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Chapter 2610

"Misha's idea is very simple. Doesn't Ukraine lack enough manpower to engage in agricultural production today? Then we can transfer prisoners of war from prisoner-of-war camps in Siberia to assist our people in agricultural production."

After hearing this, Kosygin did not immediately express his opinion, but asked: "Comrade Marshal, do you think this method is feasible?"

"I don't think it is realistic." Zhukov replied: "If we want more people to engage in agricultural production in the future, we need at least ten or two hundred thousand prisoners of war. So many prisoners of war coming at once will increase the number of Comrade Khrushchev.

Not only did he have to arrange manpower to build a prisoner-of-war camp that could accommodate so many prisoners of war, but he also had to deploy troops to guard the prisoner-of-war camp. Moreover, with such a large increase in population, there will be a huge problem with food supply."

After Zhukov finished speaking, Kosygin said slowly: "Comrade Marshal, your concerns are absolutely correct."

Zhukov turned to look at Sokov, as if telling him with his eyes: "Well, what I said is right, no one will agree with your proposal. If you rashly raise this matter with Comrade Stalin, you may get yourself into trouble.

Cause unnecessary trouble."

Unexpectedly, Kosygin asked Sokov: "General Sokov, I want to hear if you have anything to add."

"Comrade Kosygin, I don't think there is anything to add." Sokov said with a wry smile: "Zhukov has already made it very clear about the problems of transferring prisoners of war to participate in agricultural production. I did not consider this matter well.

Made unreasonable suggestions.”

"Actually, I think we can give it a try." As soon as Kosygin said this, Sokov and Zhukov couldn't help but be surprised.

After a while, Zhukov asked his own question: "How to try?"

"This is how I think about it," Kosygin said: "If too many prisoners of war are transferred from Siberian prisoner of war camps at once, it will not only cause problems with the local food supply, but also become a factor of instability. These prisoners of war suddenly

From Siberia, thousands of miles away, to a place only a few hundred thousand kilometers away from our own country, the first thing that comes to mind is to escape from prison, and then find a way to return to our own country. To prevent this situation from happening, we have to use a lot of

force to guard them."

Although Kosygin talked for a long time without getting to the point, Zhukov and Sokov did not interrupt him, but listened patiently to his continued talk: "But if the number of prisoners of war transferred is only three to five thousand,

Then our management will become much easier. If after experiments, it is found that the arrival of these prisoners of war will be helpful in improving the efficiency of local agricultural production, then we can mobilize more prisoners of war in the following days.

engaged in agricultural production.”

"Can Comrade Stalin agree?" Zhukov asked.

"I will personally report to Comrade Stalin." Kosygin said: "But before that, I will communicate with Comrade Khrushchev. After all, it is the place he manages. If we can get his help, it will be helpful for us in the future.

The work is very helpful.”

The three of them chatted for more than half an hour. Kosygin stood up and said: "It's getting late. I have to rush to Comrade Khrushchev as soon as possible."

After Kosygin left, Sokov tentatively asked Zhukov: "Comrade Marshal, do you think Comrade Kosygin can succeed?"

"It's hard to say," Zhukov said, shaking his head: "First of all, it depends on Khrushchev's attitude. If he objects, I'm afraid the follow-up plan will not be able to proceed."

Sokov nodded after hearing this, and then remembered something: "By the way, Comrade Marshal, when talking about Ukraine, I think of Odessa on the shores of the Black Sea."

"What happened to Odessa?" Zhukov asked in confusion.

Sokov mentioned Odessa at this moment because he thought that in a few months, Zhukov would be demoted to the area as the commander of the military region. It seemed necessary to prepare some work in advance. He said cautiously: "I heard

He said that after the war broke out, our army laid a large number of landmines on the beach in order to prevent the Germans from landing in this area. Now that the war is over, the landmines on the beach should be cleared as soon as possible to avoid causing harm to units and personnel engaged in fishery production.

Unnecessary casualties."

After hearing this, Zhukov looked at Sokov with a puzzled expression and asked: "Misha, if I am not mistaken, you are currently a member of the General Ordnance Department. Whether there are landmines buried on the beach in Odessa seems to have nothing to do with you.

It doesn’t have anything to do with it.”

