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Chapter 2600

Sokov began to write the basic data of the PKM general machine gun on the drawing: "The total length of the gun body is 1192mm, of which the barrel is 645mm long, the rifling part is 550mm long, 4 riflings, right-hand rotation..." The person responsible for assisting Sokov in his work

The captain, seeing Sokov writing down groups of data on the drawings, quickly poured him a cup of tea and placed it on the corner of the table. After doing all this, he silently retreated to the wall.

Sitting on a chair in the corner, so that when Sokov had any instructions, he could appear in front of Sokov immediately. Sokov did not notice what the captain was doing. After writing the data, he began to think about it.

Some details: the ammunition is fed from a traditional ammunition belt, which is also a common method for general-purpose machine guns. However, the machine gun ammunition belts of the United States and the Soviet Union are different. The US military uses dispersible ammunition chains. The advantage is that the finished ammunition chains are scattered directly.

It will not become dead weight and will not affect subsequent battles. At the same time, the length of the ammunition chain is very flexible. The disadvantage is that it is a little wasteful and the ammunition chain group is scattered.

It is difficult to collect parts. The Soviet ammunition chain is non-detachable. After being fired, the bullet chain is still hanging on the gun body, which will form a dead weight. Although the relative flexibility of the non-dispersible bullet chain is not that high, the advantage is that it is more economical.

, newly added bullet pass

The tool can be used to quickly load the ammunition chain. The PKM general machine gun used a 250-round long ammunition chain in the early days, and later changed it to a 25-round short ammunition chain. After a long period of testing, it was changed to 100 rounds and 200 rounds based on actual battlefield needs.

round, 250-round bullet chain, large

Most of them increased flexibility. Later, they were equipped with magazine boxes of different sizes. The most common one in the bipod light machine gun mode is the 100-round aluminum alloy magazine box. Detailed data on the accessories of this machine gun are all in Sokov

in his mind, but he didn’t want to take out the data too early. It wasn’t that he didn’t want to finish the work quickly and rush back to see Asiya as soon as possible, but because if he

The speed of design is too fast. If you take out the design drawings that were originally said to take ten days and a half in a day or two, the person in charge above will think that the design work is a very easy task. In the following days,

, every time Sokov draws a drawing of a spare part, he will deliberately make repeated modifications, giving people the illusion that he finally designed an ideal product through continuous trial and error.

General purpose machine gun.

It was not until the eighth day of accepting the mission that Sokov finally completed all the drawings.

He put down the drawing tools in his hand and turned to the captain sitting in the corner: "Comrade Captain!"

The captain hurriedly stood up and came to Sokov, straightened his back and asked: "Comrade General, what are your orders?"

"The drawings have been drawn, what should we do next?"

"Comrade General, please wait a moment. I'll call my superiors for instructions." After saying that, he turned and walked out of the room. A few minutes later, the captain walked in from outside and said to Sokov who was sitting at the table drinking tea.

: "Comrade General, I have asked my superiors for instructions. You can hand over this drawing to Comrade Ustinov. He is just in time at this moment.

In his office."

"That's great. Take me there quickly." When Sokov came to Ustinov's office, he found that the military expert named Andrei from last time was also there. But he didn't know him.

Did he happen to be reporting to Ustinov, or did he learn about his design?

The paper has been completed and I came here specially.

Sokov came to Ustinov, raised his hand in salute and said: "Comrade People's Commissar, the design drawings of the new machine have been completed."

"Very good, Misha, you did a good job." Ustinov took the drawing and handed it to the military expert beside him: "Comrade Andrei, please take a look at this design drawing, and then give it to you

Tell me what you think."

Andre agreed, took the drawings, spread them out on the conference table next to him, and then carefully looked at the parts data on each drawing.

And Ustinov scratched the back of his head and said to Sokov: "Misha, we are about to launch an important research and development project. I wonder if you are interested in participating?" Important research and development project? Hear what Ustinov said.

Said, Sokov suddenly remembered that the Soviet Union seemed to have formally established an atomic bomb research and development team in April 1946. This huge project was carried out at the Kurchatov Research Institute.

