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Chapter 354 Chuikov takes office

The day after moving the brigade headquarters into the tunnel, Sokov received depressing news from the front army headquarters: the German army broke through the junction of the 62nd Army and the 4th Tank Army in the Vergach area, cutting off

The contact between the 62nd Army and the Stalingrad Front was established.

Sokov put down the phone and said to Sidorin: "Comrade Chief of Staff, it seems that the German army will rush to Mamayev Heights in the near future. This time it will not be a small fight like before. They will definitely concentrate their superior forces.

, seize the commanding heights we occupy. Immediately call all the battalion commanders together for a meeting to ask everyone to be more vigilant, so as not to be caught off guard by the German surprise attack."

Just when Sidorin was about to call the battalion commanders to inform the battalion commanders of the meeting, the phone on the table rang first. He quickly picked up the phone and said: "I am Lieutenant Colonel Sidorin, chief of staff, where are you?...

...What, the City Defense Committee? ...Yes, Comrade Brigade Commander is here...Please wait a moment, I'll let him answer the phone."

Sokov was sitting not far from Lisidolin. When he heard that the call was from the City Defense Committee, he quickly stood up and took the phone from Sidorin's hand. He put it to his ear and said politely: "Hello, I am

Lieutenant Colonel Sokov, do you have any instructions?"

"Hello, Lieutenant Colonel Sokov, I am Major General Sharayev, commander of the city defense of Stalingrad." A strange voice came from the receiver: "You heard that the connection between the 62nd Group Army and the main force of the front army was cut off by the enemy.

Is something going on?"

"Yes, Comrade General." Sokov quickly replied: "I have learned the news from the front army headquarters."

"According to the intelligence we have obtained, the German army is quickly rushing towards Mamayev Heights after breaking through our defense line. You must strengthen your defenses to avoid being caught off guard by the enemy."

"Don't worry, Comrade General." Sokov waited for Sharayev to finish speaking, and then continued: "We have been ready for battle long ago and are waiting for the enemy here. As soon as they arrive, we will

It will give him a head-on blow."

"Since you are already prepared, I believe that the Germans will not be able to take advantage of your perfect defense system." After saying this, Sharayev hesitated for a moment, and then continued: "Being defeated by the German army.

A regiment of the 87th Infantry Division and the 35th Guards Infantry Division are fighting while retreating to your position. I order you to immediately mobilize elite troops and generals to meet them."

"What, to meet the 87th Division and the 35th Guards Division?" After listening to Shalayev's order, Sokov asked tentatively: "Comrade General, I want to ask, is this an order from you, or from the front army?"

An order from the chief?”

"Is there any difference?" Sharayev said domineeringly on the phone: "I am the city defense commander of Stalingrad and have the right to mobilize any troops in the city."

"I'm sorry, General Shalayev." Although Sokov would not do anything reckless, he was unwilling to carry out Shalayev's unjust and unjust orders. Therefore, he said confidently:

"My 73rd Infantry Brigade is under the command of the 62nd Army. I only obey the orders of Commander Lopatin and the head of the front army."

"Okay, Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, since you are unwilling to obey my orders." Sharayev gritted his teeth and said, "Then I will let you see how powerful I am." After saying that, he hung up the phone directly.

"Comrade Brigadier, what's going on?" Belgin heard that Sokov had a conflict with the person on the other end of the phone, but the specific situation was not clear. When he saw Sokov put down the phone, he quickly asked: "

Who did you have an argument with?"

"It's the city defense commander, Major General Sharayev," Sokov explained to Berkin: "He ordered me to send troops to meet the 87th Infantry Division and the 35th Guards Division retreating to Stalingrad, but I did not agree.


Belkin didn't say anything about Sokov's refusal of orders, but Sidorin, who had served as the chief of the 64th Group Army's operations department, became anxious: "Comrade Brigade Commander, you are in big trouble. You know

Who is that Shalayev?"

"I don't know, I don't know him." Sokov shook his head and said, "I've never heard of it."

As soon as Sokov finished speaking, Sidorin stamped his feet and said: "This Major General Sharayev is from the 10th Division of the NKVD and was appointed as the city defense commander not long ago. Comrade Brigade Commander, don't forget

Well, not long ago, the Supreme Command issued Order No. 227. If you refuse to carry out the orders of your superiors, you may be dismissed from your post and sent to a military court, or you may be shot directly."

"My troops are under the command of the 62nd Army. If anyone can mobilize us, wouldn't it be chaos?" Sokov said firmly: "It doesn't matter, they don't dare to mess around."

"Do we need to report to the front army headquarters?" Belkin suggested to Sokov: "This way, even if there is any trouble in the future, the head of the front army can help us deal with it."

Regarding Belkin's proposal, Sokov thought for a moment, and then nodded in agreement: "Okay, I think we can report this matter to the head of the front army so that they can be aware of it."

While Sidorin called the battalion commanders to come to the meeting, Sokov picked up the phone and called Khrushchev and reported to him in detail what had just happened. Khrushchev listened.

After finishing, he was silent for a long time, and then said: "Lieutenant Colonel Sokov, you did the right thing. You are from the 62nd Army. Except for your commander Chuikov, or myself and Commander Yeremenko, who else

You have no right to mobilize your troops at will..."

