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Chapter 971 Grease the soles of your feet and prepare to slip away

"Captured a German division commander!"

This amazing good news immediately made everyone in the observation center cheer.

After the observation post returned to calm, Sokov asked Merkulov: "Comrade Colonel, have you figured out who the captured German division commander was?"

"I have already asked." Merkulov replied: "It is General von Drebel, commander of the 297th Infantry Division. During their breakout, they were discovered by the artillery deployed on the platform, and the artillery immediately retreated

The crowd carried out shelling, causing heavy losses to the enemy. Von Drebel was also stunned by the shells and fell in the crater. His men thought he had been killed and did not even bother to check his body.

He ran away in a hurry."

"Comrade division commander," Ivanov reminded Sokov: "This good news should be reported to the army headquarters immediately."

"Yes, we should report to the Army Headquarters." Sokov walked to the table where the phone was placed without thinking. When he was about to pick up the phone, he suddenly thought of a question, retracted his hand, and turned to Ivanov.

: "Comrade Deputy Division Commander, that's not right. We are now a combat group, on the same level as the Army Group Headquarters. We shouldn't need to report to General Chuikov, right?"

Seeing Ivanov's confused look, he added: "Think about it, our combat group is basically composed of troops from the 65th Group Army. If we report to Commander Chuikov, do we need to also report to Commander Chuikov?"

Where is General Batov’s report?”

After being reminded by Sokov, Ivanov immediately remembered the matter. Since his superiors had mobilized so many troops and formed a Sokov combat group, it was just like he had fought with several infantrymen during the defense war in the past few months.

When the divisions operate together, whatever results they achieve should be reported to them at most, rather than reported. It seems that the results achieved today should be reported directly to the front army headquarters.

Sokov ordered the communications troops to connect to the front army headquarters, and said to the person who answered the phone: "Hello, I am Colonel Sokov, commander of the Sokov Combat Group. I have important information that I want to report to the comrade commander.


"I'm sorry, Comrade Colonel." The communications soldier who answered the phone politely replied: "Comrade Commander is not in the headquarters, so I can ask the Chief of Staff to answer the phone."

Sokov did not expect that Rokossovsky was not in the headquarters at this moment, but the results he had just achieved had to be reported immediately, so he could only choose to report to Malinin: "Okay, please let Comrade Chief of Staff answer the phone.


Soon, Malinin's voice came from the receiver: "Hello, Colonel Sokov, I am Malinin. Is there anything you want to repay?"

"Hello, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov said respectfully: "The 67th Guards Division to which my group belongs has successfully recaptured the Central Railway Station and captured alive the commander of the German 297th Infantry Division, von der

General Rebel."

"What, what did you say?" Ma Lining couldn't believe his ears when he heard the unexpected news: "Didn't you just launch an attack on the station today? Did you take down the station so quickly?"

"Yes, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov said proudly: "Because of the bravery and tenacity shown by the commanders and fighters of the 67th Guards Division in the battle, they were able to successfully capture this city in such a short period of time.

Station occupied by the enemy."

"Colonel Sokov, I congratulate you." Malinin said enthusiastically: "On behalf of me and Comrade Commander, please convey our gratitude to all the commanders and fighters participating in the war."

"I will, Comrade Chief of Staff." Sokov was eager to know where Rokossovsky had gone, so he asked tentatively: "Also, I would like to ask, where did the commander of the front army go?"

"It stands to reason that the whereabouts of comrade commander should be kept secret." Ma Linin said with a smile: "But you are not an outsider, so I won't keep it secret from you. Comrade commander returned to Moscow in the morning."

"Go back to Moscow?!" Sokov asked curiously: "What are you going back to Moscow for?"

"Colonel Sokov, haven't you learned the confidentiality regulations?" Malinin's expression became serious when he heard Sokov's question: "I have violated discipline by telling you the whereabouts of the commander, and you are still planning to let him go?"

Do I continue to make mistakes?”

