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Chapter 956

After receiving the order, Belgin learned that Paulus' headquarters might be located in the basement of the department store, and he was immediately overjoyed. Therefore, judging from the overall distribution of Soviet troops, his regiment was the closest.

, that is to say, as long as the enemy's headquarters is confirmed to be there, capturing Paulus alive, a meritorious feat worthy of being recorded in history, will fall on one's own head.

Therefore, upon receiving the order, he did not dare to neglect and immediately sent a reconnaissance team to the residential area near the department store to observe the movements of the department store from a distance.

However, in order to prevent the members of the reconnaissance team from confessing to the reconnaissance mission after being captured by the Germans, he did not tell the team leader when assigning the mission, saying that he was going to verify whether Paulus' headquarters was in the department store.

. Instead, tell the other party that there may be a military-level command unit of the German army in the department store. The task of the reconnaissance team is to confirm whether this information is accurate.

The reconnaissance team was dispatched at night. Shortly after dawn, the team leader used the walkie-talkie to speak directly to Belkin: "Comrade leader, we have carefully observed the department store."

Seeing that the other party had reported back so quickly, Belkin felt ecstatic and asked quickly: "Comrade Sergeant, is there anything strange in the department store?"

"Yes." The sergeant leading the team replied: "The department store is surrounded by a double-layered barbed wire fence, and a mine should be buried in the middle. The windows of the building are piled with sandbags, which look like fire points...


When Belkin heard this, he couldn't help but interrupt the other person's words: "Sergeant, I know that the enemy will transform stone buildings into solid firepower points. Please tell me directly whether the enemy has built a firepower point in the department store.


"In the parking lot in front of the department store, there are more than thirty vehicles of various types parked." The sergeant reported: "I carefully observed that there were eight covered trucks, two armored vehicles, and the rest

They are all barrel trucks, there are about twenty of them."

"Sergeant, what are you talking about? There are almost twenty barrel trucks?" Belkin couldn't help but feel ecstatic. He knew what it meant to have so many barrel trucks in a parking lot, so he quickly asked: "

In addition to the vehicles parked in the parking lot, are there other vehicles coming in and out?”

"Yes, Comrade Commander," the sergeant replied, "Vehicles kept coming to the department store and stopped, and then drove away very quickly."

"What kind of vehicles are coming?"

"They were basically barrel trucks and some motorcycles. By the way, there were also five or six tanks. They were parked on the inside of the barbed wire fence, close to the building."

Based solely on what the sergeant said, Belgin could not determine whether Paulus' headquarters was located in a department store. He continued to ask: "Who are the people coming in and out? Can you see clearly?


"I can see clearly." The sergeant replied without hesitation: "I saw through the telescope that, except for a few lieutenant-level officers, the people who came in and out were all colonel officers wearing silver flowered epaulettes, and there were even a few generals.

But because they quickly got into the barrel truck as soon as they came out, I couldn't see their military ranks clearly..."

"That's enough, Comrade Sergeant, you don't need to say any more, I understand everything." Belkin had concluded at this moment that even if there was no Paulus headquarters in the department store, there was at least a military-level headquarters. He ordered

Sergeant: "You continue to observe, and if you discover anything new, report it to me immediately."

After ending the call with the sergeant, Belkin called the division headquarters at Mamayev Ridge. After hearing Sokov's voice, he immediately repeated the situation reported by the scout to Sokov. He

Finally, he asked: "Misha, do you think Paulus would really set up his headquarters in a department store?"

"My comrade political commissar," Sokov could basically confirm in his mind at this moment that Paulus's headquarters was still located in the basement of the department store as in history. He said into the microphone: "If it is only divisional or even military

There won’t be so many barrel trucks in the parking lot for the level headquarters; secondly, there won’t be a few specially placed tanks. Therefore, I concluded that that must be the location of Paulus’ headquarters. You need to send someone

Keep a close eye on the place and report to me immediately if anything happens."