The muscles on Sokov's face twitched violently a few times, and he replied awkwardly: "I suddenly remembered this question, so I specifically mentioned it to you."

"Misha." Zhukov waved his hand at Sokov and said disapprovingly: "Odessa has nothing to do with us, so don't worry about it. It's better to concentrate on developing new weapons. Maybe you will be included in the future.

Where’s the history books?”

"Comrade Marshal, the troops under my command were the first to set foot on Romanian soil. Isn't it recorded in the history books?"

Zhukov smiled: "Misha, if you didn't tell me, I would have really forgotten about it. Yes, after your troops drove the enemy away from our land, they were indeed the first to enter Romania.

This has been recorded in history. For this, I would like to express my heartfelt congratulations to you." As he said that, he extended his hand to Sokov and shook his hand.

"Comrade Marshal, do you know when Comrade Ustinov will be back?" Sokov asked cautiously: "Some time ago, I designed a new general-purpose machine gun. Logically speaking, a prototype gun should have been manufactured long ago.

, and conducted tests. But after such a long time, I did not get any news, and Comrade Ustinov was not in Moscow, so even if I wanted to ask, there was nowhere to ask."

"Comrade Ustinov has returned to Moscow."

"What, Comrade Ustinov has returned to Moscow?" Sokov asked in surprise: "When?"

"He came back by plane last night." Zhukov replied: "He may come over later. Misha, just stay a little longer. You can talk to him in person about some matters."

Knowing that Ustinov would be coming soon, Sokov, who was in a hurry to go home, decided to stay here and wait patiently. Even if Ustinov didn't come, he could still enjoy a meal at Zhukov's place.

Delicious food, no need to go home and cook.

Almost two hours later, it was almost dark outside. The guard called Zhukov again: "Comrade Marshal, Comrade Ustinov is here!"

Sokov originally thought that Zhukov would take him out to greet Ustinov when he heard that he had arrived. Unexpectedly, Zhukov said into the microphone: "Invite him in."

Soon, Ustinov in casual clothes walked in quickly. Zhukov quickly stood up and greeted him, giving him a warm hug: "Hello, Comrade Ustinov, welcome back to Moscow.


After the two hugged each other, Sokov quickly stepped forward, raised his hand and saluted: "Hello, Comrade People's Commissar!"

Ustinov obviously did not expect to see Sokov here with Zhukov. When he reached out to shake hands with Sokov, he asked curiously: "Misha, why are you here?"

"Dear Dmitry Fedorovich." Zhukov affectionately called the other party's real name and father's name, and said: "I have always regarded Misha as my child. During the New Year, he came here to visit me, an elder.

, there shouldn’t be any problem, right?”

"No, no problem." Ustinov shook his head and said, "It's absolutely right for him to come to visit you."

After the two chatted for a while, Ustinov said to Sokov: "Misha, your new general-purpose machine gun has passed the test. So the people who participated in the test have no idea about the new general-purpose machine gun you designed.

The machine guns are all full of praise."

"Is it really that good?" Zhukov asked.

"Of course, my comrade marshal." Ustinov took out a notebook from his pocket, took out a photo from the notebook, and handed it to Zhukov: "Look, this is the new universal weapon designed by Misha.

After testing, the performance of the machine gun is no worse than the German mg42 machine gun."

Zhukov put on his reading glasses and carefully looked at the photos handed over by Ustinov. After looking at them for a while, he curiously asked a few parameters, and Sokov answered them without hesitation and made a simple discussion.


"Yes, Comrade Ustinov." Zhukov took off his reading glasses, returned the photo in his hand to Ustinov, and said with a smile: "This general-purpose machine gun designed by Misha is indeed very good. If there is

If I have a chance, I’d like to test it myself.”

"No problem." Ustinov said cheerfully: "Comrade Marshal, it will be Christmas in a few days. After the holiday, I will invite you to our weapons testing site. I wonder if you are interested?


"If you invite me, I will definitely not refuse." When Zhukov said this, his eyes turned to Sokov: "As the designer of the new general-purpose machine gun, Misha is not qualified to come with me?


