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Chapter 2593

Sokov and Bakanidze led the militia company into the town of Khimki and came to the duty point to find the police chief.

Seeing Sokov and an old man walking in, the sergeant quickly stood up and saluted him: "Hello, Comrade General!" Although Sokov was not wearing a military uniform, he still raised his hand to return the salute and introduced him first.

Bakanidze beside him: "This is my father-in-law Bakanidze. He was ordered to bring the militia company from the instrument factory to assist you in executing the mission."

Perform the mission."

After hearing this, the police chief quickly turned around and saluted Bakanidze, and said politely: "Hello, Comrade Bakanidze!"

"I see that the exits to the town have been blocked. Presumably the suspicious person cannot leave the town for the time being." Sokov asked the police chief: "I wonder when you plan to start a manhunt across the town?"

"One more moment, Comrade General."

"What are you waiting for?" Sokov asked with some displeasure.

"I have reported this matter to the North District Bureau." Seeing that Sokov was unhappy, the police chief quickly explained to him: "The director of the Bureau will arrive soon with reinforcements to assist us in launching operations here.


Knowing that the Northern District Bureau would soon send people to Khimki Town to assist the police chief in searching for suspicious persons, Sokov's tone softened a lot: "When will they arrive?"

The police chief raised his hand to look at the time and replied: "If nothing else happens, they will arrive in a few minutes at most."

As soon as he finished speaking, the phone on the table rang.

The sergeant grabbed the phone: "I'm the sergeant? What, the people from the branch have arrived, right at the entrance to the south of the town? Okay, I understand, I'll rush over immediately."

After putting down the phone, the police chief said to Sokov: "Comrade General, the people sent from the branch have arrived. Shall we go over to see them now?"

"Let's go." Sokov nodded in agreement: "Go and say hello to the person in charge of your branch."

When the three of them arrived at the southern entrance of the town, they found that there were more than 20 police cars of various sizes parked here, and a police officer wearing the rank of lieutenant colonel was walking back and forth in front of the police car.

The police sergeant quickly ran forward and saluted the other party.

After the two exchanged a few words, they walked towards Sokov.

"Hello, Comrade General." After the lieutenant colonel raised his hand to salute Sokov, he said respectfully: "The director of the North District Bureau Office is reporting to you that we are here for reinforcements. I follow your instructions. Please exit.

Give the order." After Sokov raised his hand in return, the director of the Bureau said: "The director said, you should know that I am a soldier. When it comes to commanding troops to march and fight, this is my strength;

Catching suspicious people in the city

, that's what your police are good at. I think you are still responsible for today's search operation, and I will not interfere with your command." In fact, before coming here, the director of the bureau office had a very headache, so Sokov, the senior general, was there

In the town of Khimki, he may be a good hand in commanding the war, but when it comes to catching criminals, he is a complete amateur.

If the other party gave random instructions during the operation, it might lead to the failure of today's operation. At this moment, when he heard that Sokov handed over the command of the search operation to himself, he felt much more at ease. After saluting Sokov, he

Several subordinates called him in front of him, and after giving them a few instructions, the search operation began.

It's officially started.

Seeing the police and militiamen entering groups of ten or twenty and starting searches in different buildings, Sokov couldn't help but ask the director of the bureau: "Comrade director, will such a search be like finding a needle in a haystack?" "No.

Yes, Comrade General." The director of the bureau office explained to Sokov: "According to my analysis, this suspicious captain must be from other places. Since he is from other places, if he wants to stay in this town, he must

Or stay in a hotel,

Or rent a house to live in. We first check the hotels in the town to see if there is such a person. If not, we will enter various buildings in the town to search and ask the residents in the buildings whether there is such a captain renting a house.


After listening to the bureau director's explanation, Sokov smiled and nodded, thinking that according to the other party's arrangement, the chance of catching the fake captain was still very high.

Bakanidze did not search with the militia, but stayed with Sokov. After listening to the bureau director's story, he asked with some worry: "What if he secretly changed places?"