Sokov laughed dryly and explained sheepishly: "Comrade Chief of Staff, I'm just curious, so I just ask. If it's not convenient for you to tell me, then forget it."

"By the way, Colonel Sokov." Malinin, who was on the phone, opened the record book and found that when Sokov reported the battle plan two days ago, the troops that launched the attack on the department store would start the attack on the station at the same time.

He also launched an attack. I wonder how the battle is going at this moment. "What is the current progress of the troops attacking the department store?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, the troops originally scheduled to attack the department store are still holding back." After repeated thinking last night, Sokov felt that it was not appropriate to launch attacks in two places at the same time. Once Paulus called in reinforcements, his own

He had no reserves at all, so he changed his mind and planned to capture one location before attacking another: "Since we captured the station today, let them attack the department store tomorrow.


"Colonel Sokov, what's going on?" Malinin asked in a stern tone: "Why did you change the combat order without asking for permission? You know, if unnecessary chaos is caused, this responsibility

Who can afford it?"

Malinin's words made Sokov realize that his decision last night had good intentions, but it was not appropriate. Therefore, on the eve of the attack, suddenly changing the attack time would disrupt the overall arrangements of his superiors. He did not dare to argue with Malinin.

Instead, he immediately bowed his head and admitted his mistake: "I'm sorry, Comrade Chief of Staff, it was my fault. I promise you that I will never make similar mistakes again in the future."

Hearing Sokov's sincere attitude in admitting his mistake, Malinin's tone softened: "Colonel Sokov, you are still young, have not been a commander for a long time, and have no experience. It is understandable to make such a mistake.

Originally, let it go this time. If it happens again next time, I will never tolerate it."

Seeing that Malinin was so gentle towards him, and raised the stick high, but put it down gently, Sokov suddenly felt more at ease. He went on to say: "Comrade Chief of Staff, don't worry, we will definitely launch a counterattack tomorrow."

Attack the department store and try to capture it in the shortest possible time.”

"How long do you plan to take to capture the department store?" Ma Lining asked.

Through reconnaissance intelligence, Sokov learned that the German army not only deployed the 100th Jäger Division near the department store, but also had two armored regiments and several artillery regiments. If the department store was attacked, the enemy would look like

Sharks smelling the smell of blood will pounce on you from all directions. I'm afraid you will have to devote part of your troops to planning, thus weakening your ability to attack the enemy.

Seeing that Sokov was still silent, Malinin became a little anxious. He raised his voice and asked: "What's wrong, Colonel Sokov, why don't you speak?"

"Comrade Chief of Staff, I am considering your question." Sokov quickly replied: "According to the intelligence we have, the enemy has deployed heavy troops near the department store, as well as a large number of tanks and artillery. When we carried out the attack

, we will definitely face huge difficulties. Therefore, I cannot tell you exactly how long it will take us to take over the department store."

"Just give me an approximate time." Ma Linin understood Sokov's difficulties and said reasonably: "I also know how to answer when the base camp asks."

"Comrade Chief of Staff, if you can help us." Sokov felt that in order to solve the problem of being attacked or harassed from other directions during the attack on the department store, he could only turn to Ma Linin: "I think we can

Take down the department store in three or four days."

"I wonder what kind of help you need?" Ma Lining asked.

"If Paulus's headquarters is really in the department store, once we launch an attack, I am afraid that the enemies will come from all directions and attack the sides and rear of our department." Sokov said into the microphone: "So I ask you,

Let the nearby friendly forces, such as the troops of the 64th and 57th Group Armies, continue to launch a fierce attack on the German army to attract the enemy's troops so that they cannot dispatch troops for reinforcements while the department store is under attack."

"If we just let these friendly forces fight together, it won't be a big problem." Ma Lining said thoughtfully: "But I'm worried that their attack will not be of much help to you."

"It doesn't matter. As long as they continue to attack the enemy, the enemy will inevitably have a large number of troops to be restrained in their respective defense areas." Sokov said: "Even if the enemy receives Paulus's reinforcement order, I'm afraid they can mobilize them.