"Of course." Ustinov said reasonably: "Just like the assault rifles used by our soldiers, this new general-purpose machine gun will probably begin to be installed in the army soon. Misha is this weapon

The designer is of course qualified to go to the test site and see with his own eyes the performance of this machine gun."

After saying this, Ustinov took a sip of tea, looked up at Sokov and asked: "Misha, do you have any design ideas for new weapons recently?"

Before Sokov could finish speaking, Zhukov rushed to say: "Comrade Ustinov, you are going a bit too far. It has only been a few days since Misha designed a new general-purpose machine gun, and you want him to design a new one."

Weapons, do you think that new weapons can be designed as long as you want to? Not even the donkeys of the production team can use them like you."

Zhukov's words caused Ustinov and Sokov to chuckle, and the atmosphere in the room became more and more relaxed.

"By the way, Misha, when will Asya give birth?" Ustinov asked.

Although Ustinov had asked this question a long time ago, Sokov didn't know whether the other party had forgotten or asked specifically out of concern for him, so he answered truthfully: "March, the due date is March."


"Misha, you are too slow." Zhukov said with a smile: "I remember that you and Asiya registered their marriage at the civil affairs department in Stalingrad before the Battle of Stalingrad. It has been three years since then.

It has been many years since your child was born, so it is too slow. You know, many people are getting married at the same time as you, and the children can run around."

Hearing Zhukov and Ustinov talking about children, Sokov couldn't help but think of Karina who is now in Vladimir. She is also pregnant with her own child. I wonder if he will be able to rush there to accompany the child when he is born.


Ustinov, who was talking to Zhukov, saw that Sokov was a little distracted and couldn't help but curiously asked: "Misha, what are you thinking about?"

"Comrade People's Commissar," Sokov quickly replied: "I am considering what other weapons can be designed after designing the general-purpose machine gun."

"There are many things that can be designed, such as tanks, aircraft, etc." Ustinov said: "These weapons will play a huge role in future wars."

"It's a pity that I don't know much about tanks or aircraft. Even if you give me this task, I'm afraid I won't have any design ideas."

"You can't design tanks and aircraft, but what about artillery?" Zhukov interjected from the side: "Comrade Stalin has a famous saying: 'Artillery is the god of war.' I think that while developing new aircraft and tanks, we should also design

A better cannon."

The speaker is unintentional, but the listener is intentional. Zhukov originally just said this casually, but it made the prototype of a new type of artillery pop up in Sokov's mind: a vehicle-mounted howitzer!

Vehicle-mounted howitzers. When this type of artillery is traveling, the barrel is placed in the groove of the driver's platform. After entering the combat position, the muzzle is raised to shoot at the intended target. However, Sokov cannot remember the specific details.

, he planned to go back and reminisce before designing this kind of artillery mounted on a car.

"Perhaps, in addition to light weapons, I can also design a new type of artillery." Sokov said cautiously.

When Sokov said this, both Zhukov and Ustinov were a little stunned.

After a while, Ustinov was the first to break the silence: "Misha, did I hear you correctly? Are you planning to design a new type of artillery?"

"Comrade People's Commissar, I do have such an idea." Sokov said cautiously: "But I don't know enough about the structure of artillery. I hope to learn more about this aspect before considering whether to design a new type of artillery."

"Misha, this is easy to handle. I will arrange for you to visit the artillery design team as soon as possible. I hope their design can provide you with some inspiration."

"I think it is possible for Misha to design excellent artillery." Zhukov echoed: "Comrade Ustinov, don't forget, Misha's new rocket launcher based on Katyusha's design was used on the battlefield of the Great Patriotic War.

played a huge role.”

"Yes, yes, Comrade Marshal." Ustinov also nodded and said: "After your reminder, I remembered that among the many weapons designed by Misha, the new rocket can be regarded as a kind of artillery.

It’s an improved portable version of Katyusha. Misha, when can you go to work?”

"Comrade People's Commissar," Sokov seemed a little eager when he saw that Ustinov heard that he could design artillery. He could only say helplessly: "You informed me that you can wait until after Christmas before going to work."

"Oh, that's what I said." Ustinov realized that he was a little too anxious and said quickly: "You should seize the time to think about it these two days. When you start working, I will arrange for you to visit the artillery design team.

, communicate with the military industry experts there.”

This chapter has been completed!
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