Can’t find it?”

"Our search operation today involves a bit of gambling on luck." Sokov said: "It depends on whether we are lucky today." Several people were talking when they saw the police chief with a

A bald man came over. Sokov originally thought that this man was the captain he saw in the officer's store, but when he got closer, he realized that he was just a stranger.


"Comrade Sheriff," before Sokov could say anything, the director of the bureau office had already asked, "Who is this?"

"Comrade Director," the police chief replied, "this comrade may have some clues."

Knowing that the man might have some clues, the director of the bureau office immediately called the man in front of him and asked politely: "Comrade, tell me what you know."

"Comrade police officer," the man said, "the day before yesterday, after school, my son and some classmates went to play in the north of the town. They had a dispute with a child..."

"Wait a minute," the director of the bureau office heard this and interrupted the other party: "We are looking for a captain, but you told me that your son had an argument with a child a few days ago...


"Comrade Director," but Sokov realized that what the man said was just foreshadowing, and quickly said to the director of the Bureau: "Let him continue talking, maybe there will be content we are eager to understand."

"You can continue talking." The director of the bureau office said to the man. The man nodded and continued: "At that time, the children had a quarrel first, and then they beat the child. You all know that children,

Fighting is normal. I remember when I was a child, I used to

I had fights with many peers, and the teacher even called my parents because of this..."

Seeing that the man had taken the topic astray, Sokov quickly reminded him: "Tell me the important point, tell the important point. What happened after your son beat the other person?" "After they beat the child, from the next building

Suddenly an officer rushed out of the house. He was not wearing a military cap and was holding an open bottle of vodka in his hand." The man continued: "After he came over, he arrested my son and his friends.

, let them stand against the wall. After they stood up, let the child slap their faces with the soles of his shoes. After I learned the news, my lungs suddenly exploded. You know

Dao, I am a father, and I absolutely cannot watch my children being bullied. When I was young, if any child dared to bully me, I would definitely fight him to the death. If I couldn’t beat him, I would go home and call my father...


"Speak to the important points, speak to the important points." The person who reminded the man this time was the director of the bureau office. The man coughed, spitted to the side, and continued: "I carried my child on my bicycle, so I went there to look for him.

The captain asked for an explanation. After we met, he beat me severely.


He even smashed my bicycle. You see, this is what he left for me." The man said, pointing to his forehead. Sokov took a closer look and saw that there was indeed a bruise on the man's forehead.

He must have been punched. Although the officer the man mentioned might be the person he saw, Sokov did not act hastily.

Instead of giving the order, he asked: "What is the rank of that officer? Lieutenant or colonel?"

The man thought for a moment, then shook his head and said, "It should be a lieutenant, but I can't remember exactly whether it was a captain or a captain."

"After you were beaten, did you call the police?" "No." The man answered simply. He pointed to his chest: "Not only is he an officer, but he also has two medals hanging here. I

Even if the police were called, I'm afraid the police chief would not dare to offend the officer. I have no choice.

I can only consider myself unlucky."

Sokov waited for the man to finish speaking, then turned to look at the director of the bureau and asked: "Comrade director, what do you think?"

The director of the bureau office thought for a while and then replied: "Comrade General, I think that person may be the person we are looking for."

"I think so too." Sokov said: "How about we allocate some manpower to go there and check it out?"

"I think it's okay." The director of the bureau office said, calling a subordinate and asking him to take more than a dozen policemen, and under the guidance of the man, go to the north of the town to arrest the suspected officer.

Under the leadership of the man, everyone passed through the center of the town and came to the north of the town. "It's right there." The man suddenly pointed to a two-story building in front of him and said, "The officer lives in that building.

"As for which floor it is on, I'm not sure." After saying this, he paused for a moment and pointed.

The ground in the distance said, "He smashed my bicycle here. Look, there are still marks on the ground."

Sokov looked in the direction of the man's finger, and sure enough he found clear wheel marks and car body outlines on the mud, proving that the man's statement that the officer smashed his bicycle here was absolutely true.