It was carried out in secret. This institute was established in April 1943. It is the most important research and development institution of the Soviet Union in the fields of high energy physics and nuclear physics. It is named after the first director of the laboratory and the father of the Soviet atomic bomb, Kurchatov. "People's Commissar

Comrade," Sokov did not immediately answer Ustinov's question, but asked tentatively: "I would like to ask, what kind of research and development work is it? Is it the development of new aircraft, ships or tanks? If so

Please forgive me for my incompetence in the research and development of these technical equipment. After all, it involves a blind spot in my knowledge." "No, Misha, it is not what you said." After hearing Sokov's question, Ustino

My husband seems a little embarrassed and doesn’t know whether he should tell the truth. Tell the truth. This is a serious leak; but

If he didn't say it, Sokov might refuse. After thinking again and again, Ustinov stood up and walked to a wooden cabinet against the wall behind him, took out the key, opened the cabinet door, and took out a document bag from inside.

, and then walked back to the table. After he sat down

, pulled out a document from the document bag and handed it to Sokov: "Misha, before I tell you the answer, please sign this confidentiality agreement." Sokov took the confidentiality agreement and did not immediately

Check the above content, but asked Ustinov tentatively: "Comrade People's Commissar, since you want me to sign a confidentiality agreement, it proves that this research and development work is related to our country."

The fate of the country. If I am unwilling to participate in this huge project after knowing the answer, will I be locked up in an isolated place?" Ustinov did not speak, just tapping his fingers on the table. At the beginning

At that time, his tapping speed was still very slow, almost once every two seconds, but as time went by, his tapping speed became faster and faster, even

It reached three times per second. From Ustinov's actions, Sokov could guess that he was engaged in a fierce ideological struggle. If he did not sign a confidentiality agreement, then he would not tell him what research and development work he would participate in.

;but if signed

Confidentiality agreement, after learning about the research and development project to be engaged in, but he is unwilling to participate, it may not be that easy to leave again.

"Comrade Andrei," Ustinov stopped tapping on the table and turned to ask the military expert standing in front of the conference table, "Have you finished reading the drawings?"

"Yes, Comrade People's Commissar, I have finished reading it."

"What do you think of this design?"

"It's pretty good." Andre said: "But how effective it is in actual use will only be known after the prototype gun is manufactured."

"How long does it take to make a prototype gun?"

Andrei raised his hand to look at the time, and then gave Ustinov a specific time: "Comrade People's Commissar, if you give me 48 hours, I can make three to five guns based on this drawing.

Sample gun."


"Okay." Ustinov nodded and said, "Then I will give you 48 hours. I hope you can deliver the goods on time."

"Comrade People's Commissar, don't worry." Andre rolled up the drawing and said confidently: "In 48 hours, you will be able to see the prototype gun."

Ustinov turned to Sokov and said: "Misha, you go back to your office and rest for two days. After testing the prototype gun, you can go home."

Sokov raised the confidentiality agreement in his hand: "Comrade People's Commissar, what about this confidentiality agreement?"

Ustinov sighed softly and said: "Put it on the table first. As for whether to sign it, we will wait until the test of the sample gun is completed."

When Sokov left the office, Ustinov looked up at Andrei and asked: "Comrade Andrei, can you tell me if Misha is allowed to participate in this major project?" For Ustin

When asked about Nove's question, Andrei shook his head without thinking, and then said: "I admit that General Sokov has a unique talent in weapons design. But if we want to carry out important research and development projects, we need to

He is a talent in the fields of high-energy physics and nuclear physics. Not to mention that he is not a military industry expert. Even if he is a small arms designer, he will not play any role in such a huge research and development project." Andre's words,

This made Ustinov make the final decision: "If this is the case, then I will not invite him to participate in this major research and development project." After saying that, he picked up the confidentiality agreement on the table and stuffed it into the document bag.


"Comrade Andre, time is tight, you should hurry back and arrange the production of the prototype gun."

Besides, Sokov returned to his office and asked the captain: "Comrade Captain, can I call home?" "Yes, of course." The captain said reasonably: "Your design work has been completed.

It’s perfectly fine to have phone calls at home. But I want to remind you that you can’t reveal what you’re designing to your family.