There won’t be too many troops.”


While Sokov and Malinin were talking on the phone, Paulus also received news that von Drebel had been captured.

Paulus asked Schmidt with a livid face: "Chief of Staff, now our army is retreating steadily under the powerful Russian offensive. Now it is better that a division commander has been captured. This will have a huge impact on the morale of our army."


"Your Excellency, Commander," Schmidt waited for Paulus to finish and replied with a wry smile: "According to the intelligence I just obtained, it was the Russian 304th Infantry Division that captured the station, which was just changed to the Guards Division two days ago.

The commander of the 67th Division is Colonel Merkulov. Although this unit has a strong combat effectiveness, in the past we only needed one regiment to successfully block their attack."

"Since one regiment was able to block their attack before." Paulus asked angrily: "Why did it only take them more than two hours today to capture General von Dreiber's 297th Infantry Division?

Where is the station? What happened in the meantime?"

"Your Excellency, Commander, I have learned about it. Not long ago, the Russians formed a combat group, consisting of several infantry divisions, tank brigades and artillery regiments." Schmidt said cautiously: "The commander of this force

, it’s Colonel Sokov who is giving us a headache.”

Hearing Sokov's name, Paulus couldn't help but feel moved: "I really didn't expect that the Russians would put so many troops under the command of a young officer. The superiors who made this decision are really amazing. Staff

Commander, I dare say this, if the commander of the Russian troops attacking the station was someone else other than Sokov, the station would never have been lost so quickly."

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Schmidt nodded and said, "The tactics used by Sokov are different from the Russian tactics we are familiar with, so they are often beaten and do not know how to respond. I am worried that they captured the station today.

, will they launch an attack on the department store tomorrow? You know, they have assembled a large number of troops in the ruins seven or eight hundred meters away from us, and no one knows when they will launch an attack."

Knowing that Sokov's troops might launch an attack on the department store at any time, Paulus couldn't help but feel frightened. He asked Schmidt in a panic: "Chief of Staff, is there any way to deal with him?"

"Commander, please take a look." Schmidt pointed to the map and said to Paulus: "Although there are many troops around us, they are basically entangled by the Russian army. Hope.

It is unrealistic for them to come to the rescue when we are attacked. Therefore, we can only use the 100th Chasseur Division, several armored regiments and artillery regiments that we can command to resist the attack of the Sokov Combat Group.


"Chief of Staff, do you think we need to formulate a breakout plan?" Paulus asked Schmidt: "When we find that the department store cannot be defended, we can consider retreating to other places."

"Under the current situation, where can we retreat, Commander?" Schmidt pointed at the dense red arrows near his headquarters, and said to Paulus with a wry smile: "No matter where we retreat,

, there is a possibility of being attacked by the Russians, it is better to stay here, maybe we can last longer."

"So, you are not optimistic about our future?" Paulus looked at his chief of staff and asked with a wry smile: "Did we really fail?"

"Yes, Your Excellency, Commander." Schmidt, as the Chief of Staff, knew very well the current state of the troops. With supplies cut off, even if the Soviet army did not attack, they might not be able to hold on for long, so a bold idea came from

A thought came to his mind: "How about you consider Colonel Sokov's opinion again and order the troops to lay down their weapons and surrender?"

"No, no." Upon hearing Schmidt's proposal, Paulus jumped up like a cat whose tail was stepped on: "I have already asked the head of state, and he has long rejected our surrender request. Now we only have to

Able to fight to the last soldier."

"Your Excellency, Commander, some unnecessary sacrifices are completely avoidable." Schmidt lowered his head and said to Paulus: "Now only by surrendering can we save more people's lives so that they can survive after the war.

Go back to your hometown.”

Paulus stared at Schmidt for a long time, and finally said through gritted teeth: "No, I will never surrender to the Russians. I will abide by my oath as a soldier and fight until the last moment of my life."

This chapter has been completed!
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