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101: Flesh start a group!

 "Xiao Gu ran to brush the Demon Marsh Frog at the top, while the avoidess had just eaten the stone beetle!"

Originally, the difference in progress between the two sides in clearing the wild areas in the second round should have been larger - removing the blue buffs one by one. Gu Xing ate two more groups of wild monsters than his opponent, which naturally delayed it for a while.

But now, the progress of the two is extremely close.

Because Rek'Sai only ate four groups of wild monsters + river crabs in the first round of jungle clearing, and when he returned to the city, he couldn't even synthesize a red jungle knife!

avoidess knows that if the first supply is not challenged and punished, his rhythm will be completely ruined.

He simply sold the reusable potion, waited in the spring water for a few seconds, and finally forced the red jungle knife out, which delayed the clearing speed by a certain amount.

Moreover, Gu Xing also has an extra pair of straw sandals, which can increase his movement speed, reduce his travel time, and increase his attack power by relying on the passive war path of men and horses.

One positive and one negative result in the progress of both sides getting close to each other, and the situation will continue to shorten!

Both Centaur and Rek'Sai follow a top-down path. The commentators and spectators watching the game from a God's perspective can intuitively see the progress of the two junglers on the mini-map.

Avoidess probably also guessed Gu Xing's movements, as he made arrangements in advance through the team's voice message.

"He should be rebelling against my group of Demon Swamp Frogs," he signaled at his camp, "Can you guys take a look at it for me?"

I have watched many of Gu Xing's game videos before, avoidess: It is very clear that the opponent is very good at timing to counterattack.

The frog concubine in the previous group was eaten by Virtue. The refresh time of this group of camps must be under Gu Xing's control!

If his teammates can cooperate, he will have the confidence to surround and kill the troops in his own jungle area!

"No problem." Road thought about it and decided to help him fight in the jungle. "Golden Horn, let's push the army line and prepare to go to the jungle."

The cooldown of Centaur's Sprint is as long as 180 seconds. Even if the summoner's skill reduction is reduced by 15 from the Insight talent, it still has 153 seconds.

No matter what, when the Demon Swamp Frog spawns again, Gu Xing's sprint will not change for the better!

As long as the men and horses can be surrounded, the opponent will never be able to escape!

Jinjiao agreed.

e is deployed in the group of minions, using trap detonation and the multiple damage of Q's dancing grenade to clear the line extremely quickly.

One of the reasons why Jhin can become a first-tier shooter in the current version is his strong ability to push lanes.

Now Golden Horn has revealed it for sure!

At the same time, Jack discovered his intention to push the lane, and he was not far behind, trying to drain the health of the minions.

However, in addition to basic attacks, the ice clearing line mainly relies on firing thousands of arrows.

Before the level reaches a certain level,

The cooling time is not too short.

Level 4 Ice has a Level 2 Thousand Arrows Volley, and its basic CD is as long as 10 seconds!

In the face of Jhin's powerful early wave clearing ability, Ice is simply not enough!

Seeing Jack working hard to clean up the soldiers, he was even more convinced that Gu Xing wanted to come to fight against the enemy.

Otherwise, if you only farm the G jungle area, you won’t need the help of the duo at all!

Jin Jiao, who had always been steady, rarely felt a hint of joy in his heart.

Are you going to take advantage of me in the game?

I've deduced this military line, and it's useless for anyone to come!

When the wave of soldiers in front of the artillery truck arrived at 5 minutes and 18 seconds, Golden Horn had already accumulated a bunch of soldiers and was ready to send them all to the lower tower of VG.

The Demon Swamp Frog of 1 will be refreshed at 5 minutes and 3 seconds, so that when he pushes the line of troops, he can go to the wild area with his support to defend!

If Gu Xing doesn't come to counter the jungle, avoidess: he will successfully defend the wild monsters, and maybe he can go to the middle and catch a wave of Marquis's vampires.

However, just when the troops were about to enter the range of the defense tower, through the false eyes that Road had just placed in the triangular grass in the bottom lane, Hecarim was seen!

"what's the situation?!"

Jinjiao was horrified in his heart.

Our own Rek'Sai is still clearing the three wolves, so why can the troops who are slow in clearing the wild monsters in the second round come over?

Avoidess heard the feedback from his teammates in the voice, subconsciously opened the scoreboard, and found the reason from Gu Xing's number of jungle clearings.

The number of last hits was 4 less than he expected!

In order to save time, Gu Xing did not brush the sharp beak!

