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Chapter 530 Lilia Returns

After Khostnikov put down the phone, his face was immediately filled with a smile. He took the initiative to reach out to Raisa and said friendly: "Comrade Lieutenant, I just learned from the commander that all the results you have achieved are...

It’s real, you guys are amazing.”

Raisa held Khostnikov's extended hand and asked with some confusion: "We just returned not long ago, why did the headquarters know about it so quickly?"

"I heard from the commander that the commander of the 73rd Infantry Brigade sent a telegram to the front army headquarters to report your battle results." Khostnikov explained: "It is said that the commander of the brigade also

I’ve met Lilia and the others.”

"Them?!" Raisa was stunned when she heard the name Khostnikov used, and then an expression of surprise appeared on her face: "So, Katya is still alive?"

"Yes, it should be alive." Khostnikov nodded and said with a smile: "If there was only Lilia, when my superiors told me the news, they would say 'her' instead of 'them'


"Katya is still alive, great, this is great." After Raisa confirmed the news that Katya was still alive, she excitedly asked Khostnikov: "Comrade Colonel, do you know that brigade commander?"

What's your name? I want to express my gratitude to him for Katya's rescue."

Although Sokov is a brigade commander, he is also a brigade commander who often wins battles, but because he does not belong to the air force system, Khostnikov really can't remember his name. At this moment, he heard

He scratched the back of his head in embarrassment at Raisa's question and said, "Comrade Lieutenant, I really don't know his name. How about you wait and ask Second Lieutenant Lilia when she comes back? Maybe she knows the name of the brigade commander.

what name."

Seeing that Khostnikov could not tell the other party's name, Raisa felt a little disappointed and could only say helplessly: "Okay, I will ask Lilia again when she comes back."

Khostnikov picked up the phone on the table and said into the receiver: "Inform the first squadron that the captain of the second squadron will come to my place for a meeting...the deputy captain will also come." After he put down the phone, he said with a smile on his face.

Sha said, "Comrade Lieutenant, the results you have achieved today not only belong to you, but also to our entire regiment. Therefore, I called the other squadron leaders to come over and let them hear about the impressive achievements you have achieved."

Raisa accepted Khostnikov's overtures calmly, and she was still thinking to herself: "You looked down on us female pilots two days ago, but now you know how powerful we are? What if?

If you tell your superiors that you don't accept us, there may be other fighter groups rushing to get us."

The four captains and deputy squadron commanders of the 1st and 2nd Squadron quickly arrived at the regiment command post. When they entered the door, they saw the regimental commander, who had always been a bit arrogant, standing in front of Raisa with a smiling face. Their first reaction was

It's just that he is blinded. Khostnikov has always looked down on female pilots, so why did he go out of his way today and actually show his courtesy to the female pilots?

Unexpectedly, when Khostnikov saw their arrival, he immediately stood up straight and said to them with a straight face: "Comrade commanders, let me introduce to you the squadron leader of the third squadron - Raisa


Hearing what Khostnikov said, the four squadron commanders looked at each other in confusion, thinking to themselves: Lieutenant Raisa has been in the regiment for several days, everyone knows her, and there is no need to introduce her to us.

? Could it be that the leader took the wrong medicine today?

After Khostnikov finished speaking, he saw that several of his old subordinates were standing still. He felt a little embarrassed, so he glared and said displeasedly: "What are you still doing there?

?Why don’t you come over quickly and say hello to Lieutenant Raisa?”

"Comrade Commander, we have known Lieutenant Raisa a few days ago." The first squadron leader said first, "You don't need to introduce him to us anymore."

"A few days ago was a few days ago, and now is now." Seeing that the captain of the No. 1 Squadron did not go to greet Raisa as he wanted, Khostnikov said with great dissatisfaction: "They had just arrived at that time.

We don't know them well enough, so we can't help but feel a little negligent. Today, we get to know her again, which means that she and her squadron have officially become a member of our 437th Flying Group."

"Comrade Commander," Alexei felt that something was fishy. With Colonel Khostnikov's character, unless something big happened, his attitude towards the women's flying squadron would never be the same.

He made a U-turn and asked tentatively: "Did something happen today?"

