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Chapter 989 Soldier Replenishment Plan

After Sokov put down the phone, he still felt as if he was dreaming.

The base camp plans to use its troops to form a Guards Army with the 37th and 39th Guards Divisions. This news is really shocking.

When he told the news to Ivanov, Sidorin and others, everyone cheered.

After the cheers stopped, Ivanov asked curiously: "Comrade division commander, I wonder who the base camp plans to appoint as the commander of the Guards?"

Ivanov's question immediately attracted everyone's attention, and everyone turned their attention to Sokov, wanting to hear his answer.

"Commander Chuikov said that the appointments of Generals Guryev and Zholudev were rejected after they were reported to the base camp." Sokov said: "In this way, as long as a military commander is not parachuted in, then

My chances of taking on this position are very high."

As soon as Sokov finished speaking, Sidorin rushed to say: "Comrade Division Commander, I think if the superiors really want to form this Guards Army, then the position of Army Commander must be yours. You know, in

During the battle to defend Stalingrad, you commanded large corps many times and accumulated rich command experience."

Everyone agreed with Sidorin's statement. After all, Sokov's performance in the entire battle was obvious to all. If he cannot hold the position of army commander, who else can?

"It may take some time to establish the Guards." Anisimov asked: "But I don't know when the superiors are planning to add new recruits to us?"

"Now the Voronezh Front and the Southwest Front are attacking Manstein's troops." Sokov knew very well that as soon as the battle in the direction of Stalingrad ended, the headquarters of the Supreme Command would shift its attention to

In the direction of the ongoing fighting, the supply to the Don River Front may slow down or even stop. "I think the recent supply work of the superiors should be tilted towards these two fronts."

"So, we won't be able to get replenishment of soldiers." Sidorin sighed and said: "According to the usual practice, soldiers, weapons and ammunition will be replenished to important combat areas first. I estimate that it may have to wait until April or May.

It will take months to replenish our troops."

When Sokov heard that Sidorin said that it would be possible to replenish troops until April or May, he couldn't help but feel anxious. He clearly remembered that the Battle of Kursk started in early July. If the replenishment of troops had to wait until April or May,

There simply isn't enough training time. Fighting in an open area with poorly trained troops is tantamount to death.

Thinking of this, he shook his head and said: "No, we absolutely cannot wait until April or May to replenish the troops. We must find a way to supplement the missing troops in each regiment within a week."

"What, replenish the missing soldiers within a week?" Sidorin couldn't help but feel his head grow bigger when he heard what Sokov said. He asked tentatively: "Comrade division commander, where can we find so many soldiers in such a hurry?"

Ah, are you planning to let us recruit factory militia and city residents?"

"The Battle of Stalingrad has ended, and the next focus is on clearing the ruins and restoring normal production. These tasks require a large number of manpower." Sokov said: "This means that we cannot replenish our troops.

Consider factory militia and city dwellers.”

"Then where should I add it?" Sidorin asked.

"Chief of Staff, have you forgotten the guerrillas who once cooperated with us in fighting?" Sokov reminded Sidorin: "Although the combat effectiveness of the guerrillas is extremely poor, after all, they are better than those who have not received military training.

Residents, have more combat experience.”

"Comrade Commander, you are right." Sidorin heard Sokov mention the guerrillas and immediately said excitedly: "Especially the Ignatov brothers guerrillas, they are not only the largest in number, but also the strongest in combat effectiveness.

.They have cooperated with us before, and if we recruit their team, there shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

"Chief of Staff, immediately send a telegram to the Ignatov brothers' guerrillas, asking captain Mishiga and deputy captain Vovka to come to Mamayev Heights." Sokov said with a smile: "Let them see

Meet an old friend like Guchakov."

"This is a good idea." Sidorin replied with a smile: "Captain Guchakov once fought side by side with them and established a deep combat friendship. After they meet, we will persuade them to join our army, presumably

There shouldn’t be much of a problem.”

"Comrade division commander," Ivanov asked Sokov while Sidorin was sending a telegram: "Will you recruit several regiment commanders to the division headquarters and formally announce the reorganization plan to them?"