"I have already done this. I have arranged a reconnaissance team in the ruins near the department store. They will report the information there to me in time." After Belkin said this, he said to Sokov again.

A piece of good news: "Misha, according to the scout's report, the troops of the 64th Group Army have rushed into the south of the city and are fighting the enemy. I believe it won't be long before they arrive at our location."

"I understand." Sokov heard Belkin's worries from his words. Once the troops of the 64th Group Army arrive in the central area, their superiors may logically order them to eliminate the residential areas in the south of the city and the central area.

The enemies in the area will then have the opportunity to capture Paulus and fall into their hands. Sokov said to Belkin: "I will let you launch an attack on the department store at the appropriate time."

Knowing that Sokov would let his downsized regiment attack the department store at the right time, Belgin felt reassured. He assured Sokov: "Don't worry, Misha, I will keep a close eye on you."

We will monitor the enemy's movements in the department store and prepare our attacking troops. As soon as you give the order, we will attack the department store with all our strength."

After Sokov put down the phone, he said to Sidorin and Ivanov who were surrounding him: "According to Commander Belgin's report, I am 80% sure that Paulus has set up his headquarters in

Department store.”

Although Sokov had already told everyone that Paulus's headquarters was in the department store, everyone still doubted it. Listening to what he said now, they all felt that this statement should be more reliable. Ivanov spoke.

Said: "Comrade Division Commander, if we really want to launch an attack on the department store, the strength of the reduced regiment may not be enough. I think we should mobilize more troops and rush over for reinforcements."

Didn't Sokov know that the more troops attacking the department store, the smoother the battle would be. But at this moment, several of his regiments were distributed on a wide defensive front. Even if he wanted to mobilize troops, he would be unable to do so. Seeing Suokov,

Cove looked embarrassed, and Sidorin suggested to him: "Comrade division commander, I have an idea. It is better to report the matter to comrade commander and ask him to send troops to take over the defense of Mamaev Hill. This way

We can mobilize more troops to attack the department store."

Sokov thought about Sidorin's proposal for a long time and felt that it still made sense. Once Chuikov knew that Paulus' headquarters was in the department store, he would definitely support him fully. Therefore, as long as Paulus was captured, Chapter 62

The meritorious deeds established by the group army will be recorded in the annals of history. This temptation is probably one that no one can refuse.

Thinking of this, Sokov nodded and agreed to Sidorin's proposal: "Chief of Staff, you are right. To completely defeat the enemy, we need the cooperation of friendly forces. I will call Comrade Commander right now.

Report this matter to him."

Not long after, Chuikov received a call from Sokov. After patiently listening to Sokov's report, he asked cautiously: "Colonel Sokov, can you really confirm that the new headquarters of the German army is located here?"

In a department store?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander, I can assure you that the enemy's headquarters is located in the basement of the department store." After finishing this in a positive tone, Sokov added: "But the enemy's headquarters

The defense force is strong. It may be difficult to capture the department store with just one division of ours, so I hope to get your help."

"Help?" After Chuikov heard what Sokov said, he asked angrily and funnyly: "How do you want me to help you? You know, I don't have extra troops in my hands."

"Comrade Commander, you can make a request to the head of the front army and ask them to send you reinforcements." Seeing Chuikov in such a dilemma, Sokov gave him advice: "Say that you have enough troops in your hands, and you can do it as soon as possible."

Destroy the enemies entrenched in the city."

"Colonel Sokov, I definitely can't help you here." Chuikov poured cold water on Sokov, "As far as I know, the 64th Group Army troops are attacking very quickly. They will take at most four or five days.

, we can rush to Mamayev Heights. And even if I ask Commander Rokossovsky for reinforcements, it will be at least half a month before the new troops arrive, and by then Paulus has become

Prisoners of the 64th Army."

"Comrade Commander, are we just going to watch such a good opportunity slip away from us?"