But above his head is the true vision effect obtained by punishing the big bird!

In an instant, avoidess' thoughts turned over and over again, and he figured out Gu Xing's route.

Virtue eats less of a group of wild monster camps, and just uses punishment to get the True Sight buff, making sure not to be discovered by the i-eye along the way.

I traveled a long way to the bottom lane just to catch him off guard and launch a surprise attack in advance!

Moreover, the time when Gu Xing reached the bottom lane was very delicate.

It happens to be the key node where the duo is about to push the line of troops!

At this moment, the Golden Horn and Road are located in front of the VG Tower, and the situation is quite dangerous.

"You guys retreat quickly, I can't get there!" avoides is still in the Three Wolf camp, which is still quite a distance from the bottom lane, and he will definitely not be able to reach the battlefield in time.

Golden Horn wanted to run, but his movement speed was far inferior to that of the Centaur!

Xiao Duan decisively takes action to keep the other party!

"The Bull Head flashed forward to Q2 Company, knocking Thresh into the air!"

Xiao Duan knew that Jhin's early escape ability was relatively average, and the key point was Road's Thresh.

As long as the opponent's support can be kept, it will be difficult for Jhin to escape with the help of a lantern!

I remember shouting from the commentary desk, "The Centaur and the Horse are launching a devastating charge from behind!"

Jinjiao saw Gu Xing rushing towards him quickly, getting closer and closer to him, and hurriedly handed over the flash and fled behind the troops, not wanting him to be kicked in the face of the vg duo.

Gu Xing just waved the long-handled gun blade to scrape out Q and ran away without any kick!

"Virtue made a mistake when he feinted and shot the Golden Horn!"

I remember my tone was very surprised.

He knows this team very well. The double-c pair of Golden Horn and Athena are extremely stable and seldom make mistakes.

However, Jhin’s wave of exchanges was completely free of charge!

Without hesitation, Jack flashed forward, crossed the military line, and successfully hit the golden horn and auxiliary road with a salvo of thousands of arrows.

Successfully retained two people!

"Jackeyove will give you another healing spell to increase Xiao Gu's movement speed!"

Gu Xing speeds up and Jinjiao slows down.

The men and horses circled behind Jhin again, and Gu Xing kicked Jhin, who had no ability to resist, into Jack's face!

In the middle of the process, I also used Q to go crazy and scratch a layer of damage!

With multiple acceleration effects, Gu Xing relied on his passive to increase his attack power. With this kick, Jhin's health dropped to half in an instant!

“There’s no escape for the duo!

Jinjiao had previously wanted to go to his own jungle area and crouch against Gu Xing, thinking that the opponent would be unable to fly.

I never expected that it would be me who was unable to fly!

He held his forehead and showed an annoyed look.

Gu Xing's sudden gank made Jinjiao panic for a moment, and he made a rare mistake.

After all, players are not robots. Simple operations such as blind monk r raptor swinging its tail and connecting q tianyinbo will sometimes fail.

The huge pressure they face on the field occasionally causes their operations to deform and their mentality to fluctuate.

"Jack, eat it!" Gu Xing decisively gave up his life and handed over Jin, who had little health, to Yu Wenbo.

He went to find trouble with Thresh again.

Road saw that the situation was over, so he simply saved his flash and saved it for next time.

"Before Thresh died, he didn't forget to use the Pendulum of Doom to clean up all the soldiers in front of the VG Tower!"

road try its best to stop losses.

In this way, even if the duo dies, the bottom line of troops will not be firmly stuck by vg.

"Jackeyove gets a double kill," Hallucination raised his voice, "Bing's development is about to take off again!"

Jack looked at the extra 600 gold coins in his backpack and suddenly smiled.

He felt that Gu Xing was a man who could get along well with others, so he was really willing to give in!

“Thank you Lao Gu!”

Gu Xing showed a heartwarming smile.

As he learned more about lane-field linkage, he suddenly realized that there were many details that he had overlooked in the past.

In the past, he didn't have a good grasp of the timing of gank, and he often failed to catch anyone and returned without success.

But now, Gu Xingneng can always put himself in the shoes of the three players and think about how they deal with the troops.

He knows what to do to make it more difficult for his opponent.

This wave of Gu Xing got stuck at the key node of the push and reached the bottom lane, leaving the Golden Horn stuck in its throat!

Seeing that no conflict broke out in the canyon for a short period of time, the director gave a replay of Gu Xing's gambit.

There is also footage of him before he launched the raid.

