Chapter 868 I am here

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"Player No. 0000, please note that you have discovered the exploring personality. This special personality comes from a patient in a mental hospital and was stripped away by hatred."

The system prompt sounded, and the head in the black box disappeared into Han Fei's hands, as if integrated into his will, but correspondingly, he suffered more fear.

"Can these personalities stripped away by hatred be swallowed up by the abyss of greed?"

Han Fei thought about this possibility seriously, while the doctor who was burned by the black fire stared angrily. He really didn't expect that Han Fei would say something similar to hatred.

"What am I speculating about? It seems that I am really affected by Gao Cheng's greedy personality. I want to swallow everything."

After the second doctor turned into ashes, the mental ghost gradually began to have problems. It was originally dark outside the building, and the hole opened by the deputy captain of the logistics squadron could not be seen at all, but now the faint light shone in again, and the illusion changed.

The speed also seems to have slowed down a bit.

"Besides me, there are other people destroying the black box containing the personality. The director really underestimated the investigation bureau this time."

As soon as Han Fei stepped out of the elevator, No. 2's voice sounded deep in his consciousness: "Leave this floor as soon as possible and run up! Follow the child's cry and don't stop no matter what you encounter."

"Run up? Go upstairs?"

The ground under Han Fei's feet suddenly trembled, the neat floor tiles began to deform, and something seemed to be crawling out of the dark gaps.

The wall peeled off, and the words on it were crowded together, just like the wrinkles on an old man's face. What's even more terrifying is that a strong smell of decay began to emit from the wall.

A faint cough sounded, and half a pale human face appeared around the corner. He followed Han Fei quietly, like a shadow, lingering.

"Different fears are intertwined, and it seems that many members of the Bureau of Investigation have been tricked."

Unable to find the stairs, Han Fei could only speed up his escape, but he couldn't get rid of the perverted stalker behind him. His mental exhaustion and fear tortured him all the time.

"Where are the cries of children?"

Han Fei was worried when he suddenly noticed that the pictures on the wall were different from before.

Han Fei, who has a memory far beyond ordinary people, clearly remembered that when he first entered the building, the walls were painted with cruel scenes of patients operating on doctors, but now some scenes that happened outside the hospital began to appear on the walls, such as the two scenes.

Young people go shopping together, a family goes on an outing in the wild, a boy jumps into the swimming pool and gets entangled in a water snake, a priest prays for a little girl, etc.

"The fears of the investigation team members were also painted on the walls? Their fears were integrated into the entire building?"

The pictures on the wall are shocking. Many of them look normal, but if you look closely, you will find something extremely horrifying.

After walking more than ten meters, Han Fei slowed down. There was a middle-aged woman painted on the wall in front of him.

It's so lifelike that if you don't look carefully, you might even think it's a real person standing next to it.

The middle-aged woman was wearing very ordinary casual clothes, with a smile on her face. She seemed to be telling a story to her child. There was a sentence written on the book in her hand - Mom was hiding there.

Looking in the direction of the woman's other finger, Han Fei discovered that there was a vent at the top of the corridor diagonally opposite the portrait.

"Go up? Do you want me to enter the ventilation duct?"

The portrait of a middle-aged woman on the wall made Han Fei feel very uncomfortable, but he had no other choice. The fear in his heart increased due to hesitation. He stopped staying and climbed into the ventilation duct with difficulty.

The tunnel is narrow, which is just right for children, but adults like Han Fei can easily get stuck after climbing in, and there is no way to turn back.

"Don't be afraid. Only by facing fear can you find a way to survive!"

Han Fei has understood the tricks of mental ghosts, but for most people, even if they understand clearly, they will still feel fear. Ask yourself, many people will still feel panic and want to escape even if they know that they are having nightmares.


This spiritual ghost takes advantage of this. The more it wants to escape, the more closely it will be chased, and those fears will gradually become reality until it actually kills a person.

Crawling forward, noise gradually appeared in the quiet pipe, and the sound seemed to come from behind Han Fei.

"Someone followed me into the pipe? Was it the stalker? Or was it the middle-aged woman painted on the wall?"

No matter which one follows, it is very bad news for Han Fei.

He has no way out now and can only speed up.

The passage was getting narrower and narrower, with no hope in sight. Han Fei quickly climbed to the intersection of the two pipes. He looked to the left and instantly felt his scalp numb.

There were two people lying in the passages on the left and right sides. Their arms were close to their bodies, their faces were bloodless, their eyes were protruding, and their mouths were opening and closing as if they were chewing something!

After seeing Han Fei, the two people's bodies squirmed quickly in the narrow passage like snakes, crawling towards Han Fei.

"You look really mentally polluted!"

Han Fei moved forward desperately, but before he could climb far, he saw the end of the passage. There seemed to be a dead end in front of him. If he wanted to survive, he might have to retreat.

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Forward? Or retreat?

The two snake-like monsters were about to chase after him. Han Fei gritted his teeth and chose to continue moving forward: "The whole passage is dark, only there is a little light at the end. It feels like it is deliberately for people to see clearly.

It’s like there is no road ahead.”

The sound of popping popping in the pipe behind him continued to sound, like a note of urgency, and Han Fei used all his strength to crawl to the end of the pipe.

