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Chapter 153 is a group of younger brothers

Once the strategy is decided, the subsequent implementation becomes orderly.

Qin State attaches great importance to efficiency, and the entire academy team was formed within five days.

Of course, this is the preliminary team. If it is unqualified, it may be eliminated at any time, and then from the major yamen of Qin State,

Transfer officials from various places.

While the team was being prepared, official documents were also sent to various parts of Qin State along with official missions. At this time, Qin State's strong mobilization ability was once again reflected.

The first batch of students selected to enter the Academy had already received notices to stay at home before the Academy was established. Official documents from the government were sent from Xianyang to the county, then to the county, and then the county sent people to the township pavilion to notify each specific person.

On the body.

Being selected into the academy in Xianyang of Qin State, this is a great opportunity for a disciple from a poor family.

Even if you are the son of a middle-level officer in the army, it is a matter of honoring your ancestors.

Therefore, after the official documents arrived in various places in the Qin State,

Many farewell teams beating gongs and drums appeared in various places in Qin State.

Although the farewell situation is slightly different, the connotation is basically the same.

Disciples from poor families don’t have to worry. The government will cover food, accommodation and travel expenses. Folks in the countryside will also chip in to give the students money, and the local government will also give rewards.

Officials everywhere are not fools. As long as these selected students successfully graduate from the academy, they will all have a good future. If we don't make friends now, how long will it take?

Students don't have to worry about not being able to get to Xianyang, and they can even make a small fortune.

This wealth is nothing to the richer students, but for the poor students whose family's mainstay has been lost on the battlefield, it can be said to have greatly improved their lives and alleviated their urgent needs.

Although the Qin State would not recruit families with only one son to join the army, even for families with many children, once the father of the son in the family was killed on the battlefield, it would be a serious blow.

If you perform meritorious service, it would be better to receive a reward. If you do not perform meritorious service, you will die on the battlefield.

That would be a major blow.

Students from all over the country were sent off to Xianyang by their parents, brothers, fellow villagers, and local officials. Naturally, there were local county soldiers and county soldiers escorting them on the way, so safety was not a problem.

If it were this fantasy world, an expert would be able to see Qin's national destiny visibly increasing in Xianyang!

In fact, Donghuang Taiyi, Yan Fei, and Yue Shen of the Yin Yang Family all noticed the increase in Qin's national destiny, but their perception was relatively vague based on their abilities. They didn't know how much it had been enhanced. They only knew that it was enhanced.

The students from poor families who entered the Universal Academy this time were carefully selected and relatively smart. Although it is insignificant compared to the number of people in the entire Qin State, another brighter path of advancement than that of military merit has been revealed to the people of Qin State.

in front of.

There are more and bigger opportunities to change destiny, which makes the people of Qin support Qin even more. This is the foundation for the improvement of Qin's national destiny. Otherwise, most of the increase in national destiny cannot be achieved by just relying on those students.

Small changes in the national destiny are difficult to detect with the ability of the Yin Yang family.

Their respective students went to Xianyang, together with the escorts,

The flow of people in Xianyang suddenly surged.

Fortunately, the Qin State had already made a plan, and people from all over the country were very well behaved.

Therefore, the security situation in Xianyang has not deteriorated.

When students come to Xianyang, the first thing they do is report to the Huanyu Academy and go through various procedures.

It is worth mentioning that there is no need to worry about imposters, because every student has a certificate issued by the official in charge of household registration in each place. If there is a mistake, it is certain that he will be held accountable.

After completing the formalities, you will be led by the school officials to a special place to collect various necessary utensils after admission, such as mattresses and quilt covers, pens, inks, paper and inkstones, toiletries, etc.

The price of this set is several times cheaper than that of the Six Kingdoms, because it was purchased from the Shaofu of Qin State, which has various workshops.

If the purchasing prices of the six countries were followed, the remaining money of the Changsheng Chamber of Commerce would be more than enough to afford the Huanyu Academy, but it would be far from enough to afford the entire Qin State.

Cheng Qiao has been keeping an eye on the special funds allocated. Perhaps because Ying Zheng directly served as the official of the academy and he assisted him, there was no corruption or shoddy behavior among the officials in the academy.

However, Cheng Qiao took this opportunity to find out a few worms in the Chamber of Commerce, and all the seconded officials were sent to be dealt with seriously.

It is not that there are no corrupt officials in the Qin State, but the number of Qin State, which is still in the rising stage, is much smaller than that of the Six Kingdoms and compared with the Qin Dynasty after the unification.

Corruption can never be eradicated. Nowadays, there are far fewer corrupt officials than upright and capable officials. This is undoubtedly a good thing and shows that the officialdom of Qin State is still extremely healthy and orderly.