When passing by the vg sharp-beaked bird camp, Gu Xing punished the big bird, and regardless of the hatred of wild monsters he attracted, he rushed to the bottom lane with the true vision effect without looking back!

I remember immediately understanding, "Virtue's idea of ​​​​catching people is very clear. He used punishment to ensure that he was only seen by i when he reached the triangular grass in the bottom lane, so that this gank can successfully get the benefits!"

The excitement in the stadium never stopped for a moment. VG supporters waved support banners and cheered enthusiastically for their team!

Audiences in the live broadcast room also use barrages to express their inner emotions.

He is really awesome, and there is such a gank? It feels uninspired, and the game is the same as the fixed routine, can you change it? The avoidess is almost blown by Xiao Gu, I wonder if he was not very strong before

The factory director couldn't get any advantage from Virtue, so it was reasonable for avoidess to suffer losses. Hongmi in the backstage lounge was extremely happy.

Even though he was used to seeing strong winds and waves, he was also shocked by Gu Xingben's brilliant ideas one after another, and his joy was beyond words.

One and a half months of experience and hard study have transformed Gu Xing from an operating monster into a top-notch jungler with winning ideas.

There is never a shortage of operational monsters in the professional arena, and those who can hit P more or less have two brushes.

The combination of ideas and operations like Gu Xing's is the treasure in the league.

Hongmi feels that after the transfer period is over, the ambitious goal of reaching the World Championships set by the training department will become more and more likely to come true.

"For i, the only good news is that we have secured this group of Demon Swamp Frogs!" I remember saying in a loud voice, "virtue went straight to the Xiaolong Pit!"

The first refresh in this game is a wind dragon.

Although the buff effect brought to the team will not be very outstanding, it is better than nothing, and it will not be wiped out without whitewash.

Moreover, the movement speed out of combat also has a certain combat effectiveness bonus for Gu Xing's troops.

"With the wind dragon in hand, vg has successfully established its early advantage!"

The hallucinogenic voice was very excited, "It's a bit difficult for us to deal with now. If we really delay it until the later stages, they will only win one hand with the troll's single belt!"

The current version of Jhin is definitely not as good as Ice in terms of combat effectiveness after the True Theory Dual takes shape.

Although Gu Xing's troops are useless in the later stage, Reksai is even more stupid!

avoidess! Obviously he also knew that he had to do something, otherwise he would give up the early rhythm.

After thinking about it, he decided to go to the middle road and use the tunnel to capture the Marquis by force.

"But easyhoon is too stable. When he saw Rek'Sai coming to arrest him, he handed over Flash without saying a word!"

Marquis didn't even give him a chance to drain his blood. He delivered his skills decisively and without any sloppiness.

avoidess knows that the opponent still has blood pool and sprint, so even if he keeps up with the flash, he still can't complete the kill.

He had no choice but to give up and return to his home camp to continue developing.

Gu Xing returned to the city and directly took out a pair of Bright Boots and Red Crystal.

He develops steadily and continues to clear the jungle.

"There is another fight in the bottom lane, jackeyove: the playing style is too fierce!"

Yu Wenbo is the kind of person who is unreasonable and unforgiving when he gets an advantage. After getting a double kill, the opponent can't even look at him.

"You haven't been beaten before, have you?" He grunted and stepped forward, firing a salvo of thousands of arrows and successfully slowing down the opponent. Taking advantage of his normal attack range, the ice arrows kept hitting Jhin's body!

"Road still wants to turn around and use his hook to persuade the opponent to retreat."

Xiao Duan took a step sideways and successfully blocked Thresh's hook for Jack!

The scene where Yu Wenbo took Thresh's Q on the upper plate is still vivid in my mind.

Xiao Duan was not very used to Jack's self-destruction style at first, but this time he had an early warning.

He knew very well that he only needed to ensure that his body was always in front of Jack!

Someone helped create the output environment, and Jack became more and more unscrupulous. He used the slowing effect of the ice passive arrows to stick to the opponent, and pursued him with strode forward!

This wave of avoidess arrived early and drilled the tunnel from the side to join the battle!

"I'll help you cover it and retreat quickly!"

He didn't dare to fight back at all.

avoidess knows that like Gu Xing, they both follow the route from top to bottom.

Since he is currently in the lower half of the area, Gu Xing's men must not be far from here!

With Hecarim's mobility, it's easy to get here after slaying the wild monsters!

