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Chapter 769 Building No. 4 (Part 2)

Yefim reached out and grabbed Zalitzman's arm and shouted to him: "Comrade deputy director, have you seen it? What the damn Germans have done, they killed Komarkova,

These beasts won’t even spare a defenseless woman.”

Zalitzman looked at Komarkova who was covered in blood. He was confused and didn't know how to comfort Yefim who was in deep sorrow. He could only say in a hoarse voice: "This is what the German devils owe us."

Sooner or later, we will repay this blood debt from them."

"Komarkova is dead!" Yefim said sadly: "No matter how many Germans I kill, I can't bring her back to life."

At this time, Goliya came in from the outside. After he briefly understood the situation from Zhelia, he walked behind Yefim and bent down, put his hands on the other's shoulders, and spoke in a low voice.

Said: "Comrade Yefim, justice will definitely be served. What you can do for Komarkova now is to take up arms and eliminate more Faxi Temple gangsters. This will not only avenge your girlfriend, but also

It can also save more innocent lives and prevent similar incidents from happening."

Yefim raised his head, looked at Golia standing next to him, and asked: "Comrade commander, can you let me join your army?"

"Aren't you a militiaman in the factory?" Golia did not expect that the other party would offer to join the army. "You can still attack the enemy severely if you stay in the factory."

Yefim gently laid Komarkova's body flat on the ground, stood up and faced Goliya, and said resolutely: "Comrade commander, I want to join your army and eliminate more Germans."


"Comrade Captain," Zalitzman stood up and said to Golya, who was still hesitant: "Since Comrade Yefim is so determined to join the army, please agree to his request." After that, he used

He looked at Goliath with questioning eyes, waiting for the other party to make the final decision.

Fearing that Goliath would not agree to his request, Yefim reached out and grabbed Goliath's hand and assured him: "Comrade commander, I swear to you, I will definitely eliminate more Germans.

Revenge for Komarkova and her fallen colleagues!”

Seeing that Yefim's attitude was so resolute, Goliya couldn't refuse any more. He just said "Okay", then turned to Zheliya who was standing aside and said: "Lieutenant Zheliya, Comrade Yefim is here."

Join your company. Remember, place him in the squad with the strongest combat effectiveness."

"Understood, Comrade Captain." Zhelia nodded vigorously, "I will place him in the strongest class."

The female operators who were hiding upstairs saw that the enemies who rushed into the building were eliminated, and returned to the switchboard room one after another. Seeing that Komarkova, who was left on duty, died, the girls immediately burst into tears.

He carried Komarkova onto the long conference table on his feet, wiped her bloody face, combed her hair again, and even the female operator found clean clothes for Komarkova to change into...

While the female operators were sorting out Komarkova's body, Golya brought Zalitzman to the corridor and asked: "Comrade Deputy Director, I would like to ask, what are your plans next?"


Building No. 4 was already riddled with holes after the German shelling and bombing. After some research, several leaders in the factory decided to evacuate everyone in the building, and Zalitzman was here to carry out this evacuation.

Mission. Unexpectedly, he was attacked by the Germans as soon as he entered the building. If he hadn't had a lucky break and received the support of the Goliath troops, the building would have been occupied by the Germans.

When he heard Goliath's inquiry at this moment, he immediately said without thinking: "Comrade Captain, according to the research and discussion of the factory leaders, in order to shrink the defense line and gather more troops, we are prepared to abandon this building. Unfortunately, the enemy came too far.

Hurry, otherwise we should have almost withdrawn by now."

"So, you are not going to hold on to this building?" After understanding Zalitzman's next plan, Golia then considered whether he should take the opportunity to bring the troops back to the archives building. But before leaving, he

He had the responsibility to cover the safe evacuation of the militiamen and staff in the building, so he said to Zalitzman: "Comrade Deputy Factory Director, you and your people should evacuate first, and we will stay to cover you."

