Chapter 588 Han Fei's Treatment Plan

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With the unintentional help of the unknown hero in Building 2, Han Fei didn't take too long to get rid of the ghosts in Building 5. He led Ah Chong all the way down to the underground floor.

The walls covered with plaques look more and more like the skin of an old man. The whole building exudes an aura of death. The further you go underground, the stronger the aura of death becomes.

"Brother Han, did you see any other players when you came?" Ah Chong followed Han Fei cautiously: "I mean they may also be investigating the hospital. If you accidentally hurt them, I'm afraid.

not too good."

"Do you think I'm the kind of person who would do anything blindly?" Han Fei raised his arm, and Ah Chong closed his mouth consciously. He now obeys Han Fei's words and is loyal. If the player also has loyalty, then

Ah Chong's loyalty is probably close to catching up with Da Sin's.

Gently pushing the safety door, Han Fei used his ghost eye talent to look underground. There were more than one busy black shadow shaking in the darkness.

"The underground is quite lively." Han Fei's eyes were dim. He slowly bent down and prepared to clean room by room: "Don't go to the left, there is something hidden in the darkness over there."

"How did you discover them?" Ah Chong looked at Han Fei's moist eyes: "Is this your innate ability? Crocodile tears?"

Han Fei turned around and glared at Ah Chong, but without sharing his knowledge, he sneaked in quietly.

The underground and above-ground buildings are completely different. Everything is eerie and weird. There are various pipes hanging above the head, and the ground is uneven, as if something is rolling underneath.

"Why does it feel like this building is alive?"

"It's rare but strange. Isn't it normal for buildings to have life?" Han Fei has experienced too much. All buildings close to the shrine and all buildings located in the memory center will slowly be contaminated with "divine" nature and be assimilated by the memory of the shrine.


It looks like a dead thing, but walking in it feels like entering the body of the original owner of the shrine. This is the case with the department store that Han Fei inherited from the God of Mirrors.

"You're right." Ah Chong nodded quickly. Tonight's encounter opened the door to a new world for him, and also gave him a deeper understanding of the game "Perfect Life".

In his mind, Han Fei was his guide, telling him with practical actions that even a psychopath could live so confidently and freely.

"Flesh, flesh and machinery are stuck together. This underground building is very much like the embodiment of Fu Sheng's dream."

Compared with the underground of Building 1, the underground of Building 5 is like a prison.

Rusty steel bars roughly separate the wards, damaged medical equipment is piled everywhere, and blood-stained bandages and smelly hospital gowns can be seen on the ground. Going further forward, you can also see a hill of some prosthetic limbs.

"It stinks so much." Ah Chong said with a hint of excitement in his eyes, "But I can't help but want to smell it a few more times."

"Your hobby is really perverted."

Holding the rusty handrail, Han Fei came to the room closest to him.

He tried to slowly pull the door, but unexpectedly found that the iron door was unlocked.

Stepping in, Han Fei saw a pale-skinned security guard playing with something.

Pieces of skin were torn off and blood flowed all over the floor. The security guard was getting excited when he suddenly seemed to sense something.

Turning to look behind him, when he saw Han Fei in a doctor's coat, he immediately stood up and blocked the table with his body.

"Doctor, are you here to get medicine?" The security guard's voice was very mature, but he looked very young.

"What are you doing?" Han Fei walked forward and saw a box on the security table, which contained the prosthetic limb that had just been removed from the patient.

"There is a patient who disappeared underground. We found this when we were taking out the trash, so I want to bring it back and study it." The security guard turned around hurriedly, as if preparing to move the box under the table: "I'll go get the medicine for you right now.


Halfway through his words, the security guard suddenly felt something was wrong. He looked down and saw that his chest seemed to be penetrated by sunlight.

There was no pain or discomfort. He looked back at Han Fei blankly: "Is it dawn yet?"

Putting away the death knife, Han Fei supported the security guard and let him fall to the ground slowly, and began to rummage in the security guard's pockets with his hands.

"Attention player No. 0000! You have successfully discovered the G-level mission item ward key."

Asking Ah Chong to drag the security guard's body aside, Han Fei looked at the box the security guard put on the table. The prosthetic limb that had just been removed from the patient was still connected to part of the patient's flesh and blood.

Underneath this hospital, people have lost their most basic dignity and become like objects that can be disassembled and reassembled at will.

"Attention player No. 0000! You have successfully discovered her left leg, a G-level mission item."

When Han Fei touched the prosthetic limb, the system gave a prompt.

"Is this a mission item?" Han Fei took out the blood-stained prosthesis and handed it to the confused Ah Chong: "Take it."

