over by Asiya and said casually: "Asiya, what are you doing today?"

If there is nothing else, please go back with Comrade General first."

"This is not good." Asiya said a little shyly: "It's not time to get off work yet."

"I am the director of surgery. If I say you can get off work, you can get off work." The director of surgery said with a smile: "After all, you are a pregnant woman now, and we have the responsibility to provide necessary care to the future mother."

Now that the director of surgery has spoken to this extent, it is obviously impossible for Asiya to continue to be pretentious. After the director of surgery left, she stood up and said to Sokov: "Misha, let's go home."...

The two of them left the outpatient clinic building, and when Asya was about to walk towards the gate, she saw Sokov walking towards a barrel truck parked not far away, and quickly followed him.

Asiya looked at the barrel truck carefully and felt that she had a familiar feeling. But soon, she thought that she had seen this truck downstairs after work last night and this morning, and she was a little surprised.

Said to Sokov: "Misha, I have seen this car, it seems to be the one parked outside my building."

Sokov turned to look at Asiya and said with a smile: "Asiya, be more confident and remove the word 'as if'. This is the car parked downstairs of my house."

"Whose car does this belong to?" When Asiya said this, she raised her head and looked in the direction of the outpatient clinic building: "Since the car is parked here, maybe the owner of the car is still in the building."

"It's so far away but so close," Sokov pointed to his nose with his index finger and said, "This car is mine."

"What, this car belongs to you?" Asiya's eyes widened in surprise: "Misha, are you kidding me?"

"How can you be joking?" Sokov replied seriously: "This car was given to me by Yakov when he sent the refrigerator. When you came home, you were in a bad mood when you saw the refrigerator in the kitchen.

I was so excited that I only focused on showing you how to use the refrigerator and forgot about the car."

After learning that this beautiful bucket truck actually belonged to her family, Asiya couldn't help but be overjoyed and said repeatedly: "Great, this is really great. With my own car, I will be able to visit my parents in Khimki town from now on."

It’s much more convenient.”

"Yes, yes." Sokov agreed very much with Asiya's statement: "I didn't have a car before. It was not convenient to take the subway to see your parents. After getting off, you had to take a bus."

Once we come and go, the day is gone. Now that we have a car, we can visit them every weekend. Get in the car."

After the two got in the car, Sokov started the vehicle and said casually: "In addition to seeing your parents, we can even drive to other places. Apart from other places, it is much more convenient to go to Leningrad.

, set off at night and reach your destination at dawn."

Unexpectedly, as soon as Sokov finished speaking, Asiya said: "Misha, you want to go to Leningrad, are you planning to see someone?"

"Do I know anyone in Leningrad?" Sokov said: "I heard that the city is good, and I just want to visit it."

"It's wrong to say that you have no acquaintances. At least I know that there is someone you know who is in Leningrad now."

Asiya's words confused Sokov, and he asked puzzledly: "Asiya, who are you talking about? Why don't I remember that any of the people I know are in Leningrad?" Soko

When the husband said this, he was still thinking in his mind, "Could Asiya be talking about one of my former subordinates?"

But what Asiya said next made Sokov tremble after hearing it: "Misha, have you forgotten Tonya?"

"Donia?!" Sokov's heartbeat suddenly accelerated when he heard the name. When he was in Asiya's office just now, he had wanted to find her, but now when he heard Asiya say this name, he

I can only pretend to be confused and ask: "Who is she? I seem to have never heard of this name."…

"Didn't you lend the apartment opposite the hospital to two medical staff?" Asiya didn't notice Sokov's embarrassment, thinking that he really didn't remember such a person, and took the initiative to ask him

Description: "One of them is Tonya."

Sokov pretended to be suddenly enlightened: "It turned out to be her! Listening to what you said, I have a certain impression. Not long after I was assigned to the apartment, I was about to return to the front line. You also know that if the house

If there is no one living there for a long time, there will be some problems, so I lent it to them. Why, Tonya has been transferred to Leningrad now?"

"Yes." Asiya did not realize that Sokov was trying to trick her, so she answered truthfully: "Some time ago, Leningrad asked us for help, saying that they lacked experienced medical staff and needed us to send them

People came over to support. Tonya was originally from Leningrad. When she heard that there was such an opportunity, she took the initiative to sign up. I heard from the director that she is now the deputy director of surgery at the military hospital in Kirov District.


"Her decision was correct." Sokov said casually: "If she stayed here, she would be an ordinary military surgeon, but after arriving in Leningrad, she was immediately promoted to deputy director of surgery."

"Misha." After Asiya waited for Sokov to finish speaking, she said in a teasing tone: "How about, after I give birth to the child, I also apply to be transferred to Leningrad to work. Maybe I can be like Tony."

If you are like that, why would you be a deputy director?"

"No, absolutely not." Sokov thought that in another two years, Zhdanov would die of illness, but some people made a fuss about his death, saying that he was murdered, which led to a group of people who had

The doctors who had treated him had all suffered unjust injustice. Sokov did not want Asiya to be involved in such a whirlpool, so he said resolutely: "If you go to Leningrad, what will happen to me and the child?"