"Today the Army Headquarters called me and told me that the Red October Tractor Factory was attacked by German air raids and asked me to send a squadron to drive away the enemy bombers." When Khostnikov said this, his eyes

Raisa kept staring at the side: "So I handed over this glorious and arduous task to Lieutenant Raisa's squadron."

When Alexei heard this, he suddenly remembered that when he came here, he saw only two Yak-1 fighter jets parked next to the runway. Maria was accompanying the mechanic to inspect the aircraft. And Lilia, Katya and

The plane they were flying was nowhere to be seen. He couldn't help but worry: Could it be that the planes of these two girls were shot down by enemy planes during the battle?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but asked anxiously: "Comrade Commander, when I first came here, I only saw two Yak-1 fighter jets. Where were Lilia and her wingman? Why didn't I see them? Was it because they were attacked by the enemy?

The plane was shot down?"

"Katya's plane was shot down by an enemy plane, but she should have been rescued by our ground troops." Before Khostnikov could answer, Raisa said first: "As for Lilia, she said she wanted to go there in person.

Looking for Katya, we landed in the open space of the factory."

"Comrade commanders, I have called you here today because I have something important to report to you." Khostnikov said somewhat triumphantly: "In today's air battle, the women's flying squadron

Shot down eight German aircraft, including seven bombers and one fighter..."

Before Khostnikov could finish his words, several squadron leaders exclaimed: "What, eight enemy planes were shot down? They only had four fighter planes, and they shot down twice as many enemy planes as they did, which is equal to every

Everyone has to shoot down two..."

Although this was said by Colonel Khostnikov himself, the squadron leaders were still dubious. The first squadron leader glanced at Raisa and asked his regiment leader cautiously: "Comrade regiment commander, what are the results of the battle you mentioned?"

is that true?"

"Of course it's true." Khostnikov nodded and replied affirmatively: "I have checked this result with the commander. Among them, Lieutenant Raisa shot down two bombers and her wingman shot down two bombers.

One was shot down, and the remaining four bombers and one fighter were all shot down by the deputy squadron leader, Second Lieutenant Lilia."

Knowing that the results he heard were all true, the captain of the first squadron said in surprise: "Our first squadron has twelve fighter jets, and we can shoot down three to five German aircraft in each sortie, which is already a very good result."

I didn’t expect that the women’s squadron could achieve such amazing results with only four fighter planes. This is simply unbelievable.”

"Lieutenant Raisa," Alexei took two steps forward, came to Raisa, took the initiative to extend his hand to her, and said sincerely: "I would like to congratulate you on your great results in the air battle.


"Thank you, Captain Alexey!" Raisa and the others have been the friendliest to them since they arrived at this field airport. Captain Alexey, the leader of the Second Squadron, now saw that the other party took the initiative to congratulate her, so she extended her hand to shake each other's hand.

He shook his hand and said with a smile: "Thank you for taking care of us during this time."

The Air Force, as a new branch that gradually developed after World War I, has always been a force that does not care about seniority, only about strength. As long as you can shoot down more enemy planes than others, then you can gain everyone's respect. Meet Alexei

He stepped forward to express his goodwill to Raisa, and the other three squadron commanders and deputy squadron leaders also gathered around and stretched out their hands to Raisa to express their respect for her.

Alexei asked Khostnikov: "Comrade commander, what did your superiors say about Second Lieutenant Lilia shooting down so many enemy planes?"

"It was decided to award her the title of 'Ace Pilot'," Khostnikov said thoughtfully: "There may also be a relatively heavy medal."

"Comrade Commander," Khostnikov was talking to Alexey. The sentry standing guard at the door suddenly broke in and shouted at him: "There is a Yak-1 aircraft heading towards us.

Fly over here."

When she heard that a Yak-1 fighter jet was flying towards the airport, Raisa jumped up from her seat and ran out the door, because she knew very well that there was no other squadron except the one she commanded.

Equipped with Yak-1 fighter jets.

The rest of the people saw Raisa rushing out of the command post with a whoosh. They were stunned for a moment, and then they thought that the plane coming back must be piloted by Lilia. Without waiting for Khostnikov to give the order, everyone followed.

Run outside.

When they came outside, everyone looked up in the air and saw a Yak-1 fighter jet in the distance, flying towards them. Khostnikov waved his hand and said loudly: "Let's go to meet our daughter."