"Okay." Sokov considered that after the troops were reorganized, they would have to readjust the defense zones and replace them with new standard weapons. There were many things to do. He must first unify the thoughts of the commanders: "Let them come to the division headquarters immediately for a meeting.


Less than ten minutes after Sidorin's telegram was sent out, he received a reply from Mihiga. After reading the telegram, he excitedly reported to Sokov: "Comrade division commander, good news, Mihiga and his guerrillas

The team is in the Orlovka region.”

"Oh, he is in the Orlovka area?" Sokov said with some surprise: "What are they doing there?"

"The telegram didn't say anything," Sidorin replied: "I guess he is coordinating with the main force to eliminate the enemies in that area. He said he would arrive as soon as possible, and he will probably arrive tomorrow morning."

"Chief of Staff, send him a telegram back and tell him that there may be remaining German officers and soldiers along the way, and ask him to pay more attention to his safety."

"Understood, I will send the message immediately."


After receiving the notice, the commanders of each regiment came to the division headquarters one after another.

Seeing that everyone had come, Sidorin stood up and said to everyone: "Comrades, I have called you here today to announce something. After discussion and study by the division leaders, it was decided to appoint Lieutenant Colonel Belkin.

The downsizing regiment was disbanded, and all commanders and combatants were organized into three Guards regiments.

As we all know, most of the commanders and fighters of the downsized regiment have experienced hundreds of battles with the division commander, from Kursk to Stalingrad. With the three Guards regiments integrated into such a combat backbone, the combat effectiveness can be increased in a short period of time.

Go to a new level."

When they heard that the combat backbones of the downsized regiment were to be organized into their own regiments, the three regiment commanders began to fight in their hearts, hoping that Sokov could assign more people to their own troops.

"For specific personnel allocation, we will provide you with a specific list in two days." After Sokov waited for Sidorin to finish speaking, he stood up and said to everyone: "Next, I want to announce the farewell of the original leader of the downsized regiment.

Appointment of Lieutenant Colonel Erkin.”

Belkin's level has been obvious to everyone in the past few months of fighting. Therefore, the three regiment commanders are eager for Sokov to arrange Belkin into their regiment, even if he only serves as a deputy, in the future

You can also get more benefits yourself.

"After discussion among the division leaders," Sokov did not say it was his own idea, but claimed it was the result of a collective discussion at the division headquarters, lest the leaders below would have any objections: "It was decided to transfer Lieutenant Colonel Belkin to

124th Regiment, serving as the political commissar of the regiment."

Lieutenant Colonel Starcha was overjoyed to learn that Belkin would serve as his political commissar. He quickly stood up, stretched out his hand to Belkin across the table, and said friendly: "Hello, comrade political commissar, on behalf of the entire regiment

The commanders and fighters welcome you."

"Comrade Commander, I have an opinion." Seeing Starcha shaking hands with Berkin, Lieutenant Colonel Papuchenko, the leader of the 122nd Regiment, stood up and said dissatisfiedly: "You know, when attacking the department store,

Our regiment and the downsized regiment have been fighting side by side. By letting Lieutenant Colonel Belkin join our regiment, he can adapt to his work faster."

"Lieutenant Colonel Papuchenko," Starcha became a little anxious when he saw that Papuchenko wanted to compete with him for Belkin. He shouted at Papuchenko: "Since the division commander has made a decision, let's

Lieutenant Colonel Belkin serves as my political commissar, so this appointment cannot be modified."

"Okay, okay, everyone, be quiet." Seeing that Starcha and Papuchenko were starting to quarrel, Sokov quickly raised his hand to stop them. After they calmed down, Sokov continued:

"As everyone knows, before the merger of the 73rd Infantry Brigade and the 41st Guards Division, Lieutenant Colonel Belkin had been my political commissar. When the number of military cadres was sufficient, I felt that he should still be allowed to do his old job.

It happened that the 124th Regiment was short of political commissar, so I arranged for him to go to the 124th Regiment."

After Sokov finished explaining, he paused for a moment and specifically asked Papuchenko: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, do you understand now the purpose of my arrangement?"

"Yes, Comrade Commander." Papuchenko quickly replied: "I understand everything now."