On the south bank of the Wei River, southeast of Zhangtai Palace, the Huanyu Academy is located here.

The school is led into the palace, surrounded by streams, rockery pines and cypresses, green willows and red maples, green grass and flowers. The scenery is very good, very suitable for studying. The specific buildings are mainly black and red. They look very solemn and solemn.

On the high platform of the main square of Huanyu Academy, Cheng Qiao was wearing a purple brocade robe, with his hands behind his back, watching students from all over the world enter the academy with a smile.

These students are both male and female, and the ratio of men to women is very different. After graduation, these women will enter the palace and serve as female officials.

Although Cheng Qiao wanted to recruit more people, the demand in the palace and related institutions was really not great, and there were very few girls sent by the families below. Unless there were no boys in the family, boys would be signed up.

Although the atmosphere of this era is open, it is still too difficult for women to get ahead. It is just better than the era when women were imprisoned. If you want to change, it will not happen overnight.

The only good news is that it is much easier to change the status quo than in other eras.

Of course, it is simply impossible to elevate women to a modern status. After all, modern women are basically on par with men, and in some aspects their status is even higher.

It can only be relatively improved, which is also great news for women.

Regardless of the male or female students, although they could not wear satin and brocade clothes, they were not badly dressed and were quite decent. No one was in rags, and none even had patches on their clothes.

It is easy for Cheng Qiao to understand that for these people, the Enrollment Palace is as important as the Chinese New Year, no, more important than the Chinese New Year. Even if the whole village works together, they will not allow students to come to school wearing rags.

Their families will not allow it, their fellow villagers will not allow it, and local officials will not allow it either.

The expressions on the faces of these students, regardless of gender, were all the same: uneasy, looking forward to progressing again, curious and novel, excited and happy, and a little cautious.

All kinds of emotions appear on a face, but the most common thing on most people's faces is expectation and longing.

This reminded Cheng Qiao of the days when he was studying in his first life. It was basically the same as when he went to university to report. The memories that had gradually faded away gradually became clearer.

I don't know how long it took, but Cheng Qiao woke up and saw a scene that made him unhappy, and he frowned.

The aristocratic disciples who entered school early and had already changed into uniforms were at the gate. Around the main square, the newly enrolled students from poor families who had not yet changed into uniforms were pointing and pointing, and some were still laughing loudly.

This made all the students from poor families look worried and cautious. Cheng Qiao, who was sharp-eyed, even noticed that some students' faces were red and ashamed.

Cheng Qiao suddenly became furious and shouted in a deep voice with a gloomy face: "Send someone to gather all the noble disciples who have enrolled in school. Regardless of whether they are here or not, they will all run around the academy. Stop only if I tell you to stop."

"Those who stop without authorization will be starved for two days. Those who disobey will be directly expelled from the academy and their parents will be asked to come to my residence to pick them up."

"It's very leisurely, isn't it? I told you to be leisurely!"


The official who was behind Cheng Qiao didn't dare to say "no". Hearing Cheng Qiao's stern tone and explosive momentum, his body began to tremble.

Not to mention other identities, just the identity of Xuegong Jijiu was enough to suppress them. With Cheng Qiao's other identities, he didn't dare to say a word when he begged for mercy. He could only strictly enforce it, otherwise he would definitely be doomed.

Cheng Qiao gave the order, and soon the entire academy was in a frenzy. No matter where they were, even the noble disciples in the dormitory toilets were pulled out and ran laps with the disciples who came to the gate and the square.

This time the roles were reversed, the noble disciple became the target of being watched and given guidance, which was a good experience.

The Huanyu Academy currently occupies an area of ​​1,500 acres, and a quick trip around it is enough to make some noble disciples whose physical fitness is not good or who have been exhausted by drinking and sex cry for their fathers and mothers.

However, these people can only grit their teeth and hold on. If they really want to be expelled from the academy, and their parents have to go to Chengqiao Mansion to pick up their children, they probably won't be able to survive if they go home.

Even if they can barely survive, they will definitely be beaten to death. The inheritance rights of the family will definitely not be with them. The losses will be immeasurable. Maybe the family will be implicated.

With Cheng Qiao's status, he could easily suppress those noble disciples. Let alone them, even if the adults behind them saw Cheng Qiao, they would be respectful at best, and trembling at worst.

They are all a group of younger brothers, not on the same level at all!

The most unlucky person was naturally the noble disciple who was implicated. He was really sitting at home, and the disaster came from the sky, and he was so angry.

We have already planned it. After the punishment is over, we will find out the group of people who caused the trouble. If there is no chance, we must teach them a lesson even if we create opportunities!

This chapter has been completed!
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