Golden Horn also understood what his teammates meant. He placed a trap between himself and Jack, hoping to use the slowing effect generated when the trap was triggered to dissuade the other party from moving forward.

At this moment, a wild horse suddenly jumped out of the side shadow view!

"Xiao Gu sprints away, coupled with the e-destroying charge, his movement speed is instantly increased to the extreme!"

The little white horse of Sunshine and Rainbow rushes forward, the target is Jin!

Shangbo Jinjiao made a mistake and handed over Flash, and Gu Xing naturally wanted to grab the opponent's wound and tear it apart!

At first, avoidess wanted to wait for the cavalry to kick over, and then use the knock-up effect of the broken warrior to push away Hecarim.

But Gu Xing's movement speed was so fast, and he would turn around from time to time, making it impossible for him to figure out when the troops were coming!

Moreover, after the charge of Hecarim's Destructive Charge is gradually increased, the casting range it can provide is further than that of his Earth Break.

Not to mention that Gu Xing, who had already reached level six, still had Shadow Strike.

If you are not careful, you may have to explain everything here!

As a last resort, avoides decided to sacrifice himself to protect his teammates.

He took the initiative to take a step forward, placing himself at the back of the formation, attracting the firepower of everyone in vg!

Upon seeing this, Xiao Duan quickly approached and used Niutou Q's second company to knock Rek'Sai away!

But the moment he moved forward and was about to push up Rek'Sai with his horns, Thresh's pendulum of doom suddenly swung out.

Successfully pushed the bull's head away and interrupted Xiao Duan's second consecutive Q!

"Road Thresh's prediction is very exciting!" I remember shouting loudly out of habit.

Then he realized it was of no use.

Even if Niutou's skills are empty, Gu Xing can still use his movement speed bonus to close the distance, r Shadow Strike frightens the opponent Nosuke and the two, and then kicks avoidess into his own crowd!

Subsequently, the damage of the three people in the field of vg poured down, and the poorly developed Rek'Sai was instantly killed with concentrated fire!

The head was finally taken by Jack's ice!

"avoides sacrificed his own life to cover the successful retreat of his teammates!"

However, in this way, the lower jungle area will be completely lost!

Without any hesitation, Gu Xing used his troops to directly break into the opponent's jungle area and kill all the monsters. He also recorded the exact reset time!

The game came to 10 minutes.

He took Xiao Duan and ran straight to the middle, wanting to attack Athena.

Since the lower half of the map was completely lost, Gu Xing was able to bypass the pass connecting the opponent's Three Wolf Camp and the middle road!

Together with the bull head and the vampire who appeared on the front, they formed a two-sided force and surrounded Victor on the opposite side under the middle tower!

"Athena starts sprinting and hasn't given up hope of survival yet!"

Victor had to upgrade the Hex core first to strengthen the death ray and enhance the clearing ability, so he did not make shoes.

Gu Xing did not sprint.

But with the Bright Boots, Wind Dragon and E-Destruction Charge, the movement speed is almost the same as Victor!

"Assistant Thresh also rushed to the battlefield as soon as possible!"

Road's habit is very good. When the laning period is coming to an end, return to the city and go to the middle lane first.

He happened to meet vg Nosuke who wanted to attack Athena.

"Pick up the lantern!" Road's Chinese is not very good, so he and Athena simply communicated in Korean, which was more convenient for communication.

His position is very tricky. If the mid laner picks up the lantern at this angle, it will not be kicked off by the horse with e.

However, with the help of Insight's cd reduction, the performance of the short section has improved.

He flashed Q decisively and knocked Victor into the air before he could pick up the lantern!

Gu Xing raised his horse's hooves and used the forced displacement effect of Destroying Charge to push Athena into the Marquis' face!

The audience cheered thunderously!

"A very wonderful operation!" Qi Huan couldn't help but praise. Gnosuke's cooperation cut off Victor's last glimmer of hope!"

The Marquis didn't have to do anything in the back, he dealt out the damage and easily reduced Victor to the remaining health!

Gu Xing looked at Athena who was still alive and had no intention of eating the head.

He turned around and left the middle, and used his small body to deflect Thresh's death sentence!

Athena, who was still full of blood, was filled with despair and watched helplessly as the vampire's r-blood plague emptied her health bar!

The Marquis reaped the heads and praised happily, "Well done, brothers!"

When he gets this head, he can shape it one minute in advance.

Athena on the opposite side did not teleport, and had to walk online after being resurrected.

The gap between the mid laners of both sides will gradually widen due to this kill!