Holding the prosthesis in his arms, Ah Chong didn't dare to ask any more questions, but his expression was somewhat helpless.

"The security guard has a total of six keys, but I just took a quick look and found that there are at least nine rooms on the underground floor."

Taking the key, Han Fei left the security room and walked towards the nearest ward.

After trying several times, Han Fei finally opened the ward door, and a strong stench hit his face.

There were no hospital beds, cabinets or other things that would be found in a normal ward in the spacious room. There were only a few large locks nailed in the middle of the room to secure people to the ground.

"There are traces of struggle on the ground, and there are also traces of chopping. There is a lot of blood on the chains. This place should be used to dismantle 'patients'." Han Fei touched the chain: "The blood is still fresh, but the surface is solidified.

, you can feel a little sticky when you press it, the patient should have just been taken away not long ago."

Turning to enter the second ward, Han Fei frowned slightly. He saw a variety of prosthetic limbs hanging on the walls around the ward, including hands and feet, some for the elderly, and some for children. They were as diverse as if they had entered the human body.

Just like a department store.

"This is too scary." Ah Chong hugged the leg and didn't dare to go in. He watched Han Fei strolling among the prosthetic limbs, as if he was home, touching this with his hands from time to time.


"There is no trigger system prompt. These things are not mission items." Han Fei turned back and stared at the human leg in Ah Chong's hand: "Why is that leg a mission item? Is it special? The owner of that leg still has


Taking Ah Chong with him, Han Fei entered the third ward. There were a lot of bottles and jars in this room, with various organs soaked in them.

"The first room is for dismantling patients, the second room is for replacement limbs, and the third room is for storing organs..." Han Fei looked at the six keys in his hand, and then entered

In the fourth room.

When I opened the door, a burst of cold air came out, and there were several large freezers placed against the wall in the room.

After opening it, there is meat that is as translucent as ice.

After turning around, Han Fei entered the fifth room, which contained various human bones. From a distance, the bones seemed to be made of white jade, smooth and delicate, almost like natural works of art.


Finally, Han Fei came to the door of the sixth room. Before he opened the door, he faintly heard screams and cries coming from inside. All human sorrow seemed to be hidden in that small ward.

Opening the door, Han Fei's pupils narrowed slightly, and Ah Chong who was following him was completely stunned.

There are faces hanging in the sixth ward. These faces taken from different people are very scary at first glance, but if you calm down and appreciate the paintings carefully, not only will you not feel scared, you will even have a sense of wonder.

It's a wonderful feeling, as if you are admiring paintings painted with life.

As soon as Han Fei, wearing a doctor's coat, opened the door, all the sounds in the room immediately disappeared, and all the faces closed their eyes tightly.

Han Fei moved forward, but Ah Chong held Han Fei's arm tightly: "Are you sure you want to go in?"

Ah Chong couldn't figure out how Han Fei had the courage to directly enter this hellish scene: "Those are human faces that have been removed one after another!"

"Shh, be quiet." Han Fei slowly entered the ward. He used the secret of touching the depths of the soul to gently hold up a human face.

Nervousness and uneasiness came from my fingertips, and a faint cry sounded in my ears.

This face contains sad emotions, it keeps crying.

"Every face represents a deprived emotion? How does the hospital do this?" Han Fei previously wanted to learn the hospital's advanced technologies and then use them on players to modify their memories, but now

It seems that this technology is difficult for ordinary people to master.

When your fingertips touch a person's face, it feels like you are directly touching a person's soul.

"Can you hear my voice?" Han Fei said softly to that face, with such serious expression that Ah Chong shook his head just looking at it.

"I'm not a doctor in this hospital, I'm here to save you." Before Han Fei could finish his words, his fingers suddenly felt a tingling sensation.

Several small blood holes appeared on the palm of his hand holding the face. It seemed that there was some extremely vicious curse hidden in the extremely beautiful face.

"Attention, player No. 0000! You are cursed by low-level soul poison. The curse has not entered your body, and the curse cannot cause further harm to you."

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Han Fei's expression slowly changed, and he looked at the small wounds on his palms that could not be healed.

If he hadn't been exposed to the evil spirit every day, which gave him a very high resistance to soul poison, he would have been directly infected this time.

"I wanted to save you, but you cursed me?" Han Fei took out the death knife, and the sharp light of the knife slowly approached the face: "If you don't speak, then I will save you now."

The human face contains a variety of emotions. To help the human face to liberate itself, the Purana Knife may also be strengthened.

The blade approached little by little, and when it was about to touch the tip of the nose of the face, the face suddenly opened its eyes!

The taboo in the underground ward seemed to have been touched. All the faces in Room 6 opened their eyes, and all the faces looked at Han Fei.

