Chapter 272 How Many Times Can You Kill?

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"This cat looks really cool. If I didn't tell you, no one would know it contains cat ingredients."

Han Fei accepted the hidden task of adopting pets, but he was not sure who would adopt whom in the future.

The owner of the pet shop can imprison a medium-sized resentment, which means that its strength must be higher than that of a medium-sized resentment. It cannot control the opponent just by crying.

In order to ensure that no accidents would occur, Han Fei invited all the neighbors in the altar to come out.

If the one-on-one fight doesn't work, fight in a group. If the group fight doesn't work, then try to shake people. Anyway, the opponent can run away, but the monk can't run away from the temple.

Harsh and desperate cries enveloped the pet shop. The slender Li Nan stretched his body and let his younger brother Li Nan out.

After following Han Fei out of Animal Alley, the strength of the neighbors has undergone a qualitative change.

"Meat! I want to eat more meat!" Li Nan's eyes were red, his dark skin was covered with bloodstains, and his whole body exuded the aura of disaster and ominousness.

A fist bigger than an adult's head was smashed down hard, and he rushed towards the cat-faced monster like a god of murder. There was no such emotion as fear or fear in Li Nan's brain.

The neighbors used to live in their own rooms without any communication and didn't know each other very well. However, with the help of Han Fei, the once-stranger neighbors gradually accepted each other and began to understand how to cooperate. This is in the deep world.

There is an extremely rare sight here.

Li Nan took the lead and collided head-on with the cat-faced monster. He used despair to interfere with the opponent and limit the opponent's movement range. Yinglong stayed beside Han Fei, charging up his hands, ready to catch the monster at any time so that Han Fei could make the final cut.


The residents of Xingfu Community cooperated flawlessly, but they still underestimated the horror of the monster.

Every hair on the opponent's body contains a curse, and its heart and soul are also composed, somewhat similar to the cursed polymer Xu Qin.

It's just that Xu Qin is completely constructed from curses, and it is made from the remnant souls of countless animals and people.

The cry of despair is mainly aimed at resentment. There is very little despair in this monster's heart, but more of a kind of hatred for people.

If this monster is left alone, it may break through one day in the future and become pure hatred that is more terrifying than resentment.


The cat-faced monster collided with Li Nan, and blood and flesh flew everywhere.

The blood lines on the monster's body collapsed a lot, and pieces of the animal's mutilated body fell out, and faint whimpering sounds could be heard on those mutilated bodies.

Li Nan's condition wasn't much better either. He had deep scars from his back to chest scratched by the cat-faced monster.

Through the wound on Li Nan's chest, one can even see Li Nan sleeping in Li Nan's body.

Both the monster and Li Nan were injured, but the wounds on Li Nan continued to expand, while the injuries on the cat-faced monster were recovering quickly.

In terms of physical recovery ability, Li Nan was completely crushed by the monster.

It is almost immune to attacks on the mind and emotions. Its soul body is extremely powerful, its speed and strength far exceed that of anyone present, and it recovers very quickly after being injured. It can be said that this monster has no shortcomings except for its relatively low IQ.

"Yinglong, you go over and help!" Han Fei held the altar and retreated again. His eyes were fixed on the heart of the cat-faced monster. The blood line there had not been sutured completely, and there was a thin gash.

"That monster is the owner of the pet shop. He occupies a favorable location and cannot delay it. We must defeat it quickly."

When the black python hiding in the shadows penetrated the ghost pattern, Han Fei's body temperature instantly dropped. He endured unbearable pain and gained increased physical strength and resistance.

Yin Qi covered the surface of his body, and Han Fei, who had mastered advanced knife proficiency, tightened his grip on the handle of the knife.

He put down the altar in his hand and concentrated on staring at the cat-faced monster surrounded by three neighbors.

Breathing slowed down, Han Fei's hand holding the knife slowly adjusted its position. When the monster was knocked against the wall by Li Nan again and lost its balance, he jumped out suddenly.

With his narrowed pupils staring at the monster's heart, Han Fei dodged through the gap between the three resentments, and then decisively swung his knife!


The bright blade appeared in an instant, like a falling star crossing the monster's chest.

Blood spattered, the wound on the monster's heart was torn open, and the souls imprisoned in its body fled out.

"You didn't kill it?" Han Fei searched for a long time before finding this opportunity, but because the monster seemed to rarely kill, the death knife did not directly kill it.