"Whoever eats it will carry," Gu Xing joked, "The team battle is up to you."

His selection of players in this game is destined to be a rhythm tool in the early and mid-term.

During the laning phase, pick up the pace and give up all the kills to your own absolute core.

After all, in the middle and late stages of the G lineup, Ice and Vampire must step up and take over the game.

"Although Virtue lost a lot of kills, his development is actually not bad." Qi Huan stared at the player's equipment list, "He already has the two phases of Net Erosion + Flare in hand, and he is much ahead of Rek'Sai!"

Remember to answer the question from the side, "The main reason is that he can get a lot of economy by relying on assists, and when he drops, he kills a lot of the opponent's wild monsters."

"i now hide under the tower and give up all the neutral resources!"

The Iron Turtle style of play reappears.

This is the best skill.

It is said that playing skills should be learned from EDG, but this is actually a misunderstanding.

Among the 12 teams in the entire p-league, they are the only ones who can play well.

edg does play operations, but their pace is not slow, their snowballing ability is top-notch, and they are very good at suddenly exerting force in the mid-term.

Win a wave of team battles, seize the baron and other neutral resources, and then win.

vg is also considered a seasoned player in the league, and its overall strategy is different from that of edg. However, the concept is similar, which is to snowball advantage in the early and mid-term, and then defeat the opponent in one wave.

Most of the teams in p play in a similar way. Tracing back to the origin, it is an extension and variation of Samsung's style of play since they won the championship.

There is only one exception.

What they are playing is the bladder game!

He mainly focuses on defensive counterattacks, hiding in his shell and waiting for the opponent to reveal his flaws, then reveals his head and bites him hard!

"Don't give us a chance," Xiao Duan kept reminding his teammates, "Let's set up our vision before we invade!"

VG Nosuke is at the front and rushes into the opponent's jungle area. Both of their ultimate moves can be used to save their lives. Even if they are hooked by the opponent's Thresh, it will be fine.

During this period, Jack's e-eagle shot into the sky gave Gu Xing a lot of support.

While lighting up the field of vision in the jungle, you can also see avoidess's wild monster spawning movements, and then accurately calculate the opponent's wild monster spawning time.

Gu Xing used the accessory eye of the green jungle knife to eat away at the jungle area.

He can probably guess the next move of the opponent's jungler.

Definitely use aj's trolls for jungle replacement.

AJ is currently the only strong point in the third lane of i, avoidess can only rely on him.

Therefore, Gu Xing decisively went to cover.

As soon as the line crossed the river, he came out from the side!

You don’t want to kill a, you just want to disgust the opponent!

"To be on the safe side, a handed over r to the Supreme Power, but Xiao Gu turned around and left, not willing to fight at all!"

Hallucination almost stopped, "He just used a trick to weaken the troll's combat effectiveness!"

The troll has no r, and its deterrence immediately drops by several levels.

Without his intimidating power, he will naturally be unable to cover avoidance and plunder wild area resources as he pleases!

AJ still didn't give up. At 19 minutes, he finally unplugged the next tower of vg and prepared to advance towards the second tower.

As a result, Brother Long's Bobby was hiding in the grass, and a guard sent him back far away!

When A crossed the river again, he found that the military line had been cleared by Bobby with a hammer!

He had to wait for another wave of troops.

It took a lot of time to go back and forth, and when the troops were brought over, Gu Xing came over to interfere again!

avoidess came to cover this time.

But the burst damage of him and the troll in the mid-term was completely insufficient to kill Gu Xing!

"Virtue retreated calmly with the acceleration of the destructive charge!"

a was depressed to death, but there was nothing he could do against Gu Xing!

The troll is really strong in leading lanes and dueling, but vg doesn't give him this chance at all!

Brother Long had relieved a lot of pressure and took a breath now. "It's up to you to lead this round. I'll try my best to stop the troll."

He chose Bobby, who was destined to withstand pressure in a single line.

Only in team battles will Poppy be more effective than the troll.

"Don't worry, we will win this round," Gu Xing saw his huge advantage and happily joked with his teammates, "Jack, give them the whole job!"

"Come on!" Yu Wenbo said, and then he shot the magic crystal arrow towards Jin's face!

I couldn't get out of my field of vision. The front and sides of the Golden Horn were completely dark, and I couldn't tell how many people there were.

To be on the safe side, he still dodged and avoided.

"Ckeyove is the only one in the middle of VG!" I remember feeling sad, "Jinjiao will not die even if he doesn't hand over this flash, he was fooled!"

