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Chapter 700 Tank Soldier (Part 2)

Agafoon did not speak, but looked at Sokov blankly. After a while, he suddenly shook his head and asked with surprise: "Comrade Colonel, you said there will be five more days later."

A tank is going to be sent over, is this true?"

"Of course it's true." In order to prevent Agafon from misunderstanding, Sokov specifically explained to him: "But the five tanks that will be delivered are not the new tank prototypes you are driving, but old models.


When he learned that the tanks to be sent were all old model T-34s, Agafoun couldn't help but feel a little disappointed. He drove a new tank today and killed six enemy tanks in one go. He was still thinking, if he could get more

A few such tanks would not be intimidated even if they were to face a German tank battalion.

But then he thought about it, even the old model T-34 was guaranteed to win against the German Panzer III and Panzer IV tanks. When he thought about it, his psychology suddenly became more balanced. He nodded and said: "I understand.

Comrade Colonel, I will definitely lead this tank unit to achieve greater results."

After Sokov waited for Agafond to finish speaking, he faced the tank soldiers standing straight and said loudly: "Comrades, from now on, you will officially be under the command of Lieutenant Agafond. You must

Obey every command he gives. Do you understand?"

However, after Sokov asked this question, only a few of the tank soldiers present responded sparsely: "I heard it!" The voice was not loud, as if they had not eaten enough.

Sokov knew that everyone was not familiar with this unfamiliar tank soldier lieutenant, and naturally they did not have a high sense of identification with him. In order to change everyone's view of Lieutenant Agafond, Sokov pointed out the window with his hand and asked the tank soldiers

: "Comrades, have you seen those tanks still burning in the square?"

As soon as some soldiers entered the door, they saw the burning remains of German tanks in the square through the window without window frames; while others focused on Sokov and Agafoon and strictly did not notice the square.

The wreckage of the tank on the ground. At this moment, when Sokov asked this question, he quickly looked out the window.

After seeing the wreckage of the tanks clearly, everyone replied in a hurry: "I saw it!" "I saw it!"

"The tank wreckage you see was destroyed by the tank driven by Lieutenant Agafoun." Sokov said in a loud voice: "A tank faced the siege of six enemy tanks. Not only did it not panic, but it moved in an orderly manner.

Destroyed all the enemy tanks, what an amazing achievement!"

Having said this, Sokov raised his voice again and asked the soldiers: "Comrades, please tell me now, are you willing to accept such a brave commander?"

"Yes!" As soon as Sokov finished asking this question, all the tank soldiers replied in unison: "We are willing!"

"Lieutenant Agafond," Sokov reached out and held Agafond's hand, and said to him earnestly: "Now, I will officially hand over these tank soldiers to you. I hope you can lead them to achieve greater victory.


"Please rest assured, Comrade Colonel." Seeing that Sokov's understatement helped him win over people's hearts, Agafen said with tears of gratitude: "I will definitely command this tank unit well and eliminate more tanks in the battle.


After Agafond finished speaking, he turned to face the tank soldiers and gave an order loudly: "All of you! Stand at attention, turn back, form two columns, and walk together!" When the tank soldiers heard Agafond's order, they immediately shouted in unison.

They turned back and followed their orders, forming two columns and filing out of the room.

"Comrade Division Commander, I really didn't expect that with just a few words, you could make these tank soldiers from the guard camp obedient to Lieutenant Agavon." Ivanov looked at the backs of the tank soldiers and sighed with emotion.

Said: "I believe that under the command of Lieutenant Agafond, they will achieve good results."

"Yes, I believe that under the command of Lieutenant Agavon, they can destroy many enemy tanks and armored vehicles." As Sokov spoke, he glanced outside and saw that although the enemy's shelling of residential areas had become sparse,

, but it still did not stop completely, so he said to Ivanov: "Comrade Deputy Division Commander, as soon as the enemy's shelling stops, they will launch a ground attack. It will be too dangerous for you to stay here. You'd better return as soon as possible."

Let’s go to Mamayev Heights.”

"But, Comrade Commander, you are still here." Ivanov said with some embarrassment: "How can I leave? If the soldiers saw it, they would think I was running away from the battle."

"Don't worry, Comrade Deputy Division Commander." Seeing that Ivanov was worried, Sokov comforted him and said: "No one will say that you ran away in front of the battle. Just go back to Mamayev Hill with peace of mind and meet Sidorin."

Chief of staff, let’s command the troops together.”

"Okay! Then I will return to Mamayev Heights immediately." Seeing that Sokov had made up his mind, Ivanov knew that no matter how much he tried to persuade him, it would have no effect, so he nodded and said: "Comrade Commander, what do you want?

Pay more attention to your own safety."

"Second Lieutenant Samoilov," seeing Ivanov preparing to leave, Sokov quickly called Samoilov over and ordered him: "Send two people to escort the deputy division commander out of the sewer."

Before leaving, Ivanov held Sokov's hand and said: "Comrade division commander, if you need any assistance, please contact us immediately, and we will send troops to support you as soon as possible.


"Don't worry, I will contact you when necessary." Sokov grabbed the other person's hand and shook it twice. "I wish you a safe journey!"

After Ivanov left, before Peter's tank could be delivered, Chuikov called first. He didn't have any opening remarks, but asked directly: "Colonel Sokov, I want to ask about something.

Commander of the 62nd Army, is it you or me?"

"Of course it's you, Comrade Commander." Sokov didn't know why Chuikov was so angry, so he quickly said cautiously: "I'm just an ordinary division commander under you."

"Very good!" Chuikov said through gritted teeth: "I'm glad you still remember this."

"Comrade Commander, may I ask?" A confused Sokov asked tentatively: "Who made you so angry?"

"Who else could it be? Of course it's you!" Chuikov said through gritted teeth.

Sokov was immediately confused and said to himself that he didn't seem to have offended Chuikov. How could he be so angry? After a pause, he asked tentatively: "Comrade Commander, I don't know what I did wrong to offend Chuikov."

Are you angry?"

This chapter has been completed!
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