Chapter 150 Three Children

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"Have you heard what happened in dormitory 401?" A child's voice came from bed No. 3. He poked his head out of the quilt and looked at the other beds in the dormitory.

"What's going on? I just know that several dormitories on the fourth floor have been sealed, and it seems that no one is allowed to live in them." A child's voice came out from the second bed.

"People are dead in 401. All four girls in the room are dead." The boy in bed No. 3 lowered his voice: "The adjacent dormitories were sealed because of 401. The school did not dare to expose this matter.

I prepared an excuse for the dormitory manager to collude with the girls in the nearby dormitory."

"Why do you need to collude to make excuses?" The child on bed No. 1 seemed to be very timid. After saying this, he covered his head with the quilt.

"If they died normally, there is no need. The key point is that the four girls died too strangely." No. 3's voice became lower and lower: "Have you heard of the ghost story back to back? It's probably about two people who have a very good relationship.

One person went out one night and didn't come back, and the other one kept getting phone calls about good friends, back to back, and later she found that her friend was nailed to death under her bed, and the two slept back to back all night."

"Can you go to sleep quickly? Stop telling these ghost stories!" No. 1 huddled in the quilt. He was disgusted with hearing ghost stories.

"Ignore him, you talk about it later." The child in bed No. 2 was attracted by the story of No. 3.

"The first girl to die in 401 was tied under bed No. 1. She slept in bed No. 1 and was also the first to die, but it is said that she was the last one to be discovered." No. 3 said in a gloomy tone.

"Oh my god, didn't they stay with the body all night? Didn't they find anything under the bed?"

"If it were you, could you find it? Do you still lift the sheets and take a look under the bed before going to bed every day?" As soon as No. 3 finished speaking, there was a rustling sound from bed No. 1. Living in No. 1

The child seemed to get out of bed and glanced under the bed.

"I guess even if I heard the sound of blood dripping, I would think it was a leak in the water pipe. After all, the old house where I live often leaks." No. 2 is more courageous and very curious: "What about the other three girls?


"The second person to die was bed No. 2. She was the weirdest. She seemed to be sleepwalking at night. She suddenly sat up from the bed and stayed sitting like that. Then she seemed to hear someone calling her name, and she went naked.

He opened the bedroom door with his feet and went out."

"Is this a soul call?"

"Who knows, when the girl in bed No. 2 opened the door and went out, she woke up the girl in bed No. 3. No. 3 thought No. 2 was going to the bathroom, and didn't care at first. But after a long time, No. 3

When she found that No. 2 hadn't come back yet, she got up and went to the bathroom to look for her." The child in bed No. 3 gradually slowed down.

"The toilets in our school are all on the far left. Room 401 is very close to the toilet. The girl in bed No. 3 walked a few steps to the door of the toilet."

"The toilet was very quiet, there was no sound at all. She opened the toilet door little by little and saw the girl in bed No. 2 putting her head under the faucet, as if she was washing her hair."

"The girl in bed No. 3 is kind-hearted. She thought the girl in bed No. 2 was sleepwalking, so she called her name in a low voice, but the girl in bed No. 2 ignored her at all."

"Under doubt, she walked over to Girl No. 2. When she put her hand on Girl No. 2's shoulder, she unexpectedly discovered that Girl No. 2's hair and clothes on her shoulders were wet."

"She thought girl No. 2 had just washed her hair, but when she thought about it carefully, she never heard the sound of the faucet turning on."

"Slowly, I brought my hand to my face, and a fishy smell came over me. Only then did No. 3 see that my hands were covered in blood." The child in bed No. 3 paused for a while when he said this.

"Go on! How about girl No. 3?" The child in bed No. 1 also became curious.

"She was so frightened that she wanted to scream but couldn't make a sound. She was about to run towards the toilet door, but the woman in bed No. 2 was standing on the other side of the door, her face almost split."

"The woman in bed No. 3 felt her body getting heavier and heavier, and she tried her best to hide in the cubicle."

"She locked the cubicle door, panicked, and used her last strength to take out her mobile phone and call for help."

"Before the call was connected, she felt that the light emitted by the phone was getting weaker and weaker, as if a pair of hands were covering her eyes. She looked up and saw the woman in bed No. 2 squatting on her shoulders and looking at her with a smile.


The child in bed No. 3 is very good at telling these things. He speaks with emotion and emotion. When he tells a story that is not very scary at first, it makes people feel a chill behind their backs.

"The girl who lives in bed No. 4 in dormitory 401 was sleeping soundly when her cell phone suddenly vibrated."

"She was woken up in the middle of the night and answered the phone in a daze. She could hear the sound of water drops dripping from the phone."

"She thought it was a harassing call, and when she was about to hang up, the voice of girl No. 3 came from the phone."

"It was very faint, as if it was telling her to run away, but the sound disappeared after a few seconds, and the only sound left on the phone was the laughter of girl No. 2 and girl No. 3. They didn't know what happy things they had encountered, so they kept laughing.


"The girl in bed No. 4 was already very irritable when she was woken up. She thought it was a prank. When she was about to talk to the person on the phone, the other person hung up the phone."

"Then the door of dormitory 401 was opened, and in the darkness, three figures climbed onto the three vacant dormitory beds." The voice of the boy in bed No. 3 became lower and lower.

"Then what? How did the girl in bed No. 4 die?" No. 2 became more and more curious.

"The girl in bed No. 4 thought her roommate was back, and she didn't pay much attention to it, but she gradually realized something was wrong."

"Those three black figures have been looking at her since they came back, as if there was something on her body."

"She couldn't sleep no matter what. She was getting more and more panicked. She deliberately turned her back to the three black figures and eavesdropped on what those black figures were saying." The voice of the child in bed No. 2 became more and more terrifying.

"But what the girl in bed No. 4 didn't expect was that the three black figures were actually telling her what happened to her roommate. The more she listened, the more frightened she became. She was obviously awake and her body was trembling, but she was still there.

Grit your teeth and pretend to sleep."

The quilt was lifted, and the children in beds No. 3, 2, and 1 had only the whites of their eyes left in their eyes, and they walked deep into the room.

"Three black figures sneaked into dormitory 401 and stood next to bed No. 4. They stuck their faces into the mosquito net. The girl in bed No. 4 seemed to be pressed into bed by a ghost and could not move."

"When she was extremely frightened, a very strange nursery rhyme sounded behind her. As the nursery rhyme sounded, the girl in bed No. 4 suddenly felt severe pain in her stomach, as if she had serious enteritis."

The three children had their faces pressed against the mosquito net, and they all had scary smiles on their faces. Then they stretched their hands towards the girl's belly and started humming a nursery rhyme.

"Look, dad, look, mom, the baby's little hands are so beautiful."

"Dad, look, mom, look, the baby's little hands can't be seen."

"Mom and dad came to see it, and the baby's little hands appeared again."

Han Fei hid behind the security door on the first floor. He had already determined that there was another person standing next to him. Just as the two sides were competing for patience, a girl's scream suddenly came from the fourth floor of the dormitory building!

This chapter has been completed!
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