"Okay, Comrade Captain! I will lead people to evacuate this building immediately." Before organizing the evacuation, Zalitzman also specifically told Goliath: "There is no need to hold on here. After we evacuate, you will also

Leave early."

Seeing the female operators carrying Komarkova out of the switchboard room, Golia suddenly remembered something important and quickly stopped Zalitzman who was about to leave: "Comrade Deputy Director, please wait a moment.


Zalitzman stopped and asked in surprise: "Comrade Captain, is there anything else?"

"That's it. I want to have a phone call with the group leader and report to him the situation here." Golia asked tentatively: "Do you think you can leave a female operator to connect me to the phone line?"

Hearing Golia's request, Zalitzman nodded, and then asked the female operators who had just walked out of the switchboard room: "Girls, this commander needs someone to help him get through the phone. Is any of you willing?"


According to his idea, after the shock not long ago, no one would be willing to stay in such a dangerous place. Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, the female operators raised their hands in unison and said one after another.

: "Comrade Deputy Factory Director, I am willing to leave the comrades who help the friendly forces to answer the phone."

The female operators were so positive, which really surprised Zalitzman. After scanning the female operators one by one, he reached out to the fat female operator nearest him.

Said: "Klava, you stay, the other girls will follow us immediately."

After Krava sat down in front of the switchboard, she looked up at Goliath and asked: "Comrade commander, where do you plan to connect the call?"

Goria hesitated for a moment and replied: "Please help me get through to the archives building. We have a regimental command post there."

After listening, Krava nodded and started to connect Golia's call to the regiment's command post. After two or three minutes, Krava nodded to Golia and said: "Comrade Commander, the phone has been connected.


Golia quickly grabbed the microphone, put it to his ear and said: "Hello, is this Comrade Commander? I am Captain Golia. We have helped the friendly forces regain their positions..." He told Bel about the battle he had fought.

After Jin reported in detail, he asked, "I want to ask, what should we do next? Should we stay here, or withdraw from the archives building."

For Belkin, the more troops that guard the archives building, the better. But he does not have the authority to withdraw the troops sent to the Dzerzhinsky factory, so he can only speak helplessly into the microphone.

Said: "Comrade Captain, please stick to your current position first, and I will inform you after I call the division commander for instructions."

Golia put down the phone, walked out of the switchboard room, and said to Zheliya who was standing outside the door: "Comrade Lieutenant, send a squad to guard this place. Even if the enemy breaks into the building again, they must not be allowed to rush into the switchboard room.


"Understood, Comrade Deputy Battalion Commander. I will immediately transfer Sergeant Copetto's squad here." Zhelia said to Goliath: "I assigned the militiaman Yefim to this squad."

Golia is very satisfied with Zhelia's arrangement. If there is Yefim in the squad that guards the switchboard room, for Krava who is left on duty, at least there will be someone she can trust around her. In this way, she can work

When you get up, you can have nothing to worry about.

Sergeant Copetuo was the sergeant who rescued Yefim from the Germans. When he saw Yefim added to his squad, he couldn't help showing a surprised expression on his face: "Yefim, what's wrong?

It's you?"

"Is it you, Comrade Sergeant?" Yefim was also surprised when he saw that he was assigned to the class of an acquaintance: "I really didn't expect that I was assigned to your class."

"I saw that the militiamen and staff in the building had all moved," said Kopetuo, who was puzzled when he saw that everyone else in the building had moved, but Yefim stayed behind to join his own army.

: "Why don't you leave together?"

"My relative was killed by a German." Yefim said with red eyes: "Just an hour ago, in the switchboard room on the third floor, a German killed him with a submachine gun. I want to stay and avenge her!


After listening to Yefim's words, Copetuo raised his hand and patted him on the shoulder, saying in a sympathetic tone: "Yefim, tens of thousands of our people have been lost in this damn war.

My relatives, please remember the crimes committed by the Germans against us. Sooner or later, we will recover these blood debts from them with interest."