With the help of the faint light, Han Fei discovered that the pipe turned a corner and began to bend upward. This was not a dead end, but a way out.

"Climb up!"

He didn't know how long he had been crawling when Han Fei's head suddenly hit something. He looked up and saw strands of black hair falling in front of his eyes.

Hanging upside down in the vertical pipe was the body of a middle-aged woman. She was wearing casual clothes and covered with colorful tapes used for children's crafts. She looked very scary.

"Whose inner fear is this?"

The exit of the ventilation duct was right next to the body. Han Fei successfully escaped after untying the rope from the middle-aged woman's body.

After getting out of the ventilation duct, Han Fei felt that all the bones in his body were about to fall apart, but before he could catch his breath, he saw a new pattern on the wall.

A man in his early sixties, stout and honest, stared at Han Fei with a smile. He was holding an unzipped pink schoolbag in his left hand, and a storybook was exposed - his father had hidden it there.


The man pointed to a room with his right hand, and a strange smell kept coming out of the room.

Pushing open the door next to him, Han Fei saw huge sauce jars. Before he did anything, he had already appeared in the house, and the door he just pushed open turned into a painting on the wall.


"How did it become a painting?"

The world of mental patients is absurd and weird. Although everything is not in accordance with common sense, it can be found in the patient's past. The dean used the imagination of all patients to create this perverted mental ghost.


"I need to find the body of a middle-aged man among these sauce jars?" All the sauce jars have the same appearance, there is no difference. After thinking about it for a long time, Han Fei opened the sauce jar farthest from him.

"Put it in and marinate it with the remaining sauce from yesterday. Do you still remember the taste?"

"These children are so naughty. They are not allowed to play underground and they insist on coming in!"

"I lied to them that there was a man-eating monster hiding in the basement, and those children were frightened, hahaha!"

"Stop laughing, how can you say we are monsters?"

The conversation between a man and a woman suddenly surfaced in the room, and the sauce vat seemed to be soaked in stinky memories. As the sound rang out, dark and sticky blood gushes out of the vat, covering the room within a short time.

"The blood is still rising! Is it going to flood the entire room?"

Han Fei immediately realized the danger. The doors and windows on the walls turned into children's paintings. There was no exit from this completely sealed room! If he didn't want to be filled with blood and water, he had to find the man's body as soon as possible.

"Without any hints, does it just depend on luck?"

After quickly scanning all the sauce jars, Han Fei opened the lid of the sauce jar next to him.

"Why is there sour meat in the world? Why is it covered with brown hair? This child has been left out for too long, has it turned into a corpse? Is it here to take revenge on us?"

"Don't think blindly. If all bad guys were punished, we would have died a thousand times earlier."

"But he looks different from other kids."

"If you don't want to, then let's keep it and treat it as our child."

New memories were mixed in with the blood. The blood had already covered Han Fei's feet. The more sauce jars were opened, the faster the blood poured out.

Han Fei couldn't find any clues. He gritted his teeth and prepared to open the lids of all the sauce jars in the house one by one: "I don't believe my luck is so bad!"

The strong smell in the house can drive people crazy. The more sauce jars Han Fei opens, the more complete the conversation he hears. This room full of sauce jars belongs to a pair of perverted murderous couples who specialize in targeting children, but there are

One day they picked up a deformed child covered in brown hair outside their home.

The couple took the child home and kept it as a pet.

The deformed child looks ugly and scary, but there is nothing wrong with his brain. He slowly learns a lot of things. For example, if he wants to survive, he must first learn to hide his true thoughts, hide his true self, and satisfy others with the person they imagine.

There were more and more sauce jars in the secret room, and the age of the deformed children was getting older and older. Later, when the couple had their own child, their attention almost entirely shifted to the newborn, which made the deformed monster dissatisfied, so

Having always been treated as a pet, he turned into a monster again.


After smashing open the seventh sauce vat, Han Fei, whose clothes were soaked in blood, finally found the man's body. All his bones were broken and he was forced into the sauce vat.

Han Fei pulled the body out with some difficulty. There was a dark passage under the sauce vat, and there were keys hanging on the middle-aged man's body.

"The key should work."

Taking the key away from the corpse, Han Fei jumped into the passage under the sauce vat and crawled all the way. When he was about to suffocate, he finally saw the exit.

The baby's cry rang in his ears, and Han Fei also heard a child singing a lullaby. He got out of the passage and fell heavily. He returned to the main building of the hospital, with a damaged ventilation duct above his head.

"Layered nightmares, whose fear is this?"

Han Fei looked in the direction of the sound. There was a huge and terrifying figure slowly disappearing at the corner of the corridor. It seemed that the figure was singing to the baby.

"I want to follow the cry of the child."

Even though the shadow was terrifying, Han Fei still didn't flinch. He grabbed the key he got from the man's corpse and ran to the corner of the corridor.

After turning the corner, Han Fei saw another painting on the wall. A child in a tattered coat was pointing behind Han Fei with a silly smile. The book in his hand said - I am here.

Turning around, Han Fei saw the words "Dean's Office" written on the door behind Han Fei.

"Dean's Office? Could it be that the fear I just experienced was not the members of the Investigation Bureau team? It was the dean's childhood fear?"

This chapter has been completed!
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