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Chapter 587 A small victory

After ending the call, Sokov said to Yakov with a relaxed look: "Colonel Bely has sent people to conduct reconnaissance. From which direction we will break out, we should wait for the results of his reconnaissance."

"Misha," Yakov frowned and said thoughtfully, "I think we should still find a way to open up the road to the east. After all, breaking out from the west or north would be too risky and would be a little uncomfortable.

If you are careful, the whole army will be destroyed."

"Yakov, I have asked Colonel Gurdiev's troops to counterattack the positions to the east." Seeing that Yakov was still stubborn, Sokov did not argue with him, but said calmly.

: "If we can regain the position, we will break out from there; otherwise, we will have to consider breaking out from other directions."

"I want to go to the 308th Division," Yakov immediately offered in order to dissuade Sokov: "I want to see how Colonel Gurdiev and the others regained their position."

"No, Yakov, this is definitely not possible." Sokov had already rejected Yakov's request: "It's too dangerous there, I can't let you take the risk."

"Misha, don't forget, I am a soldier and a commander." Seeing Sokov rejecting his request, Yakov couldn't help but become a little anxious: "When the soldiers are fighting bloody battles, how can I

Can you hide far away?"

"Yakov, I think it is necessary to remind you that you are only an officer in the weapons and equipment department, not a commander on the front line." How dare Sokov let Yakov take risks?

He couldn't get away with it, so he said resolutely: "Your mission is to provide us with weapons to attack the enemy, not to charge into battle."

After he said this, he saw Yakov opening his mouth, as if he wanted to defend something, and then continued: "Of course, if the time comes when you have to take up arms to fight, I also hope that you will stay by my side.

Fight side by side with me..."

"Tanks, enemy tanks." Guchakov, who was standing nearby on guard, suddenly exclaimed: "The enemy tanks are coming towards us."

Sokov heard from Guchakov that he had discovered an enemy tank. He quickly raised his telescope and looked into the distance. In the lens of the telescope, he saw twelve German tanks lined up in a wedge-shaped formation, heading towards him.

Coming from the direction, behind them were ten armored transport vehicles loaded with soldiers.

Seeing this, Sokov quickly put down his telescope, grabbed the telephone nearby, and called the command post of the first battalion: "Captain Vanya, German tanks are coming, order the soldiers to prepare for battle."

Yakov waited for Sokov to call Vanya and Tenev, and then asked: "Misha, we don't have long-range anti-tank weapons on our position. Do you want to send some soldiers to carry anti-tank grenades?"

, go forward and hide in the bomb crater in front of the position, wait for the enemy tanks to approach, and then blow them up unexpectedly?"

"There is no need." Sokov shook his head and said: "Colonel Bely will attack from the flank soon and defeat the German armored forces."

As soon as he finished speaking, the radio operator reported to him: "Comrade Brigade Commander, Colonel Bely wants to speak to you."

Sokov grabbed the earphone and microphone and said bluntly: "Comrade Colonel, have you seen the enemy tanks?" After receiving a positive answer from Bely, he continued, "You will choose the appropriate one later.

When you attack at the right time, you must destroy as many enemy tanks as possible. Do you understand?"

"Don't worry, Comrade Brigadier." Bely said confidently: "Although the enemy has more tanks and armored vehicles than we do, there should be no problem in destroying this group of enemies."

The German tank stopped seven or eight hundred meters away from the position and began bombarding the Soviet position with artillery fire. The soldiers in the armored transport vehicle jumped out of the vehicle one after another, bent over and used short leaps to quickly move towards the Soviet position.

The enemy's infantry was rushing towards the enemy's position. When they saw the enemy's infantry rushing towards them, the machine gun fire points on the position immediately started firing.

On the hill, Sokov saw that the enemy was still seven or eight hundred meters away, and the machine guns on the guard camp started firing. He was so angry that he almost cursed. He picked up the phone and took over Tenev's command post, furious.

He asked irritably: "Comrade Major, what's going on with you? The enemy is still a few hundred meters away, so you start shooting, worried that the enemy's tanks will treat you as a target."