While the two were chatting, a correspondent came over and conveyed Zheliya's order, asking Kopetuban to rush to the third floor immediately and take charge of the security work in the switchboard room. "Let's go, Comrade Yefim." Kopetuban said to Ye

Feim said: "Our superiors ordered us to protect the safety of the switchboard room. Even if we risk our own lives, we must not let the enemy rush into the switchboard room again."

Sokov, who was far away in the Mamayev Hills, was very happy to learn that the troops sent to the Dzerzhinsky factory had helped the friendly forces recover some of their lost positions. However, he heard Bergin ask if he should

When the troops withdrew to the archives building, he hesitated again. He was worried that his troops would leave on the front foot and the Germans would reoccupy these positions on the back foot.

After repeated deliberation, Sokov said into the microphone: "My comrade political commissar, although I also want this unit to withdraw from the Dzerzhinsky factory. But it can't be done. The number of defenders in the factory is too large.

"Sir, once Captain Golia and his friends retreat, I'm worried that those positions will be reoccupied by the enemy."

"Misha, what do you mean, Goliath and the others don't need to withdraw?"

"That's right." Although Sokov had no mobile troops due to the dispersion of his troops, he did not dare to withdraw his troops casually, otherwise the defense line might be shaken. He said carefully: "I will

Call the commander and tell him about this, and ask him to send troops to the Dzerzhinsky factory for reinforcements. After the reinforcements arrive, it will not be too late to let Golya and the others retreat."

"Understood, Misha." Belkin nodded and said, "I will notify Goliath immediately and order him to continue to hold the current position until new troops take over the defense."

After receiving Sokov's instructions, Belkin immediately informed Goliya of the decision by phone, and finally said: "Comrade Captain, I order you to hold the existing positions at all costs until new ones are available.

Until the troops come to take over your defense. Do you understand?"

"Understood, Comrade Commander." Golia replied resolutely: "Before the new troops arrive, even if there is only one of us left, we will never give up our current position."

As soon as he put down the phone, Golia called Zhelia in front of him and said to him: "Comrade Lieutenant, according to the orders from our superiors, we may have to stay here for a while, waiting for new troops to arrive. In addition to continuing to strengthen the fortifications

, you must also organize people to go outside the building to collect usable weapons and ammunition so that we can support it for a longer period of time."

Just when Zhelia turned to leave, Golia stopped him again: "Comrade Lieutenant, in addition to reinforcing the fortifications and collecting ammunition, don't forget to let the soldiers seize the time to eat. If we wait for the war to start, there will be no

It’s time to eat.”

"By the way, Comrade Deputy Battalion Commander, I remember one more thing." After Golia's reminder, Zhelia remembered another equally important thing: "In the battle just now, in addition to the soldiers who died,

, there are more than 50 people injured, 15 of whom are seriously injured, how should we deal with them?"

How to place the wounded? It really stumped Goliya. There were no health workers in the Archives Building. If we wanted to treat the seriously injured, we had to send them to Mamayev Hill. But there are so many people here.

At least fifty or sixty people are needed to escort the seriously injured to Mamayev Heights. In this way, the defense force in Building 4 will be greatly weakened. But if they are not sent, they can only watch these wounded.

Die in pain.

Just when Golia was in a dilemma, Yefim, who was guarding the door of the switchboard room, said: "Comrade commander, we can ask the deputy factory director to lead people to pick up these wounded people. Our factory hospital is away from here.

It's only two or three kilometers away, and if you send the wounded there, they can get timely treatment."

Regarding Yefim's proposal, Golia said awkwardly: "But the deputy director comrade has gone far away. Is it appropriate to call them back at this time?"

"It's appropriate, there's nothing inappropriate." Yefim said carelessly: "There are several flatbed trucks in the basement of the building. We can put the wounded on them, and then ask the deputy factory director to send a few people back to pull the wounded out.

Just leave."

This chapter has been completed!
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