"Come here," the director of the bureau office said to his subordinates: "Take people to search the building. You must find the officer. Comrade General will identify him to see if he is the person he saw in the officer's store.

." When the police entered the building, Bakanidze wanted to follow, but Sokov stopped him: "Let young people do these things, you should stay here." Sokov.

The reason why he was not allowed to go was because he was worried about the

The officer found that his identity was exposed. If he jumped over the wall in a hurry and resisted, Bakanidze might be injured.

Since Sokov stopped himself from entering the building, Bakanidze did not say anything. He just stared at the door closely, wanting to see if the policemen who entered could catch anyone.

Ten minutes later, there was a loud noise at the door.

Then, Sokov saw several policemen pushing a captain out of the unit door with his hands behind his back. Sokov looked carefully and saw that the captain who was pushed out was the same captain he had seen in the officer's store.

Then he turned to the director of the bureau office and said: "Comrade director, that's right, that's him. He's the one I saw in the officer's store."

The one who arrived."

The director of the bureau office nodded and walked up immediately. When the police officer leading the team saw the director of the bureau office approaching, he quickly reported excitedly: "After we entered the door, we met an old lady and asked her if there was a captain living here.

, she gave us an affirmative answer. But she

At the same time, she mentioned that when the captain rented a house from her, he did not show any valid documents at all. She rented the house to him because he was wearing a military uniform and had a medal on his chest, so she thought he should be reliable."

"Good job." The director of the bureau patted the police officer on the shoulder, and then asked the still struggling captain: "Captain, what is your name?"

"Sergey, Sergey Nikonenko."

"Which army?"

Hearing the question from the director of the bureau, the captain fell silent. I don't know if he didn't bother to answer this question, or he didn't know how to answer it at all.

Sokov also stepped forward and said to him: "Captain, we meet again."

The captain raised his head, looked Sokov up and down, and said with some surprise: "It turns out to be you, we met in the officer's store." "You have a good memory, we did meet in the officer's store."

." Sokov said coldly: "When the salesperson wanted to register your information, you said you forgot your military ID card at home. Now we are looking for it at your home.

You, I wonder if you can show us your military ID card so that we can know which army you are from."

Seeing that the captain was silent, Sokov said to the director of the bureau: "Comrade director, let the police search his room carefully. First, look for his military ID, and second, see if there is anything else."

"Something else?" the director of the bureau office asked with some surprise: "Comrade General, are you referring to the radio station?" Sokov was thinking, if this captain is really a chess piece arranged by the Germans in Moscow,

Then he will definitely have a legal identity and will not have to worry about his documents being checked by the police or Ministry of Internal Affairs personnel. But from now on

Judging from the situation, it seems that he can't even produce a military ID card, so it is unlikely that he is a German spy.

"Maybe it's the radio, maybe it's something else." Sokov said vaguely: "If you search carefully in the room where he lives, you might find some unexpected surprises."

After hearing this, the director of the bureau nodded and said to the police officer leading the team: "Take two people and go back to the room where he was just captured and search carefully to see if you can find anything valuable."

The police officer agreed, called two policemen, turned back and entered the unit door, and went to arrest the fake captain's room to search.

"Captain, please tell me, do you live alone or with other people?" Sokov asked.

The captain replied angrily: "I live alone."

"No, as far as I know, there is at least one child among the people living with you." Sokov brought the man who tipped the tip over and asked the fake captain: "Who is he?"

The captain glanced at the man, then shook his head and said, "I don't know him. I've never seen him before." "What, you said you've never seen me before?" When the man heard what the fake captain said, he jumped up and pointed at his forehead.

Said: "Look, you hit me with the wound on my forehead. And you not only hit me, but also

The bicycle he was riding was also smashed." After hearing what the man said, the fake captain suddenly looked surprised: "It turns out to be you, why do you look so familiar to me?"

This chapter has been completed!
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