When Khrushchev was talking, Sokov noticed a detail. When the other party mentioned the commander of the 62nd Army, he was not talking about Lopatin, but Chuikov. When he learned that Chuikov was the commander of the group army, he couldn't help but feel

There was a burst of ecstasy, but he still tried to control his emotions and pretended to be ignorant and asked: "Comrade Military Commissar, isn't the commander of the group army General Lopatin? Why was he replaced by General Chuikov?"

"General Lopatin was dismissed by the Supreme Command because he was unfavorable in commanding the troops and lost confidence in holding Stalingrad." Khrushchev said: "Now General Chuikov will take over his post."

After learning that Chuikov officially served as the commander of the 62nd Army, Sokov felt much better. He assigned the next tasks to the battalion commanders and then reported the matter to everyone.

"It's great that General Chuikov has become the commander of the group army." Andrei, commander of the third battalion who had dealt with Chuikov before, heard that Chuikov had taken up the post of the 62nd Army and couldn't help but smile: "I feel that under his command, we will

We will definitely be able to repel the enemies attacking Stalingrad."

"We not only want to repel the enemy's attack, but if possible, we also want to annihilate them all here." After Sokov said this, he raised his hand, looked at his watch, and announced: "Today's meeting ends here.

, the battalion commanders of each battalion returned to their respective units to assign tasks, the meeting is dismissed!"

Just when the battalion commanders stood up and were about to walk outside, several soldiers broke in from outside. Seeing that the people who came in were all unfamiliar faces, Sidorin raised his voice and asked: "Why did you break in without permission?"

Come on, don’t you know this is the brigade headquarters?”

"I know this is the headquarters of the infantry brigade." A second lieutenant wearing a blue hat glanced back and forth at Sokov and Sidorin, and then asked: "Who is the brigade commander?"

Lieutenant Colonel Sokov?”

"I am Sokov!" Sokov saw that the top of the hat on the other person's head was blue, and knew that the other person was from the Ministry of Internal Affairs, so he took a step forward and asked: "Which department are you from? Ask me if you have any questions.

What's the matter?"

"I am Lieutenant Colonel Sokov from the 10th Division of the NKVD. You have blatantly disobeyed military orders. I have been ordered to arrest you." After the second lieutenant finished speaking, he waved to the soldiers behind him and ordered them to arrest Sokov.

Catch: "Catch him!"

"Let's see who dares to touch our brigade commander." Seeing the officers and soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs preparing to arrest Sokov, Andrei quickly pulled out his pistol and stood in front of Sokov: "Whoever takes a step forward again,

I will beat him to death."

Andrei's actions shocked several other battalion commanders. After hesitating for a moment, they also pulled out their pistols and stood in front of Sokov. Seryosha, who was staying in the next room, heard this.

Hearing the news, he quickly rushed in with a dozen soldiers and surrounded all the officers and soldiers from the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Looking at the black muzzles pointing at him from all directions, the second lieutenant became a little anxious: "I'm warning you, our Ministry of Internal Affairs is performing a mission. If anyone blocks it, I will be rude to him."

"You're welcome, why are you so rude?" Seryozha walked up to the second lieutenant, raised his submachine gun, put it against his chin, and asked fiercely: "How are you going to be rude to us?"

"Lieutenant Seryosha, and several comrades of the battalion commander, put down your guns." Sokov guessed that the reason why the Ministry of Internal Affairs wanted to arrest him must be related to his refusal to carry out Sharayev's order, so he ordered himself

His men put down their guns and then said to the second lieutenant: "Comrade second lieutenant, since you are here to perform a mission, I won't embarrass you and will go with you. But the war is about to begin, so I hope you won't embarrass my subordinates."


"Don't worry, Lieutenant Colonel Sokov." The second lieutenant saw that he was under the gunpoint of the other party, and his tone softened a lot: "I am also acting under orders. Please come with us."

Just as Sokov was following the officers and soldiers of the Ministry of Internal Affairs towards the door under the gaze of everyone, two more people walked in from the door. The leader saw Sokov walking outside and asked curiously: "Sokov

Lieutenant Colonel Koff, where do you plan to go?"

After seeing the other party's face clearly, Sokov couldn't help but be overjoyed. He quickly stood at attention and reported: "Report to Comrade Commander, they took me to the Ministry of Internal Affairs for investigation."

"Investigation, what investigation?" Chuikov heard this and turned to the second lieutenant of the Ministry of Internal Affairs with a straight face: "Second lieutenant, what are you going to take him to ask? I think it's better to ask here."

"Comrade General," the second lieutenant replied in a panic: "We were ordered to take him back for investigation. I don't think it would be appropriate to try him here, right?"

"There's nothing inappropriate," Chuikov said angrily: "The war is about to begin. The infantry brigade commanded by Sokov is stationed in the most important area of ​​Stalingrad. If he leaves, who will take command here? You or the infantry brigade.

Your superior?" Chuikov's words left the second lieutenant speechless and he could only stand there with his head lowered.

Seeing that the second lieutenant was silent, Chuikov waved his hand at him and said sternly: "Since you have nothing to ask, you should leave quickly. If your superior still has any questions, ask him to come to me."

The second lieutenant did not dare to refute, so he could only raise his hand to salute Chuikov, and then left in dejection with his men.

This chapter has been completed!
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