Chapter 78 The male protagonist Han Fei!

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The strangest scene now appeared in room 1074. In the eerie and terrifying room, a living person and the ghost in the mirror looked at each other and smiled, both showing gentle expressions, as if they were motivating each other.

The figure in the mirror seems to like trying out various expressions. He wants to understand people's emotions, which seems to make him more real and free.

Han Fei's acting skills are very solid. He restored various expressions of people, including surprise, happiness, yearning, etc. The figures in the mirror are also constantly imitating Han Fei.

But when Han Fei made a touched expression, his expression in the mirror became a little stiff. As a ghost, he really couldn't express the kind of touching feeling that a living person could feel.

I don't know what kind of torture he suffered during his lifetime. Now he only has anger in his heart and has long forgotten to be touched.

The expression on his face became increasingly gloomy, and the figure in the mirror tried for a long time before he roughly made a similar expression.

"It's in my interest to drag it out like this!"

Han Fei knew how to deal with it. He was a very dedicated actor himself. In addition, he put all his skill points into acting. All the inner emotions that were difficult for ordinary people to express were easily expressed by him.

on the face.

From simple pain and uneasiness, to despair and numbness, and then slowly increase the difficulty.

First there was despair, then as if seeing a little glimmer of light, hope slowly rose in my heart, and after several struggles, I finally gained salvation.

That feeling of relief cannot be imitated by the figure in the mirror. He has indeed "swallowed" many people, but before Han Fei arrived, no one in this world seemed to have achieved true relief.

The face of the figure in the mirror is hideously distorted and becomes a bit scary.

Han Fei looked at the other party and felt that he had gone too far?

For people without systematic training, it is not easy to express a single emotion, but Han Fei directly mixed several emotions together.

Emotions are the release of the soul. The ghost in the mirror can imitate actions, but his expression is always full of resentment and pain.

It took longer and longer for the ghost to imitate Han Fei, but as he continued to learn, the figure in the mirror became clearer.

With Han Fei's help, he began to become more and more like a real person.

Han Fei didn't know whether this was good or bad. He didn't have time to think so much now. He just wanted to complete the task quickly and leave the room.

As time passed, the ghost in the mirror finally managed to make a redeemed expression, and Han Fei also received a reminder in his mind that the mission was completed.

"Attention players numbered 0000! The G-level hidden mission - Mirror God's game has been completed! Get the basic reward - free skill points plus one! Get the unique hidden mission reward - Mirror God's blessing."

"Mirror God's Blessing (exclusive passive skill, cannot be upgraded with skill points): Increase the resistance of mirror-type cursed items by thirty!"

"Attention! This unique and exclusive passive skill can only be obtained before the player reaches level ten!"

After hearing the sound of the system, Han Fei's eyes changed and became much sharper in an instant.

"The resistance of mirror-like cursed items is increased by thirty?"

Han Fei knew that there were many cursed items in this world, such as Xu Qin's table knives. These cursed items could harm ghosts, but they would also cause great harm to the players themselves.

"If you have curse resistance to a certain type of item, can you use this type of cursed item without any damage? Unfortunately, the Mirror God's blessing only applies to mirror items. It would be better if it were a knife type item."

He complained in his mind, but Han Fei was still very contented. He quietly glanced at the mirror in the center of the living room. Wasn't there a very scary mirror-type cursed object in front of him?

"Fight with a mirror behind your back? Or put down the mirror and run away when you see someone?"

Han Fei silently looked at the mirror in front of him, and the figure in the mirror was also looking at him. Their greedy eyes collided. At this moment, both of them were thinking about the same thing.

"My current ability is too far behind this mirror. I will come back when I have the ability in the future."

Continuing to play the game, Han Fei kept paralyzing the opponent, and took a step towards the door of the living room when he had time.

He was getting closer and closer to the door. According to the rules that the feminine man had learned from his life, those gray hands would not appear as long as he did not leave the room.

Han Fei stepped back to the door of room 1074 and slowly opened the door.

He was not in a hurry to escape, and continued to play games with the mirror. It was not until the figure in the mirror was stumped by the expression of pity again that Han Fei smiled on his face.

"I will come back and tell you what true salvation is."

After finishing speaking, Han Fei rushed out of room 1074.

He chose to quit the game before the gray arm approached.

The world was frozen in blood, and the world was spinning. Han Fei took off his gaming helmet with force.

"What a risk! You really can't be careless in that underworld!"

At first, Han Fei thought that his relationship with his neighbors was getting better and better, and that he would gradually become more comfortable in the future. Who knew that he would suddenly be ambushed by outsiders on the sixth floor.

Those people should have noticed Han Fei very early, but they did not take action because of Xu Qin's factor, and tolerated it until the day Xu Qin left.

"The NPCs in this game are probably the most cruel and cunning in all games. I absolutely cannot underestimate them."

After escaping from death, Han Fei was lying on his bed. He was exhausted now: "When I make money in the future, I must buy a health care game store that can be connected to an external helmet. A high-end game store costs about 300,000 yuan. In my case,

The current ability can be purchased as long as it helps the police solve six murder cases..."

Dreaming about his game warehouse, Han Fei fell into a deep sleep.

The sun shone into the house, and Han Fei felt that he had not slept long before he was woken up by the phone call.

"Director Jiang?"

"Come to the shooting location, I have something very important to tell you."


Han Fei heard that Director Jiang's tone was a little different from usual, so he washed up briefly and rushed to North Street in the old city.

Taking the egg-filled cakes he bought on the road, Han Fei entered the shooting location wearing his usual casual clothes.

Seeing him coming, many staff members greeted him enthusiastically. Han Fei just smiled shyly. He was still not used to being the focus of the crowd's attention.

"Han Fei! This way!"

The executive ran all the way to Han Fei and took Han Fei to the door of a room on the second floor: "Why are you dressed so plainly today?!"

"I dress like this every day."

"Give me the cake and hurry in."

The executive didn't explain clearly. After handing over the egg-filled cake, Han Fei opened the door.

There were five people sitting in the small room, with Director Jiang sitting at the very back.

"Han Fei, let me introduce to you. This is Sister Long from Youlong Culture. She is both a producer and the leader of a major investor. Sitting next to her is the female lead of our drama - Jinnian...


Director Jiang introduced them one by one to Han Fei, which made Han Fei a little confused.

"Actually, we called you here today because we wanted to change your role." Long Jie did not look down upon Han Fei because of his plain clothes. Instead, she felt as if she had discovered a piece of jade.

"Change roles?" Han Fei was slightly stunned: "What role?"

"We want you to play the leading role in Flowers of Evil."

This chapter has been completed!
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