"Don't worry, Comrade Captain." Sokov said with a smile: "I have learned the confidentiality regulations and know what can and cannot be said. Now, please help me get through the phone at home. I want to talk to my wife.

." Asiya has not seen Sokov for more than a week, although on the day Sokov stayed at the General Ordnance Department building, Yakov had called Asiya and told her that Sokov

Because there is a weapon to be carried out

The design will probably stay in the office for a week or two, so she doesn't have to worry.

Now hearing Sokov's voice, Asiya seemed extremely excited: "Misha, are you done with your work?" "It's basically done. Now we have to wait for the test work." Sokov apologized into the microphone.

Said: "It may take me two days before I can go back to accompany you. By the way, how have you been these past few days? Have your children bothered you?


When Sokov asked about the child in her belly, Asiya said happily: "The child kicks my stomach every day. It seems that he also wants to come out to see us soon."

"I also want to see him as soon as possible." Sokov said with regret, thinking that in this era there is no machine that can detect the gender of the fetus, "I just don't know if it is a son or a daughter."

"Do you prefer a son or a daughter?" Although Asiya has asked this question more than a hundred times, Sokov still didn't think she was verbose, but smiled and said: "Whether it's a son or a daughter, I like them both.

, after all, they are all our children." said

When Sokov said this, he couldn't help but think of his later days when he was doing business in the market. Every time the saleswomen with whom he had good relationships asked him whether he preferred a son or a daughter, he would always answer like this. "My mother went back to Shim today."

Khimki Town," Asiya suddenly said: "She said she would sort out the family affairs and then come back to accompany me. She would basically not go back to Khimki Town before the child was born.

." "That's good, that's good." When Sokov heard what Asiya said, he suddenly felt relaxed. With his mother-in-law by her side, even if she was not at home, if any emergency happened

time, can also be timely

Processing, "With her by your side, I feel much more at ease."

"By the way, Comrade Eisenstein called today and said that the actress for "The Dawns Here Are Quiet" has been selected, and Serova agreed to play the role of Lida." "That's great." Soko

The husband eagerly hopes to see whether the role played by Serova on the screen is consistent with the image of Leda in his imagination: "Asia, if Comrade Eisenstein continues to

When you call, you tell him that I trust him and that everything involved in making the movie will be decided by him. You don’t need to call me to ask for my opinion at any time. Remember?"

"Remember." Asiya replied obediently: "Misha, I will convey your words to Comrade Eisenstein."

After the two chatted for a while, just when Sokov was about to put down the phone, the captain reminded Sokov: "Comrade General, General Yakov is here!"

"Asia, I still have something to do here. I'll call you when I have time."

Sokov put down the phone, turned around and asked the captain in front of him: "Where is General Yakov?" "I'm here." Yakov walked in quickly from outside the door, opened his arms and stepped forward to meet Sokov.

Hug, and then said: "I heard that your design work has been completed, and I was worried that you felt too bored, so I came over to take a look.

Look at you and chat with you."

"Comrade Captain," Sokov called the captain and told him: "Didn't you see General Yakov coming? Why don't you get him a cup of hot tea quickly?" "Wait a minute," said the captain.

He agreed and was about to leave the room when Yakov stopped him and ordered: "Comrade Captain, go get some food. I haven't eaten anything since yesterday and I'm already very hungry."

The chest is pressed against the back."

"Comrade Captain, please bring me some food by the way. I'm hungry too."

After the captain left the room, Sokov asked Yakov curiously: "Yakov, you said you haven't eaten anything since last night. Are you staying here to work overtime?" "That's right. Our army is ready.

To upgrade the existing T-34 tanks, the subordinate design bureau submitted several different plans. Yesterday, in order to demonstrate which plan was more suitable, a full day meeting was held." Yakov said angrily.

He said forcefully: "When the leaders were discussing, they all forgot to eat and sleep. They didn't say they were hungry. How dare I, a subordinate, say that I was hungry?" Sokov laughed a few times after hearing this: "Yasha, leader

We forget to eat and sleep while working. If you are hungry, you can sneak out to find something to eat. It is not too late to go back to work after you are full."

This chapter has been completed!
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