"Of course not." Chuikov thought about how he had been fighting desperately for several months in the city, with victory in sight. If he allowed the 64th Army to easily take away the fruits of his victory, even if he didn't say it, he would probably be sorry for the bloody battles of his men.

, the commanders and soldiers who shed blood and died. He slapped his hand on the table and said: "How can we easily give up the merits that belong to us to others? Don't worry, Colonel Sokov, although we can't help you much.

You are busy, but there is someone who can help you.”

"Can someone help me?" Chuikov's words made Sokov feel a little confused. "Who is it?"

"It's Batov's 65th Army." Chuikov said to Sokov: "Before you called, I just received a call from Commander Rokossovsky. He told me that Batov's infantry

The 23rd Division is considering moving towards Mamayev Heights. If the situation is ideal, it will be able to join forces with you within two days. As long as you join forces, then you can hand over the defense of Mamayev Heights to them, and then

Then allocate some troops from this division to participate in the attack on the department store."

"This is really great." Sokov couldn't help but be overjoyed when he learned that friendly troops were coming to join him. As long as the two divisions join forces in one place, they only need to leave a small number of troops for defense, and then they can concentrate on the two divisions.

The main force of the division launched an attack on the department store.

"Let me tell you some good news." After Sokov put down the phone, he said to Sidorin and Ivanov who were standing next to him: "The 65th Group Army has an infantry division that is moving closer to our army. In two or three days,

It is estimated that the rendezvous can be completed. As long as the two divisions join forces, we will have enough troops to attack the department store and capture Paulus alive."

"In two or three days, friendly forces will arrive to join us." This unexpected good news made Sidorin overjoyed. "In other words, in three to four days at most, we will be able to launch the final attack on the German army.


"Chief of Staff, you are wrong." As soon as Sidorin finished speaking, Ivanov corrected him: "We are attacking Paulus's headquarters. The enemy is still so powerful that it is very difficult to destroy them.


"Comrade Commander," Sidorin was not angry, but continued to ask Sokov: "What preparations should we make these days?"

"Order all troops to temporarily stop attacking the enemy." Sokov replied: "Let the commanders and fighters recharge their batteries. Only after they join forces will they have enough physical strength and high morale to launch an attack on Paulus' headquarters.


"What, order all troops to suspend the attack?" Sidorin immediately questioned the plan proposed by Sokov: "Comrade division commander, under the current situation, even if we stop the attack, will the enemy give up?"

"Don't worry, the Germans are already facing the dilemma of running out of ammunition and food." Sokov said with a faint smile: "If the soldiers don't have enough to eat, how can they still have the strength to fight? If we don't attack, they will definitely be eager to do so. Besides, if we do this

, and can also paralyze the enemy, making them think that we are incapable of launching a new attack. When they completely relax their vigilance, we can launch an attack again, and we will definitely defeat them."

When he saw Sidorin picking up the phone and preparing to give orders to the commanders of each regiment, Sokov remembered another important thing and quickly told the other party: "By the way, Comrade Chief of Staff, there is another important thing.

, I almost forgot. You tell the commanders of each regiment that although the military offensive has been stopped, the political offensive against the enemy cannot be stopped."

"Should we still shout at the enemy's position?" Anisimov couldn't help but interjected and asked.

"Yes, in addition to shouting at the enemy's position, we must also prepare enough food in the forward position, and then ask Comrade Ulbricht to tell the enemy on the opposite side that we can give them food as long as they put down their weapons and run over. As for eating,

After that, we are all at your discretion whether they stay or go back."

Sokov's words shocked Anisimov. He opened his mouth in surprise and stared at Sokov in a daze. After a while, he murmured: "Comrade Commander, I heard you right.

Right? Is it appropriate to let the enemy come over to eat and then let them go back?"

"There is nothing inappropriate." Sokov said with a smile: "Since we have occupied all the airports, the supplies for the besieged German troops can only be carried out through air drops, but how can such a limited amount of food feed hundreds of thousands of people?"

Where to eat? So today most Germans are hungry."

This chapter has been completed!
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