Perhaps to confirm what Sokov said, the enemy tanks soon stopped firing aimlessly and blindly. Instead, they targeted the machine gun fire points exposed on the guard camp position and fired in sequence. Although there were some

A small number of shells missed, but three of the four exposed machine gun fire points were destroyed by German artillery fire. The remaining machine gun was so frightened that it quickly stopped firing and moved its firing position to another position.

In just ten minutes, the German infantry advanced more than 200 meters. Sokov looked at the small village where the tank battalion was ambushing, and thought to himself: Colonel Bely, when will you attack again?

If this continues, the enemy will rush to the front of our position.

"Why hasn't the tank battalion attacked yet?" Seeing the enemy approaching the position, it was not only Sokov who was anxious. Yakov also felt like an ant on a hot pot. He held up his telescope and kept looking in the direction of the village.

He kept mumbling: "If we delay any longer, the enemy will rush into our position."

Fortunately, Bely did not keep Sokov and the others waiting for too long. Not long after, the tanks of the tank battalion appeared in the field of vision of Sokov and Yakov. The one at the front was actually the strange-looking tank.

The spherical tank can fire while other tanks need to stop temporarily to fire, but it can fire while moving.

Near the German tanks that were parked and shooting in the distance, plumes of soil suddenly rose into the sky. This was the Soviet tank shooting. Unfortunately, because the distance was too far, the shells fired by the Soviet tanks fell on the ground.

It exploded in the open space and failed to hit the target.

"What the hell, what's going on with these tanks!" Seeing that the Soviet tanks' shooting failed to hit the enemy's tanks, Yakov couldn't help but became anxious: "How come they didn't hit a single target? How do these tank soldiers usually train?"

Sokov turned his head and glanced at the emotional Yakov. He did not express his opinion, but thought to himself: "When shooting at a distance of 1,500 meters, the hit rate is low. In addition, many tank soldiers are

For newbies, it’s normal for them to be unable to hit enemy tanks.”

The galloping Soviet tanks quickly rushed within 1,000 meters. They stopped and fired again, and finally achieved results. A German Panzer III tank was hit and immediately started to catch fire. Only two of them were covered in fire.

The tank crew escaped.

"It's great, it's great!" Seeing a German tank burning on the spot, Guchakov exclaimed excitedly: "Comrade Brigadier, did you see it? The tank battalion destroyed a German tank.


"What are you talking about!" Yakov said to Guchakov: "Only one tank was destroyed. The Germans still have eleven tanks and ten armored vehicles." Although Yakov was reprimanding Guchakov

Husband, but Sokov noticed that the corners of his mouth were slightly raised, as if he was very happy.

The German tanks that were shelling the Soviet positions did not notice the Soviet tanks rushing from the flanks, but continued to shell. However, the armored vehicles parked behind them discovered the Soviet tanks, and the machine gunners in the compartments quickly turned around.

The guns were aimed at the Soviet tanks and fired. Since these machine guns were not equipped with armor-piercing projectiles, they did not cause any damage to the Soviet tanks despite the loud sound.

At 800 meters, the Soviet tanks fired for the third time. This time, two more tanks and an armored vehicle were destroyed. Seeing this, Yakov could no longer hold his breath. He turned and looked at the rope.

Kokov asked tentatively: "Misha, can you order the troops to attack?"

"Wait a moment," Sokov saw the remaining nine tanks continuing to shell the position. If he attacked now, it would be like letting the soldiers die in vain, so he said cautiously: "Wait until our

Once the tanks rush in front of the enemy, as long as all the enemy tanks are destroyed, their attack will end in failure."

But when the Soviet tanks entered 700 meters, 600 meters, and 500 meters, they also fired a salvo each. The closer the distance, the higher the hit rate. After the five rounds of shooting, the German army had eight tanks.

and seven armored vehicles were destroyed and burned on the battlefield. The billowing black smoke could be seen even from several kilometers away.