The scene was filled with the roar of VG fans laughing and joking.

The barrage audience was also happy.

Jhin is too stable, and he suddenly flashes? What kind of empty city strategy? I wonder how many people are in the middle lane on the opposite side of Jinjiao. Wouldn’t it be very shameful to be stunned and die suddenly? Jackeyove’s big move is an outrageous one, the key is

The voice of the vg team was really useful, and the team members burst into laughter and laughter, and they were also amused by the flash of the golden horn.

"We'll charge with our buddies later." Jack returned to the city for supplies and took out a storm sword. "Let's just open the baron and attack the other side that we can't do anything about!"

Now he has attack speed boots + blue sucking knife + Luana's hurricane + storm sword in hand, and the equipment is very luxurious!

"vg went straight to the dragon pit. With the existence of vampires, even if they fight against Baron Nash, they won't lose much health!"

The frankness of Gu Xing and Xiao Duan is not low either. They just need to stand in front to take damage and let Jack in the back row do crazy damage.

"Using visionary transformation to light up the dragon pit, I discovered the opponent's intention to steal the dragon," I remember gushing, "but they had no intention of challenging it!"

If the golden horn doesn't flash, it will be easily killed.

I felt that a hard-fought group might directly end the game. After careful study, I decided not to go.

Only the Golden Horn opened the perfect curtain call in the distance and tried to find opportunities.

In order to prevent the opponent from grabbing the baron, Gu Xing used his body to block Jhin's super bullet.

"I still want to give up the dragon to vg?" I remember taking a look at the economic panel, "The gap between the two sides has reached 8 water gold coins!"

At 22 minutes, this economic gap is already quite terrifying!

After vg collects the dragon, Brother Long has the buffing effect of the Baron's Hand. The nearby soldiers have become thick-skinned and thick-skinned, and the trolls of A can't push the line of troops on the side!

Returning to the city to replenish a wave of equipment, the four people in front of vg rushed towards the opponent's middle high ground with the dragon buff!

"They still want to delay. They have to wait for Victor's equipment to be ready for a serious battle."

Before Hallucinogen finished speaking, Jack was in front again, chasing after Reksai who had taken a step forward to clear the line with punishment and hit hard!

"Look at me!" Jack shouted.

With the experience of the previous game, this time Gu Xing and Xiao Duan, the two front rowers, immediately took a step forward and stood beside Yu Wenbo to act as bodyguards!

"The green dragon on the left is the tiger on the right, and VG's bull-headed horse face firmly protects the ice in the middle!" I remember the loud voice, "Jackeyove's positioning is really fierce!"

avoidess finally experienced the feeling of the golden corner in the last round.

The Ashe opposite doesn't look like an adc at all!

Play like a heavily armored warrior responsible for starting a group, and scare yourself in the face!

He was stuck by the slowing effect of the ice arrows and quickly dug a tunnel to retreat.

The Trolls are still on the sidelines at this time, and Reksai is the only one in the front row!

He retreated like this, exposing both Victor and Jhin's double c's!

The adjustment was very quick, and the back row was also retreating simultaneously.

But since both of them didn't have any displacement skills, they were still a step slower after all.

The formation revealed a small gap.

Gu Xing seized this opportunity.

"Kill Jhin first!"

He asked his teammates to follow him, started sprinting and shadow blast, and rushed into the enemy's back row resolutely!

The flash still has one minute left to turn around, and Golden Horn is the first to bear the brunt!

"Virtue scared him, and the Marquis's vampires followed up with damage, and the two of them broke up the i formation!"

Jack was doing crazy output in the front row, fighting to the death despite the opponent's double C damage!

Although he died first, he managed to keep everyone alive!

"The Marquis's vampires entered the field to harvest, and Golden Horn and Athena were killed one after another!"

After the vampire's level and cooling equipment are formed, the cd of e-blood tide is very short. Every time the blood is condensed, a large amount of health will be taken away!

a teleported back, and faced the corpses of four teammates on the high ground!

He was at a loss and walked around in circles near the incisor tower.

How did this team fight start?

a can’t understand.

Is there something wrong?

The surviving VG people came with their troops like a tide, and the i Highland was flooded in an instant!

"Jackeyove is simply a game accelerator!" Hallucinogen blurted out, his face flushed with excitement, "I was numbed by the VG shooter's forced group start!"

At 25 minutes and 57 seconds, vg flattened the i base crystal again!

This chapter has been completed!
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