Covering his scratched chest, the cat-faced monster's speed became slower and slower.

Seeing the wounds on its body gradually increasing, just when Han Fei thought the victory was certain, the monster's cracked mouth suddenly revealed a human-like smile.

It stared at Han Fei, and it felt very strange, as if it woke up at midnight and suddenly found the lion it raised was smiling and looking at it beside the bed.

The mouth covered with animal fur slowly opened, and the cat-faced monster began to speak strange words again.

"If you often play with pets, you should pay attention to hygiene. Not only should you bathe your pets regularly, but you should also wash your hands, bathe, and change clothes in time!"

After he finished speaking, he grabbed the scar on his chest with both hands, and then tore it hard!

The creepy sound of skinning reached my ears, and the cat-faced monster peeled off its scarred fur, revealing a brand new body.

The blood color on its fur is brighter, and its claws and fangs are sharper!

"Is the injury healed?" Looking at the cat-faced monster, Han Fei felt incredible. Except for the wounds caused by the death knife, all other injuries on the monster's body had disappeared. It felt as if it had been reborn.

"Shedding a layer of skin means gaining another life?" Han Fei glanced at the veterinarian next to him. The veterinarian obviously knew about this but did not tell Han Fei: "What kind of monster did you create?"

At this time, the veterinarian was hiding in the corner, shivering, with fear on his face, as if he was scared out of his mind.

After tearing off a layer of skin, the cat-faced monster's inner hatred became more obvious. It must have become like this because of the veterinarian, and it is unknown how much torture and pain it has suffered.

The current monsters were so fast that Li Nan and Yinglong couldn't keep up with each other, and the wounds on their bodies gradually increased.

Among the three neighbors, only one was crying and not hurt. This child, who seemed to be the most neglected, was slowly closing in on his despair and crying.

By the time anyone noticed, it was almost building a cage out of despair.

Li Nan and Yinglong barely managed to hold on, and the crying had reached the most critical moment. When the three neighbors could not be distracted, the veterinarian who was originally hiding in the corner began to slowly move his body.

He gathered all his breath and covered his face with the remaining fragments of his mask.

The veterinarian's plan was very good. He took advantage of the melee and found an opportunity to escape. In order to achieve his goal, he only told Han Fei limited information.

Looking at the door getting closer and closer, a trace of malice flashed in the veterinarian's eyes. He quietly looked back. At this time, Han Fei clenched the knife in his hand again.

"Kill it, you can't kill it no matter how many times you kill it."

The veterinarian cursed Han Fei in his heart. He watched Han Fei swing the butcher knife that frightened him again, but this time Han Fei did not rush towards the cat-faced monster, but towards him!


The veterinarian's psychological defense was chopped into pieces along with his arm. When he felt the sting from his soul, he had an incomprehensible expression on his face.

In the face of a formidable enemy, Han Fei seemed determined to kill him first.

"You, are you crazy?!"

Han Fei sealed the door, and the weak veterinarian could only dodge towards the center of the room to avoid it.

At this moment, the fire dragon that was supposed to attack the cat-faced monster suddenly reached out and smashed the veterinarian's face, causing the already broken mask to shatter into pieces.

The veterinarian's restrained breath suddenly came out, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Feeling his breath, the cat-faced monster gradually stopped attacking others, and its scarlet eyes were locked on the veterinarian.

Before the veterinarian could react, Yinglong and Han Fei attacked him again, forcing him to a certain location in the house, and the cat-faced monster also rushed directly towards him.

One person and one beast met again, and Cry also completed the last step of the cage of despair. Silk threads woven from despair trapped the veterinarian and the cat-faced monster inside.

The veterinarian wanted to use Han Fei to hold the monster back to buy him time to escape, while Han Fei wanted to use the veterinarian as a bait to trick the monster into a cage.

"When you forced Xu Qin to that point, do you think this revenge is over?" Han Fei looked at the veterinarian who was unilaterally crushed by the cat-faced monster in the despair cage: "I originally wanted to give you a chance to redeem yourself.

, but I really didn’t expect you to be less affectionate than a monster.”

Let the cat-faced monster release his inner hatred, and then Han Fei opened the crying altar again, and a pair of eyes opened in the deepest part of the pet shop.

Ying Yue, who accepted Han Fei's gift, also agreed to his invitation and left the Happy Community with him this time.

This chapter has been completed!
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