The German infantry realized that the tank troops covering their attack had been destroyed. Wherever they still had the courage to continue the attack, they turned around and ran back. Sokov saw that the German infantry had lost the courage to continue fighting.

Then he picked up the phone again and said to Tenev: "Comrade Major, if the enemy is about to run away, you attack immediately to chase this enemy. Remember, we do not have the conditions to take in prisoners now, do you understand?"

Tenev heard Sokov's voiceover, saying that no prisoners would be taken, and quickly replied: "Don't worry, comrade brigade commander, I will lead the troops to attack immediately. According to my observation, these enemies are very stubborn.

They don't look like they will surrender to our army, we will definitely wipe out the enemies who stubbornly resist."

Seeing that Tenev had realized his intention, Sokov showed a smile on his face: "I wish you good luck, Comrade Major! Act immediately and don't let the Germans escape."

When Sokov assigned the task to Tenev, Yakov also heard what he said and asked cautiously: "Misha, do you mean to destroy all the enemies without leaving any prisoners?"

"Yakov, didn't you just hear what Major Tenev said?" Regarding what Yakov said, Sokov deliberately pretended to be confused: "These enemies seem to be very stubborn. If you want them to surrender,

I'm afraid it's not an easy task. In order to prevent them from causing unnecessary casualties to us, it is necessary to eliminate them all."

The ball tank parked behind the German armored vehicle and used several machine guns on the ball to shoot at the retreating German infantry. The soldiers at the front immediately fell down. The soldiers following behind saw that the situation was not good.

They immediately lay down on the ground and fought back with the weapons in their hands. Some soldiers even took out the grenades they carried and threw them at the ball-shaped tank.

The grenade hit the curved armor plate and immediately bounced back, falling into the German ranks and exploding. The explosion made the German soldiers in the front howl like ghosts. Seeing that the grenade he threw had no effect, it killed and injured many of them.

Our own soldiers who dropped bombs stopped dropping bombs, and instead used their weapons to aim at the spherical tank and shoot in vain.

The German soldiers who lost the cover of their tanks were like a bunch of lambs waiting to be slaughtered. Facing the Soviet tanks that came to block the road and the Soviet infantry that chased them from behind, they knew that there was no point in continuing to resist, so most of them gave up.

He took out his weapon and tried to surrender to the rushing Soviet commanders and soldiers.

However, the Soviet commanders and fighters received orders to take no prisoners in this battle, so after rushing up, they still shot at the soldiers with their hands raised. Seeing that the Soviet army had no intention of ceasefire, the surviving German soldiers hurriedly bent down and picked up the food on the ground.

They used weapons to fight the enemy to the death. However, the Soviet tanks parked not far away would not give them such a chance. A few shells flew over and blew up the German soldiers to pieces.

The one-sided battle lasted only ten minutes and ended. All the German tanks and armored vehicles were destroyed, and all the infantry fell into a pool of blood.

Major Tenev, who rushed up with the troops, saw that the enemies had been wiped out, and quickly shouted to his men: "Seize the time to clean the battlefield, collect weapons that can still be used, and then return to the position immediately. The Germans may be there soon."

The artillery fire is about to begin towards us."

Seeing that the battle was over, Sokov contacted Bely through the walkie-talkie. He said bluntly: "Colonel Bely, you should return to the small village immediately and wait for my further orders."

"Understood." Bely agreed, and then informed all the tanks to return to the small village through the vehicle radio, leaving only the soldiers from the guard battalion here to clean the battlefield.

"Misha, the enemy's combat effectiveness is not very good." Seeing that the troops easily destroyed a German army, Yakov suddenly gained confidence. He said to Sokov: "I guess Colonel Gurdiev and the others

We should be able to recapture the eastern position from the enemy's hands. In this way, we will defeat the German army's attempt to cut off our retreat."

"Yakov, this is just a small victory. The enemy is still stronger than us." Sokov was afraid that Yakov would get carried away and quickly reminded him: "The next battle will be even more fierce. I hope you

You can be mentally prepared in advance.”

This chapter has been completed!
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