"Next, I want to talk about the issue of soldiers." Seeing that the other party had no objections, Sokov continued: "Although the total strength of our division is more than 6,000, there are still many shortages of soldiers.

Therefore we need to replenish our troops as soon as possible."

"Comrade division commander," Yershakov, commander of the 125th Regiment, asked: "Where should we replenish our troops?"

"Comrade leaders, with the end of the Battle of Stalingrad, the resumption of work in factories and the reconstruction of cities will be put on the agenda. At that time, a large number of manpower will be needed to complete these two arduous tasks, so

, we cannot recruit new soldiers from the militia or residents." Sokov said to everyone: "Some people may ask, if we cannot recruit new soldiers from the militia and residents, then where will the soldiers we lack come from?


"Can the superiors give us additional troops?" Papuchenko asked loudly.

"No." Sokov shook his head and explained to the other party: "Since our Voronezh Front Army and Southwest Front Army are attacking the Manstein Group along the Dnieper River, priority will be given to supplementing the strength of the headquarters of the Supreme Command.

These two armies are fighting."

"So, we won't be able to get supplements from our superiors in a short period of time?"

Seeing everyone starting to whisper among themselves and discussing in low voices the problems the troops were facing now, Sokov did not interrupt them, but allowed them to continue the discussion. When everyone had almost finished the discussion, he said: "The superiors cannot give us additional troops.

, we can only find a way."

"Since our superiors can't replenish our troops, and they can't recruit militiamen and residents from the city." Starca said sadly, "Then where should we recruit new soldiers?"

Seeing that everyone was helpless, Sokov smiled and asked: "Have you forgotten the guerrillas?"

"Guerrillas?!" Hearing what Sokov said, several regiment leaders couldn't help but look at each other. After a while, Starcha asked tentatively: "Comrade division commander, where do you plan to recruit guerrillas? According to

As far as I know, due to the crazy attacks by the German army, there is no guerrilla activity near our defense zone."

"There is a guerrilla group of the Ignatov brothers. More than two months ago, they fought side by side with the small team we sent behind enemy lines and captured two German railway stations." The corners of Sokov's mouth turned up slightly: "

I plan to integrate this guerrilla group and then distribute the soldiers to various regiments."

Hearing Sokov mention the Ignatov brothers' guerrillas, all the group leaders present were impressed. After all, Guchakov led a small team deep into the enemy's rear, assembled more than ten or twenty guerrillas, and directly captured the

Two railway stations occupied by the German army and destroyed the massive supplies stored there by the German army. Because of the outstanding results, Guchakov, who served as the main commander, was promoted to military rank and received a medal.

"Comrade division commander, I think this guerrilla team is good. After being incorporated into our army, it can also form combat effectiveness very quickly." After praising the guerrillas of the Ignatov brothers, Starca said with some concern

Question: "But now we don't know where they are at all? How can we adapt them?"

Regarding Starcha's concerns, Sokov smiled and said: "Comrade Lieutenant Colonel, before you arrived, I had already contacted Comrade Mihiga, the captain of the Ignatov Brothers' guerrillas. He said that his

The troops are in Orlovka now and will probably arrive at Mamayev Heights tomorrow morning."

"Comrade division commander," Yershakov stood up and asked, "I would like to ask, how is their equipment?"

"It is said that after the last attack on the German train station, they moved a large amount of weapons and ammunition back to the guerrilla camp." Sokov said thoughtfully: "I think they should be all German-style equipment at the moment.


As soon as he heard Sokov talking about German equipment, Belkin, who had just been appointed as the political commissar of the 124th Regiment, immediately remembered an important thing. He quickly stood up and said to Sokov: "Comrade Division Commander, I have a

I want to remind you of the problem."

"Please tell me."

"The downsized regiment is equipped with all German equipment. When it is a single regiment, ammunition supply is not a big problem." Belkin said with a solemn expression: "But if it is dismantled and organized into another Guards regiment, the logistics supply will become a problem.

A big problem."

"We have already considered the problem you mentioned." Seeing that Belkin had also thought about the problem he was worried about, Sokov quickly explained to him: "After asking for instructions, the Army Headquarters plans to allocate a batch to us in the near future.

Standard weapons to replace the original German weapons."

This chapter has been completed!
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