Ace pilot!"

When Lilia was lowering her altitude in mid-air, she accidentally discovered that there were people standing on both sides of the runway at the airport. She couldn't help being startled. She thought to herself: "What the hell, why are there so many people on both sides of the runway?"

Not only Lilia saw it, but Katya who was sitting on her lap also saw it. Because the cabin was too narrow, Katya couldn't look back. She could only stare ahead and said: "Lilia, there are so many people on both sides of the runway, no."

Know where they came from."

"Ignore them," Lilia was in a very nervous mood at the moment. The two of them were squeezed into such a narrow space, which made the landing of the plane a lot more difficult. She didn't care about what the people on both sides of the runway did.

He stared closely at the runway that was getting closer and closer to him, trying hard to land safely. "Let's land first and then talk about it."

The altitude of the plane was getting lower and lower. Raisa, who was standing beside the runway, accidentally discovered that two people were squeezed into the cabin. She couldn't help but exclaimed: "Oh, no!"

"Comrade Lieutenant, what's wrong?" Alexey was standing not far away from her. Hearing her exclamation, he quickly asked with concern: "What happened?"

"Comrade Captain," Raisa grabbed Alexei's arm and said nervously: "Did you see it? There are two people sitting in the cockpit."

"What, two people?" Alexey quickly looked towards the cockpit and found that there were indeed two people inside. The expression on his face suddenly became nervous: "It's really two people, they are squeezed into such a narrow space.

, can it land safely?"

"Can't she ask the infantry brothers to find a way to send Katya back without resorting to such a dangerous method?" Raisa stamped her feet anxiously at this moment: "This Lilia is really pissing me off."

Whether it was Raisa and Alexei who saw the two people sitting in the cockpit, the rest of the pilots, ground staff and security forces standing beside the runway, everyone saw Lilia and Lilia sitting in the cockpit.

Katya couldn't help but feel a cold sweat for the two of them.

Ji Ren had his own destiny, and what they worried about did not happen. The plane driven by Lilia landed steadily on the airport runway, and after gliding forward for several hundred meters, it finally stopped. As soon as the plane stopped,

People waiting on both sides of the runway cheered and surrounded them. Raisa was worried about the safety of Lilia and Katya, so she rushed to the front.

By the time Raisa rushed to the plane, the ground staff who had arrived quickly had already set up a ladder for the plane and helped Katya and Lilia get out of the cockpit. When Raisa saw her two girls returning safely,

Before she could speak, her eyes turned red and tears started to flow. She stepped forward and hugged Lilia and Katya, saying excitedly: "You are finally back. I have been worried about your safety."

"I'm sorry, Comrade Squadron Leader." Katya choked and said, "It's all my fault that the plane was shot down by the Germans, which made you worry about me."

"It's okay, it's okay." Raisa took half a step back, raised her hand and patted Katya's shoulder lightly a few times, and said, "As long as people are still alive, there will be revenge.

Opportunity. When our superiors give us new planes, you can shoot down a few more enemy planes and avenge today's shame."

But Raisa turned to face Lilia, and the expression on her face became serious. She pointed at Lilia's nose and said sternly: "Since you know that Katya is still alive, you can ask the infantry brothers to send her back."

Base, why take the risk to bring her back by plane? Don’t you know that once the plane crashes, both of you will be dead?"

"I'm sorry, Raisa." Lilia's face turned red when she heard Raisa's criticism of herself. Instead of arguing with the other party, she lowered her head and admitted her mistake: "I was wrong! I promise you, I will never do it again in the future.

I will make similar mistakes again.”

"What, you still want to have a future..."

Before Raisa finished speaking, she was interrupted by Khostnikov who came over. He smiled and said to Raisa: "Lieutenant Raisa, what's wrong with you? You saw our queen pilot.

When I came back, not only did I not congratulate her, but I got angry at her. You see, she was frightened by you and didn't dare to look directly into your eyes."

"Queen's pilot?!" Lilia, who was lowering her head to admit her mistake, suddenly raised her head when she heard Khostnikov say this, and asked in surprise: "Colonel, Lieutenant, what on earth is going on? How can I

Became an ace pilot?"

This chapter has been completed!
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