Ah Chong stepped back in fright, but Han Fei's tone became more firm: "Your bodies have long been beyond recognition, but your souls still retain their original appearance. You must be very unwilling in your heart, right?"

Under Ah Chong's surprised gaze, Han Fei took out a thick medical record from his pocket: "There are some of your names on it. I know what you have gone through, and I also know that your families are struggling to find you.

, now I am willing to take you away together."

Holding a book in one hand and a knife in the other, Han Fei looked at the faces: "If you don't want to leave, it's okay. I will help you get rid of it and never have to endure pain again."

Through that F-level clue, Han Fei knew that those with unsound personality who were persecuted by the hospital were all underground. He secretly infiltrated in order to rescue these people who were being exploited by the hospital and destroy the "foundation" of the hospital.

Han Fei stood alone in a room full of faces. The atmosphere was so depressing that Ah Chong felt frightened just looking at it.

After a brief period of deathly silence, the face in Han Fei's hand began to break into pieces, and the cheeks that were originally as beautiful as a picture scroll seemed to melt.

Pieces of skin fell off, and the black blood vessels hidden in the cheeks were exposed. The soul poison that stung Han Fei just now came from those blood vessels.

"Kill me, kill me!"

The broken cheek begged Han Fei in a low voice. These were the last words it spoke.

Han Fei endured the sting in his palms and stared at the face.

Each face in this room represents a unique emotion. They are the crystallization of the patient's memory and the most unique part of the patient's soul.

It is precisely because of these unique memories and emotions that a person becomes different from other people.

None of them are perfect, but it is these imperfect emotions, personalities and memories that constitute this world full of variables and unknowns.

"The plastic surgery hospital needs perfection, so it took away the useful things from you, threw the last imperfect 'parts' here, and then trapped them with soul poison and curses." Han Fei stretched out his hand and pinched a hand full of soul.

Poisoned blood vessels, once again using the secret to touch the depths of the soul, he wanted to break the blood vessels, but unfortunately the blood vessels had already taken root in those faces.

"Kill me! Kill me!"

When the soul poison was triggered, more and more people began to scream, and the sound was very loud.

"There is no better way now." Han Fei clenched his five fingers and passed away. The bright sword light reflected the faces: "The fact that you can appear here means that there is at least one person who always remembers you and brought you to the end.

The remaining beauty is engraved in his memory world. I will help you change your destiny as soon as possible and let you regain your life."

The Purana Knife slashed across human faces, and black blood, transparent teardrops, and human light spots were all scattered in the air.

As blood and tears fell to the ground, the remaining beautiful humanity and hope in those faces got into the Purana Knife.

The cry disappeared, and the butcher knife in Han Fei's hand became brighter and sharper, and it seemed to have begun a new transformation.

"On the road I am walking, there are more and more people traveling with me."

Han Fei also felt sad about the experiences of those patients. Now he hated this plastic surgery hospital called Perfect even more.

"There is no perfection in the world, so why bother pursuing something that doesn't exist?"

"Han Fei! It seems someone is coming!" Ah Chong, who was standing guard at the door, waved desperately to Han Fei. He hugged his leg and looked anxious.

Those faces made too much noise just now, and the people on duty on the underground floor are approaching here.

"It's over! We've been discovered!" Ah Chong saw figures shaking everywhere in the darkness. He was very desperate. He was thinking about whether to find a corner and pretend to be dead, pretending to be a corpse. Anyway, he could bear it very well.

Even if it hurts, I won’t frown even after being slashed a few times.

"Don't panic, there is still a chance to remedy the situation." Han Fei dragged Ah Chong into Ward No. 6: "Just kill all these people."

There were footsteps in the shadows, and a very fat male doctor with cracked cheeks appeared in front of Han Fei. Behind him were two pale-skinned nurses. Farther away, there were two more doctors wearing security uniforms.

People are coming here.

"Did something happen here just now?" A large amount of red blood accumulated under the fat doctor's skin, and his stomach was also surging, as if something was slowly growing inside.

"A patient sneaked into room six." Han Fei opened the door and said expressionlessly.

"Is there only one patient?" The fat doctor burst into laughter and pointed at Han Fei: "But why did I see two patients?"

"I came after him. This is my ID." Han Fei walked towards the fat doctor, very calmly.

"Do you really think I can't tell?" The fat doctor laughed, his belly was expanding: "You are your own doctor, can you tell what disease I have?"

"Because you talk a lot, your lips are very dry and peeling." Han Fei walked up to the fat doctor, and the butcher knife in his hand instantly erupted with a dazzling light: "The treatment plan I am giving here is euthanasia.


This chapter has been completed!
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