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Chapter 805 Revenge (Part 2)

Guchakov received a telegram and learned that when Mamayev Heights was bombed by enemy planes, a bomb penetrated more than ten meters of soil and landed at the door of the division headquarters, almost destroying the entire division headquarters.

After hearing the news, I was immediately frightened to death.

He knew very well in his heart that he could now command a small team to perform important tasks behind enemy lines, and he could also receive medals and be promoted to military ranks. All of this was closely related to Sokov. If something unexpected happened to the other party, then what he had now

Everything can be lost at any time.

After reading the telegram, Guchakov handed it to Samoylov who was standing aside, and said solemnly: "Comrade Lieutenant, take a look at this telegram just sent by the division headquarters."

"What the hell!" Samoylov was shocked after quickly reading the contents of the telegram. "I really didn't expect that the German army carried out indiscriminate bombing of Mamayev Heights. One of the bombs

I almost wiped out the division headquarters."

"Comrade Lieutenant," Guchakov said solemnly, looking at Samoylov, "the enemy may have bombed the Mamayev Hills in retaliation for our destruction of the airport. During the war, the Germans did this

There is nothing wrong with doing it. But they allowed the division commander to almost get into trouble, which is intolerable. We need to do something immediately to vent the division commander's anger and teach the Germans a lesson."

"The telegram sent to us by the division headquarters originally ordered us to attack the enemy's headquarters in the rear and disrupt the enemy's offensive deployment." Samoilov guessed that Guchakov might have some special ideas, so he asked curiously: "

Comrade Captain, what are you going to do?"

"Comrade Platonov," Guchakov did not answer Samoilov's question immediately. Instead, he called the guerrilla leader over and asked politely: "How many people are there in your guerrilla group?"

"Including me, there are seventy-five people in total." After answering Guchakov's question, Platonov asked in surprise: "Comrade Commander, why are you asking this?"

"Seventy-five people!" Guchakov repeated the number and asked: "Comrade captain, can you tell me how many people are capable of fighting?"

"Twenty-nine." Platonov replied without hesitation: "Almost all of them come from the dispersed regular army."

After listening to Platonov's answer, Guchakov felt a little disappointed. He really didn't expect that in a guerrilla group of more than 70 people, there were actually less than 30 people with real combat effectiveness.

His heart sank suddenly, thinking that his plan might not be realized, but he still held on to the last glimmer of hope and asked: "Are there any guerrillas around that I can contact?"

"Comrade Commander, come and see here." Platonov squatted in front of the map spread on the ground, drew circles on several locations with his hand, raised his head and said to Guchakov: "These locations are all

There are guerrilla activities, and their scale is much larger than ours. Compared with them, we can only be regarded as a sabotage group at best."

Platonov's words sparked a glimmer of hope in Guchakov's heart, and he quickly asked: "Comrade Captain, can you tell me the approximate size of these guerrillas?"

"The Ignatov brothers' guerrillas are operating here." Platonov pointed to the first circled position and said: "The captain and the deputy captain are brothers. They used to work in a machine processing factory.

After the enemy occupied the factory, they led more than 300 workers who had not had time to evacuate, and fought guerrillas with the enemy in this area, and fought many victorious battles..."

After Platonov's words came to an end, Guchakov quickly asked: "Comrade captain, can you get in touch with them?"

"No problem, we have been in contact with them through the radio." Platonov understood somewhat at this time. Guchakov asked what guerrillas were nearby and what kind of big action they might take, and quickly tested the

Question: "Comrade Commander, can you tell me what you want to do with so many guerrillas?"

Guchakov inquired about the situation of the guerrillas because he wanted to gather enough troops to launch a small-scale attack in the rear of the German army. The impact of doing so would be no less than the destruction of the German field airport. See Pu

When Radonov asked, considering that the next thing would require the cooperation of the other party, he did not hide his true thoughts, but said truthfully: "I plan to gather the nearby guerrillas and launch a small attack."

The large-scale attack turned the enemy's rear upside down."

"Comrade Commander," Platonov had long been tired of the guerrilla life of hiding in front of him. He wished he could fight the Germans face to face. Unfortunately, his guerrillas were too weak, so he could only think about these things in his heart.

I thought about it, but couldn't put it into practice. When I heard that Guchakov planned to launch a small-scale offensive battle behind enemy lines, I immediately became interested: "How many troops are needed to take such an action?"

"According to our reconnaissance, the enemy's defense force in the rear is very weak. If we want to launch an attack that is enough to disrupt their rear, at least five hundred people will be needed." After Guchakov said this, he was deeply afraid of Platonno.

The husband misinterpreted his meaning and specifically added: "These five hundred people must be people with fighting ability."

"Five hundred people, I'm afraid there will be difficulties." After listening to Guchakov's words, Platonov said thoughtfully: "There are several guerrilla groups operating within a radius of 150 kilometers.

The total number of people adds up to at least a thousand people. But I estimate that the number of people who can take up arms and fight the enemy face to face is no more than three hundred."

"Captain Guchakov," Samoilov, who had been listening for a long time, saw that Guchakov actually wanted to organize troops to attack the German army, so he quickly reminded him: "The task given to us by our superiors is to make a sneak attack behind enemy lines.

Important goals, causing trouble for the enemy, preventing them from launching an all-out attack on the city. Is it a bit too risky for you to organize your troops to attack now? "

"Lieutenant Samoilov," Guchakov knew very well that the next action he was going to take would require Samoilov's strong cooperation, so he explained to him: "We are just a small team, even if

It is equipped with armored vehicles, but the area of ​​activity is still not large. If it wants to pose a huge threat to the enemy, it must expand the scale of the operation. If the guerrillas can gather enough troops, with the cooperation of our new rockets, they can attack some of the enemy's missiles.

Attacking important targets will cause the enemy to panic. In this way, we will not only be able to complete the tasks assigned to us by the division headquarters, but also give the enemy an unforgettable lesson."

After understanding Guchakov's intention, Samoylov nodded and said: "Okay, Comrade Captain, you are the supreme commander of the squad. No matter what action you take, I will fully cooperate with you.


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