Chapter 889 At that moment, his world collapsed

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People always long for things they have never had, and after they have them, they miss the things they have lost.

The two children sitting on the benches of the aquarium were very close to each other. Countless tourists passed by in a hurry, but they were the only two who remained seated.

Gao Xing, who has been locked up at home, is the eyes of his blind parents, and their family rarely goes to such crowded places.

There was a trace of uneasiness hidden in his bright and beautiful eyes, and the noisy voices of tourists also made him feel timid. Holding the armrest of the bench, he stared at the aquarium shop, where his blind mother was buying penguin ice cream for him.


Today may be a really special day. In the past, his parents would never have been able to buy that kind of thing for him.

The blind mother carefully walked out of the store holding the ice cream. She couldn't see anything, so she could only protect what her child wanted to eat with her hands, bend down slightly, and explore little by little in the direction she remembered.

Mom's world is dark, and the only thing that can guide her is her own voice.

Just as Gao Gao was about to call the blind mother, another lady walked out with two ice creams. She was confident, beautiful, and dressed fashionably, as if her whole body was radiating light.

The two mothers stood together, the contrast was so sharp, as if they were not from the same world.

The lady was very polite and kind. She helped the blind mother with a smile and helped her walk through the crowd and towards the bench.

I couldn't forget the scene before my eyes: "It would be great if she were my mother..."

Gaoxing looked at Gao Cheng next to him. The blind child could not see anything, but he was not afraid at all. He seemed to know that his mother would definitely come to pick him up. He could always wait for the one who loved him deeply.


"This should be family, right?"

The blind mother kept thanking the lady, and then handed the ice cream in her hand to Gao Xing.

The edge of the penguin ice cream melted a little and fell on the blind mother's finger. She didn't pay attention at all and put it to her mouth and sipped it.

She was reluctant to buy it for herself and gave the ice cream to Gao Xing.

But Gao Gao lowered his head with a sense of inferiority. He saw the lady eating ice cream with her blind child on a tissue.

Because Gao Cheng was blind, the lady patiently described everything in the aquarium to him. In the lady's words, the world was so beautiful, even if he couldn't see it, everything seemed full of color.

After eating the ice cream, the woman took her child's hand and left.

He bit into the egg roll bit by bit, stood up involuntarily with joy, and took a step towards the lady's back.

"Have you finished eating?" The blind mother heard the sound and stood up: "Let's go shopping more, after all, the ticket price is so expensive."


Gao Xing held his mother's hand and followed the lady from a distance. He didn't know why he did this. Maybe it was just a longing for beauty.

They walked through the undersea tunnel, the polar park, and watched underwater performances together. That day was the happiest day, and it was also the day he laughed the most.

Gao Gao doesn't know what will happen to him next. He just feels very happy and maybe a good life is about to begin.

He temporarily forgot his blind parents, his poor family, and his memories of being bullied. He truly spent a few hours like a child.

When the park was about to close, Gao Gao still didn't want to leave. He finally walked out of the passage with his blind mother after being urged by the radio.

He left reluctantly and was happy to see his blind father again. In order to save a ticket, his father did not enter the aquarium. He stayed at the station and sat there for several hours.

The inner happiness is covered by another emotion. Even if I visit the aquarium many times, that indescribable emotion will still stick in my heart like a thorn.

Returning to the station in silence, the blind father did not complain a word.

The sun sets,

The bus they were waiting for had not yet arrived, when an expensive-looking car suddenly stopped in front of their family.

"Aren't you the kid who followed me for a long time in the aquarium?" The woman's familiar voice came from the car, with a smile on her face: "It's getting dark, where do you live? I'll take you home.


He was so happy that he didn't expect the woman to know that he had been following her. He was a little embarrassed, so he stood still and didn't move.

At this time, his blind father's reaction was also a little strange. He seemed to remember the woman's voice: "Have you also been to the Third Eye Hospital?"

"Yes, my child suffers from congenital visual impairment, so I often take him to the Third Eye Hospital for medical treatment." The lady was very polite. She opened the car door and prepared to let her child sit in the passenger seat, but

Gao Gao didn't know it, but he walked towards the passenger seat.

"Get out of the way, don't get between me and mom!" Gao Cheng accidentally bumped into Gao Cheng because he couldn't see, but he was not prepared to apologize.

Before Gao Gao said anything, his father, who had always been cowardly and never argued with others, suddenly stepped forward and grabbed Gao Cheng's hand.

"What are you going to do?" Gao Cheng couldn't see and was startled.

The blind father raised his arm, and he almost slapped Gao Cheng in the face: "You are the only one in this world who cannot bully him."

The blind parents couldn't see, but they knew very well in their hearts that they secretly replaced their two children, and Gao Cheng was their biological flesh and blood. The blind father only chose to take action directly after recognizing each other.

"He's the only one who can't bully me?" Gao Xing was a little confused. Before he could figure it out, the blind father took Gao Xing and his wife's hands and walked away.

Destiny gave Gao Xing a hint, and a small focus appeared in the intertwined lives.

After it got completely dark, Gao Gao returned home with his parents.

The cramped and cramped room, the smell that would always be there no matter how much I cleaned, brought happiness back to reality.

"Yes, this is my home and my life."

As usual, after helping his parents with various housework, he happily returned to his small room.

Too many things happened today and he couldn't sleep. He still didn't feel sleepy until late at night.

Sitting up on the mattress, Gao Gao vaguely heard his parents arguing.

He didn't turn on the light and opened the door gently.

There was only one single small bedroom in Gao Xing's house. The blind parents left that room to Gao Xing. They would spread the bedding in the living room at night and this would be their bed.

"Do you really want to do this?"

"The most suitable eyes in the city are happy eyes. As long as he is willing to donate, our children can live a normal life, the wife will give us money that we have never been able to earn in our lives, and our family can make changes."


"But this is unfair to Happy."

"I know, we already owe that child a lot."

The couple did not continue chatting, and their hearts were extremely tormented.

"Do you want to sign and agree?"

"have no idea......"

The couple chatted in a very low voice. They couldn't sleep at all, but they didn't expect that at this moment, Gao Gao was standing at the door of their room and heard everything.

"Our child? That child? I... am not their child?" The happy face began to twist irregularly, his eyelids twitched, and his thin body became a little deformed.

He stood there and waited until his parents fell asleep. Then he quietly walked to the other side of the living room and kept flipping through his parents' pockets.

Finally, he found an agreement in the middle of his father's clothes. The hospital hoped that the blind parents could "donate" their happy eyes to Gao Cheng.

These days, blind parents go to the eye hospital not to check their own eyes at all, but because they have been hesitating.

"Why? Why should I give my eyes to others? Am I not your child? Didn't you say that I am your eyes? Why should I give my eyes to someone else?

A stranger, why do you want me to live in the darkness like you?"

Happy's face and body began to distort rapidly, the entire memory was changing, and ugly human faces appeared on all items.

Tables, chairs, quilts, houses, and the familiar objects around me turned into people with twisted bodies. They were intertwined like ropes, weaving a breathless network of relationships.

Some people's skin is covered with mucus, their bodies are severely deformed, they are sleek and cunning, and they are like a fish in a big net.

Some people were tied up in ropes and gradually sank, while more aberrants stepped on them and climbed higher.

This is the real world in Gao Xing's eyes, a world full of evil.

The thin and weak Gao Cheng was tumbling in such a terrifying world. Far away, the blind Gao Cheng was also asking for help.

In my memory, apart from the two of them, Han Fei is the only one who has not turned into that kind of deformed and ugly monster.

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