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Chapter 982

"Invite him in!"

After giving the order, Sokov said to the commanders standing inside and outside the room: "Since everyone is still here, let's stay and watch the handover ceremony."

After hearing what Sokov said, the commanders who were about to leave came in again. However, they did not return to their original seats, but stood together in the open space of the conference room.

Seeing that Samoilov was also in the room, Sokov ordered him: "Comrade Lieutenant, go and bring Paulus here again."

In a short time, Paulus, who was confused, followed Samoilov back to the conference room. He saw that the Soviet commanders who were originally sitting at the table for the meeting were now standing in a row on the open ground, unaware of what was going on.

What happened, he asked curiously: "Colonel Sokov, what did you ask me to do again?"

"Marshal Paulus, I want to formally inform you of something." Sokov said seriously: "Wait a while, I want to hand you over to our friendly commander. I called you here just to

Handle transfer matters."

After listening to Ulbricht's translation, Paulus couldn't help but trembled, and then asked nervously: "Colonel Sokov, are you planning to shoot me?"

"Shoot you?" Sokov asked in confusion: "Marshal Paulus, who told you that we were going to shoot you?"

"I was captured by you, why should I be handed over to others?"

After figuring out what Paulus was worried about, Sokov said sternly: "Marshal Paulus, you should know very well that the fighting in the north of the city is still going on. For your safety, we must arrange a place for you.

The area where the battle took place. The new residence selected by our superiors for you is located in the friendly defense area south of the city, so it is completely necessary to hand you over to them."

"So that's it." Knowing that he was not shot, Paulus breathed a sigh of relief: "It seems I made a mistake."

"Don't worry, Marshal Paulus," Sokov understood that Paulus was in a state of fear at this time, so he comforted him and said, "I can assure you that after the war is over, you will be able to return to your home safely.

the motherland.”

A rush of footsteps came from the door, and then Seryosha walked in with several soldiers. Sokov recognized at a glance that the general following Seryosha was the chief of staff of the 64th Group Army, Russ.

Jing, quickly shouted: "Everyone stand at attention!"

The division and brigade commander standing nearby stood at attention when he heard Sokov's shout. Sokov straightened the military cap on his head, trotted forward, and stopped in front of Rastin.

He stepped down, raised his hand and saluted and said: "Hello, comrade general, I am Colonel Sokov, commander of the combat group, and I am waiting to hand over the prisoners to you."

Rastin raised his hand to return the salute and said respectfully: "Hello, Colonel Sokov. I am Rastin, Chief of Staff of the 64th Group Army, and I have been ordered to come to your place to receive the prisoners." After the salute, he held Sokov's hand.

He held his husband's hand and said excitedly, "Well done, Comrade Colonel. Because you captured the German headquarters in time and captured Paulus and a group of his generals, our army group's casualties were reduced a lot."

, on behalf of all the commanders and fighters of the group army, I would like to thank you and your commanders and fighters for saving the lives of thousands of soldiers."

After the greetings between the two sides ended, Sokov turned around and winked at Samoilov, motioning for him to bring Paulus over.

After Paulus was brought over, Sokov first said to Rastin: "Comrade General, this is the German Field Marshal Paulus. I will now officially hand him over to you." Then he turned to Paulus and said,

"Marshal Paulus, this is General Rastin who will accept you. Follow him. He will ensure your personal safety."

Rastin turned around and said something to the soldiers who came in. Two soldiers immediately came forward, grabbed Paulus's arms one on the left and the other on the right, and led him out of the room. When Paulus left the conference room,

Rastin stretched out his hand to Sokov and said friendly: "Colonel Sokov, our handover has been completed, so goodbye and good luck!"

After the handover was over, the commanders present dispersed again. Seryosha walked to Sokov's side and asked cautiously: "Misha, where should we go next? Return to Mamayev Heights?"

"No, we won't go back to Mamayev Heights for the time being."

"If you don't go back to Mamayev Kurgan, then where are you going?" Seryosha looked at the surrounding environment and asked tentatively: "Do you plan to continue to stay in this basement?"

"Although I won't go back to Mamayev Heights for the time being," Sokov didn't want to stay in this cold and smelly place. He stood up and said, "I want to go to the army headquarters to see Commander Chuikov.


Half an hour later, in Seryosha, Sokov, protected by Samoilov, appeared in Chuikov's headquarters.

Seeing the sudden appearance of Sokov, Chuikov asked in surprise: "Colonel Sokov, aren't you commanding the troops to attack the department store? How come you have time to come to me?"

"The battle to attack the department store is over." Sokov knew that Chuikov was still unclear about the fighting situation in the direction of the department store, so he took the initiative to tell him: "Paulus and several of his generals, as well as 50,000 to 60,000 German officers and soldiers,

He has laid down his arms and surrendered to us."

"Paulus was captured alive by you?" Krylov on the side exclaimed: "Is this true?" Krylov's words alarmed other people in the headquarters, and everyone stopped.

work, turned his curious eyes to Sokov.

"Yes, it was Paulus who I personally captured." After Sokov finished answering this question, before Chuikov could ask any more questions, he took the initiative and said, "But I have already handed them over to the 64th Army."

"What, handed over to the 64th Army?" Krylov asked in surprise: "Why?"

"This is an order from a superior." For reasons of confidentiality, Sokov could only reply vaguely: "The place where Paulus is detained is located behind the 64th Group Army."

"So that's it." After figuring out what was going on, Chuikov nodded slightly and changed the subject in time: "Colonel Sokov, what do you want when you come to the headquarters?"

"It's like this, Comrade Commander." Sokov said to Chuikov: "Although Paulus surrendered, the enemies in the north of the city are still resisting. I once considered asking Paulus to persuade the enemies here to surrender, but but

He refused. Therefore, I suggest that you send someone to shout to the German army and publicize the capture of Paulus and his headquarters to the enemies who are still resisting in order to undermine their morale."

"This is a good idea." Chuikov turned to look at Krylov and said energetically: "Comrade Chief of Staff, the German 11th Infantry Corps is still resisting in the factory area. All means must be used to let the German officers and soldiers

We know that their army headquarters has been taken away by us, and Paulus has become a prisoner of our army. We order them to immediately lay down their weapons and surrender. If they want to continue to resist, they will face a devastating blow from us."

This chapter has been completed!
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