What to do? Should I also follow you to Leningrad?"

Seeing Sokov's serious expression, Asiya couldn't help but chuckle, and then said: "Misha, I was just teasing you, but I didn't expect you to take it seriously. Don't worry, I will be where you are, absolutely.

I won’t leave you and your child.”

After receiving Asiya's promise, Sokov felt much more at ease. He knew that the next few years would be very uneventful. Only by staying away from the center of these whirlpools could he avoid unnecessary troubles.


Asiya suddenly pointed forward with her finger and said excitedly: "Misha, hurry up and look at the trolley bus in front of you!"

Sokov looked in the direction of her finger and saw a dark green trolley bus moving forward smoothly. There was nothing special about it. Sokov guessed that Asiya usually took the subway.

She rarely saw trolleybuses running on the street, so she casually explained to her: "Since the end of the war, the power in the city has returned to normal levels, and the power problem that originally restricted the movement of trolleybuses has been fundamentally solved, so the streetcars

The number of trolleybuses on the bus has increased.”

"No, Misha, that's not what I'm talking about." Asiya shook her head and said, "I want you to see the pattern on the tram!"...

"The pattern on the tram?" Sokov stared at the side of the tram, carefully checking the pattern Asiya said. Sure enough, next to the door where the driver got on and off, there was a red circle with a slash drawn on it.

Cute rabbit. He asked Asiya tentatively: "Asiya, do you want to tell me that there is a rabbit painted next to the door where the driver gets in and out?"

"That's right, that's right," Asiya nodded and said excitedly, "I just want you to see this."

Although Sokov knew the meaning of this pattern in his heart, in order to make Asiya happy, he still pretended to say: "Why is there a cute rabbit painted on the car? Is it to remind everyone that they saw the rabbit running on the road?

Passing tense, should I slow down?"

Asiya did not expect that Sokov would make such an explanation. After a short silence, she burst into laughter. She raised her hand and punched Sokov lightly on the shoulder, laughing and scolding: "You

I really don’t know, or I just don’t know, but they actually said that this pattern is to prevent drivers from hitting rabbits crossing the road, which really made me laugh to death.”

Sokov laughed dryly, and then asked knowingly: "Asia, tell me, what does this pattern mean?"

Asiya thought that Sokov really didn't understand the meaning of this pattern, so she explained to him: "You also know that not everyone buys a ticket when taking the bus. There are always some unconscious people who try to evade the fare.

, such people are usually called rabbits. The pattern on the car indicates that fare evading rabbits are prohibited on the car.”

"Oh, so that's what happened." Sokov pretended to be suddenly enlightened and said: "I thought it was to prevent hitting passing rabbits, so I painted such a pattern on the car body. But it's also true.

, in Russian myths and legends, the most cunning animal is the rabbit. When people say that a person is cunning, they will say that he is as cunning as a rabbit."

When Sokov said this, he remembered an interesting incident from later generations. When he was doing business, there was an old Russian lady among his colleagues. She was that kind of cunning person. Everyone nicknamed her "Old Fox".

Unexpectedly, the old lady was very happy after hearing this, because in Russia, fox is a cute animal, and saying someone looks like a fox is a compliment to her.

At this time, Sokov saw a traffic police station in front of him. A traffic policeman wearing a cotton hat and a very gray uniform was standing in the middle of the road. When he saw Sokov's car driving over, he used the command in his hand to

Bang, pointed at Sokov's car, and then pointed at the roadside, signaling him to pull over to the roadside!

Seeing this action of the traffic police, Asiya asked in surprise: "Misha, did you break the rules?"

"No," Sokov said with some surprise: "I was driving at a normal speed, and I didn't stop the front of the trolley bus just now. How could it be against the rules?"

Although he was full of doubts, Sokov followed the traffic police's instructions and drove the car to the side of the road in a polite manner. After the car stopped, Sokov turned around and picked up the mink hat placed at the back and put it on.

He put his head on his head and then opened the door and got out of the car.

"Comrade traffic policeman," Sokov clearly saw the traffic policeman approaching. He did not wear any police title on his shoulders. He must have just become a traffic policeman, so he stood by the car holding the door and asked: "Is my car illegal?


There were two reasons why the traffic police stopped Sokov's car. The main reason was because it was a German car that stood out among the Gas cars or American jeeps on the street. The little traffic policeman just wanted to take a look and drove this car.

Who was driving the car?

But what the little traffic policeman never expected was that the barrel truck parked on the side of the road, and the person who opened the door and walked out was actually a general, which surprised him. Hearing Sokov's question, he replied in a panic:

: "General, Comrade General, you, why, when your car is driving, why don't you have the headlights on?"

After hearing what the traffic police said, Sokov quickly came to the front of the car, looked down at the car lights, and his face suddenly turned red. Just as the traffic police said, he did not turn on the lights when he was driving!


This chapter has been completed!
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